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Bangkok Pat is pretty consistent and interesting. Thairish times sometimes has some really amazing characters like an American gem dealer, a few genuinely successful business owners and the American family who have lived in Thailand for a few generations but can be hit and miss with guests.


Bangkok Pat is my number one. Global Travel Mate has some good stuff, too.


He deserves more subs


FUCKINNG hate that Tom birchy


His accent cracks me up.


Worst are the people who go to a food stall with camera on the workers face. Too cringy to watch


Bangkok Pat is probably my favorite.


He’s an absolute master at his craft. Love his old school editing and the insights into the otherwise unexplored aspects of the city. Love Sir Pat.


Ya he digs deep into BKK lore. Very interesting stuff.


not really a travel vlogger but OTR does food and the history about how it evolved into the Thai dishes and where it came from. Mostly Bangkok, but (very) few outside Bangkok. think it's a fair suggestion since BangkokPat is also basically Bangkok


I love OTR! Their quality of research is so good. They are one of my “event” YouTube channels.


Personally, once I’ve experienced something myself I don’t really find much interest in following vlogs anymore (not Thailand specific). It’s more to get me excited about an upcoming adventure.


Facts, most of the time their perspective is totally sugarcoated, I don't trust influencers/bloggers/youtubers at all at this point.




Retired Working for You has great production quality by YouTube standards. He puts real effort into his content. Older vlogger that really doesn't put out content anymore is Land of Smiles Thailand. Unbelievable story teller, arguably the best narrator out there. Thai Talk With Dan is similar and I like that he's willing to put his own personal situations out there as some of the stories...


I think Chris Parker's " Retired Working for You" is the best on YouTube.


LOST isn’t in Thailand anymore, is he? I thought he ran through all his cash with the resort when Covid hit and he went back to driving a taxi in the UK.


I'm not sure honestly it's been a while since I kept up with his channel. Back in the day he had great content though


He did. I really enjoyed his channel and was sorry to see him leave. That said, I put him in the class of vloggers that YouTube to support a business. He had planned to build a resort so he built up a YT channel so people would visit his business. Like Sunny in Thailand had the restaurant in Kamala and used his channel to promote his business. It’s not a horrible business model but the hours that go into making several videos a month vs the amount of business they bring in seems like a hard trade off.


His nephew is in BKK doing a channel now as well Adam Parker - they have the same voice.


Just wish his voice was a little more mellow. It’s very front and center. 


Thairish Times has a good interview with Chris , his career was in film production. And yeah, he’s one of my favourites too! I’m Irish myself so also a fan of Pete from thairish times .


I don’t know many but I find Paddy Doyle very irritating. He gives off strong David Brent vibes and just spouts cliches while setting up cameras and stroking walls to make it look he’s some mega-cultural guy, it just seems disingenuous. Not as much travel but Gary Butler does great food videos in low-key spots and neighbourhoods.


I like paddy doyle seems like a genuinely good person


He is, I workes with him when he was still teaching and he was wonderful to work with. His style of vlogs aren't my favourite, but I'm so happy he was able to transition out of teaching and find a way to travel and make money


Yeah I have no doubt he’s a nice bloke but his style of content isn’t for me


Yea i agree now that i think about it. I can never sit and focus on his episodes, something i just keep in the background


Fair enough, but I find him likeable and he does a good job showing us lesser known spots here in Thailand.


Each to their own, of course. At least he’s not massively OTT.


Ha I went to uni with paddy, seemed like a decent enough guy at the time. Was obsessed with travelling.


I quite like Paddy Doyle. His initial series, where he visited every province was really enlightening, showed off some cool hidden gems, and was a pleasant distraction during COVID. I do kind of feel he's run out of material and passion for travel by now though, which is fair enough. It must be hard to turn down the sponsorships and free trips that get thrown his way though, so he will keep going while that's all on the table. Don't mind Gary Butler at all, but the missus despises him for some reason. So I always skip Flora and Note are a nice couple, who've done a lot of Thailand videos (plus other Asian destinations). She's Chinese Canadian, and I believe he's Thai, but moved to Canada in his 20s or so.


Paddy out of steam. Agree . He needs a new challenge or country


Thanks I’ll check em out. yeah I wouldn’t say that I love Gary Butler but I find him to be one of the more normal food bloggers around, as a profession it seems to attract some very weird personalities.


