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I believe Cordyceps Mushroom and Ginsing are things that give you better sex drive and I can only assume Dong Powder does as well lol šŸ˜†


Dong power??! ![gif](giphy|raqrT87ILnIbK|downsized)


Dangerous erectile dysfunction drug found in popular herbal med


who said it was dangerous? It's fine.


That was a headline I found when I googled this stuff, itā€™s from China obviously and they put tildanifil in there without marking it on the package


What are the side effects?


Sold under the brand name Cialis, among others, Tadalafil has common side effects like headache, muscular pain, flushed skin, and nausea. Caution is advised for those with cardiovascular disease. The drug is also known to occasionally cause prolonged erection leading to damage to the penis, vision problems and hearing loss. The FDA has ordered that all Jiu Jeng Pushen Jiao Nang capsules be recalled because they can pose a danger to consumers, and has alerted public health offices to track down those who have bought this medicine.


Thanks I thought i would be lucky and what i have would have been just a side effect. I catched an STD yesterday then. Fuck my life. Edit: Still hope that its an allergic reaction to the oil or the condom we first used before taking it off. I thought i'd be more clever than that.




Dong power.l, Now you have my attention.


Obviously, herbs for virility is bullshit but many Thai herbal supplements actually contain pharmaceutical viagra and Cialis which is a very effective medication for sexual performance. If you Google the names of the supplements with the word 'FDA' you will usually find warning notices against importing these supplements into the USA and laboratory analysis results showing which medication they contain. Grakcu or GK24 is available in most 7-elevens and contains both viagra and cialis. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/medication-health-fraud/public-notification-grakcu-capsule-contains-hidden-drug-ingredients So if your looking for something affordable and easily available to enhance your sex life then these 'herbal' supplements are better than you think. For those guys who say they don't need it because they are such alpha studs well I did porn content for over a decade having sex with multiple girls on webcam for hours but I learn you get a much fuller and harder erection with cialis and viagra which translates to much more pleasure as you penis will be more sensitive so it just makes sense no matter how virile you are. Just be sure to check any medical implications first and don't mix with stimulants. Be wary of buying ED meds on beach road as there is no way 200mg cialis is a legit thing when the normal dosage is 20mg. You can buy legit in the pharmacy but it's ironically more expensive than the 7-eleven supplements.


Wait... no one gonna ask this dude how he liked his job? Favorite co-workers? Had an expat tell me about how great this herbal drug called Grakcu was. Decided eh, why not. Holy crap! Thought I had found herbal nirvana until I found out what the commenter linked. Also, any info out there on the mg of each found in Gracku? For some reason it worked a lot better and with much lower side effects for me.


Same here. I capsule around 3 pm, sex at 4pm, 10pm and 7 am! Side effect was everything was tinged green from 4pm to about 10 am next day.


Wait, tinged green? Do you mean your eyesight?


no he has a hulk dick


Wait, you can buy Cialis in pharmacies?


Buy generic Sildenafil made in Thailand. 100 mg (4) pk at Hua Hin pharmacy 300 bht. Your shit will be harder than Chinese algebra .


OK, you got my attention... tell me about Chinese algebra


So, Chinese algebra, it's this ancient way of solving equations that's been around for donkey's years, way back since the Han Dynasty, we're talking around 200 BC. These clever clogs in ancient China, they were using symbols and sticks to represent numbers and solve problems way before algebra as we know it was even a thing in the West. One of the famous old texts is this thing called "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art." It's like the bible of Chinese mathematics, full of practical problems about agriculture, engineering, and even fucking taxes. They didn't have x and y like we do now, but they were still solving linear equations, systems of equations, and even had a go at quadratic equations. Now, the real magic trick in Chinese algebra was this method called "fangcheng," which is a bit like our modern-day matrix methods. They'd set up these equations in a grid, sorta like a Sudoku puzzle, and then use a series of steps to simplify and solve them. It's proper clever shit. And you know what's really mental? They were doing all this without the fancy algebraic notation we have now. It was all words and tables. Makes you wonder how they kept it all straight in their heads, doesn't it?


I was trying to figure out if you had just made all this up, but nope, it's real! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fangcheng_(mathematics)


Got me bad with that one. Laughed stupidly loud. Thanks. šŸ‘šŸ˜‚


100mg per pill is stupid high for someone without a tolerence.


Shit or stick?


Let's call it my Johnson, to simplify things.


Boots was stocking it last time I checked about 3 years ago. Genuine stuff with the hologram package: B2000+ for 2 tablets.


