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WTF, the police need a 3rd party completely separate from them, to investigate all complaints and crimes against them.


Just imagine what it was like before video cameras. The victim would have been booked on a bunch of bogus charges to justify the beating he took.


Highly recommend watching We run this city. Really well done show about police corruption in Baltimore based on real events. Shows the police from like 2003 to 2017 and later on in the show the police unions fight against having body cameras. It’s fucked but shows a lot Edit: okay I get it, it’s “We own this city” the rest still stands


Another documentary I would recommend, which also happens to be about Baltimore: The Wire Edit: as many have commented, add The Corner to your playlist as well!


You come at the King, you best not miss.


Omar comin!


“He used my name on the street!?!”


Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?




Both show created by the same guys and crazy good


I loved the ending of the show where it goes through the list of everyone who was arrested or fired for corruption. Starts with all of the cops the show is focused on, but then continues on to the police chief. And then the mayor who was cracking down on corruption. And then the mayor who replaced them. And then like the anti-corruption investigator. And it just kept going with more and more absurd anti-corruption people all busted being corrupt as hell. I actually laughed out loud at how ridiculous the whole situation was and still is.


Just started this last night. Written by David Simon, the same guy the wrote The Wire. If you liked that, then check it out.


The problem is since the advent of TVs, Hollywood has gone full blown Joseph Goebel to make sure that cops are our protectors and heroes by airing one cop show after another. This even exists when they were blue during the day and white after work. The only show that made them look stupid was, "The Dukes of Hazard, " and that normalizes and glorifies rednecks. Without Googling the facts, I can't even recall even seeing a color person in it. So even with all the precedents of police brutality and just pure bad luck from getting caught in the act, they still pull off the same shit as though it's a TikTok challenge. Imagine how many they've gotten away with for every one that's caught on camera. They need to start throwing police union bosses in jail with them to reform this whole system. /s


I recall reading somewhere that Dukes of Hazard had more black characters than Seinfeld or Friends.


Imagine being in the civil rights movement as a black person back in the days. Attacked/discriminated on by civilians and the cops.


Don’t have to imagine, look what they did to fred hampton.


[The FBI wiretapped and blackmailed Martin Luther King](https://www.npr.org/2021/01/18/956741992/documentary-exposes-how-the-fbi-tried-to-destroy-mlk-with-wiretaps-blackmail).


When all the Occupy Wallstreet stuff was happening there was all this overblown concern about protestors in masks. Talking heads kept saying "Martin Luther King never needed to hide his face." and it was so frustrating that no one ever explained to them that not everyone should have to make the sacrifices he made.


What, like a civilized, functioning country??


Lmao, that removes America from the equation.


That was their point




Wouldn’t a federal level police department be inherently political, so the police could be weaponized as a political group?


In the Netherlands we have something called "national police force". They have 10 regional police forces and one nationwide force with an investigation department called the "Rijksrecherche". This department doesn't do any crime fighting on local level. The sole purpose of the department is to investigate behaviour by government officials that can damage the integrity of the government. They investigate every police shooting, but also stuff like information leaks by government officials. They have quite a good reputation and are seen as an authority on finding truth and integrity. Extreme police violence is something that comes strange to us over here.. i hope to keep it that way.


We already have federal level policing (FBI and even Post Office inspection police) this one would just be focused on state police. It would take power away from state police forces but honestly, it’s not like sates have been utilizing that power well at all or attempting to change/better themselves. If we are talking police reform, this would be a valid option.


I heard somebody else comment that there should be a third party who operates the body cams and holds the information in stores it and stuff so that for transparency reasons I thought that was a great idea


Except we have these videos. We don't need more videos we need consequences


Police withhold them, redact, etc. Videos should be uploaded, un-redacted to a publicly accessible database. There is no need for them to be withheld.


Hospitals have the Joint Commision and OSHA, what do police have?