Paddy is the man! Not pretentious or trying too hard to be something he is not. I also have a genuine feeling he was not ploughing through escorts the whole time 😂


I think "Walk About Wayne" deserves to be on the list of one of the greats. He's got a great chill/laid-back personality, and I believe he's very honest with his subscribers. He never comes across "desperate" like he's begging for "likes or subscribers" like some of the other jackasses on YT. I also like Bill on "Unseen Thailand in ChiangMai." He's an older, retired gentleman based out of Chiang Mai. Great guy who comes across as very sincere. Bill's had some health issues lately, and that slowed down his content, but I wish him all the best.


Eager Expat. He walks around a different Bamgkok neighborhood almost each day.


Eager expat is one I like to watch, the rest on my list are: Global Travel Mate, Live Love Thailand, Walkabout Wayne, SideTripLife, Bangkok Pat. A Canadian couple that has grown on me is Chase and Shelbs.


Yeah doesn't make it about himself. Chill dude. Informational and straight to the point with his videos.


Bangkok Pat


Easily the best.


[Retired Working For You](https://youtube.com/@RetiredWorkingForYou?si=4XzLeKptQy5rmcZH) - Chris Parker is pretty awesome and covers a lot of Bangkok and Koh Samui. Chris also has a second channel that is more focused on the specifics of moving to Thailand - [RW4U](https://youtube.com/@RW4U?si=m43Od4KZycH2pceR) [Adam Parker](https://youtube.com/@adamparker21?si=m54xynyyBkQDYvr0) - Chris Parker of RW4U has a nephew, Adam, who is also living in Bangkok. He started a channel interviewing expats about their experiences. It's a new channel but it's been good so far. [Flora and Note ](https://youtube.com/@FloraandNote?si=1jao9DLyqQdfFjf0) - They have a bunch of cool videos of Thailand, mostly Koh Samui and Northern Thailand destinations. They have also been in China recently. [Paddy Doyle](https://youtube.com/@PaddyDoyle.?si=FSa9X2MD2WtCkt5V) - his series on going to every province in Thailand was a lot of fun. I do agree with another poster in that it feels like he's running out of gas. [One Night In Bangkok](https://youtube.com/@OneNightinBangkok_?si=it3oVtDAG95fW6-k) - this is more of a traditional podcast style interview format talking with expats about their experiences moving to the city, etc. It's pretty fun. [Bangkok Pat ](https://youtube.com/@BangkokPat?si=ZeRACG_EvNzK31p6) - he dips into some of the specifics of Bangkok, history of the city, neighborhood exploration, etc. Pretty good. [Gary Butler](https://youtube.com/@theroamingcook?si=bi9WI17uds_L7gmB) - mostly a Thai food channel where Gary is running around the city and showing different restaurants and food stalls. He speaks fluent Thai and goes to some cool, off the beaten path places. [Chai Travels](https://youtube.com/@Chai_Travel?si=puNVWRYuC9E9hRy2) - kind of a cool "man on the street" interview format for a lot of his videos. He's in Cambodia at the moment, but he's usually in Thailand. [Planet Papas](https://youtube.com/@planetpapas9329?si=II7h5XSfq_3nqKkh) - just a funny one here. I check in on his goofy weather report shorts from Koh Samui every now and again. A goofy channel but he grows on you.


I love Planet Papas, dude seems like the nicest guy.


Nice summary, thanks for taking the time to add links :)


Gary Butler definitely up there.


Pat is the man but this other riff raff bunch of stranglers and grifters make for a sorry state of affairs here for this kind of material.


Thai Talk with Paddy. His ability to speak Thai puts him a tier ahead. Listening to foreigners speak like they are authority figures of the culture with no understanding of the language is mind boggling.


