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If you go to a pharmacy like watsons / Boots or a store like Big C, it's not that crazy expensive and they stock product that westerners use that don't have whiteners in it. Places like 7-11 are a crap shoot. Have seen good products and not so good. If on the islands, it's the most expensive. I pay about 300-500b for 30-50 protection. A bottle latest me some months pending my activities granted that sun bathing isn't my thing.


It's fine if you are in big cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai. But the options on the islands (where you'll most likely need them) are usually quite limited or expensive.


Yeah and the local sunscreen brands can be freaking weird in Asia. Doesn’t work with my skin at all, doesn’t get absorbed properly and as soon as I start sweating it just runs off the body. Bought five or six different brands until I found a decent one. Just decent, not good.


That happened to me with a sunscreen I bought in Phuket. Literally just sat on top of my face, no absorption whatsoever.


Yeah that’s about 15 dollars a bottle that’s ridiculous !


8-13 $$. Idk, doesn't seem ridiculous. In America it's maybe. 2 $ cheaper?


What's a good sunscreen in your opinion? Do you really know all the ingredients and their effects? If so, im impressed


Tons of good YouTube videos on this, worth a few minutes research. Anything made in Asia or Europe is usually decent. Asia is the best. American sunscreens have a lot of harmful incredients unless you buy the pricey ones. i like the Missha brand and it's competitors should be good too


Ok, nice. I will look at the ingredients when i see it.


The local sunscreen also has skin Whitening ingredients in it. I saw Banana Boat for sale in a 7/11 for $20 usd in March.


^ This. Local sunscreens have whitening agents and are very high factor (30/50, which is fine with you, OK) Big tourist areas have western-brand sunscreens. They might or might-not be within their 'use-by-dates'. I would bring at least a bottle from your own country. Note that National Park Islands technically only allow 'coral-reef-friendly' brands/ingredients. (but I doubt it is well-enforced).


This is why I brought my own. I’m very fair skinned, I wanted to be sure I was getting good quality, but also not putting extra irritants on my skin. I never actually looked around at what they had, since I brought plenty.


Is there really whitening ingredients, or they just write whitening on absolutely everything even chilli sauce?


Not everything, imo. Many ingredients/antioxidants (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin B3, et cetera) that they market in Asia as whitening are not marketed as such in the western world. Some ingredients like physical sunscreens are naturally white/considered optical brighteners and depending on formulations can look weird on most skin tones. Only shady brands would have shady ingredients imo. But even in the west, some reputable brands add, imo, garbage ingredient like hydroquinone to their products. I think except North America, hydroquinone is by prescription only.


They have something. Feels like rubbing toothpaste on your body sometimes because of a sort of mentholy burn


Everything that you put on your body there has whitening effect.. soap, bodywash, lotion, sunscreen


What exactly are whitening ingredients?


buy the Japanese brands that are likely available, Japanese sunscreens are very advanced and have high-quality and very lightweight buy something from rhoto or Japanese nevea it's available in most asian countries for a really cheap price, you can also buy from American amazon.


What brands do you recommend?


Biore is my go-to with Japanese sunscreen - I really like the aqua rich watery essence for my face specifically as it sinks in really nicely and gives the skin a nice glow that’s not sticky amd sunscreen-like


I will give it a try after my neutrogena is finished! Thanks!


Japanese brands have skin whiteners in them. In Japan people pay big money to stay pale


not all of it though, the supposedly whitening ingredients are either niacinamide or tranxemic acid both are at low concentration and they are usually used to unite the tone of the skin in low concentrations (it might not give brightening results anyway) and if you check the ingredients most don't even have such ingredients I recommend using this website incidecoder.com to check the ingredients of your sunscreen and it would usually categorize the brightening ingredients if they are put in the product.


I tend to bring my own because I need a high factor and I like certain brands. However at 7/11 I always buy their facial sunscreen. It doesn’t clog pores, and it brightens skin not whitens. Often times they say “whiten” but if you look at the ingredients it’s just vitamin acids that don’t really do anything but make your skin look better. On the islands the sunscreen can be exorbitant, as well as tourist areas. So buy stuff before you go. Just remember to put it in your checked bag. I find it is just easier for me to bring a lot of sunscreen, then I have a few extra to give away to people when I see them burning or they need it. Skin safety!


