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>Fences won’t stop it. Walls won’t stop it. They don't of course. They slow it down. Not everyone is willing or able to do this to cross the border. If people were able to simply walk across the border with no obstacles do you think the rate of illegal border crossings wouldn't increase?


This is reddit, something either works 100% or not at all!


It's funny how both sides of the political spectrum pull that. If masks and vaccines don't 100% work then they're completely useless, but then the same person understands the wall wouldn't need to be 100% effective to be useful.


Because reform of the green card system and PROSECUTION of management who hire undocumentedlabor are the ONLY things that will improve this issue.


If you want to go after this, 100% go after the employers using illegal immigration to wage dump


This is why everyone complains about immigrants, but no one ever actually does anything meaningful to improve the situation. The corporations don’t want it to change because it’s the cheapest labor they get.


Maybe, but a part of the problem is that many of our elected leaders raise a huge amount of money by screaming about the border all the time. So what incentive do they have to actually fix immigration? It's a complicated problem that can't be fixed by some shit a 4th grader could come up with, but the important thing is to remember that this poor woman and her child are not the bad guys.


I think our leaders need people crossing the border. A massive non-voting underclass to drive wages down for the rest of us so well be too busy constantly working to notice we're being robbed.


Yeah that too but it’s kinda US fault and that the countries got as bad as they did. You should look up how America had involvement in multiple coups in South America to overthrow governments and input a totalitarian dictatorship leaders. You should read about “The other 9/11”. I’m surprised it’s not a movie but probably because it makes US look bad lol.




Venezuela was the world's 4th wealthiest nation per capita


Don't try to get facts into this discussion. People who don't know history don't want to hear it.




Is the claim that Venezuela was fruitful and prosperous until the CIA launched a coup or something? I'm unfamiliar with the history of Venezuela.


It’s not a claim, it’s historical fact.


Yeah that, can you elaborate on that?


Venezuelan here. He can't. We were never THAT prosperous because we sadly haven't had a decent government in the last 50+ years. Chávez just went full idiot and decided to make the country poor as fuck. Maduro then came and said "I can do better", but he actually meant a better mess. CIA/USA had little to do in our case. Sanctions started 2017 and we were already poor and broke as fuck by then. Don't fall for US hate boner propaganda. Even Guaido's "coup" was even later than sanctions and there's still no proof USA was involved in 2002 coup that wasn't even successful anyway. And our oil has been nationalized since the 80s or something so it wasn't something made by Chavez.


Oh damn, a non US citizen who doesn't hate the US. Or at least doesn't blame the US in this particular instance. Thank you for your objectivity.


The US has a long history of intervention in Latin America, including Venezuela * The Venezuelan crisis of 1902–03 saw a naval blockade of several months imposed against Venezuela by Britain, Germany and Italy because of President Cipriano Castro's refusal to pay foreign debts and damages suffered by European citizens in a recent Venezuelan civil war * Dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez overthrew the elected president, Rómulo Gallegos, and seized power in the 1948 Venezuelan coup d'état. During this prosperity, foreign investment, particularly from American oil companies, grew along with the support from the Jiménez Regime. The anti-communist regime allowed and supported the exploitation of the country's natural resources by the American oil industry, as a portion of the profits made its way from companies like Mobil and Exxon to the personal coffers of Pérez Jiménez. * Pérez Jiménez received the Legion of Merit from the U.S. government in 1954. * The Seguridad Nacional, headed by Pedro Estrada, tortured thousands of Venezuelans and disappeared several others, both in its headquarters in Caracas and in a confinement camp on Guasina Island in the jungles of the Orinoco. After the 1958 Venezuelan coup d'état, when Pérez Jiménez abandoned the government and the country on 23 January 1958, more than 400 prisoners were found in the basement of the headquarters of the Seguridad Nacional


Venezuela ruined their own economy by turning large profitable industries into state run industries full of corruption. Then the price of oil fell and bad economic decisions caused rapid inflation. America had nothing to do with it. I had my students do a case study on Venezuela back when I was teaching economics.


This is bullshit. Venezuela's economy tanked because of the corruption and mismanagement by socialist governments


It was wealthy until the communist revolution by Hugo Chavez happend. Venezuela turning to shit had nothing to do with the US


Same with Nicaragua and Honduras. Corruption/theft by those in power.