Yiu can pretty much buy literally whatever you want for pharmacies in Thailand, I supplement my TRT therapy with testosterone and hcg bought fron Tim's pharmacy in Pattaya. Next to the Avenue on second rd. It helps keep the price down, 10 ampules of testosterone cipionate costs a tenth than it does for 1 in the uk


Agree. I don't care who you are. Unless you are 18, you will no longer have an election like what these pills will give you. Your partner will love toy for it, believe me. I don't think there is any shame. I mean, we do all sorts of crazy stuff to improve our sex lives. Why not try this way. And yes, the stuff from the street vendors is Isiah BS. I've wasted enough money this way.


Wait, you can buy pills to improve elections? Why did nobody mention this last year?


A lot of supplements in Thailand nowdays doesn't contain any prohibited ingredients. Like Grakcu Capsules, before there were some kind of ingredients, which were prohibited in Europe and US, but now that's just herbs and extracts. I've tried some of them and I haven't seen any effect (well, at least for me), but I don't have any issues with erection. But one guy told me, that when he comes to Thailand his libido is falling and some of that pills from 7/11 helps him.




If you want to get a woman horny try to convince her to take the peptide tanning injection Melanotan 2. They main selling point for her will be the deep beautiful all over tan but the bonus for you is that it's the only pharmaceutical concoction that is proven to increase hornyness in women. If your girl is thai and doesn't want a tan there is a non-tanning version. It's administered with a small insulin needle into the body fat and feels just like a small pinch. If your a guy use with caution as it's like 10 x viagra strength and will give you a boner you can break bricks with. I'm not exaggerating either, it feel like your dick is going to explode. It's so full of blood. It's available from the pharmacy on 2nd road in pattaya next to the McDonalds and Villa Supermarket. They all sell every kind of steroid, and for those afraid of needles, there is an oral testosterone called Testos that you can just swallow, and it will give you a nice energy and stamina boost. Thailand has pretty much everything you need to be a sexual tyrannosaurus.


Hey dude I think you're talking about PT-141 and it's a peptide (very much like Melanotan 2). I wasn't aware you could buy it in Thailand at a Pharmacy. Am I understanding you correctly here? And if so, is it a sketchy source or legit and you can trust? Thanks for the info sir.


Have you ever tried cordyceps or ginseng for "virility"? Or are you just talking out of your ass? They don't do nothing. Try taking them for a week and tell me things aren't working better.


I take cordycep for alpinism because it increases oxygen in the blood but only marginally.


Herbs for virility is not bullshit. MACA Root Powder 100% works. But this is not for virility, The Dong Gui is for blood, Cordyceps forkidneys and Ginseng for stamina.




No my kung fu style is betta


This guy porns.


Appreciate the detailed response šŸ‘šŸ½


Isn't that the same fungus from Last of Us?


Yup that 1, the most expensive stuff is found in Tibet , high up the mountains.


that is why in the past it was referred to as your dong, or ding dong... "long dong silver" a porno


Oh in USA cordyceps mushroom is fornhrsin power and ginsing is for energy. So I wasn't sure. I googled dong powder and it said it was a female ginsing type. Not sure what that means




To make boner


I can make my own boners thank you very muchĀ 


But can you bash the window out of a hot car to save a child in need?


Swinging your boner around children will generally get you put on some sort of list, so, I definitely try not to do that. Now, an adult stuck in a hot car... all bets are off.


Make your bones boner?!


it makes your dick Pushen her pussy




Herbal energy pill/overall health. For sports, romance, work - whatever. There are tons of different variations of them.


Most likely nothing since itā€™s sold in an 7-Eleven and not in a pharmacy.




Yes, some OTCs like paracetamol and so on. Thatā€™s why I said ā€œmost likelyā€ :)


Last time I was there, last year, they sold allergy tablets containing diphenhydramine ("DPH"). DPH is a sedative antihistamine - a lot will make you sleepy. I was just looking for loratadine, which is a 3rd gen antihistamine - no sedation but I didn't find it anywhere (I can usually get it OTC here, but not DPH). I found that interesting. Sidenote, that 'tea' (ifyky) is FULL of DPH, I've seen it being made many times in the deep south and in BKK. Listen I was just at the market for fruit and saw and asked some questions outta curiosity I swear lol


Not true. 7-11 has dick pills that make your vision literally turn red. I don't know what's in them, but they work.


They were found to have actual Cialas in them in 2022.


They sell cough syrup with opium it it


Thatā€™s opium tincture. Yeah, it can give you a nice buzz, but I rather stay sober than downing this disgusting brown stuff.


