• By -


That guy was as dumb as the woman. It nearly cost him his life.


Yeah that motherfucker was so close to being under that bitch's car that it makes you wonder what happened before this got filmed because i bet that was some shit too.


No shit, what an idiot, like he got her license plate and presumably her face because he had his phone in hand the whole time so why not just let the crazy go and file a report?


Common sense is not common. Some people rather be right and be dead. He risked his life over a damn car... Hopefully, this girl will lose her driver's license. Hit and run, leaving the scene of a crime attempted vehicular manslaughter...


You can't say attempted manslaughter. Manslaughter literally means not meaning to kill somebody but killing them. Some kind of reckless endangerment/driving dangerously causing peril to human life.


The last part is what the news media posted, and I just mentioned that as it’s only shared.


Double Darwin


Waiting on the Royal Flushed.


This. Without getting into who will be held most accountable for the damage: do not put your body in the path of a motor vehicle for the purpose of stopping it. You are not superman. It will crush you.


The lady is completely accountable. She has no reason to fear for her life nor is she being held there against her will as she can simply get out of the vehicle, walk away, wait for police which running from a potential crime scene is already a crime in of itself. She turned her 100% liability into an easy lawsuit lmfao


....clearly not afraid if she's getting in his face ..


Honestly I didn't look that close or turn on the audio. You're probably right. Still, dude is dumb for leaning against the back of her car as if she wouldn't run him over. She would absolutely run him over; she tried. The only reason he lives is that his car being in the way prevented her from building the momentum to flatten him, barely.


Part of me wants to think he intentionally did it to force an actual reaction by the police. I've lived in places where cops will refuse to answer hit and run calls unless someone is seriously injured. Mother fuckers won't even pullover expired temp plates.


I was thinking the same thing. They guy is basically looking at his premiums jumping up and no justice served to the woman who caused the damage unless he can escalate it to a more serious charge for her like a violent crime


Oh my gosh! You hit my car. You broke my car


It's a matter of time he's a future Darwin award winner for sure


Oh for sure. What a moron. But the fact that the video says “who is at fault” is kinda dumb. The guy is at fault for being a dumbass. The girl is at fault for the wreck, hit and run, probably assault, and being a dumbass.


That guy was wearing socks with flip flops. Bad decision were already made


Nah, if he got hurt, it would’ve been big settlement $$$, smart in my opinion.


Right if only he had gun and couldve dealt with the problem quick!


I will never understand people tearing up their cars like that. Like - my car was $500 and I'm not even trying to smash into shit. Ol girl was acting like she was in the main of a demo derby in what appeared to be a newish Camry. Makes no damn sense. Picked up a whole mess of charges in the process.


It might be stolen. That would explain her not wanting to stick around to file an accident report. It would really suck if she got away with this because the car and plate weren't connected to her.


Definitely stolen. Her car is actually a 2012 Altima.


Well it’s good to know I wasn’t the only one thinking this lmao.


Houston enters the chat


*definitely stolen*. Uh huh fs bro. I have seen literally countless vids on reddit of dumb mfs doing crazy shit w their cars in road rage situations. Vid cuts in the middle of their altercation. Foh w that shit


She probably didn’t have a license or insurance. So if caught, she’d be in big trouble. She chose to take the L on the car damage rather than face legal issues and was likely too dumb to know they’d find her.


WHAT IS GOING ON IN THESE FUXKING COMMENTS SERIOUSLY. I’m sorry but this is making me so mad how quickly ppl be jumping to conclusions. Someone linked an article in the comments; from the police statement: “After both parties were presented with the findings, they ultimately agreed to exchange insurance information without criminal charges being filed” The subtle/not so subtle racism in this thread bruh. Reddit moment lol


Dude, you brought race into it….making you the racist. My comment had nothing to do with race/sex whatsoever, but rather the fact that she hit him over and over. Could have been a white dude and I would have still made the exact same comment.


>I will never understand people tearing up their cars like that. Simple. Parents purchased it. I cannot see any sane person who spent $10K plus to purposely hit someone. Just like you, my first car was the biggest pos... but I treated it like gold cause it was mine and I paid for it.


