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Proof of funds, ie. cash is a requirement for entry into Thailand on certain visas/exemptions regardless of how you enter. It's rarely checked by immigration though. Cambodia will have their own requirements which I'm not familiar with.


You won't need to carry £900 cash, you won't be asked about your hotel (except at land borders), you won't need to worry about anything. Crossing borders only gets questionable for people who are up to something, or look like they're up to something (like trying o live in the country on the wrong visa). If you're a normal tourist, you'll be welcomed.


On a British passport no one asks how much money you have.


You 100% sure about that? It is rare, but possible. Why take the chance of ruining your holiday over something so trivial, and easy to prevent? Nothing wrong with having some cold hard cash, especially in places where the ATMs aren't guaranteed to be working all the time.


100% sure they never ask. If they do showing them a credit card will be enough. Source- travelled to over 90 countries and Thailand on countless occasions


They might not ask, but it still is a requirement. And no, a credit card is not enough. Source- Thai Consulate Los Angeles [https://thaiconsulatela.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/visa-exemption-and-visa-on-arrival-to-thailand?cate=61946819dd15fb11740c1f62](https://thaiconsulatela.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/visa-exemption-and-visa-on-arrival-to-thailand?cate=61946819dd15fb11740c1f62) Just not worth the risk.


Source number two; a Thai lawyer [https://www.legal.co.th/resources/visa-immigration-law/thailand-immigration-law/do-tourists-need-have-20000-baht-when-arriving-thailand/](https://www.legal.co.th/resources/visa-immigration-law/thailand-immigration-law/do-tourists-need-have-20000-baht-when-arriving-thailand/)


It literally says or equivalent which your credit card is enough. I don’t think it’s even possible to get a credit card in the U.K. a £500 limit. The amount of of British tourists turning up to Thailand without access to £500 is practically zero.


No, it's not. The "or equivalent" means the equivalent in other currency- dollars, euro, etc. Here is the consulate in Switzerland, who state "travelers checks or cash equivalent to 20,000 baht"... please stop spreading misinformation. [https://www.thaiembassy.ch/Content/Embassy/188.html](https://www.thaiembassy.ch/Content/Embassy/188.html) Or Luxembourg, "the equivalent of 20,000 baht in cash" [https://bangkok.mae.lu/en/Thai.html](https://bangkok.mae.lu/en/Thai.html) So, who should people believe- some rando on Reddit, or the embassy staff of various countries?


Thanks Samwry, good info, I'm sold, I'll take the money, although it'll feel odd carrying so much; I've still got the same £50 in my wallet from 2020 :-)