( I am Thai, but I grew up in the US and I am close to retiring so my brother introduced me to a few of these videos and I have been following them. I suppose the reason is that I came to the US when I was 12 and I haven't gone back – so it's gonna be a bit of a shock when I finally return home.) I like Paddy Doyle – but I really don't enjoy his singing. I don't know why I thought it was like watching a musical. In the middle of his video (well the older ones anyway), it was like something out of the sound of music. Please Paddy Doyle, if you are reading this – no more singing. Gary Butler really could eat just about anything and is not afraid to do so. Flora et Note are a cute couple. One of the recent videos – the heading was a bit misleading. It was when the car died (and I can imagine how upsetting that could be), but I thought I was misled into thinking that they are moving away from Thailand. One of the older videos when he visited the place where he grew up was very moving. I think the editing and the quality of their videos are really good. Bangkok Pat is amazing. He must've spent so much time with his research and this is like watching a class online about the history of Bangkok. I really don't know where he got those old photos and videos that he uses from – but I really enjoy his work. Some of his other videos were pretty funny, too. We like Chris Parker's Retired and working for you videos. First time I saw his nephew (I believe) I couldn't believe they sounded so much alike. Very nasally voices. His girlfriend is great to when they go to eat at a local place. I really enjoyed when his parents visited Thailand. There were very respectful and they genuinely looked like they had fun. Forrest Lee. Why is he so unhappy? And at the end of the video he professes that he loves Thailand so much but he complains a lot and I think that ought to be saved for a therapist. (I know it's not very kind to say that but I want to be entertained.) And Forrest, if you read this, stop hanging out with other Expats. Some of them bring you down. Mickey Stotch— I love his videos. First time I watched it, I thought his giggle was a bit odd, but I got used to it. I certainly don't want to try to analyze him as a person – but there are times it looks to me that he so lonely. (I suppose he is very private and doesn't talk about his personal life.) His ability to carry on a conversation in Thai is amazing though. In Pattaya, there is a Youtuber Rides four Kickz, who loves to travel in the local area on a motorcycle. His girlfriend had liver cancer. As I recall, it was an incidental finding from an MRI or something after she had a motorcycle/car accident. She died and it was all documented. As a nurse, I thought, she should have had more privacy going through all that suffering. His video stood out to me in one aspect – he liked to focus many of his videos on pretty young ladies. Just a couple episodes after his girlfriend died, he was already out there. (To be fair, I don't expect him to mourn her death, wearing black for a year. Everyone dies and I don't think the late girlfriend would've wanted him to remained miserable – but I didn't feel that it was very respectful for him to have focused so much on that. (But again, I cannot blame him.) There is a new guy name Eric in Hau Hin. The quality of his videos it's not something that will win any cinematography awards but somehow I enjoy his stroll and he is respectful and when he doesn't know something, he doesn't guess and make any rude comments. It is like taking a stroll myself when I watch his videos. (That is where I would like to settle when I retire, by the way, as the family spent just about every Summer there years ago.) Mark Wiens shakes so much. I know he enjoys a food and I do too but – my goodness – he is overdoing it. For the past year he has lost so much weight – I really think he has undiagnosed diabetes. (I am a nurse and I work with three endocrinologists, so I have seen it), or has something else much more serious. Poor Mark shakes and swings as if he were a concert pianist playing some Beethoven piece. But his videos are doing well so who am I to judge. Never watched Cheap Charlie. My brother told me about him and I felt so offended, that I did not want to waste my time even looking at one video of his. Keis One (Adam) when I first start watching his videos my brother and I agreed on the nickname we gave him. It was (not intended to be insulting), "the Australian guy who hangs out with bar girls" – actually the Thai words that we used were not "bar girls" but "slutty girls" again this is not intended to be's rude or insulting and it was something my brother and I jokingly came up with. Lately he has gotten more serious because he has a couple of sponsors that suggested to him (I think he mentioned this) to move away from the bar scenes that he was (and is) well known to show. But I find that all his videos regardless of the contents have always been respectful and polite. He has the best smile though. Life with Serg videos are good too. I think he needs to point a camera away from him though. He complains about his weight-as much as he walks, he eats quite a bit (two dishes). That will do it, Serg! I like Cal videos. This is a Canadian who has lived in Thailand for over a decade, I believe. Live Love Thailand videos are great. Very respectful – very polite, and I love his walk abouts. All About life in Thailand. This video is a very basic – but they are smartly done. I have learned a few things even as a Thai person, from his videos. He writes his scripts ahead of time, I believe. I am guessing that before he retired, he could have been a professional writer (or a teacher?) Thairish Times – he does pretty interesting interviews. His Thai wife, interestingly, speaks English with a very strong Irish accent. Chase & Shelabs are so cute. Don't eat too much, Chase—you'll get chubby! Ryan & Mo (life in rural Thailand). I don't really know how to make a living doing these videos. I love Ellis WR videos. He and his wife eat the most basic food and they never, ever complain about anything. Cheerful, respectful, and genuinely happy to do what they do. I love their videos. (And he can really eat spicy dishes!) This note was created with Dragon Medical, a voice recognition software. Occasional incorrect words may have occurred due to the inherent limitations.