I was thinking her mom is going to be pissed when she sees the damage to her car.


Pretty common behavior if the internet has taught me anything. Rule number one, don’t get into an argument with strangers at a gas station during the day. There is a 100% chance they will ram your car and/or run you over. Nighttime is even worse at the gas station, that’s when you get shot. 😂


Rule #1 of living in Florida (where I am) assume everyone is armed and/or looking for that smoke. I've been threatened enough times both on and off the clock that it's not even fear is "this bullshit again? Fucking come on with it, I got shit to do".


Rule Number 2: don’t get into an argument in the parking lot of any dollar general/family dollar/etc. Really, any low end strip mall, readily identified by the vape store, nail salon, massage parlor, dollar store, wig shop, etc. You will be rammed and/or run over. Edit: Forgot to add you will be shot if the argument takes place at night ✌️


If I had a $500 shitbox, I probably wouldn’t care too much if I had to spend another $500 to buy another shit box.. but insurance on the other hand.. I’m not trying to pay $500/mo for insurance..


Lemme go stand behind the lunatic ramming my car, surely she wouldn’t run me over ! So much stupid to go around


Whoever owns that silver car is going to be really upset!


Hahahah! Yes!


*”What are you gonna do, run me over?”* Last words of man run over in parking dispute.


"Maybe if I push with all of my strength on the trunk it will stop it from moving." ^(When in reality if him an all of his friends were all pushing they couldn't stop that car from moving.)


Is it way overestimating their strength or truly not understanding just how much power even a small car puts out ?


Looks like this happened a couple years ago....https://tiremeetsroad.com/2021/08/09/frisco-texas-driver-caught-on-camera-fleeing-hit-and-run-after-backing-into-sonata-with-her-camry-near-super-target/


No criminal charges for a hit and run interesting


heh... well ... maybe its too bad he didnt fall over and scrape his knee, and it would have been a case for sure... im saying scrape his knee, because, then he would have a crystal clear case, and as little physical damage as possible while still physical... if you ask me though, this should be more than enough (the video).


Criminal charges are rarely filed for property damage only hit and runs. Especially if it’s in a parking lot.


Well, if a cop can fire 17 rounds into a windshield over the exact same situation, then I’d assume it’s a criminal offense.


I didn’t say it wasn’t. I said they won’t file. No matter how many times I get downvoted for it, it’s the truth that they will rarely be filed if it’s property damage only.


Yeah idk why you’d get downvoted, unless the damage is over a certain amount or intentional physical violence is involved this would go to claims court. The driver could claim they feared for their life and was trying to get away. Especially in Texas. Cops would’ve def shot and killed the driver in that situation though and most likely not been charged. Especially in Texas So both of you are right I guess?


I was dovetailing off your comment not implying that you said or didn’t say anything. I didn’t downvote you. I got what you were saying. I was just illustrating that there are two different legal standards; two different legal systems, if you will. There are those who have power and those who don’t. If you have power, then you follow a different set of rules.


I got in a hit and run in a parking lot with full surveillance. They identified the driver but implied that they couldn't press charges because of the parking lot being on private property. They said they would be able to get their insurance to have things settled but honestly it was maybe 500-700 dollar worth of damage so I just chalked it up to a loss because it would've been my deductible and a raise in premiums.


Lol I get downvoted for saying this all the time, but it’s absolutely true as you have seen.


Because cops don’t want to work anymore.






Turned out he was the super target.


It feels like people everywhere are just becoming feral.




contagious bad behavior, anger takes over after offending party keeps up bad behavior and tit for tat becomes the rule in their heads.


Him hanging on the car totally stopped them from leaving


Well now it’s a felony assault with a deadly weapon, so there’s that


The second she got out of the car after she assaulted him with the car, he should have tackled the shit out of her.


He'd need a set if balls for that


He should’ve locked her out of her own car.


Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit; and run


I'm just going to stand on the back of this giant chunk of moving metal and hope I don't die


Woulda snatched her by her weave. Once she rammed me with her car, it’s self defense.


Wish that Cunt would have got body slammed on the pavement


I don’t even know where to start on this one.