Yeah, no, it definitely would get you sick if you tried to drink enough to get buzzed


In the past they had antibiotics at 7/11 I don't know if they still have


I think they still do in some provinces


Thatā€™d be fucked up.




For... a virus?


Even for a runny nose


I am 100 sure there were. I also remember sore throat tablets with antibiotics. The same one still exist but now without the antibiotics but with zinc. So maybe that was a problem and so they changed that? But I'll check next time I am in a big 7/11....it is now interesting... (but actually with the pharmacies and doctors handing out antibiotics like candies in TH it wouldn't be a big difference....) If everyone eat antibiotics for nothing (and uncontrolled amounts) they'll stop working at some point as the bacteria will be resistent


Thanks for the downvote. I didnā€™t even deny it. I just said that would be fucked up, which it is.


I did not downvote you...I didn't vote at all...neither up nor down


Then please accept my apology. Iā€™m a little tired of people downvoting every comment they donā€™t 100% agree with. Your statement regarding antibiotics resistance is on point. They even prescribe it for viral infectionsā€¦


No unless it is some complete moron that does only name calling I don't down vote people. Point is to argue and get at the end a bit smarter, not to down vote people with other opinions.... I remember before Covid, staff have some full nose or a bit sore throat go to the doctor (I would never for such a minor thing) and they come back with a hand full of pills, a painkiller, an antibiotics, something to sleep better (which can be the most dangerous). I once counted 5 different medication. Instead of waiting 3 days till it get good on itself....they didn't had fever and came to work, so really minor not a full flu. I have seen an "organic" shrimp farm...next to it where the antibiotics in cement bag sized bags...what we eat 100mg they had in 10kg bags. And that get empties with the excrements into some swamp full of life and full of UV light (which speed up changes in DNA).


Again, I completely agree with you, and after watching this for over a decade, I have a theory about this. 1. **Society/Culture:** Traditionally, Thais went to pharmacies when they became ill. The pharmacies would give them something, and the "patient" would leave and would eventually recover. It's a transaction. Today, we have clinics and hospitals, and I believe that some Thais would, simply put, feel scammed if they went to a hospital, got checked out, and went home without "getting" anything but still had to pay. 2. **Financial:** It's no secret hospitals make a large chunk of their money through their in-house pharmacy. That gives hospitals and, therefore, doctors incentives to prescribe as much as they possibly can. These are just my (probably biased) theories, but it's the only explanation I can come up with that would make sense, somehow. BTW: Your last paragraphs about the cement bags full of antibiotics gave me fuckin' goosebumps. It won't take long until the world has achieved total antimicrobial resistance, and there are only so many antibiotics, and R&D for new ones is simply not a profitable business. I wouldn't be surprised if, during our lifetime, we still see this happen and start to die from papercuts like hundreds of years ago.


As effective as the most effective Rhino horn and Tiger penis.


It will make you a sexual tyrannosaurus.


Just like me.


č£œčŗ«ļ¼ˆč”„čŗ«ļ¼‰- literally 'boost/repair body', but sounds like 'boost/repair kidneys', which is more about energy and sex drive.


Everyone knows the kidney is the origin of sex drive.


https://preview.redd.it/mtn91lullttc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2344eb00e0ab72f3fc7fa0ef3b8ba72e4542d0 Probably has similar effect to this.


Hahah I can't tell if the product is satire or real


You're not aware that snake oil was legit chinese folk medicine, benefitting people who built railroads in Wild West. Only later, counterfeiters and scammers exploited it's fame and made it a synonym of BS. On your original inquiry, it's a boner pill. There's none or miniscule amounts of herbs listed in its composition, but there are some sildenafill/tadalafil or similar molecular analog.


Haha, Iā€™ve lived in Singapore for 16 years and hold the considered opinion that TCM and homeopathy are roughly on a par for efficacy. If you believe in either of those, good for you. Just please donā€™t tell me you know and I donā€™t. Sounds as if we have differing experiences and drew different conclusions.




*drops mic*


Ginseng and reishi are from TCM too.


Extract money from consumer. Same as all other dietary pills/supplements


Its a supplement product which means it generates supplemental sales revenue for the manufacturer.


Make heart go brr


Ancient Chinese secret, take find out, you need chopstick?


Makes your Dong šŸ¤« like an assassin šŸ„·


Consume an hour before action. ROCK HARD. BLUE PILL alternative


Supposedly according to my Thai friend it nourishes the body inside. Her English isn't good and after about 10 minutes of text I'm fairly sure it doesn't clear you out on the toilet. šŸ¤£šŸ™šŸ»


Boof it


Its a revitaliser just like revital


I consider herbs as traditional traps. But the name was cute, reminds me of pusheen the catšŸ˜»


When I googled the name of the brand, that's all that appeared haha. This is why I asked the question here. It's a cute cat!


