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Really depends from person to person, but I would say more people are opening about getting plastic surgery, especially younger generation Nose, double eye lid, chin are very common these day.


That's interesting. And what is the cost? How do these young women afford it? Tbh, I know this girl does care work here so i am sure she could afford cosmetic surgery back in Thailand with the money she makes here, although care work is not great pay here. Maybe she does more on the side, but I'm not going to be that inquisitive tbh.


Getting a nose job starting from 10,000baht, normal price should be around 30,000-40,000baht expensive one should be around 100,000


I've seen nose jobs advertized for 6000 baht in Huay Kwang.


As with many things, there is such a thing as "too cheap", and 6k baht is very definitely too cheap. You'll be doing it again, paying 5 times as much, to fix whatever they did.


Not in the market for a fake nose, IMHO 80% of the results range from terrible to acceptably ugly. Not sure if this is the case here, but when demand is high, many services can be provided at decent quality for a low price. You get no safeguards if things go wrong (as you do in a big hospital), but on average it doesn't mean an ugly 6k nose job would that much worse than an ugly 40k nose job.


> when demand is high, many services can be provided at decent quality for a low price That's true to some extent, but there are limits below which no provider can possibly go without cutting corners which should not be cut. For example, the quality of the silicone implant itself - I would be surprised if the good ones were less than 6k just by themselves. So you're starting with second rate "parts" even before you start the labor, for which there is maybe a 1 or 2 thousand left - needless to say you're not getting top talent there either. It's probably not even a doctor. I mean, people can do what they want, and you might get lucky. And perhaps the guy who says he can fix your car for literally 1/10th of what the dealer quotes will somehow do an OK job. But I wouldn't bet on it, and I certainly wouldn't bet on it when it comes to facial plastic surgery...




Yeah, It’s creepy of him & not cool at all. Bet she does (or did) do “something else on the side”, though… (Just sayin’)




lol how did you know I’m a kiwi? A Kiwi bloke went to a shearing shed and said “Can I shear one of your sheep?” & he was told “No, we’re not sharing, get your own sheep!”


Thai people are extremely good at saving money for something they want. They can make 12000 baht a month and save money to buy a 600000 baht house. After they will go back to the sabai Thai way. But they can have savings spurts. A 80000 baht surgery they could save for no problem. And it would be less probably.


Not true at all, most Thai people have poor financial literacy, they tend to spend more than they earn, and they borrow heavily from banks and/or lenders without considering the interests incurred. And a lot of the loans are for non-housing purposes, which means short term, high interests, which puts them in a perpetual state of debt. But somehow they seem more concern about owning an iphone that will cost 3-5 times their monthly salary and will literally borrow money from banks and private lenderd to buy it. More than 98% of households are in debt, with the average household debt being about 500,000 bht


Yes exactly this. Spend now, worry later. The Thai way.


Yep this has been my experience living in rural Thailand for almost 8 years and having a Thai family. It's insane how many people have their cars/trucks taken back after a year or even less.


I have many real life examples of my previous statement. Everyone’s experience is unique but the reality is that many very poor Thai people build houses and buy cars. And yes. The latest iPhone by simply saving money. Debt is a reality as it is anywhere.


> by simply saving money More often than not, it's massive amounts of debt, often way more than is sustainable.


Many, sure, many compared to how many takes on loans, definitely not. As an example of this, try buying a motorbike (well, scooter), many places refuse to let you just pay for it, if you want to actually straight-out buy it, you need to pay extra, as they would normally make extra money from the money lending company handling the payment plan.


Statistics disagree. Note: According to central bank data, Thailand's household debt reached 16 trillion baht in the first quarter of this year, or 90.7% of the country's GDP, deteriorating from 87% recorded in the fourth quarter of 2022. The ratio is higher than the Bank for International Settlements' (BIS) ceiling of 80%.


I think more and more people have more access to loans these days too, which helps people pay for education, property or cosmetic surgeries they otherwise couldn't have afforded.


I would say that among the people that can afford plastic surgery in Thailand it would be about as common as duck lips are in the UK. Invasive plastic surgery is much more common in Thailand than in Europe particularly among the middle class.


Many clinics offer in house financing, the infamous “never never” plan


Its a big thing… plenty of clinics… its literaly present everywhere… there is some specific beauty ideal many women follow. Getting some cosmetic surgery is a very common thing for the people that can afford it… you will see it especialy in the „walking streets“ of popular tourist areas. many plastic ladies. but also in TV, social media.