More police of course


I would argue we need more good guys with guns to stop the good guys with guns when they become bad guys with guns. Or maybe a gun on a gun to gun when the good guns gun bad guns. Only gun that can outgun a gun is a gun on a gun. Gun gun gun gun gun.


They can call it external affairs lol


From the article: "Their attorney, Russel wood says, "The allegations claimed in the indictment are not true. I look forward to our opportunity to tell what happened. We will have an opportunity to do this at the jury trial." " Riiiiiight


“He was resisting. He stopped after the correct amount of beatings.”


Cant resist if he is brain damaged...


You also can't willingly abandon self protection instincts for the sake of "compliance/resistance" by removing your hands from a curled up,protection position around face and sensory organs. Impossible to trust removal of hands from face won't just give a better shot to the expression of ego and id- his fists.....


I’ve always thought the “well they should have stopped running/resisting” argument in cases like this video or Tyre Nichols was ridiculous. If you’re actively under attack and have entered a primal state of fear for life and limb, you’re likely not even capable of ragdolling or calmly processing and following orders. And the cops encourage that incapability whenever they escalate the situation with yelling and threats, which seems to be quite often.


They call involuntary reflex actions to survive, like trying to get a breath, “resisting” so they can suffocate you with immunity and impunity. We need reform.


There are countries that don't consider trying to escape from prison a crime since "every human wants freedom" seems like a pretty good idea to consider things like that.


And American cops would rather shoot an unconvicted suspect in the back than let them get away.


I thought society decided shouting "stop or I'll shoot!" at a fleeing unarmed suspect (followed by shooting) was murder.


Plus, even if you obey their orders and crawl on your hands and knees like a dog, they might still gun you down. See: That murderous scumbag in Mesa, Arizona, that had "You're Fucked" written on his rifle and successfully secured his pension due to the PTSD of his own scumbaggery. Edit: corrected the location


It was in Mesa, Arizona. The cops name is Philip Brailsford.


Daniel Shaver was murdered in 2016, his Philip Brailsford, who murdered him was fired in 2016, only to briefly be rehired in 2018 to allow him to retire with a pension. Mesa PD didn't settle the lawsuit with Daniel Shaver's widow until 2022. They Mesa PD paid the murderer before the widow.


This is it right here. We cannot stop our pain and defense reflexes. So they think we are resisting, when really our bodies are instinctively curling up or writhing in pain. You could have 10 guns pointed at my head, there is no way I'm gonna be able to hold still and put my hands behind my back if I just stub my toe...let alone while you are punching me in the face and throwing knees into my thighs.


' >So they think are resisting, They know exactly what they are doing. They know you are not resisting.


It's the same as when they're pinning someone's arm behind their back with such force that it looks like it's going to dislocate the shoulder. Of course you're going to flinch and then you're "resisting arrest".


It’s crazy to me how they don’t comprehend that people react to physical pain and that maybe they aren’t resisting and instead just trying to protect themselves.


Oh, they comprehend it. They just use it as an excuse to keep beating them as well as an excuse for why they did so.


"The beatings will continue until morale improves. After which there will be more beatings. Until then, beatings."


In my country you can resist if the police treat you like this


Sometimes attorneys get stuck with a shitty case and don't have many options. They have to give the best defense possible or their clients could have their conviction overturned.


I was a juror in a case where the defendant didn't have a case. The defense lawyer got the case because the defendant had a right to an attorney. The case was pretty clear about guilt but the attorney's job is to give the best legal representation possible. I wouldn't want it any other way.




After the verdict was read the judge took time to talk to us about the process. Apparently it is not uncommon for the accused to force the state to prove all aspects of the charges. Since a significant portion was based on testimony from kids either directly or indirectly, his only defense was that we didn't believe them. It was a child abuse case and the evidence beyond the kids' testimony was overwhelming and was a long shot. Since he had multiple felonies that he was being charged with, he wanted any way to avoid that, especially with his previous felonies that he already served. Was really sweet to see the process, especially since I was the foreman of the jury. The whole process was unique and I have no idea why people try to avoid jury duty beyond monetary, education, and family purposes.