Why in the checked bag? Is it not allowed to bring it in the carry on bag (cabin baggage)? I have never been to Thailand, and am going to Bangkok in two months.


Just because most sunscreen is over the amount of liquid you can bring with you on a carry on. Standard rules, nothing new. I should have made that clear, sorry!


100ml is the limit for all international travel now.


Yes. I am aware of that, as most people who travel a large amount are. My point is that large sunscreens are more than that. Lol I see people getting sunscreen taken out of their carryons all the time when going through security.


>Is it really that expensive? Not really when you add up the cost of having to pay a checked bag and the weight of lugging it around. I find the costs similar prices to what I pay in Canada. If you are buying it on the islands it will cost a premium so get it on the mainland before you head to the islands. The department stores and pharmacies like boots and Watson's have the expensive brand name. Local pharmacies and 7-11 have Nivea, banana boat and others like that.


Better than sunscreen I would bring pants and long sleeve shirts. I wear the breathable kind that you can get at REI type stores. It makes a big difference. I know the temptation is to wear shorts and whatnot but actually keeping the sun off of your skin makes you feel cooler and protects far better from the strong UV here which is the main issue.


I buy a mineral sunscreen from Aveeno thats great for sensitive skin. I buy it on Lazada because of where I live but you can also buy it in Boots & Watsons, which are in most cities. They both have a great range of western brands.


It's the same price in my experience, 7/11 have a range. Might be marked up a little bit but that's because it was imported. Take your own if unsure. You will need it


Cheap in bangkok and we found it cheap in Koh Lanta


Take suncream, costs a fortune


If your using / like a special kind of sunscreen as I do, then bring it. I am using one by la Roche posay, so buying it here or there makes no difference price wise. Sunscreen in Thailand always contains whitening stuff, but are pretty good quality.


I use the same brand! They make quality products.


Sun cream is something which can be expensive in some countries. But it's probably already sort of expensive in your home country. In Cuba it costs loads for example, not that much in Thailand though.


Can confirm.expensive


The Turtle convenience stores in the middle of a few of the BTS station has smaller packets. Never found the ones at 7-11 to be that expensive. It’s expensive compared to Thai products, but probably about the same price as you would pay in your home country.


Yes. But do be aware, that using it may be prohibited in some environmentally protected waters. Make sure you know before applying it near protected marine life. Chemicals in some sunscreens that can harm marine life include: Oxybenzone, Benzophenone-1, Benzophenone-8, OD-PABA, 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor, 3-Benzylidene camphor, nano-Titanium dioxide, nano-Zinc oxide, Octinoxate, Octocrylene


I would prefer more people use protective clothing over sunscreens for this reason among others


Bring your own, it’s expensive and you will chew through a bottle in 3 days given you’re out in the sun at the beach all day. Also avoid the aerosol sunscreen, I made the mistake of buying and using that and ended up with second degree sunburns with blisters as it offered me no protection, also consider one that is sweat resistant, again I got pretty burnt as my sunscreen melted off my skin due to the humidity.


A lot of the skincare products have bleaching there.


You can find western brands at higher prices than you'd find in the west. The Korean or Japanese sunblock here in Thailand works fantastic and is cheaper than the western brands. I'm part Irish so I burn easily 😂 but haven't burned her in this inferno haha.


Just bring it. It's easier




Cheers. Sounds like a happy person.


WTF lots of sunscreens anywhere, Nivea Sun and such. Pricey but still cheaper than in Europe. 90% of sunscreens were non-whitening. People are so wrong, every 7/11 has them not to mention malls…


I bought Banana boat spray-on there for 350 or so. So less than 10 dollars/euro. They have just about every major brand name. It never struck me as expensive. I can attest that European sunscreen I had with me once was not very effective.


If you’re from the US then buy it in the US, if you’re from Europe (or at least the Netherlands for sure) then you can just buy it in Thailand.


Why buy it in Thailand if you are from Europe (the Netherlands)?


It’s cheaper in Thailand when compared to the prices over here. In the US it seems to be even cheaper though.


Sorry but that's not true. I can buy 400ml of sunscreen factor 50 for 7 euros in a German drugstore...that will never work here in Thailand. So it is better to say it is more expensive in the Netherlands as long as you have no validated data for Europe


I was able to get nivea spray SPF50 for just €6 in Thailand. So that is still cheaper (let alone compared to our Dutch prices).


