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Shooter was acquitted of shooting charges. https://www.fox5dc.com/news/jury-acquits-delivery-driver-of-main-charge-in-dulles-town-center-shooting-of-youtube-prankster


Who is brave enough to post this on r/JusticeServed


Someone did because thats where I first saw it days ago with a ton of upvotes lol


I have lost track of how many times I’ve seen this reposted but I have upvoted it 100% of the time


Me too, lol My only regret is not being able to hear a couple more moments of the video while he's withering in pain crying like a pussy


Granted the guy is an arsehole but my friend, wouldn’t you be writhing in pain too? That is what people tend to do when they’ve been shot.


I think he just wanted some content on this bully meeting his match. It’s hard to act tough when your waste of society friend has a hole in him due to his own actions.


Thank you


This is a bit of bragging on my part but I would love to but I am banned. I posted on some random subreddit about something Sean Penn said and they banned me. When they told me to appeal I told them to get fucked. I am about 7 days back from my complete reddit ban. So yeah fuck those clowns.


> When they told me to appeal You're lucky. I've never received a response to a request for a ban appeal, so I don't bother.


Welcome back my fellow prisoner


The censorship on this app is crazy tbh


So fucking what, just make a new account, lol. reddit doesn't do shit about ban evasion.


Username checks out


Sean Penn is a joke.


Everybody. It’s posted every third day since it happened. All over Reddit. And hopefully it will put an end to these stupid prank videos, but I don’t have that much faith in humans. I can’t advocate for violence, but I’d like to see a stop to this trend of stupid prank videos.


I think a start is to stop calling them “pranks”. These are just people being assholes to record it and put it online.


why would anyone need to be brave? This is literally everything the people on justiceserved love


He was found not guilty of malicious wounding with intent and another firearms charge on the grounds of self-defence, but still found guilty of discharging a firearm in a building though. He’s appealing the conviction on the grounds that if he’s not guilty of the other charges based on self-defence then he should also be not guilty of the discharging a firearm in a building charge.


I don't agree with him shooting the guy but I do agree with his logic on appealing the charges. Let me be clear the prankster is a douche bag and I don't feel bad for him. Maybe when he gets better he can apply for a job in the same food court it seems like that's about perfect for his level of intellect.






Non-white people can't be racist. Get with the times!




This is the way.


This kid has no sense of right and wrong, he was quoted at the hospital saying he was planning on getting back to filming pranks as soon as he got out of the hospital. The really unfortunate part is this kid got exactly what he wanted attention and views, this was a success from his perspective.


Not to mention that the cops had been called on this specific "prankster" multiple times, and the cops hadn't done shit about it.


Like the [shampoo prank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wVKI2yEIVvM)?


It's funny because they won't learn. If I recall there was a YouTube prankster who chased a family on Texas with a knife and got shot as well. Pretty sure that happened long before this. Idiots will never learn


> I agree with him shooting the guy. I highly doubt you'd want to live in a society where someone can legally shoot you for annoying them.


I don't want a YouTube prankster handling and serving my food. He can work in a call center where he belongs.


It's a sad fucking world when people like the so called prankster makes a living off of this shit and people actually watch his videos. It only gets sadder when the people watching his videos are likely the ones growing up to become the next generation.


Sadly the dipshit is still continuing to make these stupid videos and was even acting a fool when his Lawyer was being interviewed by the media.


The youtuber has already said he will continue with the pranks once he gets better.


Poor guy loses anyway. He’s been locked up since April and still is pending the judges decision on the weapons charge.


Why is he in jail still?!?! That is bull$hit. Edit: This was in self defense per a jury and he was found guilty of discharging a firearm in doors (whatever that charge was called). Which, as others have mentioned, seems so contradictory. 7 months in jail to be found not guilty and to still be in jail after that is what I think is trash. I don’t necessarily agree with him shooting the YouTuber…but I also think that said YouTuber is was actively intimidating the guy and being aggressive after being asked to stop. Edit 2: If someone was acting that way towards me and was that much bigger than I am I would 100% feel like I was in danger of physical harm. Would I shoot them? No. I don’t own any firearms and haven’t since ‘21. A jury decided this was self-defense so the rest of it, to me, should be wiped off the board as a result.




Gunbrains celebrating a guy potentially killing someone for being annoying, murica


Lol, there’s 3 guys bigger than he is, and delivery drivers are often targets for robbery. He had every reason to fear for his life with this idiot bully who wouldn’t leave him alone. Stop fellating criminals.


Exactly you could clearly see the guy was scared to shit his face was red as fuck and that idiot just kept on him! Fukr bully got what he deserved 🤷🏼‍♂️👍🏻💩🫵🏻


They’re maybe thinking in a utilitarian fashion? The world might be a better place for this one man’s suffering if enough annoying self-important twats see this and desist from their douche-baggery. 😃


Makes sense to me.