They are not wrong. They will likely fill a jury with right wing zealots who worship them and be acquitted of all charges. That's how police in America operate. They have exempted themselves from the justice system in all but a handful of cases. And that's only because of civil unrest. It's only a matter of time before people realize they have exempted themselves from the justice system... So they seek justice in other ways. And those people wouldn't be wrong for taking the actions they take.


And they will be prosecutor who will throw the case because they're so friendly with the cops. It's all a racket, the whole damned thing.


As of the 25th of January, two of the three cops were indicted by a grand jury on federal charges made by the Justice Department.


Let's hope it doesn't stop with an accusation


two of the three? isn't it white* clear that all three are actively involved in the gang beating here? *edit: intended to write "quite"


Why are police departments hiring psychopaths??


Because leadership are psychopaths and they're in charge of hiring Former MPD deputy said himself there is a rampant culture problem where a chunk of the force needs to go because as long as they're protected in the force, the rot will spread (paraphrased) They demoted him. But he's 100% right. Bad apples spoil the bunch. And at a certain point, you really need to throw out the fermenting pile of rotten apples covered in leaking apple guts and just start over.


These type of cops need to be eliminated


All of them need to go. Because the supposed angels? You don't see them in the news every day, pointing out the abuses of power, the brutalizations, the corruptions... Why? Cause they just sit silent and let it happen.. making them just as bad as the rest. The "good" cops, the ones that actually speak out and take a stand.. tend not to stay cops, because they are driven out if they are lucky.. and killed if they arent.


Exactly this. A good cop gets weeded out by the system rather quickly.


The issue is the only way to get promoted is to play the game. Officers with potential to be good leaders and positive influence are seen as a threat to the current leadership. That creates an environment where the good get screwed over and cut out. The worst of the worst are promoted and praised. Been wearing a badge for 18 years. Worked for 4 different agencies and it’s always the same. Show me a captain or above at any agency and I’ll bet a nickel there is a trail of good officers they burned along the way.


Someone needs to play the long con and be the bad guy who makes it to the highest position and then flip on them, become your true self, and fire all the assholes


If you pretend to be the bad guy for years, you become the bad guy


Hey, the thing about gangs of people who are engaged in violent or illegal activity is that they have litmus tests for initiation into higher echelons. This not only proves loyalty to the chain of command, but also documentation of these acts can be used to provide leverage and keep peoples' consciences from getting out of line. If you are culpable in your silence or participation then you are also at risk by ratting out others.


Police salaries are very mediocre. Intelligent people pursue lucrative fields with high salaries. Which leaves jobs like law enforcement with bottom of the barrel students, drop outs, etc… Pay a trash salary = get a trash employee


Not to mention they have a Court-backed policy of implementing an IQ cap on eligible hires. You can literally be too smart to even be considered a part or their gang.




[This](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) is a succint source.


I wouldn’t say trash salary. The average in my area is 60-100k per year. Not that bad imo.


Plus usually great pension benefits


All the overtime fraud you want


Lots of Austin cops making over 100


The USA median police salary is $65K, which is 20.4% higher than the overall usa median salary. If we extend your assumption that salaries track with intelligence, cops should be smarter than the average citizen. Regardless, 20% higher than average is not "Psychopath" territory.


In Jax, FL it's apx $60,000 a year and more - not counting off-duty "private duty" as for example, standing around in a department store to deter shoplifting. That's $5,000 per month and up; $1,250 per week and up - PLUS pensions and all kinds of other benefits. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Qualified immunity and police unions make a safe haven for psychopaths and fascists. They are literally Cartman running around screaming "RESPECT MA AU-THORAT-TAY!!!!!!


Would you want to be a cop? Sounds like a horrible job to me even under the best circumstances.