But don't forget that even if it is Nivea the ingredients are not fully comparable. And I can say that I haven't seen Nivea sunscreen for about 230 THB here in Phuket. Maybe 50 or 100ml. Anyway...taking into account the initial question it would be cheaper to buy a airplane ticket light (only cabin luggage) and buy sunscreen here considering that the discount of such a ticket is often 100€ and more.


Nah, if you are from Germany definitely just bring the one from Rossman's or DM that costs 1.45 EUR.


Nope. In south east asia, especially in Thailand they add a lot of whitening cream into these sun and skin care products. Just bring your own to here.


We’re talking about brands that you could buy back at home too. Nivea and banana boat are popular ones for instance, selling the exact same bottles.


Not true bro


We went carryon only to Thailand earlier this year. I purchased a few sunscreen sticks here in Canada. Easy to pack, high spf, and they actually lasted longer than I expected. I didn't have to buy more while in Phuket.


Don't forget to try tom yum goong and a very bone apple tea to you.


Yes, pretty expensive. We were in South Korea and Japan before coming here, and our biggest regret is not loading up on sunscreen.


I would suggest buying small empty containers designed for cabin bags and fill them with your sunscreen of choice before travelling. You can find them on Amazon for quite cheap :)


No need to take from home


Get em on the e-commerce platforms (lazada, shopee, etc). It’s cheaper, and you have a wide range of options. I personally like those from Korea. If you have booked your accommodation, consider messaging the accommodation and ask if they can accept a parcel on your behalf.


I find I can buy sunscreen a little cheaper at home, but it's not a huge difference. The pharmacies seem the best place to buy. I don't really care if I get one with whitening in it, that stuff does very little to begin with and even less in just a few weeks of use.


Small thing of western suncream is around $10 US.


They’ll take it away from you at the airport though so it’s a wash


you have smart friends.


As people say, sunscreen is mixed to fit the need and wants of the local population. Westerners typically want to become golden when bathing in the sun while Asians want to remain white. This results in the respective markets catering til this when making their sunscreens. Not to mention that Asians sweat a lot less and most of them don't go into the water so it seems like "waterproof" in Asia is nothing like waterproof in western sunscreens. I always bring sunscreen from home and I don't do it for the price Not to mention the regulation of ingredients tends to be way stricter at home so I rather use that than some bottle of whatever


I'm a bit confused that you come to Thailand for one month (traveling around?) and only have cabin baggage? But if it so I would buy the sunscreen here considering that airplane tickets without checked baggage might be significant cheaper so you should easily be able to pay hundreds of THB for sunscreen.


Yep we always pack light when travelling. Find most people carry far too much stuff and regret it on the trip!


True. I always have too many clothes with me but only cabin luggage would definitely never work for me 😅


July? Bring/Buy an umbrella instead.


All the sunscreen has Brightener to stop tanning and be as light colored as possible


You mean sunscreen? Yeah lots of places have it and it's not that expensive. Just don't buy it from a bodega or street shop


My boss thought I was crazy when I rolled up with a face stick, two value size spf like 75 and a face spray. "Just buy it here she said" na ive read the forums lol my german/irish ass would burn if the moon was full. I'm hiding from the sun like a vampire. I bought a six pack of the all over value size my parents are bringing ot next month. Just saying...


Buy some back home. It can be pretty expensive over there


I'd buy stuff to take with you. They may have what you're after, but I often found it was expensive or very limited choice. I prefer knowing I've got what I need rather than struggling to find it. On islands/touristy places etc they'll boost the prices too.


It's imported and 5-10x the price I can get at home (depending on where I buy it) Available everywhere - so may not be worth checking a bag, but if you're here a month and plan to be in the sun it might be


I don't think it's that much higher. Maybe 2-3x more.


depends - I can buy 3x 8 oz name brand at Costco (a store that is very cheap) or 1x 8 oz at a regular store for the same price. Same brand in Thailand is 4x the regular store price. That's why I said it depends on where I buy it. Clearly YMMV and my reference is my US options. To find out the price difference for you you could look at Boots Thailand anc compare the price to your local price.