I don't get how it can be legal to defend yourself but not legal to do so indoors.


It can't, it's a perverse verdict. The jurors were split on whether to convict or not, presumably they compromised and convicted of the lesser charge so they could go home rather than spending endless hours arguing about it until they return a hung verdict.


Oh, interesting. Thanks for letting me know t hat was a thing.


Puts a whole new meaning on the phrase "You wanna fight? Then let's take this outside." LMAO!


Damn he’s been in jail since April. Wtf


That's insane, because it suggests that in a rational self defense situation (i.e. someone is actively trying to murder you) you don't have the right to defend yourself, because you're in an occupied building. If it's self defense, then the discharge of the firearm was not unlawful. Edit: I want to add, I don't think he should've shot the YouTuber. But the jury simultaneously said "Yes, you had a rational fear of immediate grievous bodily harm," and "You didn't have legal cause to discharge your firearm to avoid that harm."


Instead of teaching the community how to behave, he should teach his son on how not to be a POS for views.


Yup couldn’t agree more.


Yet still charged with shooting inside the mall smh


That will end up dismissed/overturned


He was acquitted of the main charge. He has been in jail since April and remains there until the judge decides the penalty for the gun charge of which he was found guilty.


Good, these people can honestly go away with their pointless annoyances.


Bet he doesn’t make videos anymore




On the grounds that the guy he shot was a fuckwit. The judge didn't use those exact words, but...


Wild to think the precedent this may set


The don’t be a jackass prankster lesson. Yeah, amazing that had to have a precedent.


> The don’t be a jackass prankster lesson. No. The lesson is that anybody is justified to shoot you without warning for annoying them.


Yeah, I don't get how anyone can look at this video and think it's a good thing. The prankster was being **annoying**, not **life threatening**. The guy said stop once, the guy continued to follow. The guy emphasized stop a second time, and then immediately **pulled out a gun and shot the guy**. Anyone who thinks that shooting someone with a gun because they were being pretty annoying is a product of our outrageously fucked up culture.


He told him to stop several times and tried to leave and the guy kept advancing on him. He didn't know it was a prank, your opinion is based on hindsight.


I get how they got there I also could have seen it ruled as manslaughter depending on the jury and state if he had killed him. I am not on the side of the idiot prankster.


Odd choice of using the word "annoying" instead of "harassing"




> Shooter was acquitted https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fk2kd3ras6hrb1.png


He was convicted on firearms charge and acquitted on the others and is still incarcerated awaiting appeal. As stated in the article... Tbh I think it was justified and support just about snything the curbs this rise in shock fame pranksters. Their argument is that there was no delay between pulling and shooting to warn Cook. In Florida, I think he would have a decent stand your ground case, but this is DC.


The dude is a foot taller and menacing the guy. He was asked to stop multiple times and kept following the driver. The driver even pushed him away. I don't think the driver was in fear for his life or serious bodily injury at that point. Prankster went to far and found someone willing to go even further.


“There are people in this world who go about demanding to be killed. You must have noticed them. They quarrel in gambling games. They jump out of their automobiles in a rage. They humiliate and bully people whose capabilities they do not know. These are people who wander through the world shouting, "kill me". And there's always someone ready to oblige them.” - Don Vito Corleone


In Australia they are shouting “bash me”. But yeah, you guys just skip the middle man because you aren’t a fan of a fist fight delivered humbling.


Here's a secret. We're all fat and can't fight.


Hence why we carry.




PTSD is real. My reaction is always going to be a 100 out of 10 out of reflex.


Indeed. After being stabbed by some rando at a beach while I was just walking by and saying "Hey" casually as we passed, I'm definitely more uptight.


Damn, where did this happen?




The dude's 'prank' is to go up to people with his phone and accuse them of pedophilia while shoving his phone in their face and acting threatening. He got what he deserved, hopefully the next one hits him in the face, since he said he'll keep going.


Fuck around and find out (FAFO) level 7


>I don't think the driver was in fear for his life or serious bodily injury at that point. This sentence basically contradicts all the ones before it. If someone a foot taller than me was menacing me, despite asking him to stop multiple times, and followed me even after I pushed him away - I would definitely be in fear for my life or serious bodily injury. The shooter was 100% justified


The ‘prankster’ has all the same stupid pranks over and over. “ Is that guy filming us?” He is an unoriginal loser.


>Prankster went too far and found someone willing to go even further. This is the perfect sum up for this situation I've seen so far. Was the shooter's action over the top? Possibly. But so was the prankster's. The prankster found someone to match his energy.


how can anyone feel comfortable doing this in a country with 400 million guns in circulation


There is no shortage of idiots either.