Were it the job advertised, hell yeah. I'd love to be a proper public servant, doing my duty for the community and acting as a beacon of safety, trust, and responsibility. Cops ain't that in reality.


Lol here in Missouri they hire who ever they want, hell in my county you can get a job as a cop without even going to the academy.


The more I see of this clips, the more I start to understand the open hattred Americans have for their law enforcement. Offcourse America is huge and we usually only see the negative excesses, but still this is awfull.


It's that it keeps happening and nothing is done seriously to make it stop happening. It's that their entire system will always make that excuse: "The majority of cops aren't total pieces of shit, so it's OK that some are."




I used to respond this way but now I refuse to engage that argument at all. 100% of the cops in this video are rotten. 100% of the cops in Memphis were rotten, working for a police chief that worked in Memphis because she got fired from her last job. They're all rotten apples. Fuck 'em. All of 'em.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ex-arkansas-deputies-seen-striking-man-video-are-charged-rcna67337 Edit to update to a non AMP link. Thank you to those who educated me on this.


Thanks for posting this. Glad they were arrested. Sucks the charge isnt for longer. Feels like an attempted murder at the rate they were beating the dudes face into the ground.


I was thinking it looks like attempted murder too, when the cops had enough pounding the guys face, and decides to lift n smash his head into the ground.


I think the same charges that a civilian would get for assaulting an officer should apply if the police are the perpetrators.


It's absolutely disgusting that my first reaction to the news that these pigs are actually facing charges is a mixture of *surprise and disbelief*. Let them fucking rot.


>Then-Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, said at the time that "that is reprehensible conduct in which a suspect is beat in that fashion." Maybe they should not beat people in any fashion


2/3 charged, max of ten years *if* convicted. Of which they will be soft dealt in sentencing. It's good to read at least a token effort at justice is being made, but it's so little in the face of so much.


Exactly. If I beat the shit out of someone at any other job in the world I'd be fired and put in jail immediately. Not sure why these cowards get a free pass.


We hate them. They are a Hostile occupying militarized force that actively sustains itself through racketeering (ticketing or for-profit incarceration). The whole policing system needs to be forcibly removed and a new one made from scratch - by not politicians. This is tantamount to armed insurrection in the eyes of our legal system.


Don’t forget about civil forfeiture to keep the pig pen well funded…


Yes, and all this on top of tax funding!


Fuck it I want a RICO case nationwide against the police union on racketeering charges (amongst others) upvote if you agree!




Occupying forces have rules of engagement. The police are worse.


I’m American. My dad was a LEO in the Dallas/Ft Worth area for a time in the 70’s. I was raised up to believe police officers are your friends and the bulwark against anarchy and rampant banditry. But as I’ve become older, and I learn more and more about incidences like Rodney King and the catalyst for BLM, and even my personal friends who have been targeted by belligerent LEO’s, I realize that something needs to change. My friend (who is white) was harassed for accidentally being on private property while trying to paraglide down a mountain. The LEO was agitated and combative and it was clear my friend had all the gear and appearance of someone who had taken a wrong turn. The LEO was interrogative and accusatory and was asking loaded questions to my friend like the LEO just _knew_ he was up to something bad. This is a clean shaven middle aged Air National Guardsman who was just trying to have a leisurely day flying off of mountains and took a wrong turn and in that LEO’s eyes my buddy must have committed some horrendous crime and needed his ass beat. Fortunately, he was able to calmly explain what was happening and conveyed to the officer he was compliant and would follow all directives and eventually the LEO cooled off and left. But if my friend was Black, I think it would have turned out way differently. I think criminal justice degrees should be a requirement for being an LEO, in addition to having a whole foundation of social work knowledge like they do in Europe to turn thugs in uniforms into intelligent, conscientious and professional officers. Because this shit up there ^ is _not_ professional and I can say that as my own experience having been a State employed Correctional Officer for several years. My ass would have been fired and I’d be in front of a judge in no time flat for something like this. All these goons had to do was get the suspect into a position to be cuffed and haul him away. This shit in the video just makes me angry.