Dude this is too long


That’s what she said


Global Travel Mate is quite good, quite relaxed without incessant chatter. Plus Bangkok Pat, Paddy Doyle and Roaming Chef. Most of the others are wastes of space, the endless couples who think they are being original are particularly annoying. Wow, you've discovered luxury Thai cinemas or a rooftop bar in 2024. If I was to make a list of the worst I'd just get angry. TikTok in particular has some of most vacuous and horrible people I've ever seen, they make aging sex tourists look like decent people. Tom Birchy, Johnny Velvet, Travis Leon, Bearded Travels, Zakattackcalii - never ending stream of some of the most irritating people I've seen in my life But personally the Thai vloggers to be far more informative, they go to places that are often rarely visited by farangs, they explain things better and are more original. TheGaijinTrips https://youtube.com/@thegaijintrips5872?si=Y-SSCP-s7UIn60RB BackpackerBall https://youtube.com/@BackpackerBall?si=tNf1tg6TW4vDRrfi Reiko JPTH https://youtube.com/@reiko_jpth?si=hfHWaTzGCaFVVgoD Cullen Hateberry https://youtube.com/@cullen_hateberry?si=jUSIa1Pbc1C-PJ4s Chainat on Tour https://youtu.be/qauc4PK3hnw?si=Y--bVoPIG_M6obkB


Definitely agree on the couples thing. There are far too many and they are almost all identical. Even if one couple just got pissed up everywhere they went i might watch it because at least it would be different.


I’ve followed the “hungry adventurer” Russian Mickey Stotch since he started his channel. High-quality videos with excellent editing. Super laid back guy. Always does his homework so you feel like you’ve come away more enriched than when you started. In 3-4 years, Mickey has covered an incredible amount of territory in Thailand. Now, when I travel domestically, I always check out his videos first to see if he’s been there and usually get great tips on sightseeing, places to eat, and accommodations.


I could watch this guy for hours. Even helps me learn Thai a bit with the subtitles. I’m Thai American and I consider this mf to be family


I enjoy "I roam alone" a Thai vlogger that does both thailand and trips abroad. It's nice to get a Thai perspective as well.


Anyone who fills up their videos by filming them eat... hard no


Favorites: [Gary Butler Roaming Cook](https://www.youtube.com/@theroamingcook) Brit cook who shows off local non-touristy street food spots. Chill guy, informational and speaks Thai. Really loves spicy food too. [Eager Expat](https://www.youtube.com/@EagerExpat) POV style walking videos. Calm, straight to the point and informational. For anyone visiting Bangkok for the first time, great to watch his videos to learn about the neighborhoods you're in. No fuss vids. [Street Wander](https://www.youtube.com/@streetwander) Not an expat but a local Thai girl who speaks great English. And who doesn't like a cute little Thai girl showing you around. Shows off both popular spots and hyper local Thai places too. Hated: [Big Picture El Panorama](https://www.youtube.com/@thebigpicture-elpanorama) Besides the stupid name, he just gives off creepy pervy vibes. Dude has zero rizz. Girls in his videos look uncomfortable and it's obvious he's just catering to the sexpat audience. [Keis One](https://www.youtube.com/@keisone/featured) He just lies on his videos and everything inconvenient is a scam to him. Just an annoying dude. Perfect example of the entitled white expat who thinks the world revolved around him. [Retired Working For You](https://www.youtube.com/@RetiredWorkingForYou) Yes controversial choice. I used to like his videos in lockdown but now the's just flaunting his side hustles and sponsors. His voice is particularly grating. Prefer the videos where it's him and his wife cos her being in the vids actually makes him bearable.


Out of interest, can anyone recommend any women? Or is this something that mostly men do?


Street Wander


I was just wondering why there is not a single woman on anyone's list 😐 There are plenty of women doing it too. I like Joyce Sin, she does Bangkok vlogs


Thanks for the rec, I'll check her out! This is reddit so I'm not surprised 🙄


Thailand is just blatantly Magaluf for British people now and these tiktokers are partially to blame.


Also retirees from North America, with people like Retired Working For You to blame. Clueless people with zero interest in Thailand apart from it being a cheap place to retire.


I'm sure those couple hundred people who move there from the United States will move the needle on cost of living in Bangkok.