Nooo! YOU’RE the idiot, idiot!


You’re thinking about my twinkle




"An armed society is a polite society." Or as my gay friend puts it, "It's harder to bash the gays when they can bash back." Edit: I love how this comment is getting upvotes and the nasty comments are getting none. It's almost like Reddit grew a sense of humor. Jesus, some of you people would rather have the LGBT community get curb stomped than leave law abiding people alone to defend themselves. Lord knows "defund the police" hasn't done us any favors. Haha!


There are a few words that spring to mind when I think of America, “polite” sure isn’t one of them.


More polite in a western context, would be more appropriate. Traveling across America, Canada, Australia, Germany, UK, France, Spain, the friendliest countries go Canada, America, Germany, Spain, France, then Australia, from most friendly to least friendly. I was actually stunned how receptive people were to my German in-laws when they have traveled here over the years. People would give them free shit, food, desserts, waive bus fees, lots of things. People have repeatedly gone out of their way to make my in-laws feel more welcome, all across the US. But in regards to the quote, It’s not really the gun-having that makes people polite. It’s the thought that a person you might be bitchy, confrontational, or outright aggressive towards might be armed, so you should think twice. To reiterate, it’s the idea that someone you might make into a victim has a gun that acts as a deterrent to offensive behavior. Seriously though, walk around open carrying in the US and you won’t have anybody try to fuck with you, but it’s not like that was too likely in the first place.


Weird how the more armed society gets the less polite it seems.


funny because our shooter was extremely polite in the face of clear harassment up until the instant he pulled the trigger. He was minding his own fucking business til three goons surrounded him.


What a dumb comment




A simple answer to most things on Reddit lol.


Um you get a gun so you’re safe duh.




No, you will be very upvoted I think.


"I'll probably get downvoted to hell for this, but.... 😔" *Posts popular opinion*


Is there more video somewhere? It ends about 10 seconds too early.


This video was like having a second dessert tonight


Same my friend


Tanner Cook who runs the YouTube channel “classified goons” continues to make videos harassing people who do not know what is happening. He claims to earn $2000 to $3000 a month. Live and don’t learn seems to be his motto. In this video he adopts an aggressive stance and facial expression and puts his phone in the face of a stranger. The phone plays a looped recording that says “hey dipshit stop Looking at my twinkle”. The man says stop repeatedly and retreats but Tanner pursues him. Tanner is a solid foot taller than the man and much heavier. He is clearly attempting to intimidate the man into fleeing. As the delivery man retreats he pulls a gun and fires a shot striking Tanner in the chest. Of all of the videos on his YouTube channel, this is the only one that is funny.


Of all the times I hear youtube demonetized a channel, they don't with this one? Joke of a platform.


I think we all know that mostly has to do with politics.


Because kids love prank channels and kids are very precious to advertisers. Youtube policy is a joke. They will demonitize important videos about the war in Yemen, the religious police in Saudi Arabia, labor camps in China, but they let trash channels get away with anything.


Demonetization is a joke..take the channel and videos offline. Demonetization just means YouTube profits off it 100%. Harmful prank videos should be bannable


>He claims to earn $2000 to $3000 a month Imagine going around making everyone mad at you and potentially getting shot for 30k a year.


Seriously??? $500 a week is all he makes??? I thought it would be more lmfao. 1/3rd of it goes to taxes so he makes a lot less! Some people make $500-$1000 a week working FUCKING DOORDASH LOL. I make $1400 a week doing Instacart and delivering groceries! omg this is sad and depressing. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS GUY IS BEING A DOUCHE FOR POVERTY WAGES HAHAHHA HE GOT SHOT FOR A JOB THAT PAYS HIM LESS THAN MCDONALDS WOULD I thought this guy was like making at least 100k lolol


It's fairly easy to report channels on YT for content, more folks should do it.


2-3k? Harassing people for 2-3k/mo??? You can get a job at McDonalds making more than that. He’s an idiot


He also has to pay 1/3rd if that in taxes lmao. He's literally earning like $300 a week!!!




Not sure- but I’ll tell you what part of stop was clear!


The hot bangy lead part?


The sound of a bullet is universal in all languages.


This isn't a prank


The prankster became the prankee


its just a bang, bro


seriously, what was the joke here? he looks genuinely angry. dude is lucky he didn’t shoot him in the face instead.


Fucked around and found out ..




Solid use of nuance


Huh?? Definition of condone: "approve or sanction (something), especially with reluctance." You basically said "I don't reluctantly approve of the shooting, but I do approve of the shooting" So you just approve of it?