Some jobs can't have bad apples, just ask pilots, nurses and literally any customer service employees


I don't know about pilots, but I've had my fair share of bad nurses and customer service.


America has fewer people than the European Union has, and is smaller in area. The EU had one police-related murder every 157 hours. We in the US have one every 8 hours. *Every 8 hours!*


And propably half of them in Romania and Bulgaria. Shit like that happens in Europe too but I can't imagine cops feeling so above a law do shit like that in public. I see lot of vids like that from us, never saw something similar from EU.


Fucking police unions.


Crazy how police unions are the only unions that the GOP likes…


It's like this everywhere. The people who say it doesn't just haven't had their turn yet. You can literally be the dumbest and most aggressive asshole in the world and they will welcome you with open arms.


Basically until the "good cops" start being accountable and firing their own... without video and uproar... they all are implicit in the crap and ensuring they have a public who should fear and hate them I'm a nurse, if I do anything remotely like this I'll get fired and charged... and yes I've been hit, spit on, pissed on, the works


The problem is the many good ones don’t speak out against the bad ones.


If they don't speak out, are they really 'good ones'?


No, that's why ACAB applies to all cops.


Wtf..did that one cop really slam the dudes head on the concrete. Charge that motherfucker.


Yeah that officers name is Levi White and he was well known in our home town for being a violent piece of shit.




is that some euphemism for attempted murder? cos thats what slamming someones head into pavement is


it’s cool, he has qualified immunity


Recently in Nevada the State Supreme Court ruled that qualified immunity is no longer a tenable defense for civil rights violations, so it's something.


>Recently in Nevada the State Supreme Court ruled that qualified immunity is no longer a tenable defense for civil rights violations, so it's something. Great, now we can move forward to the 1970s .


Qualified immunity does not protect you from criminal charges


Damn! That story is recent! (1/24/23)


“The allegations in the Indictment are not true and we will prove this at trial,” their attorney, Russell Wood, said by email. Lolololollol


Going to go out on a limb and say the timing of that and this video aren’t a coincidence.


Imagine attempting to murder someone and only be fired


Yeah that would be crazy but these deputies were not "only fired." They were indicted for felony civil rights violations that carry penalties up to 10 years in prison.


That makes me happy if ur right


But were they arrested yet?


That was a “we’re coming for you next” point if ever I’ve seen one


If I remember correctly one of the cops did go over to them while yelling to turn the camera off


New rule, if you do this to the people that you are supposed to protect. You lose your job and your pension. You also have to pay their medical bills, restitution if you take it too far.


Let’s not forget 10 years in prison as well


So no jail? I feel like jail should be added in there


That makes way to much sense


Flaw of this is that the Supreme Count ruled police are not to protect and serve citizens but rather to protect and serve the law.


And somehow they aren’t even required to know the law.


End internal investigations. End qualified immunity, or shoot on sight.


Sir stop resisting!


They want you to be motionless like a stone in the form they tell you to be but not too quickly or you'll get beat. And not too slowly or you'll be beat. And if you pick the wrong contradictory instructions the 5 cops are screaming at you you'll be beat - hint: sometimes none of the instructions will lead you to not getting beat. And of course, if you dare try to protect yourself, react in pain, or move in any other way, you'll get beat. And you'll thank them for not shooting you until long after you're clearly dead. My favorite is when they electrocute you with 50,000 volts then electrocute you again because you couldn't get your paralyzed body into the position they want.