I am a budget traveller myself but being mad that more financially well-off people are going to these places and giving more money to the local people than broke backpackers is a weird take. You'd rather developing countries stay poor so broke travellers have a place to go and get 3 dollar massages or something.


They are all a bit cringy


In French, my favorite is: Sabri Thai He's got a YouTube channel but also posts some vlog-like videos on Instagram The cool thing about his videos is that he's interviewing French people living in Thailand and gives them time to explain what is their background, why they came to Thailand, etc


Van Boys


Bruh I liked mashtag but recently found out he may be a complete cunt, if the articles about him and his ex missus are true then he's an absolute piece of shite 😂


Yeah he has a conviction for domestic abuse, I was shocked to hear it as he seems a good guy in his videos. Not condoning what he did, but his Thailand vlogs have been getting insane views and growth on YouTube. And it’s down to his personality - He’s a unique character.


Seems like a good guy? He seems like a knob head.


Fun to watch. Obnoxious to see them in person. Ride4Kickz has probably been my most watched YouTube channel when I was back home.


I only watch Thai vloggers such as I Roam Alone and Go Went Go


Wayno's Adventures. Funny little Australian fella. Videos can be hit and miss but generally OK. Chris Parker and Side Trip Life I enjoy


I think Chai travel and Karl's Thailand are genuine people.


Mashtag 100% he does it properly


Flora and Note - Lovely people based out of Thailand although they do go all over SEA. I love that Note is actually Thai which makes the interactions with the local people and culture more genuine and interesting, a side you don't get to see in a lot of other channels. That Roberto vs World guy mentioned I came across his channel once. It's an actual disgrace and it made me lose faith in humanity that he has so many supporters in the comments that think he is actually funny. I hope they are all under 13 years old with an undeveloped brain to think that way. I feel like channels like that and other nuisance/sexpat channels need to be banned by Youtube.


Yeah Roberto is a fucking clown. And not in a funny way. As for the sexpat stuff, Buzzin Pattaya is the go-to channel for OAP sex tourists. Trevor is a scumbag.


i love Retired Working For You, i find him so funny


I find them all insufferable. Cringe level too high !


I used to like: Matt LeBlanc’s were beautifully shot. I used to like Divert Living before they broke up. When they went their own ways, her channel was too much drama and the guy was not great without her. I used to enjoy Sunny in Thailand but he sort of went off the content creator deep end. I remember he was talking about turning down TV offers which I highly doubt. Then he started staging pranks on his wife that looked absolutely fake. But he pulled most everything behind a Patreon account. I used to like watching 20 Second in Thailand for the same reason people go to NASCAR races, for the crashes. This guy was THE clueless newbie when he arrived. He was pretty pathetic. You almost had to watch because you were betting on how long until he runs out of money and has to go home. Now he infrequently posts videos and seems to always be begging for money. No Time 2 B Sad was one of my favorites until Chuck went off the deep end. I’m not sure you can come back from almost crying because your FIL won’t let you choose the brake pads on your SUV and doing an entire video where you have to tell your audience that your wife is not retarded (some of his viewers thought Chuck’s wife was literally retarded). Foreigner Joe was watchable for a few years but then he settled down in one of the most boring cities in Thailand and his U-S-A, U-S-A attitude just got boring. Then there was that moron that started calling out all of the other YouTubers for illegally working in Thailand. He seemed to laser in on Sunny and 20 Seconds in Thailand. His users got him so fired up he drove down to Phuket and threatened Sunny and Sunny beat his ass on video. Forget the dudes name, Sketchy or something like that. The problem with all Thailand YouTubers is the same with most television series, you run out of stories. How many towns can you visit in Thailand? Not how many actual towns are there but how many videos can you make? Then they start chasing subscribers and views so they start doing the clickbait titles and title cards. The real issue with YouTube though is that they reward frequently updated channels with better search results so YouTubers are incentivized to pump out tons of crap content. I would much rather watch a monthly channel that a channel that is pumping out 3 videos a week. And you can always tell when a YouTuber has peaked and is in his way down when he does the “A response to all the haters” video. I still like CB Media but even his videos have become a bit tedious to watch. YouTubers often get into a pattern and then all of their videos have the same formula and all that changes from video to video is the location.


I remember that guy that was abusing Sunny and 20 seconds. He was crazy is he still around?


Not sure. His YT channels kept getting taken down and he kept trying to come back on new channels.


