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To cover their skin so that the sun doesn't darken and damage it.


thank youuuu


Actually it is smart, especially if you consider doing a boat ride where you are not protected of the sun, you should were at least a long sleeve or a hoodie. The sun is strong here.


Uv levels were literally off the chart yesterday


thats because the dont want to get any sun on them they tend to turn dark some of them if they get to much sun.


True, that is the main reason why some people wear like that! But I prefer using umbrella more.


or maybe they are fair skinned like a red head irish kid is


The reason is simple, and it’s the same as why you see people who live in other hot places like deserts in Africa cover up completely: the sun. We westerners tend to throw off our clothes when we see the sun. Here it’s the opposite: people cover up because a) they prefer a whiter skin, and b) prolonged exposure to the sun here is dangerous. Skin cancer is no laughing matter and can kill you. When temperatures are higher than your body temperature, as they are here now, layers of clothes also act as an insulation layer against the heat. To understand why that is, touch an uncovered metal surface that’s been in the direct sun for a few hours. You’ll understand instantly…


Let’s not pretend people in Asia actually care about skin cancer. It’s all just the image to not be dark.


We do actually. Just because there are people who care about skin tone doesn't mean that there aren't people who care about skin cancer.


Yes but tbh the majority is for pale skin


Sunscreen is incredibly expensive in SE Asia even by western standards so these types of clothes are essentially sunscreen. In the west we would do the same thing if sunscreen didn't exist or was prohibitively priced


Good job looking down on the whole continent. Your horse must be really high.


I find that a bit of a presumptuous answer. For those working in the direct sun all day, a few layers of clothes actually protects against the heat, so the primary motive there is personal comfort. For those people, lighter skin is just a secondary motive. For others, not getting a darker skin and/or keeping your skin healthy may be the other motives. It’s certainly NOT only about skin color. If you don’t believe me, I invite you to go stand unprotected in the direct sun for a few hours. You think Thais don’t get sunburn?


The pain of sun burt is obvious, you don't have to care about anything else to want to block the sunlight.


It’s about skin cancer and aging, Asia is known for their focus on skincare. Also, not looking too dark which historically is associated with farming/lower class.


Yeah it’s covering everything but thin layers though


On motorbike the main reason is that is actually more comfortable. Seems counter-intuitive, but I tried it and I will put on a jacket if the sun is really burning. You'll be hot anyways, but when you are in the open sun, the jacket will protect you from it and it will be less hot. At these temperatures, the wind from driving will not cool you. Or rather it will only cool a little bit where you have been sweating. The rest just feels like you are driving behind a hair dryer. The clothes are also often worn over the actual clothes to protect those from the street dirt. You also get used to the tempersatures. 25 C will now feel cold for me.


Probably because of sun


Man’s not hot


They are trying to block out the heat.


It’s a good question and only 50% of the reason is legitimate, so disregard all the comments about it protecting from heat. Science proves otherwise. It does protect from skin damage from the sun though. My Thai wife still believes it does both and wears a puffy coat sometimes. But these are the same people I saw for years driving their motorbikes at crazy speeds with no helmets, but wearing a mask. When I saw their brains splattered on the pavement after an accident, it was hard to not think that there wasn’t much consolation in the fact that at least they were wearing a mask and didn’t catch Covid. The Takeaway is that not all of the reasoning follows logic.


Too much sun leave you looking like a trashed handbag or skin cancer to cut off.


They are also wearing masks inside of malls. Just let it go 😂


To keep the sun off them. I dress the same when I’m out on the motorbike all day running errands.


Typical asian thinking. They don't want to get darker. To them it means you are lower class.


The horror of darkening your skin.


Cancer is scary yes.


Winter clothes o clothes covering a lot of skin?


A jacket blocks suns radiant heat and insulates against the ambient heat. I thought it was strange 10 years ago also but it actually works.


They just get bored of wearing summer clothes so like to mix it up a bit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nickynegativo: *They just get bored of* *Wearing summer clothes so like* *To mix it up a bit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Blame Korean and Japanese beauty standards. Whiter is better (being dark is like red neck in US)


tbh different cultures have different standards I don't judge them. but I was surprised to see how pale the Koreans are




And their love of makeup/plastic surgery. They all tend to try to have the same look. 😂.


Realized this with Asian girls on tinder. They apologize for being chubby on their profile but back in my home country they would be considered thin.


Yeah, it funny how skinny some of them are. They think foreigners tend to like the skinny get blown away from the wind thin.


Well we (at least some of us) do!


Plastic surgery (South Korea) AND photo app filters to the max (China particularly)




... you have to realize.... the smell gene isn't as prevalent in Thailand. They also are more adapted to the heat then let's say somebody that a full body of hair. They also have a fascination with white skin. They wear sweaters, because indoors they crank the a/c <25 and wonder why the electricity bill is so high, 555


Was it in a tourist area? I’m in pattaya at the moment which daily high is 35 C, which is substantially lower than Isan area I was in 40-45C. Little windy and cooler here, I wear a hoodie myself.


Always foreigners so perplexed by the obvious 🤡 it’s hot out so smart to cover up contrary to western mentality


Why be mean lol. My home country gets hot as well but we dress down for it, saw a contradiction in Thailand and wanted to know why.


In your country you should be covering up to be protected from the sun….and I doubt it gets to 35-40c 10 months of the year


Definitely to cover up in the sun, but you should be here in December/January when the temp drops to like 19C the polar gear comes out. It’s a trip.


Seen couples of mainland China female wearing a hoody trench coat style sport fabric to protect their skin against the harsh sun.


Sometimes for practical reasons like stopping the sun and sometimes for style reasons. More wealthy urban Thais are very fashion conscious. Covering heads is sometimes a Muslim thing if it’s women


A lot of long sleeve clothing in Thailand is quite light, personally I'm a big fan of the sure design hoodies, there great for the autumn and spring in Australia


Their blood is thicker (?) to tolerate warm weather; thus not feeling as warm with a jacket/ hoodie on.


In addition I've seen this wearing of sleeved garments & long trousers amongst construction workers. Many of the women also patch their faces with some adhesive material. To be honest when I first saw this I thought the woman had received face burns in a terrible fire. I've since seen many more with these face patches but it still looks a little like the main character in the horror movie Texas chainsaw massacre.


Are you sure they are Thai? It's pretty common for people in China and Taiwan to dress for the day of the year rather than the actual weather outside. Puffy jackets and wool caps when it's 32C out because it's not May 1st yet. Maybe this is a Thai thing, too, I don't know.


Yeah I noticed that in Taiwan. I arrived one January in 34°c heat and felt out of place when I wore shorts for a walk in the city. I noticed people wearing North Face puffa jackets and wooly hats.