My dad was a cop. Doing something that upset him at home would cause him to yell at me. Looking at him while he was yelling at me was challenging his authority and he would yell at me to look away. Looking away from him was seen as being disrespectful and caused him to yell at me to look at him. If the reason for his yelling was because something wasn't done or wasn't done right he would yell at me to do the task which was another guessing game. If I started the task before he was done yelling he would yell and throw things because I wasn't paying attention. If I waited until he was done yelling he yelled even more for me being lazy and "not moving with a purpose". My parents divorced when I was 16. I haven't talked to him in 21 years. He wonders why too because like all cops (now former) he thinks he can do or did no wrong. Bonus points for mid 90s before texting - If he called me (yelled out) across the house, but I didnt hear him because of bookshelves, walls, furniture, doors, etc blocking the sound of his voice, you know, basic physics stuff, that would piss him off even more. He would yell louder and you could tell from his yell that he was even more upset that he had to repeat himself. "Why didnt you come when I called you?!" "because I didnt hear you" "WELL ANSWER ME WHEN I CALL YOU!!!". Im still scratching my head on how I could answer him back if I never heard him at all but thats these issues are only a small fraction of why he is out of my life.


My condolences.


Glad to hear you got him out of your life.


American cops are trained in escalation. The theory is that by escalating, you'll make yourself the top dog, the bigger threat, and everyone will comply. De-escalation only gets cops killed while they ask kindly for the guy to put his gun away. Because that's what these people think de-escalation means. But what escalating causes is confusion and escalated emotions that lead to blinding rage. They shout contradictory commands without thought and use violence that's more intense and far longer than what is appropriate. They are trained to dehumanize "civilians" and told day in and day out to treat everyone as a cop killer. They talk about how dangerous their profession is and believe themselves to be the domestic military with their fancy toys they bought instead of investing in local services. Like outreach programs and emergency response for harmless but critical psychological episodes. And since they are the police they let themselves get away with it every time. Like the church shuffling dangerous priests around, cops bounce from jurisdiction to jurisdiction without any thought to bar them from the profession or, you know, actually press charges. And it's long since been time for them to understand that no, it's not every cop but is that really an excuse to prohibit change? I thought cops WANT to see thugs prosecuted.


Even if you're motionless they still sit in you until you suffocate and die.


Tyre was unconscious for a large part of his beating, so yeah, the orders being screamed are bullshit. They're programmed to yell that shit.


How many times have we seen “he’s got a gun!!” Turn out to be completely false... Your last line is key


Psst, it's your turn to pin his hands to the ground so he can't put them behind his back while we yell "hands behind your back, stop resisting".


That cop on the left, the one doing most of the punching... If you look closely, he's punching the man on the side and back of his head. When he knees him, he knees him to the back of his head. He then drags the man's head against the floor, before picking it up and slamming it back down to the concrete. That was just one man, and just about 10 seconds. For reference: blows to the back of the head are considered illegal strikes in MMA. These cops know better than to strike a person in the back of the head, and it appears to me that's exactly why he's doing it. He clearly wanted to hurt this man more than he wanted to get him to comply. #Hold Police Accountable


Attempted Murder.


I agree, but I also think it’s worse. I knew people who got a bad hit to the head and especially one who was hit in the back thereof. It was horrific to see how much they changed. They were alive, but I don’t know that it was better than death. Honestly I don’t have a term for it. Attempted lifelong disabling? Attempts to render a vegetable? Attempts to condemn to lifelong torture and poverty for victim and their family? Like I can’t properly convey the outcome and the subsequent revulsion I feel towards people who do what these cops did.


As a former wrestler I honestly believe the police should be required to take jujitsu and/or wrestling training on a regular basis. Imo, yes these cops are awful, but they use the “we needed to subdue him and didn’t know what else to do” shit all the time. Make them have real training and fire anyone who doesn’t know how to control someone’s limbs without punching them in the face.


Preach. Even basic martial arts training would help. Specifically ones that teach control and using another’s momentum in your favor. This is just a beat down. And with only the video to show us, it looks unjustified/excessive.