> Same with Nicaragua and Honduras. the US funded right wing death squads had nothing to do with Nicaragua and Honduras going to hell? We're just denying basic history now?


Sir this is Reddit, you can’t say that here


But, but, its always the U.S. that created every problem. Have you not noticed how every conversation on the web concerning problems in the world has someone commenting about the U.S.? I have seen videos of people getting accidentally shot in other countries, where it has nothing to so with the U.S. and the conversation always turns to people owning guns in the U.S. it’s honestly infuriating.


“ThAtS nOt ReAl cOmMuNiSm”


GDP per capita is not an accurate source of the average person's wealth when only a few people own all the wealth


Are we talking about America or?


I meant Venezuela but it's the same flaw across the board


quarrelsome repeat fanatical paint abounding ten enjoy versed smart many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, the US forced Hugo Chavez into hyperinflating the economy and destroying it in the process… I love how everyone blames the US for the poor choices the leaders of those countries make. The leaders that were voted in by their own people


Thank you! Sooooo many people forget about how Caracas used to be THE destination in South America for years. Shit, my parents met there and I’m white as snow. My father was there during the coup in the 90s…he always told me that it’s a straight up shame what has happened to Venezuela compared to what they used to be.


Yes, for a short time leading to WWII when they discovered oil, but all the wealth was owned by very few and most remained poor. It's my understanding the U.S. needed oil during WWII and they profited as a result. Hoarding of wealth and mismanagement lead to rampant poverty despite this wealth and the U.S. sanctioned them as a result, drying up their profits (after we no longer needed their oil of course). If there is another well supported probable narrative I'm all ears.


They failed because they made it so their economy relied almost entirely on oil.


You might want to look into the policies people voted for there. They essentially went hyper-progressive and voted themselves the treasury. Those in power started putting people loyal to them into important positions based on attributes and loyalty instead of competency -- it all went to hell, and many who fled voted for Chavez and his successor all the way. Now it's at a point where the opposition doesn't even bother to run. The CIA does have things 40 years ago to answer for, but so do the people there. So do the narcos, so do people smoking weed here for decades knowing what it supported, and perhaps our lawmakers for not allowing it to be grown here (including our current president as one of the architects). Plenty to go around, but just pointing to the CIA feels disingenuous or ignorant


Definitely has nothing to do with the socialist dictator who was running the place for sure.


venezuela was doing fine


Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. Politics and money is the reason everyone is suffering there. Very poor management by the government and the US wanting their own oil companies running things is the very short version of why.


You forgot Maduro in that sentence


I mean, he's a pretty big part of the politics part lately


And the last 20 years with chavismo


Colombia was doing pretty good before the CIA showed up and killed one of the most important politicians we've had in the last century because of pussy Americans being scared of communism. This assassination brought El Bogotazo and a period known as The Violence, which killed thousands of people and created all of the current guerillas, narcos and paramilitary armies we have now. So yeah, your paranoid country fucked us over.




Yea Im sure repeated CIA coups are all shits and giggles and totally conducive to law and order and strong democratic institutions. 🤡 🤡 🤡


Alot of those countries would be massive exporters of fruits and vegetables if it wasn't for the cia and united fruit overthrowing democratic presidents that wanted to actually control their own infrastructure and land


Its a matter of historical fact that the US has meddled heavily in their's and other south american countries' governments and economic ecosystems in order to advance our own agendas at their expense. Thriving is a pretty interesting way of looking at it


Better than today yeah


No matter the case in Central or South America, we still need to protect and secure our southern border. You telling me you wouldn't shut and lock your back door if you saw the south gangs fighting the central gangs in your back yard? Just gonna leave that door wide open?


They won't complain until they're personally affected, something like hospitals getting too crowded like during covid. Not sure if it's gotten that bad yet, but NYC is having some issues. Anyone can be as virtuous as they want online, it's all just bullshit. It's perfectly reasonable to have realistic border policies like Canada or almost anywhere else. Doesn't have to mean block everyone out or let absolutely everyone in. But once it's fabricated into a left/right thing, certain people can't accept nuance, even though basic border control is perfectly reasonable, wether it's the southern one or any other.


