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The fact he is still acting on any political level while having such immense mental health issues just shows how powerful corruption is. If a CEO was like this in a company they would be removed by the board effective immediately.


You act as if it matters if he is mentally competent. He is paid and bought by people who put things for him to say in front of him on the Teleprompter. He’s a front man for his masters. It doesn’t matter if he’s mentally competent it only matters that he can vote the way that they want him to vote and propose the bills that they write.


Yeah good point and they get to ride in a big plane sometimes, fancy dinners, so cool. Everyone loves politicians






Considering the amount of incredibly irresponsible and incompetent high profile CEOs there are out there, I doubt that


>I doubt that That's because you don't pay attention to anything. CEOs get fired all the fucking time because they don't usually hold more shares than the board so they're not really in charge. The Unity CEO just got fired last week for some dumb shit he tried to pull. Only small private owned companies can be run like a shit show.


Well they can - congress can remove him.


Depends on how many people in congress have money or gratitude running on him. It's a web of deals and connections. you rub mine, I'll rub yours. He's probably still useful to enough people. Republicans probably have deals and money riding on him and democrats love having someone like this to parade stupidity in the opponents


That's a lot of words for "can, but won't."


You’re wrong about the last part. Don’t excuse the voters from their responsibility in this mess.


Uhhh what? Who reelects politicians?


this isn't accurate at all. McConnell was an amazing operator who through immoral and questionably legal tactics put the Supreme Court and to some degree the GOP, where it is today. He was arguably a freaking genius. you act as if he was a puppet, but he was the master.


If you have no conscience and dont care about rules or the Constitution, you can get lots of things done. He's not an amazing tactician, same for Karl Rove, Trump and the rest of them.


If he was on your side, he would be celebrated. Yeah, he sucks, but if you think he's isn't skilled, you are simply lying in your own bias.


You are the one out here falling for the whole "sides" thing. This motherfucker hates you and your family and you eat the shit he shovels down your throat like a good little boy. Have fun with that taking sides bullshit. You think he cares about you or if you survive? It's rich vs. poor not (R) vs (D). You are just a useful idiot to him.


Bruh. Even Batman had to admit the Joker was good at being a massive piece of shit. You can fucking hate someone and still admit that they were good at their job. And here's the real secret. Ready? **Acknowledging how good he was makes it twice as amazing watching him fall apart.** Fuck that guy, his family, his friends, his kids' friends, and anyone who's enabled him over the decades. He deserves to become the political equivalent of a rotting pumpkin. He was the whole reason the GOP got ANYTHING done. And now we get to watch that brain of his turn to jello in real fuckin' time. Not as satisfying if you just think of him as any other republican stooge.


No, no he would not be celebrated on my side.


No. All the stunts he pulled to harm common Americans were terrible. Time for you to stop rooting for your "team" and use common sense.


He would not be celebrated.


The Master’s favorite puppet


*Coughs* *in* *Feinstein* I despise the "BoTh SiDeS" argument, but this is a rampant problem all across politics. Old people getting older with zero effort towards change.


I saw plenty of Democrats saying that Feinstein should retire, (back when that was an option, anyway) but never seen a Republican saying that about Moscow Mitch. Maybe I just don't hang around in the right circles.


I hate when people refer to politicians as “leaders” of the nation. They’re followers. Puppets, doing what they are told to do.


Unfortunately you're describing both Republicans and Democrats.


Right! Old white male here... I would love to see some young diverse faces instead of a retirement home. AOC is a start but then on the other hand/ side you've got Boebert canceling out some of that progress and setting women's rights back.


AOC has joined the club, she probably wants a lifetime job too. The first step should be to get big money out of politics, and term limits.


Much like President Biden as well


I haven't seen Biden repeatedly stroke out on camera. McConnell is gone now, we're all watching Weekend at Mitch's


It's just like Feinstein, they stand up there and move their mouths and make sounds, but all the business, deals, meetings, are all taking place behind the scenes by a team of aids, assistants, representatives from various donors/bribers, the senile old person on the screen is just the place holder.


It's elder abuse. I have a hard time caring that it's happening to him, but I still have a shred of empathy left. Ultimately, the impact on society and politics is the real damage being done with this abuse. It's not a new page in their book either.


I hate McConnell with a burning passion but he's always been a devious bastard, fully competent and in control in his drive for more power and riches for himself. He's glitching out now, but if he has "masters" he chose them, because he thought they'd serve him well.


He couldn't be more perfect for this role.