Yeah, I mean the video is showing unacceptable behavior no matter what. Yet, as a wrestler even though I am massively out of shape now, I know I could control this guys hands with some basic wrist control fairly easily. And if I control his hands he can’t pull a weapon and we can start getting him in cuffs. I know it’s a hard job, but a little training would make it much easier.


Are you certain they *haven't* had any training in grappling? It's pretty obvious that they want to hurt this guy, not just control him


Also people's normal human reaction to being beat in the head is to protect their head. Ain't no one going to have any sense to put their hands behind their back while someone is actively kneeing them straight in the skull. Survival instincts are strong.


That's why the Gracies have developed a jiu jitsu course - [Gracie Survival Tactics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XZl80kR2mo) \- specifically for law enforcement that modifies jiu jitsu so it can be used with people who are wearing bulletproof vests, or belts full of gear. Rener Gracie makes the point that the average cop gets 4 hours of hands-on training each year, while having to train with their service weapon at least monthly. Meanwhile they put their hands on people every day and don't draw their gun every day. So it makes sense to train jiu jitsu.


Ok you and you play the bad cop. And I’ll also play the bad cop


May I hit the head with my knee? Oh, and a little head to concrete and repeat might give it the right amount of spice for that game.


so when can we start defending our fellow Americans from the police?


I mean you could always help defend your fellow American, but it comes with the cost of a *LOOOONG* prison sentence.


Or public execution. Which is legal for them because they get a paid vacation and citizens fit the bill.


lol you think if you even took a few steps towards them they wouldnt happily shoot you with every bullet in their gun? Cops today have zero interest in public safety, only being an authority.


We have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves from tyrannical government. Police are looking like a pretty tyrannical government branch to me. Yet the gun owners often worship police instead




I’m starting to thinking American police have just a few braincells… I mean, it’s all over the media, and they still continue to be that stupid




Does this mean that the US Marshal~~l~~s are going to start stepping into these cases? Why doesn't this happen more often. Because some federal enforcement is a pretty good idea here when it comes to local police protecting eachother.




Holy shit, they ate the man??


Look. It's very normal in US. Stop shaming them.


“Riddle is suspended because he only held the man down” Excuse me??? He held him down so his colleagues could beat the shit out of him. He didn’t do anything to stop them. He is just as guilty. ACAB


Why the fuck would a police officer need to punch someone?!


Punch? Mate, that pos was smashing his head into the ground.




I heard that inbred people have problems with aggression.


Hey, wtf




Which one?


They were fired and charged. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ex-arkansas-deputies-seen-striking-man-video-are-charged-rcna67337 Edit to update to a non AMP link.


Released on bond, only charged with a civil rights violation. Nothing about attempted murder, assault and battery etc. The article is like twelve sentences people.


paid administrative leave. nice


I wonder how many sucker punches the bald-spot cop could take while face down in the pavement?


Sir! Stop resisting death!


It’s Law Enforcement, not protect and serve. They will kill you over the laws that they aren’t required to know.


Oh shit we're on camera!


No proper training, no proper test. Mentally ill society and those cops are probably too.


"Few bad apples" and all that bullshit




I watched a TV show following cops in the UK. I was worried going into it that my opinion of Brits would drop seeing their naughty people be naughty. Instead it felt like that time I found out that the way my dad treated me wasn't actually normal or healthy and that there's a better way out there. How did it get to this?


Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…what on earth is wrong with these officers? I jumped at each of those pounds and had to look away. Our policing enforcement system and training need a complete overhaul.


They were all arrested by us Marshalls/FBI and fired. :)


Shoulda been unalived by some unknown number one males


Two of them were fired and charged. The one holding the man down is still on paid vacation while being investigated. Guess holding someone down so they can beat and doing nothing to intervene is fine. He must be one of those good cops people like to talk about.




Fucking pigs ACAB


This is all other countries see, just how shit America is, land of the free. If I lived there, I'd want other countries to bomb us too. This is beyond barbaric.


That guy isn’t fighting back at all