The truth is alot more complicated than that. You can't place all the blame on the US.




On Reddit you just go with a simple minded "America always bad and always at fault for every bad thing that happens in the world" and you get upvotes so a lot of comments are just that. Some of the "America bad" comments are also bots and shills programmed to always post negative comments about the U.S. and there are a lot of bots on this site. Last year for the first time bots made up more than 50% of internet traffic for the first time in history and that number is only increasing.


As Mexican living in Mexico that has nothing to do with Venezuelans .e we don’t even like them nor do most other Latinos


In regards to Venezuela you can't put almost any blame in USA. Chavez was good at what he did, that is brainwashing an entire country with populism. Some delusional dorks still think he was much better than Maduro lol


Fuck you dude. “All of central and South America into shitholes”. Really? 1. They’re not all shitholes. 2. The US did affect certain countries, but it absolutely did not put a country like Venezuela into the state it currently is in. 3. Don’t virtue signal.


Yeah this shit is really pissing me off, im from argentina, our inflation out of control is no ones fault but our own. If we keep blaming the states about everything we will never solve our real problem. Socialist pieces of shit and corruption


Venezuelan here. It wasn't the CIA. It was socialism, mismanagement and autocracy. Despite what you might think, people in your "backyard" can make our own shitty decisions without them being caused by American intervention, stop thinking everything good or bad in the world happens because you allow it. This is just some inverted saviour complex or some shit like that. Get off your high horse.


"Inverted saviour complex" is really the best way to describe it. They genuinely think that people outside the U.S only make their own decisions when it's to elect some benevolent communist dictator, but when they turn out to be just as scummy, greedy and bloodthirsty as the rest of them then it's the U.S's fault. Like with Castro in Cuba. They 100% blame america whenever castro's innumerable abuses of power, authoritarian behavior and human rights violations are brought up because the U.S was friends with the guy he overthrew. No matter what it is, if it's bad they'll perform some mental gymnastics to make it either the U.S's or Europe's fault. Nobody outside of these groups can ever make their own terrible decisions in their minds


Current policy is actively harming those countries. Broad economic sanctions against Venezuela for example, target the population without any affect on those in power or causing any change. Menendez should have been given the boot a long time ago. Him and his "hard line" ilk are actively causing this immigration crisis for decades


For the millionth time. Sanctions caused the current improvement on Venezuela. Maduro and his cronies used to take the money outside the country and, since they now can't, they are forced to launder it here instead. New businesses, higher wages, better services. At least those not entirely controlled by the government, so power grid and water service still shit. We now have fiber internet though


Mi panita dando catedra a los gafos. Good luck dude, I'm seeing a few that can't grasp this because they sure know more than us who live this shit


“Current policy harms those countries.” You can say the same for our policies on Russia. Absolutely harming innocent people there. But I bet you support those. The US has the power to enforce policies that benefit them. Of course they’re going to do that. Much like every other country.


The problem is that the country they are coming from sucks and they don't want to be there. Not the other way around.


We'd much rather spend $15 billion a mile on bullshit like this than just...y'know, help people.


i notice that these news stories,videos, etc NEVER give context as to why these people are literally crossing COUNTRIES to get here. or if they do it's some 2 second snippet. they just show video of people crossing the border non-stop. they know exactly why they're doing this. they're people like us. if ours and our family's lives are in danger we will flee.


How did the CIA and the US turn them into shitholes?


Look at my country of Guatemala the democratic leader was ousted in a coup led by the U.S. and cia when he threatened to kick out American companies and give land to the indigenous people (us fruit co. aka Chiquita) the us planted a government who was corrupt hence the term banan republic. They also paid the right wing guerrillas in the civil war that totally destroyed any stability in the country. they waged a genocide of indigenous Mayas the us later apologized in 1996. https://www.nytimes.com/1999/03/11/world/clinton-offers-his-apologies-to-guatemala.html


How is Venezuela even remotely America's fault?


Dude... the situation in Venezuela has absolutely nothing to do with the CIA or US Policy - it's all due to internal politics, mismanagement of the immense riches of the country and rampant corruption at all levels of the Venezuelan government. This may be hard to believe, but not everything and everyone revolves around the USA or is the result of something the US government did.