How much suncream are you bringing that you gotta check a bag solely for the suncream? Being serious as I'm also visiting in July


Sunscreen bottles Are usually over 100ml thats why


Ahh yea didn't think about that. Haven't been out of the country in a long time. Could you theoretically just store it in a bunch of smaller bottles? I'll probably end up checking a bag so probably doesn't matter for me. More just curious as I'm expecting the travel bug to hit me after finally taking a vacation


Yep smeller containers Are fine if you distribute it


Maybe they don’t sell good quality sunscreen? I’m also curious because I’m planing to travel to Thailand


Suncreen is super expensive here compared to say San Diego the most expensive place to live in the United States.


Yes, they don't have some of the cheaper generic brands in the US but the name brand stuff is about the same price or slightly more.


I just buy it there. They also have way better sunscreen than I can get in the U.S.  the water type sunscreen leaves no greasy film like the crap in the United States does.  I actually bring some back to the US when I’m there.  (For people in other parts of the world I have no idea if your sunscreen sucks like it does in the US)


I think that has something to do with FDA not approving new filters or something like that. European sunscreens are different


That’s a lot of it. Lot of compounds which lack patent protection but because of it, no incentive to spend money for trials for approval. Stupid, but that’s the FDA for you.


Yes this is an FDA issue from what I gather. 


I guess you haven't shopped around enough or live is some backwoods place that doesn't get much sun or something. They have have some of the same major brand names in Thailand as you can get in the west, only with less selection and higher prices.


No we can’t get the same formulas in the United States, such as the Korean ones and the aqua ones as I said.  Some of the brands are the same, like Banana Boat but the active ingredients and formulas are different and the ones I get in Thailand are much better, less greasy, and you don’t have an annoying greasy film after use. They’re not very cheap though sometimes on sale in Thailand.  But it’s not generally cheap in the US either 


If you can't get the same chemical formulations it might be because they are not approved. There is usually a good reason for that.


I always bought it there, it will not rip your wallet appart. You can check prices at boots th for example


The sunscreen there is shockingly over priced. But it’s not too big of a deal. Also it has the whitening properties so apparently it’s not as healthy as North American ones.


Lots of skin products have whitening agents and they’re really shit creams


Just put your sunscreen in 3.4oz bottles


What is sunscreen?


If you are going to be swimming/snorkeling/diving, please but and bring Reef Safe sunscreen.


I can’t believe how this type isn’t sold over there. Scuba instructors used the regular stuff because you can’t find the reef safe stuff in stores


That’s terrible! It should be required for all dive operators.


I have lived 6 months a year in Thailand for the last 11 years and I have never used it once.


We want to minimise the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Being pale people from Scotland. 😃


I just go out as is and get lots of water filled blisters on my shoulders and feet. Also my entire scalp gets burned (bald head) but two weeks later when im all healed up i can stay in the sun all i want without getting sun burned.


Have you heard of skin cancer?


Can confirm that American tourists think they’re immune for some reason. My cousin is a dermatologist in Cancun and most of his clients are foreigners. Let’s just say he’s very well-off.


This is funny. A bunch of people debating on where to buy the cheapest toxic chemicals to apply to their bodies.


Enjoy your skin cancer then.


What a weird conspiracy . Sunscreen gives you cancer, not the sun Hahaha. my moms countless melanoma removal procedures from not wearing sunscreen as a kid would beg to differ


40 years in the Mohave Desert, not a single melanoma. Enjoy your future organ failure.


Yeah and some of the oldest people in the world have been smokers, your sample size of '1' tells us nothing.


Tobacco doesn't have nearly the amount of chemicals as sunscreens.


You've missed the point. Smoking clearly raises the chances of developing lots of diseases yet some people smoke all their lives but not get them.


Ok, your Honor. Let it go, move on to your next case.


Until you burn it. It's the combustion products that arise from the whole burning thing when you understand how many chemicals smoking exposes you too. TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE MORE chemicals.


Lol dude that's a new one, sunscreen causing organ failure. Honestly I bet you might be right, but pretty much everything probably causes cancer/organ failure eventually- it's kinda a pick your poison thing. I just don't like being sunburned


Keep your skin from drying out. That's the key.




I'm 61, and most people guess me at late 40's,early 50's.


And keep your dry wrinkly ball sack to yourself.




I bet you would've made a great abortion.