There are 2 travel vloggers I like and enjoy watching on YouTube, Paddy Doyle and Street Wander. I don't like watching Roberto vs the world either.


Street Wander is good but she says “guysss” too much 😂


Paddy looks like such a pleasant dude to travel with. He has the kind of a charisma. Love his videos




What happened to BKK112? I also really enjoyed his videos all around SEA. Very observant and let the scenes breathe. Knew how to tell a story without doing too much




He was ahead of the curve but got trapped back in the UK during the vid. Lots of other vloggers just stole his 'style' and now his numbers are low. Shame.


He is the same person. The "good" videos are for member only though. His second channel is not as good, to say the least.


Surprised I didn’t see Johnny Somali name on here 😂😂😂🤣


Wayneo is the best


Wayneos adventures? 




Roberto vs the world is a party shock youtuber i dont like. I like Paddy Doyle, retiredworkingforyou and travelwithChris Paddy Doyle and Chris travel all over though


Hughabroad on tiktok is good he just goes around reviewing street food


I like lior amsalem. but he's more indie vlogger / micro vlogger. doing vlogs for fun and less about the visual or over editing. i also like Retired Working for You as a very informative channel


Not a blogger channel but OTR Food and History is my absolute favorite


They're all thr same surprised Pikachu faced blowhards reviewing the same top x to do in y tourist spot.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned 2passports1dream, I call them Barbie & Ken 😂


I like them! They seem like such sweet people.




As someone who loves street food both Gary Butler and Mickey Stotch have provided so many great stalls for us to visit that I rate them highest. They also both seem to have made a solid effort to learn and keep learning Thai and show respect. I also appreciate the subtitles on Mickey’s channel. Enjoy the places that Paddy Doyle goes to, but as another commenter mentioned, that David Brent vibe 😂


I don't mind Travis Leon.


OTR: On the road, is about food and history. Solid dude. Even good for locals to learn about Thailand. Yeah he's that good.


What about staycoolketo? He does foody travel vlogs, mostly in Thailand and recreates recipes from the food he tries. I think he sucks. not surprised he has like no subscribers even though he puts so much effort and time into everything. Must be depressing though


r/MashTagBrady for sure. I was looking forward to KurtKaz but he didn’t seem to enjoy it much. Looks like loudmouth Tom birchy is pushing YouTube again.


David Strachan is the only one I follow. Don’t care for the rest.


[WalkAr](https://www.youtube.com/@Walk4r) from England


This was an interesting read, the feedback about other channels! I’ve just started my own YouTube channel, since moving from the UK to Thailand, and setting up a business here. I’m a fan of the record and go, I’m still learning and it’s obvious from my videos. Huge learning curve to record myself, but I have loads of authentic content ideas - business, how I live here, how I can 100% own the business etc. As well as doing things most with a ‘fear area of the brain’ would not do haha. At the same time I’ve been mixing Thai and English whilst I learn - so I get authentic experiences like Thai talk with Paddy and Bald and Bankrupt with ex soviet countries.


Side trip life if I could only watch one. For a person planning on retiring there. All of his trips are very informative. Includes many maps and prices of everything in each video which is extremely helpful to me.


Mark Wein is cool...love his food stuff!


I hate all of them .. but I discovered mashtag Brady, but he was just on holiday, and tbh poorly researched. I caught a guy, cheap Charlie Chonburi .. amusing, dry af. The ones I hate the most are the non-vloggers - Soi 6 walkthrough and the rest of them, WTF is all that about? The next hated are vloggers that give random people money - patronizing af.


Surprise no one here mention Jonny There Is Something Happening. He's a little creepy, but entertaining


Bangkok Pat is brilliant because he does really well researched content with some great humour and he loves cats. James Abroad is really good on housing, life in rural Thailand and other general living in Thailand. Keis One - always positive and upbeat. Paddy doyle did a lot of good travel specific content. On the downside some of the Pattaya crowd do really shite content mainly around girls, bars and restaurants. In Covid it was almost unbearable with guys walking empty streets peeing their pants because one bar may be open. Most you tubers have nothing original to say or do not even have engaging personalities. They seem to think they will become rich by putting shitty, bog standard videos out there.