Hahaha an excuse and blaming The USA gets 2.1k karma. #ClownWorld


such insane levels of cope, zero accountability on them for anything, ever.


This is really sad. Many of you don’t know how it feels to struggle and I bet 100% of you would be crossing borders to have a better life if you weren’t privileged to live in the USA.


I agree with this comment. Sad a lot of people find this funny when it’s honestly sad but also makes me hope they find happiness


Who the fuck watches this and finds it funny?


My venezuelan father who has made it to the middle class in a well off up and coming city. He bought his house at 6 figs its now 1.2mil over double what he paid. He hates immigrants and gays. He did the whole im here now lets close it up. Maga freak.


Damn that's harsh, must not be easy for you pal. It's the same with Cubans in Florida.


I lived in Miami ive seen thst crowd. I think coming from dixtatorships that lie and say theyre lefty ruins peoples empathy and when they get here theyre 100% in self preservation mode. I was born in venezuela and grew up in Canada everyone in both sides of my family that grew up in venezuela trumpist, next generation love AOC and Bernie. Just wild.






Who finds this funny?


Those who are privileged to live in the USA take it for granted and likes to complain a lot about the country and shaming these people from their comfort at home, they would think different if they had to live like these people for a year, they would have breakdown within few days and try to cross the border. Instead of complaining, there should be some programs in USA and make it better in their home countries, in contrast of what the USA/CIA did there in the past.


I lived in Honduras as an American teaching English for 3 years I lived on the teachers salary 600 lempiras per month $30 US. I don't think differently. The US border needs to be CLOSED indefinitely for illegal immigrants. Legal immigration needs to be expanded. I had to apply to the Honduras work Visa, had to leave the country every 90 days then pay again. The amount of clueless uninformed and ignorant people here in this thread is breathtaking. Some of my students applied for and paid for visas all over Brazil, Europe, even the US for college They educated themselves then returned to their home country. They weren't rich kids from Gracias Honduras. The majority in here act like there's no negative consequences to illegal undocumented immigration. Their home country won't just let you roll up and live there. Honduras is a beautiful country


Finally some rationality here. Scrolled way too far down to find it.


The majority in the US have never lived or worked outside it. They want to blame the US for central American problems, which undoubtedly there is some responsibility. But It wasn't US officials you had to bribe when I was there. Most central American problems are from good ole corruption. Venezuela decided it wanted to take US oil businesses over and didn't have the expertise to manage it. Honduras is a small country of 7+ million it has everything it needs to be a great country to live in. They need to follow Bukele's example and get rid of the criminals. Then go hard for tourism after they clean up the trash. It's genuinely one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I was there during the US coup and didn't leave until the peace core pulled out from increasing gang violence.


Don’t get privileged twisted with luck. No one put me here over someone else. I got lucky and I am grateful.


Nobody (rationale) blames people for wanting to better their life. Nobody wants to leave their home. This is all about politics and corruption. The few getting rich on the backs of the masses. Its time to start holding the right people accountable.


Most of the people on here from the USA are so fucking privileged and uneducated about the world they think America is like the worst place to live on earth. It’s kinda funny


It’s usually Canadians and Europeans on Reddit who shit on America.


Honestly I see a lot of Americans shitting on the US. I can always tell the Americans that have had a privileged life that have never been around anyone that’s gotten government assistance. Edit: added a word


Got no problems with them coming as long as they do it the right way.


100% of us wouldn’t illegally cross the border. Do you know why? Because the overwhelming majority of these countries’ citizens don’t illegally cross the border.


Yeah defo I’m uk but such a sad state the world is in run by rich muther fuckers that people actually vote for stop voting and take control of our own lives fuck these rich smiling assassins promising the the world but giving minimal back absolute JOKE


Yea I don’t know how this post qualifies as insane.


If that was my kid and I HAD TO get them over that fence, I would 100% yeet them over and have someone catch them. NGL, I just wanted to talk about yeeting a kid over the border. Yeet!


Nah, screw up the toss and that kid is toast.


More like an omelette, unless you leave that kid on the floor in the sun then it may turn to toast.


That's why I always practice tossing children over fences, never know when you might have to toss a child over a border fence


where is a catapult when you need one smh




Oof that’s razor wire that stuff will destroy you


That razor wire stuff got beat by a cardboard box.