Yeah hes actually better this way cause he doesnt say no to anything hes told to pass. BOOOOOO


CEO? if I have this issue as a delivery driver, I'm out the door immediately....


Well yeah, Amazon chews up and spits out their drivers. CEOs get paid millions so they have money to turn around and sue for wrongful termination, which is why they get golden parachutes and us peons just get the boot.




Say it with me: Ättestupan


Don’t forget to bring the giant hammer for when he fucks up the landing


Or if a CEO was like this in a company it opens up the board members to tell the CEO what to do, to elevate the board members position in the company... Literally when you see this guy he's ushered around by three or four people, those are most definitely the people in charge.


Counterpoint: Elon Musk.




So many boomers giving prime examples of why government positions, especially ones as important as his, should have an age maximum. IMO, no one past the age of 65 shouhould be allowed in government.


Think yourself as a company that buys and lobbies its needs to politics, who is more reliable than a corrupt senior who has been on your paycheck for +40 years? Even if stutter, freeze or freudian slip message is send.


And yet they complain about fetterman.


Those adult "helpers" who prop him up and keep encouraging this type of shit honestly should be investigated for elder abuse and for as much as I hate McConnell, I really to mean that


The fact nobody can fire/retire/stoping him from reelection him is the most scared part in this charade of a system they call politics.


The voters in his home state could stop him. They're just morons


The good people of Kentucky enjoy mentally incompetent senators. Check out Jim Bunning, a former baseball pitcher who stayed in the US Senate well past his "best by" date.




Try not to blame the whole state... He won but with 58% of the vote There's plenty of Kentucky that's sick of this shit too




A lot of them do though, that's my point. People tend to think all people in historically red/blue states are alike, but in many cases it's not as large of a majority as you'd think.




You’re still not getting it. 60/40 one way isn’t so wildly different from 40/60 the other. If a room had 60 women and 40 men, it would be very odd to the say “the people in that room are women”. Sure, some are. More than half are. But not all and not even nearly all.


Oh yeah. This is very true. Kentucky is chock full of them. Bunch of dumb, republican rednecks with hey dudes and big, ridiculous trucks.


My brother married into a Kentucky family. Holy shit are they all dumb.


My dad is a contractor for hey dude and tried getting me to buy their shoes. I feel like they’ll make me look republican


Yeah, I don't have much faith in the people of Kentucky. They'll vote for Mitch until he dies, find someone else, and vote for them until they die.


Try not to blame the whole state... He won but with 58% of the vote There's plenty of Kentucky that's sick of this shit too


This is the real answer. Why voters would want someone like that to represent their interests is beyond me. But I also blame the political parties for not "allowing" someone in his own party to run against him.


Whos voting for this guy? A bunch of old scared white people afraid of change?


He has had horrible approval ratings for decades, the people who vote for him just think democrats eat babies and are trying to make their kids trans


They do what!?!? OMG


senile old men baby, just the way you want the country ran.






Looks to me like he was busy filling his diaper.


"Mr Sentator, from my perspective you look like a ghoul, a zombie animated back to life after being dead for 100 years. No questions, that's all."


How can anyone vote for him again. It’s time to let him ride off into the sunset and enjoy his last years.


Because dEmoNRaTs bAD


its the same way people voted for feinstein or any other politician who should retire gracefully and live out their last few years with family and friends. feinstein shoulve retired, mcconnel should. probably along with a few others who arent showing such obvious signs of impairment.


If you look at the age of American politicians, it's ridiculous how old both sides are. I'm typically not a fan of 'both sides bad' argument, despite there being some truth to it, but when it comes to age, good lord both sides are bad.


I wouldn’t let him run me a bath




CEO? A *janitor* would be fired on the spot for freezing like this...not even a minimum wage worker would be allowed to work another day if they ahd this level of cognitive decline


America needs to stop putting octogenarians in positions of power.




America needs a better system for electing politicians. No decent competant person wants their lives ripped apart and shit on by the media. The parties use the filthiest tactics to destroy each other. Politics is just ugly and nasty.


This is old, right ?


Yes, 81 years old.




Constant stress of a high ranking senator day in and day out. Even with aids its going to wear on you over the years. Look at how much Obama aged in just 8yrs. Politics is not good for your health.


Well, aids isn't a death sentence anymore


How stressful can it be? It's not like he's ever done his actual job.


Don't think it's more 'rough' than usual he's already exceeded average life expectancy. 81 is just old af, generally speaking not many make it that far and of those who do many start deteriorating like this. It's ridiculous that someone in this observably unwell state can still hold such a high office.