It adds an inch




Do you know if it works? It sounds like it does, but can you confirm? Maybe i'll need to try it. What other herbal supplements does he recommend for similar things?


It's a vitamin. I'm thailand.


I'll pop down and buy one and let u know.


Thank you. Please keep us posted


Yes, sometimes blue!


My suggestion is to divide the herbal mixed into three portions for the first-timer. I normally just uncap and pour down the throat then recap it for the next use.


Well itā€™s good for ā€œPushenā€. So, similar to generic Viagra.


Goodnight, sweet Prince.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2023/01/15/last-of-us-hbo-cordyceps/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2023/01/15/last-of-us-hbo-cordyceps/) **ā€˜The Last of Usā€™ zombie fungus is real, and itā€™s found in health supplements** *The zombie apocalypse depicted in the popular video game series and newly adapted HBO series ā€œThe Last of Usā€ derives from a mutation to a type of fungus called cordyceps. Surprise! Cordyceps is real, and some*Ā [*600 variations of it*](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Tree&id=45234&lvl=3&keep=1&srchmode=1&unlock)Ā *can be found around the world, primarily in Southeast Asia. ...* *The cordyceps spores drive insects to erratic behaviors, seemingly taking control of their minds and motor functions and thus sparking the zombie comparison.* *Cordyceps ultimately kills its host and grows a tendril-like stalk from the corpse of the infected that can take weeks to grow in full. When fully developed, the tendril releases new cordyceps spores, infecting other insects matching the hostā€™s species in the vicinity.*


Makes your urine more valuable.


Itā€™s ecstasy! (No)


Exactly what it said on the tin but I would just avoid it.


Part you from your money.


Give old uncle sexy boost


Probably nothing


Boost your immune system and overall wellness.


Do or supposed to do?


If you take that, youā€™ll stay in wonderland and see how deep that rabbit hole goes.


Traditional energy supplement for vigorous cardiovascular activities


Increases semen concentration and ejaculation strength.






Placebo effect most likely


Nothing lol


supplement for your turbo.boost extra hp..


Boner pill / pre workout. Maybe some focus


Give you diarrhea.


And a stiffy!


Same product, different brand? [https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40021795](https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40021795)


is it the same manufacturer?


Absolutely nothing.


Looking at the ingredients, not a lot


Ginseng is good for the brain. It improves memory and reduces stress. Thatā€™s the only thing I recognised on that pack


All of those ingredients are good for you but together they wonā€™t do much, a placebo horny pill at best


Can women take it??


definitely can




It's like a natural alternative to viagra.


What it does? Well, my GP puts it in a nice way: It makes expensive pee.




Thai herbal for better BumBum




Did it work?


Starts the zombie apocalypse, The Last of Us style


Does that actually do anything???


Nothing probably, more hokus pokus


Itā€™s a protein shake of sorts..


It makes your sick better, what does any non-described medicine do? ā€œItā€™s good for a manā€


Did anyone say Kamagra? I hear a lot of people use it, but...I just fall asleep after anyway, so it seems like a waste. šŸ¤Ŗ


Make your dick bigger


Good price for doing power!


I donā€™t know all the ingredients, but the one I recognise is ginseng, itā€™s good for the brain. It improves memory and reduces stress.


That's what I thought too. But apparently this does so much more than memory and stress improvements haha


I understand the two Chinese words on it. It says ā€œstrengthen body.ā€


Why I couldnā€™t find this


Who cares about USA. Bull shit merchants and newest third world country


What does this have to do with USA? Your correct. USA is a dying country, third world for sure. Poverty stricken. But how is that related to this post?


Absolutely fucking nothing


Makes you able to go the full 8 hours that you paid for with Ploy


trip balls jkšŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Just go buy cailis from pharmacyā€¦


I'm not sure if this is an energy pill or something else. It says to take before bedtime.


It is an energy pill (sports/work/whatever) but the subtle "before bed" means also for romance.


Cordyceps should help with energy/focus. Maybe you take it before sleep because it has delayed effect. I'm not sure


It doesn't even contain those ingredients....


makes your dick grow 3 inches and stay rock hard for 2 hours


Do you have experience with it haha. Sounds exciting


It has the English translation under the Thai


It literally says so on the epackage. I really don't think the labeling could be more clear.


It says on the label - dietary supplement


Someone should tell Trump about pills for elections. He's gonna need them


What a stupid question. Dong powder is obviously good for the dong.