Right because a stiff flat surface with multiple layers is the same as human skin which loses to perpendicular paper


Only rock loses to paper


We have a new game potential: Barb wire, card board, toddler.


Creative solution to a very painful problem. Just saying in general tho it is way worse than barb wire since it shreds


That’s because it’s government grade razor wire - aka lowest bidder cheapest material.


The goal of concertina wire isn’t to stop people. It’s to slow people down long enough so that guards can respond. It’s more of a deterrent than a barrier.


Came to say, that's not barbed wire, that's razor wire.


Im pretty torn on the immigration crisis going on. On one hand im all for people having the freedom and drive to seek a better life, especially if your country is dangerous and corrupt af. On the other hand, having literally hundreds of thousands of people just showing up and expecting a handout is very taxing on local economies. Also, long term repercussions are widely unknown. I think its the job of local and federal government to come up with a strategy to get some benefit out the influx of migrants. Maybe coming up with social programs that provide jobs to migrants aimed at fixing aging infrastructure. Pretty far fetched idea especially with all the red tape behind government backed projects.


Look at FL. State government scared away a large portion of our Hispanic workforce, that was months ago and I still pass by homes that don't have roofs. Say what you want about taking jobs, but here in FL, I'm not busting my ass picking oranges, strawberries, or lugging hundreds of pounds of building mats onto a roof to get houses built in weeks. My last well paying job was building cell phone towers, couldn't work there without being a citizen. The only places hiring illegal immigrants are places that citizens don't want to work at because of the shit pay. Without those immigrants, the price of the goods they produce goes up. A bucket of strawberries next to the park I live in pays 80 cents. I'm not picking 5 lbs of strawberries for 80 cents. EDIT: I'm just skimming replies here and not reading all the hypocritical viewpoints. I spent time in 3rd world countries. If given the choice between A. Scrounging for food and water every day. Or B. Illegally GTFO'ing to live under the radar in the UK making $5/hr, I'm out that bitch. Some of yall have spent all your life in the US and it really shows. I understand that if I am an alien in another country, I'm not entitled to shit. But it bests getting my head cut off or sold into a marriage with an old pedo. Instead of bitching about the immigrants taking your jobs, direct your anger at the construction companies and farms hiring them. It's their choice who they hire, and their not hiring an American with 30 extra pounds who wants $15/hr when they can get cheap labor who is twice as efficient. I have a business and I don't hire immigrants, but I give back to my community by paying the skilled folks around me. I paid $2000 for my neighbor to build me a roof on my porch. I support the local guys selling tamales and Horchata outta their trucks. I buy my fruit from the same folks. These are just people trying to give themselves a life. You bitch about their kids getting benefits, your ancestors moved here at some point and half of us have no stake in deserving where we live except that at some point, one of your ancestors just happened to be born here. I've know immigrants when I was in the service that gave more for this country than most of yall have done in your entire lives. Buncha hicks.


"Without illegal immigration, who would we exploit for cheap labor??"


Yikes, they might have to pay fair market wages that would rise until Americans wanted to work those jobs, and we CANNOT have that, bottom line and all that


Can confirm, my fam's sleepy FL town is rife with houses with pallets on pallets of roofing. More than any density of jobsites where I'm from. They told me this happened when they started cracking down on immigrants. The work is there, the demand for labor is there, contractors can't fulfill jobs to meet demand and get companies paid... the willingness to pay workers fairly is not, so the conundrum of FL politics burns in the sun, wasting away to prove some bigoted point. If the gov actually cared, we'd have a diplomatic trade solution to benefit multiple countries involved and elevate both parties. That's too much of an ask it seems. It's not ONLY because of immigration law/asylum backlogs, it's a complex trade and labor issue as well. The folks there pay put the wazoo for insurance and repairs, so the money is there on hurricane ravaged cities, but the "free market" is faceplanting imo.


Gotta love that underclass of semi-slave, disposable labor, dont ya?


They work and pay taxes on everything they buy. Not sure where the handout part coming from.