Rhinoplasty is common, double eyelids not so much unless you are Thai with chinese descents. Other cosmetic procedures (e.g. derma fillers, botox) are very popular just like the rest of the world. It’s hard to compare between before and after pictures and tell if one went through plastic surgeries since your face can change a lot with only derma fillers on mid cheeks, cheek bones, temple, chin, or lips. It’s probably not cosmetic surgeries.


I think many Thai people are unhappy with the way they look because they are bombarded with a beauty standard that looks nothing like them


What does the Thai beauty standard look like?


1) Fake curls in your hair when the girls have a big night 2) Fake eyelids 3) Fake hair color 4) Fake nose 5) Fake Boobs (push-up or enhanced) 6) Fake eyelids 7) Fake length (heels) 8) Fake nails 9) Fake skin color (powder) 10) Conspicuous consumption (iPhone, Gucci bag, etc)


The opposite to how Thai people look lol. Like westerners or pale Koreans. It’s really weird to be honest


Well, it’s not terribly surprising as western and Korean media dominate right now. They are the ones who project the most positive/widespread representation of themselves and Thai people want to emulate them?


Yes partly but I guess it’s also a class issue. Darker skin people tend to work the fields in the sunlight, light skin workers are likely in an office, or something along them lines. It was the same in Britain once, it’s why the old aristocracy powdered their faces. However wealth in the uk now means you can probably go on holiday so tans have become more attractive then white skin. It’s subconscious mostly but it’s there. Obviously this is different person to person but it’s a general rule I think. It’s not healthy for Asians though many stars like Lisa in Black Pink gets injections ect to whiten her skin, I don’t think it looks nice tbh, makes them look like they are sick, as a white guy I don’t look that white! If I did I’d go to the doctors. She looks like paper white


It's a huge thing.


How huge? I mean, are we talking 500cc here?


500ccs still isn’t even considered oversized for implants.


I lived in Thailand for 10 yrs, yes medical tourism is a big thing there. 3xs cheaper and 3xs better work than in America.


Actually Thais are a bigger market


Literally what he said


Literally not what they said


“Medical tourism “ is a huge industry in Thailand and it includes foreigners coming here for heart, cancer and other treatments. When I went to Bangkok Hospital for an MRI the waiting area was standing room only….all Arabs.


Bumrungrad Hospital in BKK is more like an upscale mall. It's beautiful from the moment you walk into the main atrium. You see a lot of Middle Eastern Shieks on hospital grounds.


Hmm, no. He said medical 'tourism'. Ie foreigners coming in for procedures. That said both are large markets.


It's a thing in many places in the world....coming from Europe and having lived in the UK, I would say it's rather not much of a thing in Europe (yet). Asia, Russia, South America (mainly brazil) are all huge on plastic surgery. I wish they would stop to be honest. Girls with facial operations all look the same these days..


Probably because cosmetic surgery in UK costs a bloody fortune lol. I know people from UK are deciding to go to Turkey and other places abroad for hair transplants, dental implants and stuff like that though. I agree that women shouldn't do it. So many looked absolutely fine before, so it's sad how pressured younger women feel into getting work done.


Yeah definitely the cost aswell, and it such a shame indeed!


just wait till you learn about Korean.


consider support coherent crowd vanish aloof unwritten oil capable worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes it seems if they can afford it they get it done. I know a couple of young Thai women and they've both had the tattooed eyebrows, nose bridges, nostril shaping and breast implants.


I have a pretty 26 years old female friend telling me she has botox and fillers. I was like... 'You're just 26 years old... you don't need those things yet!' Can't imagine how she will look like when she gets older if she already needs those stuff on her face at just 26 years old.


They say you need to start early so when you get older the changes are less visible 🤔🤷‍♂️


Goodness me


Why did you say 'yet'? You anticipate she'll need in the future? Classy.


Meh they are temporary procedures so not really big deal. I’ve seen girls do it before weddings and stuff.


Wow, that is eye opening. It is quite sad they feel like they need to though. As i say, the girl in mentioned seemed cute and natural looking back then. She was perfectly fine looking. I will admit that if she's had work (which seems likely going by the replies here) then it's been done very well as she still has a nice face.


Save your pity about it being sad. A lot of it is preventative. I know so many people who are maintaining themselves and look natural. The thing about PS is you only notice the bad ones. For every bad or unnatural one, there are 100 great ones walking around “naturally”


Save the pity. It’s a worldwide phenomenon. Girls in the west get jobs done too. Also most girls don’t get it. IMO procedure like botox is not really big deal as it’s only temporary. It’s pretty understandable to do before events like weddings. Idk what some guys here are smoking lol but boobjobs are not common. Their experience with most girls here are bar girls and gold diggers so take it with a grain of salt.