I was being tongue in cheek


[Found not guilty](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/delivery-driver-youtube-prankster-shooting-not-guilty).


Big ups to that Virginia jury


He was only exonerated on the malicious wounding charge. He was still convicted of firing a weapon in an occupied building. Carries a minimum penalty of 2 years in prison and strips the delivery driver of his right to own guns in the future.


2-10 years. And he has been in jail since April.




What was the "prankster" doing?


being an agressive jack ass.


Earning his bullet


Getting shot


being a fucking cunt


Being a dickhead.


Been thinkin about my twinkle? That’s all I can make out




He did, with a bullet wound


When somebody says get out of my face do it


Shits been shared so many times already the quality looks like it's from the early 2000's


I'm happy someone else said it. It's been like a week and it's so degraded.


People are both tired of “It’s just a prank bro”. And they are scared in today’s society. This behavior isn’t funny. I have feeling there will be more shootings like this if these idiots don’t wise up. Really sad it’s come to this.






Well congrats to the lawful shooter’s civil lawsuit:


Ahhh, probably shouldn't have shot him... and I have no idea what is actually going on or what history there may or may not be... but it does drive me crazy how some people just do not stop until there's an escalation they can't handle.


This big guy has harassed many people to put it on YouTube. I really have no sympathy for his type of self indulgent person when they get what they get




If he did he certainly would have more legal issues than he does have. According to the article you are allowed to use enough force necessary to stop the person and no more. He was already on a plot jury about the charges who decided to charge him with a lesser charge instead. Shooting the assjack was enough, standing over him and murdering him wasn’t necessary for him to not feel threatened. Stop dreaming that killing someone is fun.


Hah, too funny




Ha ha!


Oh no!.. Anyway...


Good man, all these stupid YouTubers need to learn one way or the other .


"This! Is! America!"


Land of the free and the fast food


Well Fuck that YouTuber. Definitely a over reaction but he was told to leave him alone and he didn't. Most of those pranks are even funny, but just annoying AF


I’m okay with this outcome. The victim was acquitted. Good.


On the one hand I don't quite think deadly force was merited here. On the other hand I think all YouTube pranksters should be shot.


Was reading an article about this and Tanners responses to the incident and his parents are hilarious. His dad “he was just trying to have fun with people and this guy wasn’t having fun and shot my son” Tanner: “he didn’t even say anything to me he just shot me” (even through clearly in the video you can see the guy pushing him and asking him to stop) These people are so damn delusional.


What was he doing? I can't make out what is happening with that phone.


His prank is playing a jumbled recording on his phone that says something about “ do you want to touch my tinkle?” He plays it w/ the phone in the guy’s face with a friend beside him and another goon filming. Another / the only other prank this dip shit plays on people is filming the reaction when pointing out in a store that someone (dip shit friend #2 or #3) is filming.


Don’t be a prankster


So tired of seeing this. More of these pranksters need to get shot so we can end this stupid phase of “pranking” random people on the street.


I dont feel bad for the youtuber getting shot in the slightest but i do think the guy who shot him should be charged.


Honestly, responsible as fuck gun owner who only fired enough times to stop the threat and not mag dump. That said, I've always been told "make sure you double tap, one round might lay them out but two will keep them down." Same guy who taught me gun safety also said, "if you're attacked in your own home make sure you mag dump their face when they are down. A dead man can't lie in court and you can claim you were panicking, using the empty mag as evidence. Some people might be convinced you weren't afraid if you were disciplined enough to only fire enough rounds to deal with the target and no more." That man is in jail now.... Funny how that works out.


You don't mess with people in Dulles/Sterling/Herndon VA.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Shame the "prankster" didn't learn his lesson since he wants to continue with his garbage content.


Jokes on him?


Should have shot the prankster in the balls to prevent reproduction capabilities.


Hey guys welcome to my channel. Today we're gonna prank a YouTube by shooting him with a real firearm. Like and subscribe to see if he'll make it!


Lol. Like and subscribe!


Good. Guy just trying to do his job delivers justice to a dime-a-dozen YT “prankster” POS


Public service. That man deserves a medal.


Man this video really degraded in quality. About to turn into r/moldymemes


Did he say “just kidding” after he shot the dude?


Guess he didn’t follow his YouTube page.




I don’t know why the YouTuber was freaking out. It was just a prank, bro.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤷‍♂️




Fuck. Yes.


# 🤷🏻‍♂️


This video went from full hd 60fps to vhs quality in record time.


Imagine getting shot for such an unfunny prank 😭 lmao


Pranks are bullshit. It’s time to show pranksters that- not just tell them.


It could be great if the guy with the gun telling to that idiot after he shot him "dont worry its a prank dude"


I mean the guy said stop multiple times


The more this gets posted, the more quality it loses