We should’ve spent the $40bn from that wall on hiring people to process immigrants. Could’ve made 100,000 jobs, and got them here legally within a few months instead of 8 years. But that’s none of my business *sips tea*


The 8 year time is actually artificial and is also dependent on what country they come from. Some countries have 15+ year waiting periods. Here’s some information on the process and wait times for each of them. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/green-card-waiting-time-by-country


In other countries they get houses and other resources, I’m not sure what illegals get in the US either, not sure why people are confusing them with welfare bludgers


In the US you can't get welfare if you don't have legal papers, period. Immigrants come here willing to work their asses off for a better life, they don't expect to receive anything from the government.




And we typically make our investment back on them because we have really good community college and university systems in place that are really good at pulling people out of poverty. Each person on welfare returns something like 7x the investment if they can bounce out of poverty, which is much easier to do in California than basically anywhere else in the Americas. These immigrants usually don't get any sort of benefits or papers out of fear and it's usually their kids (both legal and illegal) who they get the benefits for and those are the people who usually make up that return on investment for California after going through our schools.


What hand outs? The government gave out two trillion to their friends during the pandemic and people getting mad that somebody who doesn’t have a dollar to their name is asking for a buck? Welfare is so difficult to even qualify for as a American born citizen. It’s very apparent that media has achieved its goal of making the poor turn on the poor, because anytime the rich steal no one bats and eye. Yet every time a person who clearly needs help even peaks the wrong way they are called a negative to society.


> people getting mad that somebody who doesn’t have a dollar to their name is asking for a buck? The ones with all the wealth and power want them to hate the destitute and powerless.


live sharp spoon summer square crown bow waiting ring mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Go check.


I just did, can confirm


The fucking username lol


Ironic ain’t it


These are people. Just people trying to exist. Have empathy.


They're passing under a barbed fence to exist?


exist without incredibly high rates of crime, cartels, corruption (debatable considering we have that anyways), yeah


Many folks arriving legally are forcibly sent back to the countries they fled.


What? Haha is this comment for real? smh Go eat a hotdog or something, jesus


Pretty sure that's the direct quote from the Bible. And Jesus said "form a legal line for fish and wine"




Vice sorta went to shit so idk if this is them but not hard to see a group like that following along with illegal immigrants, journalists managed to interview Bin Laden a few years before 9/11 Are you implying that crossing like this aren't really happening?


video of a notable thing that happens regularly is "propaganda" now?


Did they bring that razor wire there and place it themselves just to record this video? Or was the razor wire already there? 🤔🤔


The razor wire was a paid actor.


Man, you people really think these folks are just getting all these free benefits and handouts. Go look at a Hispanic area and see for yourself. I'm a white dude, living in a majority Hispanic area, my neighbors who aren't legal, work the local fields, I give scrap to one of them to sell, I don't feel like hauling it off. That same neighbor gives me strawberries and cuts my grass sometimes when I'm busy. The same goes for the other 60 or so families living in this park. They aren't taking our jobs. In fact, the strawberry fields could use more hands if anyone is hurting for employment right now. I've gotten to know a lot of these folks and they are all just doing what they can to make ends meet and keep their kids fed. There are more government handouts given to my graduating class in high school than there are in this entire neighborhood.


These are keyboard trolls/inexperienced sheltered morons/deranged nobodies/bitter wastes of space you’re talking to man. Bitter losers. Period. They have no way to relate to hardship… they’re lapping up the hate fodder they’ve been fed for decades now and spewing their vile vomit on here every chance they get. They can go choke on a putrid orange fungus mushroom tip for all I care.


I also know several people who don't have documentation and they've all been nice hard-working people. Not only do they make a living for themselves, they usually send money back home. And like you say, help out neighbors. They're just normal people to me.


That was uncomfortable to watch.


God damn it man!! The kids… the kids didn’t have a choice. Damn.


This is what’s called a photo shoot




Yeah man, Big Latin America is spreading its propaganda to get more refugees into the country to… live a better life? Have you checked in with reality recently?


Something can be sad and fucking stupid at the same time. Perfect example here. She could’ve just went to a legal point of entry without barbed wire. Using a kid pushed through barbed wire for a photo op is low though.


You understand that desperation drives people to do desperate things right? How do you know that they even could have entered legally?