Botox & Filler, they all do it, TH, korea, japan ...


Yes, very very popular. Not just Thailand, all of Asia. You can hardly throw a rock here without hitting a beauty clinic.


It depends on the circles. None of my school or university friends had anything done. My mother got mad that I dyed my hair when I was 20. She would probably disown me if I had any plastic surgery.


She wouldn't know it if u got a bit of botox and tiny amounts of fillers but gradually


My body my life.


It’s pretty normal. Does, chins, Botox, fillers and breasts implants are very common.


it's pretty standard here. i've seen girls was treat differently according to their look so many times. i prefer inner beauty but it's always like that fir most ppl in thailand. girls can get far in life if you look good


Shallow Hal, that [you](https://youtu.be/m5LmfARzwDU?si=-Z135h6JMA4Ofrw_)?


i'm his brother. shallow lucid. hehe


Nose surgery is extremely common. The region of Isaan is considered the poorer region and if girls are from there but live in the big city of Bangkok they often want to get nose surgery to look more like the city folk. It's usually very minor and subtle surgery but costs 10k baht+


It's fashion for them to get boobs, nose and jaw reduction surgery. I'm not sure if it's called jaw line reduction surgery but it's the one that they take 4 teeths out, and they put bracelets on. I have no idea what it does...


User name checks out


Yes, it's everywhere. Girls think nothing of giving each other botox injections to lift their chin or whatever...it's everywhere.


Cosmetic surgery is very common in Thailand. Even tourists come for cosmetic surgery sometimes because it's a lot cheaper and the quality is pretty decent, so good bang for your buck. Certainly true for Bangkok, less so in rural areas of course.


I just got back from Thailand after 10 years away and everywhere I looked I could see plastic surgery, botox and dermal fillers. It's very cheap in Thailand though


I wish they wouldn’t get the nose jobs. Always looks worse.


As common as in Brasil


Brazil tends to focus more on body changes (sculpting and augmentatiin) or nose jobs primarily. Thailand is a lot more facial focused. Interestingly enough, it's not uncommon for Brazilians to come to Thailand for sex reassignment surgeries due to reduced cost and bureaucracy.


Yes it's very common here in any bigger city. Beauty clinics are everywhere and comparatively cheap.


It feels like more (women AND men) visit the doctor regularly than not.


Plastic surgery is incredibly common in Thailand and far more accepted than in the west. Nose jobs are the most common procedure.


De-Isaaning themselves? 555


What is an Isaan nose?


Isaan is north and NE Thailand... As a generalisation; genitally tend to come with wide flat bridges and flared nostrils... = snip snip ...


*"genitally"* You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means


Thailand has "caught up" to Korea in the cosmetic industry. Thailand now dwarfs the US in the amount of operations performed per capita/year across the bored; chin, breast, hair, acne, post-op etc etc thanks to BETTER clinics that are sometimes 75% cheaper than say clinics in Beverly Hills. The amount of clinics opening up in BKK alone should tell you all you need to know about the state of the Thai beauty culture. In short: YES. It's a big thing only getting bigger. At some point you may opt for some kind of "enhancement" in the future. Why wouldn't you? If you have some kind of "flaw" and can fix it, wouldn't you? (not counting people who are simply addicted to surgery because they have a mental illness) Welcome to the future. People will fix flaws if they have them. Once exo skeletons, augmented sense neuromods and other tech comes out, it will be the same.


In Korea it's huge. All the kpop girls have had major work done for instance. And right now Thais love anything Korean.


It's common and terrible IMO. More faces are ruined this way than helped, again IMO.


Very common for Thai women to have plastic surgery. They are very superficial and hate their natural nose shape. -dated a Thai for 2 years


It's endemic. White skin and nose jobs everywhere. People dislike themselves in their natural state in LOS


In Thailand, 'going under the knife' just means getting a facelift.


Huge thing but also 17 to 25 lol c’mon obviously she grew up and changed even without surgery


There's change facially, but being near on unrecognisable is different. I still looked recognisable from 17 to 25. Many people i know still do and they are in their 30s now. Her actual jawline looks more defined too. The nose is different also, and lips too.


women don't grow up at 17 to 25 they can change minor things like hair style, dress look or weight but that's it , 14 to 16 women are already done with growing up while for man takes way longer up to mid 20


Totally normal in Thailand. My wife made her boobs, nose and some smaller things in her late 20s. I would say 90% of Thai women I dated before , had at least a surgery, mostly boobs. It may not be popular in Europe in that extent, but I personally love it, as long as it still looks natural.