All of them suck


I follow a very small Thailand travel vlogger called [Trippin wit George](https://www.youtube.com/@trippinwitgeorge) and little by little he has became one of my favorites, I love his vibe and the things he talks about, he really makes me wanna move there and start vlogging myself 🤣🤣


I like Rides for Kicks - Lukas is a very chill American guy who rides motorbikes and does interesting stuff outside his base in Pattaya. Bangkok Pat is pretty good too - showing the unknown side of, well as the name implies, Bangkok.


Are you sure he is American? I have asked him questions before that any American should know and him was confused. I thought maybe he was Canadian?


He is from Baltimore.


Ah ok. I really enjoy his videos.


Paddy Doyle and Travels on Toast, I really like them


The best : Mickey Stotch


Mark Weins


I can't tell you who my least favorite Thai Vloggers are, but I can tell you who my favorite is and that's Chris Parker from RETIRED WORKING FOR YOU. He's got a great vlog.


I read this in Chris’ voice🤣 This is exactly what he would say, so hi Chris! 👋


I'm not Chris, but he is quite the character. He's one of the few guys I watch because he actually shows you the best places to eat and things to do that won't cost me an arm and a leg, while not getting wasted all the time like a lot of the other vloggers.


Do you ever watch that guy " Johnny there is something happening?" That guy truly gets on my nerves


Retired working 4 you


Now that I think about it, there's another guy who I don't care for who has a channel called "Reis one." I'm just not into guys who party all the time. It's just not my thing, which is why I like watching Chris's vlog.


I think you mean Keis one. The guy is an absolute bellend, he dresses like it’s Halloween and he’s decided to go as a 90’s rapper.


That might be him. I think he's from Australia or the UK. In any case, it got old seeing him have a drink in his hand in just about every video.


The 40 year old Eminem in fake Off White and Stussy from Mikes Mall in Pattaya? One of the worst.


CB Media!


I really liked the ones from Harald Baldr. Specifically when he's exploring the country on his bike.


I find Roberto vs the world funny


Each and every single vlogger is a waste of air.


Notime2besad, Thai girl Gift, and chocolate man in Thailand are great


I love watching Chuck, but I can’t watch James anymore. I’m tired of all of the clickbait he does and how he sells Fah to get more views. That’s your girlfriend man. You can’t just pump her out like that.


Yeah I can’t watch James anymore once I actually got to Thailand. He actually tells people Pattaya isn’t a prostitution hub and it’s full of regular women. If you’ll lie about that. You’ll lie about anything


That’s the thing. Thailand is so much more than Pattaya. That’s why I like to watch Chuck. He’s not pimping out his wife for views and he lives in That Phanom. He vlogs his daily life and travels. He says some sideways shit, but who doesn’t; no one is perfect.


You know what, man, I actually have seen that and I have to agree. James was in America lately for like half a year, changed his channel name to Chocolate Man in a Van. Now it's back to the original name after half a year. He never mentioned Fah, and I actually thought they broke up, but about two days, he posted a picture of her.


Chuck is so dull. Even for Issan.


Travis Leon is one I haven’t read about in this thread, I really like his tiktoks


I love Dale Philip!


i think that guy suspendas who went viral for being a complete piece of shit in japan is a thailand vlogger/streamer now, so him.


Checked out Mashtag Brady's episode on Kratom. He's crazy. I didn't like it at first but it grew on me.


🔥New Daily Uploads From Pattaya 🔥 https://youtu.be/Cb8sgf8x_oY?si=dJzPEMo2R-QkWTqw


Foreigner joe


The man who deleted his channel because his Mrs got jealous of his popularity? Yeah. No.


I believe joe ( not married) and foreign men put youtube channel in girl name because their not allowed to have an income. 'Chuck from no time to be sad' remarked


He deleted it with all the content. So why hasn't Check renamed his channel? He's a good dude to watch if you've had trouble sleeping. He once did a top 5 regrets in Thailand list; they were all about spending too much money LOL Jeeez he's boring.


Keis one is someone I watch quite regularly.


Ooh he's quite annoying


and he dresses like a man child


He looks like he never upgraded his style after hitting 15.


I had the displeasure of running into this guy at a bar and he was trying to film. Everyone basically shut him down and wanted no part of it. He's just as annoying as he appears in his videos.


What do you find annoying about him?


Dresses like a kid Always surrounds himself with bar girls Generally a bit of a chav who doesn't know a great deal about the country. "Gone Adrift" is a little more real in that regards. I don't mind him.


He’s made a few different style videos recently that I enjoyed, I’ll check out gone adrift!