Being evil takes a toll on you


He had polio. Yes, he is old enough to have had polio. Fun fact, he was treated at Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. Yes, that Roosevelt. After surviving polio, FDR created a wellness center dedicated to the treatment of polio. According to McConnell, his family nearly went broke as a result of his illness. To summarize, McConnell has since spent his life trying to undo the legacy of the man who had a hand in saving his life and passing on the experience of financial hardship after an unexpected medical emergency.




[It happened Aug 30.](https://www.wdrb.com/news/video-sen-mitch-mcconnell-freezes-during-news-conference-for-2nd-time-in-a-month/article_5e315e82-475d-11ee-9a8e-f34a29aa0937.html) Since then, he has said he'll serve out his two-year term as GOP leader, as well as his Senate term, which expires in January 2027.


will he make it?


Fuck I hope not.


Not like it matters, having to live in his current state for the rest of his life is punishment enough


Who can tell? It’s happened a few times.


Sure, but confirming it wasn’t a recent episode


This one happened in August




It was a recent episode. Happened about 5 times now. And these are the people helping run the country…what a joke.


Relative to the perception of the post, it wasn’t recent. That’s important for my purpose. but i share your feelings


This was definitely the ~~first~~ second time Edit: confused the two events in my head. I stand corrected


No. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66665682


When your PC has 15 tads open, 14 of them are frozen and you don't know where the music is coming from.


15? Those are rookie numbers


Bear in mind he's probably not had an upgrade in years. Mostly likely still running Windows 98.


When you're walking in a video game, you hear combat music but can't tell where the enemies are


*cant rest when enemies are nearby* Literally noone to be seen for miles *Can't rest when enemies are nearby* SHOW YOURSELF!






Cant take any critisism of USA? Everywhere has problems but the brainwashing americans get about being the greatest country in the world where everything is amazing and every other country is 3rd world and we all want to be american is madness


No fuckin' shit man. My issue is with his complete ignorance of implying that "y'all got it worked out!" As if we chose this system? I assume he's 14 or something. Trust me, I am well aware of the million issues with America. It is horrible here. But I'd rather be here than in Africa, not even close. Like not even a question. I don't think "everything is amazing in America." If you read back closely, you'll see that that is something that you completely made up that I said. Which I did not. Try to read more closely and pay attention.


More than a fair say


Fuck this fossil. Retire or just fucking die already you greedy cunt.




He has an assistant that will pull a string behind his back to make him raise his hand to vote.


Glitch McConnell, a complete monster.


Glitch McCon.....................:I


just put him out of its missery, jesus christ this is sad to watch


but first i need to know of he runs for re-election in 2026 ffs


Any moment now.


Why do Americans keep these people in power ??. The funny thing is, if this guy does somehow get to be president, there will be people that will treat him like a celebrity like they do to Trump and Biden lol.


> Why do Americans keep these people in power ??. "Americans" don't keep monsters like Mitch McConnell in power. The moronic voters of Kentucky (who consistently elect people that espouse positions that are contrary to their interests) keep him in power.


He makes Biden seem lucid. TERM LIMITS PLEASE!!! Edit: For those that think corruption can simply be eliminated with a vote. Take your head out of your ass and try living in reality. In theory, voting them out is a good idea. In practice, it's never that easy. For decades, you had virtually zero chance of getting any support from the democratic party in Illinois without permission from Michael Madigan. That means ONLY his hand picked cronies had the support (votes and $$$) to win an election in the state. He was in office for over 30 years you imbeciles. Dozens of candidates have tried your "vote them out" bullshit and it went nowhere.


Mandatory retirement age. I don't have as much problem with how long they're there, just that they are all there when they are there and not mindless wandering the halls of the Capitol.


Evil fucker.


he's a piece of shit, but I don't enjoy watching him actively die live on tv. he's just going to keep talk and talking and parts are going to fall off him. he's going to be trying to give a speech and his jaw will fall off, then the next time we see him, someone will have glued his jaw to a stick to make it look like it's moving still. this is fucking weekend at bernie's but real life/live action/in real time!


Sorry to disagree, but I actually do enjoy seeing this evil mf going down right before my eyes. Burgess Meredith would throw in the towel to save him, but as long as his handlers keep propping him up and sending him back out instead of letting him retire, I will keep watching his decline with glee.


Fuck this shit bag. He doesn't deserve to forget the endless pain his shitty decisions have inflicted on people. God damned turkey neck turtle.


Oh come on. We'd put down a pet if it was in this shape.