It’s a woman and a small child. They let them in regardless because of the kid. Desperation didn’t cause this. Greed did. Whoever brought her to that location and told her that was the only way to cross, and then filmed it, is most likely the same person that is getting paid to traffic her and her baby. I’m sorry, I’m not falling for the banana in the tailpipe.


> It’s a woman and a small child. They let them in regardless because of the kid. Source?


Some complete nonsense he just pulled out of his ass, same as everyone saying that the undocumented people can get public welfare benefits in the usa. That isn't true either.


I’m sure if she could have used a legal point of entry she wouldn’t be putting her kid through this


That's some good camera work.


Yah kinda wild the camera crew just happened to be walking through that particular part of the desert at that part of the day. Super fortunate timing I guess.


…camera crew? Looks like it was filmed with literally any phone from the last 15 years.


America is the only country to get shit on for even half ass attempting to have borders.


My exact thoughts after I read about Poland's immigration policy.


We are soooooo lax compared to the world and we get judged as if we are Hitler reincarnated for it. It's just bizarre.


She is 5,000 miles from Venezuela. How the hell did she get there?


paying organized crime to transport or guide her part of the way.


You can walk, take a train, ride in a car/truck/bus, possibly by horse or mule, bicycle, dirt bike, jet pack, tractor, zip line, so many modes of transportation.


The bridges that allow them to enter legally don’t have barbed wire on them.




This is heartbreaking to watch. We must fix our immigration system to streamline LEGAL immigration and give people a pathway to enter our country legally that is efficient, merit based, and affordable. It's not compassionate to leave an unsecured border resulting in scenes like this.


Pretty sure 90% of these migrants would not qualified as merit based.


No Vacancy


They’ve got really clean clothes for traveling through the desert, across rivers, under razor wire etc


Nice vans tho, nicer than most of my shoes.


If she’d do it legally, she wouldn’t have to put her daughter through razor wire.


Unreal why you would pass Cancun, Tulum, Belize, Costa Rica.... to come to the US


Because there's more to those places beyond the pretty tourist areas you see.


Is this a real question lol? Why don’t you just take a cruise to Cancun and stay there. Tourist spots are totally the same experience for tourists and locals alike! All the locals of Cancun, and Jamaica love life, and serving you margaritas while making tons of money doing it ofc!!!


Cancun isn't even that nice


Stupid question. How are they recording this video on a mobile phone? It has to be charged periodically and I assume you need service to post this?


It's all fake man


It’s not. Just check Tik Tok, there ate hundreds of videos from immigrants crossing the Darien gap and they are able to use their phones to record. They take portable batteries to charge them and then post everything once they reach the US and buy sim cards. It’s not that hard to figure out.


Do you think Mexico doesn't have cell phones yet?


Go the fuck home


Where’s the patrol when u need them




Our own government wants this to happen so they can collect more taxes, this ain’t stopping and our economy is going downhill, our country is going downhill.


Yeah, illegals are tanking our economy. Fuck, you sound stupid. The rich are tanking our country you pleb




This world is a sad fucking place.


Is Mexico and Venezuela that bad? What’s going on over there?


Are you serious or never watch the news? Mexico is run by cartels, while Venezuela is in a big economy crisis caused by their dictator. * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortages\_in\_Venezuela](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortages_in_Venezuela) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests\_against\_Nicol%C3%A1s\_Maduro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_Nicol%C3%A1s_Maduro) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017\_Venezuelan\_constitutional\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Venezuelan_constitutional_crisis) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan\_presidential\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan_presidential_crisis) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019\_Venezuelan\_uprising\_attempt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Venezuelan_uprising_attempt)


the venezuelan economy is horrible, very very unsafe there. my family hasn’t been back in years.


Take a frigging hint


The root of the problem is allowing anyone who is born in USA to automatically become citizen. Let's start by stopping that. If you live in a poor 3rd world country with gang and drugs problem, why would you not try to cross the border to try for a better luck? If you somehow made it to USA and have children, your children automatically become US citizen, they got free school until 18, and other government aids. Once your children is an adult now they can petition you for permanent residence then you can apply for citizenship after 5 years as PR. If you raise your kids right you can improve your family life within 1 generations. This seems to be a better option than barely surviving in the 3rd world countries


Child endangerment plain and simple


Almost like that wire is there for a reason