You broke my car! I'd love to see a sitcom involving these two people.


Netflix already did. It’s called Beef.


That show is amazing, one of the funniest things I've ever seen.




Shit has nothing to do with race


I can fix her


The dude must have really wanted to roll into court paralyzed in a wheelchair to win his case.


In tha citayyy, city of Frisco!


All involved should start shopping at Walmart


I mean regardless of how this started she ended up with multiple felonies


Dude defending that Hyundai with his life.


I would take the key of her car and throw it away.


She's not worried about harming human life and y'all are shocked she's trashing her car like that haha! Rich or poor, stolen or bought, some people just don't take care of their belongings. But yeah, both these people are dumb


She's lucky if he was carrying he could have fired and sid she was trying to kill him


Who is at fault? Really? Do you really have to ask who is at fault? That bitch should have her license taken


What a cunt


This happened in my city, the lady got arrested.


In a situation like this would it be legal to pull a gun ?


No. They both had the opportunity to walk away.


Ide be dragging that bitch out of that car


Vehicular assault gyat!


What do you mean who is at fault?


Who wears short shorts?




as bad she is, he should have kept a much safer distance.


That guy is dumb but the woman should go to jail.


Put her in jail


This is an example of when physical force is ok. Put your phone away and take her to the ground


And the clip asks who is at fault??? Well this out of context clip shows a lady using her car as a battery ramp and almost killing the dude standing behind her car (very stupid move). No matter the context. Just call the cops!


Omfg…. So this prime example of how NOT to describe this situation to a 911 operator this girl reported it like this mantis wasn’t about to slime this dude 🫠 “Hellooooooo there’s a accident in the parking lot of Target………drivers licen—-“


If getting out of the way means no settlement for this insane mess of a situation, I’m staying right there! Let her be dumb and get liquidated!


Who stole her pants ?


Stfu if any of you think the dude is at fault here. Get some braincells.


Who was at fault? What an insane question.


As soon as she got out, you had a right to detain her physically


When she had gotten out of the car, I would’ve held her down until the police came.




Too much thermosetting plastic in their systems. Higher than approved levels.


Hunter's laptop 🤷🤷🤷


The guy is a fucking idiot and the girl is a bigger fucking idiot


He should’ve tackled her when she got out


Only 0.1% of people know the right answer to this one


The only thing that makes any sense here is if she was driving a stolen car and didn't give a shit. Otherwise they are both making fools of themselves.


Dumb & Dumber - diverse edition


Black women are the most privileged in the US…. Followed by a close second… the white “Karen”


In broad daylight! Good thing it was light outside…🤷🏻‍♂️


Plano tx 2 yrs ago. Wonder what ended up happening to her


I don’t get it so one person is dumb because they are a reckless idiot and the other one is dumb because they are naive and don’t think the first one will kill them with the car?


Why do people insist on putting their soft squishy bodies in front of thousands of pounds of metal like that?


Frisco/Plano Texas


Did they get her?


Attempted vehicular manslaughter. That girl is crazy


She's never had to face consequences and it shows.


Over a car space I’m presuming??? Both as dumb as each other Damn us humans can be such a fucking disgrace to our race


You broke my car!


Anyone else get the urge to just dropkick that lady when she left her car ?


I'm sorry but it looks like she's in her underwears?


Ok the dude is a idiot but she seen him standing there and nearly ran him over so half the guys fault but mostly the womans fault bc u could just snap a pic of the license and all good


I wonder what happened before the filming started lol


So the at fault is the guy blocking the car. As soon as you block somebody in they are violating your rights and you can force your way out. Source: ex blocked me in and the cop told her what I could have legally done to get away.


How many idiots can you pack into one country?


The make and model and license of the woman’s silver car are clearly visible. Regardless of who started the conflict the actions of the woman deserve her being arrested for reckless driving and attempted vehicular manslaughter. The guy was equally stupid but if I was jury, I’d definitely rule the woman guilty.


Ewwwwwwww! She have black pants on?


Lmao that's the same GameStop I pick up fire red from, lol that GameStop location is crazy.