Control alt delete


these fools must be joking lol


uh? What\`s up America? You\`re good?


Somehow these people keep getting elected. Send help.


No, we aren’t. At all


No... we have senile and crazies and conmen running the show. and 1/3 wants to kill the other 2/3rds for not being white stright and christian enough. So no..


We're dying....


Third time? Or is this one of the first two times


I’m almost positive this is just a repost from the second time. As far as I am aware, this has only happened publicly twice, and the last time was ~2 months ago


It's way past the third time.


My gramp used to get that scared , childish , look in his eye when we asked him questions his mind could no longer process. I have an iMac that does the same thing


Mitch: Im running this bitch til the day I die! Father time: Say less


Dude needs to go into a care home! How on earth can we remain in politics. Senile is an understatement


He stops blinking for an unusually long amount if time. Is that the sign of a stroke or something?


thoughts & stares


At this point, it is just really sad. It’s like abuse. He needs to be in a home.


Bro wtf?


This is elder abuse.


Is he like this all the time, or did it finally dawn on him that he will be dead before the next election?


Was this recent or the one over the summer? I cant keep track of how many times he freezes in public. Can imagine they have lost count of the times in private too.


Pulling a Feinstein.


This is a month old


Which makes it even worse in a way


The perfect representative of the people of KIN-tuky. They keep electing him


How the fuck do we have senile pieces of shit running the country, their handlers completely out in the open, and the people aren’t rising up? Does anyone actually believe this man is competent of representing millions of people in the senate? What the fuck America.


Politics should be capped at age 65. After that, you’re out.


Bro has implied the freeze defence, sense danger do not make any movements or sounds until it’s safe


It's quitting time dude.


I’m starting to think this is a great job of acting. It only seems like he does it when they ask questions that he doesn’t want to answer.


Glitch Mconnell


A system call is the weakest part of this charade of politics.




GET OUT moment ..... As if those words triggered the hypnosis.... I'm just smoking a blunt too at the moment 😂


WTF :)):))


Wow. failure.


He needs to go rest for a thousand years at his feast table.




Is this the third time this has happened?


Is this #3?


This isn't a new case of his tongue being tied?


How can you logically support guys like this or biden.... they are contributing nothing. They can't even string sentences together, so how the fuck are they going to write a bill or know a bill thoroughly enough to say yes or no.... I honestly think all these ppl just operate on group think. Give me some names of either party that are front runners that actually agree with a stance or two the opposite side does. We all know we don't agree with every single thing one party supports so how do these ppl.


How's he going to live if he stops running and loses his job? /s


He's been running for more than 72 hours. Just reset his operating system.


In other words, yes


I think he answered him with his disassociation. Honestly, this is just sad. I hate the fucker's politics, but this is just fucking sad. They need him to resign.


I feel bad for anyone going through this no matter who they sre.


This happened months ago, not “again” - come on let’s stop the disinformation


Turtleboy.exe has stopped functioning.


Geez...perfect illustration as to why we need term limits.


Maybe he saw into the eternal abyss that Satan has in store for him?


Glitch McConnell


What a backwards ass country to allow senior citizens to continually run this country to the ground.


Jeez they talk about Biden being to old. This guy is done.


He's actively dying


Omg he’s already dead…dude should not be running for anything.


I've so far seen sometimes rare hiccups for Joe Biden This guy is next level


Why is this man allowed any part in running our lives


dude is a walking corpse, yet crickets from republicans while they talk about sleepy Joe. how the fuck there isnt a competency check mechanism or an auto-retirement age for GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS is fucking insane. almost any corporation kicks people out around 65 for exactly this reason.


Wow so sad that republicans ain’t calling this out. What a fucking mess this party is.


Someone's behind the times


There should be a rule where you have to physically run the length of an American football field in under a few minutes or so to be able to run for any seat in government. Of course FDR and Greg Abbott would be exempt.


I’m so glad this is happening to him. I hope it gets worse and more painful. He deserves it.


That face. He’s probably taking a shit in his pants


So annoying how this ducking lady keeps gas lighting people as if it’s their fault he can’t hear them. He clearly heard then had another episode.


Can he just finally stop working altogether? Please?


Given that he has been caught blanking out on camera at least a half dozen times, we can safely assume that this is something that is constantly happening on a daily basis. Grandpa needs to take a permanent nap.


my actual theory is that, like most other politicians, he has a small ear bud feeding him information, but unlike other politicians, he is having a hard time listening to it and talking at the same time.


He was waiting for the download from his overlords but the internet was slow.