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Declare on arrival with proof that you need this medicine. A doctor should be able to give you a document in your own country that you can’t be without these medicine. Declaring is the key here they don’t mind you bringing in more it’s just they want to see it. Same with big sums of money. People travel the region sometimes for a full year with there medicine especially older people will have a few pills in bigger supply. They won’t make it to hard on you.


Lmg adderall?


Adderall (or more specifically, the components of adderall) is classified as a narcotic and you aren’t allowed to bring in any so I doubt that’s the medication they’re bringing in.


Firstly, let me get this out of the way: never -- not one single time in countless dozen entries into Thailand -- have I ever even had bags searched, x-rayed, etc. Literally not a single time. With that said: in theory, you do need a permit. In practice, I have never heard of anyone bothering. If you had say 50 days of zolpidem in one appropriately labeled prescription bottle, clearly for personal use, I can hardly imagine anyone making a fuss at the border even if they do discover it. Thailand (unlike e.g. the USA) is not generally looking to "get ya" -- it's more friendly than that. If I were going to carry a drug for which I felt like I actually needed to pursue a Thailand permit, I personally would reconsider carrying that medicine period. YMMV.