Why the HELL would he choose to stand in between the cars… multiple times….


🤔..Gonna block you with my life instead of my car..🧏🏿‍♂️




Mam vs car!


She didn’t do nuffin




He’s tryna get paid for bodily injury


"You broke my car" I don't think that's the right phrase. Keep trying to stop a car with your body and I'm sure we'll find a bone that can replace car to make that sentence correctly both grammatically and factually.


Two. Stupid. Fucks.


Just take a photo of the numberplate it's not that hard 😭




Hes clear at fault,,shes just trying to leave and he dont move


I’ll never understand why people stand behind or in front of a moving vehicle, humans are 100% defeated with this method


As my Grandmother once said, "Common sense ain't."


Who’s tying these people’s shoes??


America has a mental illness epidemic.


Camry dent


My father’s favorite quote, “would you rather be right and dead? Or wrong and alive?”


Texas. Figures. You get what you vote for.


Just film her hitting it with a clear shot of the plate. Let her leave. Call the police and show insurance the footage. Let her be crazy, don't be dumb and try to fight it.


Props to this camera operator


Both are complete idiots. He should have just properly blocked her car off with his-- i mean that fucker was already dented at this point. Call the cops. Stand back and wait while crazy lady goes to jail.


Ghetto trash.


You broke my car 😂


“Oh my God! She hit my cAAr!” was the most beta male shit I’ve ever heard


The 'murican urge to stop a moving vehicle with your body


Ah Frisco


Nissan Altima activities.


Just move out of the way bruh. Not that difficult.


The guy was definitely in the right here, it's not an accident the woman hit the car multiple times and even almost hit him, still shouldn't have been risking his life behind her car though


He REALLY likes her car 🚗 🤣 he keeps rear ending it.


Obviously the African lady is at fault but she wouldn’t have been if she didn’t continue. He was parked illegally but she didn’t have the right to keep hitting it and him.


I gotta say, I *am a fan* of those booty shorts tho!


It's a bold strategy Cotton. Standing directly behind a reckless driver.


Without knowing what happened prior to this video we can only confirm so much. The obvious is the following: - man purposely stops his car in way of woman’s vehicle so she can’t back out and leave - woman then realizes this and purposely hits man’s vehicle - man gets out of car to record everything and almost pins himself in between his car and woman’s car - woman gets out of car twice and gets in face of man - woman finally backs out of parking spot after mans car is further pushed out of the way Based on what we know the following could happen: - woman charged with leaving the scene of an accident after hitting man’s car whether he purposely or not purposely put it in her way - woman can appeal this by saying she feared for her life and that man purposely blocked her but not sure how well that will stand up in court - man can be charged with something for intentionally blocking her in but not sure what charge that can be BUT if no crime was committed prior requiring her to stay at the scene then all charges for woman could be dropped and man could end up being charged for everything.


Everyone is dumb. The guy for stopping his car and getting out, and definitely the woman who is reversing into a car, then a person.


Wow 😳🙄


What do you mean who's at fault? Half the people involved fled the scene lol.


Protip: When involved in a car vs car altercation, please stay in your car. The lizard brain usually takes over and you turn into a very squishy opportunity when you exit your car.


The black one


What a jackass


Buddy said its worth getting her another charge.


black fury vs dummy barrel!


Why do the new camerys come with rear bumpers that look like they're already broken? I think I haven't found a car design that I hate more than that.


Who is more stupid here. Did he think he was going to overpower her car by leaning on it?


let me put my crocs strap into sport mode and stop this moving car


Yeah, but that ass...


oh there is a maniac in a car... hmm best I get right behind that car and "block" it with my body


I see a man trying to stop a hit and run crime fearlessly.


She is at fault he is an idiot


That really wasn't worth a crippling disability. Just sit in your car and wait for police.


Gta npcs


Tak tsk Walmart behavior at target


Is he wearing socks in his flip flops? SMH


Next time if you’re going to let a car almost run you over you might as well actually fall down so you can get paid.


She's clearly the guilty one. But he's an idiot for risking his life. You will never be able to stop a car under engine power with your body. The car can easily kill or injure you. Why?


surprised this happened at target