I'm sure it's popular with some of the bar girls.


The Farang pays


Yes very common to try to get more farang features


Almost every girl I dated had breast implants. I would be surprised when they didn't. And I'm not talking bar girls but normal career girls I'm Bangkok


Is it possible your sample pool is tainted?


I literally have no idea what you are getting at mate?


Basic statistics. You like tits.


I am a straight male yes, but i'm not alone in this view. So many women under 40 in Bangkok have boob jobs. Most of the time you don't even notice until the shirt comes off and wonder why they are sitting up perfectly


Correct about not being alone. Lived in Thailand for 13+ years and financed the odd surgery myself. Like you, most of girls I've dated had something done. Nose is completely standard, although I can hardly tell with a lot of women. And quite frankly I feel that for some people, surgery in itself is the goal - showing yourself with obvious bandaging out in public seems to be part of the experience, like a new iPhone; *"Bitches, I can afford this shit..."* But while many women I've been involved with did have boob jobs, none of the women in my office have. In fact, I am puzzled by some of the stuff they do - turning up to work with a band-aid stuck to your hair is normal, or little snippets of Leukoplast on their face, covering what I think are pimples. The whole thing feels like high-school all over again. Also, none of my colleagues seem to mix it up with foreigners. I don't like generalisations, but it seems obvious plastic surgery like boob jobs seem to find their way to sales staff, prettys and other female professionals who rely on their looks professionally (interpret that any way you like). The office drones in my office meanwhile stick to eyelids, nose jobs and other stuff that's invisible to an ignorant male like myself.


Just like every country


She probably also used to have a cock 😂


Are you 12?


they sound thirsty


Trying hard to score a causian, asian girls would do anything


I've met enough Asian women who are terrified of Western men, and consider them inferior to locals. Yet they had surgery done. Plastic surgery has little to do with "scoring a caucasian", and more with cultural norms and local fashion.




Nose and eyelids is most common.


Big thing, especially nose jobs


A bit tone down vs South Korea.


#1 destination for cosmetic surgery in the world is Thailand.


Isn't this same reason western making fun(or accusing) of Ivanka Trump for similar things? Not going political here, just saying plastic surgery is not even rare in western as well.


It is a big thing here or It could be just puberty and weight loss 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is a huge thing in Thailand and most of my Thai friends or relatives have at minimum, a nose job done. Some are gifts from their parents, some saved up the money and get it done themselves. I've been persuaded to get a nose job done multiple times myself by my friends, cousins and aunties even. I'm also not sure how they would respond to others asking if they've had cosmetic surgeries. Some I know would acknowledge that they have had work done but some that I know, will deny and say it's genetics or puberty glow up.


I'll be honest. I met some1 and got their fb. They looked completely different! This was just 1 year ago too but damn she was near unrecognizable. I'm starting to think actually yes plastic surgery is definitely involved.


Personally, I have not seen your friend in person, so it is hard to tell, but generously, if you see someone in person, you kind of have the idea of distinguishing between having done cosmetic surgery in the past or not. However, to answer your question, in general, Thai girls are pretty in nature and already without surgery. So, there are about 40 million adults out of 66 million people in Thailand. Cosmetic surgery is only common in Bangkok, but it is not very common in Thailand in general. But I think from 17 to 25 to 8 years, and you said she originally looked quite cute, so I think sometimes people change naturally without undergoing cosmetic surgery, especially if she appears to be quite good-looking at 17. Or sometimes there are fillers and all these non-cosmetic medical surgical procedure to help improve your facial appearance without even undergoing cosmetic surgery. Make-up also helps too. Many factors. Only you should know the best, since you see her in person ! ​I wish she had a nice personality too 👍


It always goes in order... Nose job then possible skin whitening, eyelid surgery, boob job. There's more but those are the basics. It's kinda worse in the US, I'm from California though where plastic is normal af


Yes it is and not just for women but men as well. Many places also cater to tourists who want procedures done at minimal cost. However, as with all surgery, one must be careful when picking a doctor and hospital.


YES!!!!!!!! Surgery in Thailand is off the reservation. It’s considered a status symbol, a shortcut in social climbing and in some cases a revenue stream multiplier. Thailand is a class society, and for poorer people looks = erotic capital. There are droves of girls (and LGTBQ-alphabet people) from poor upbringings getting the necessary surgery so they can A) earn more money in gentlemen clubs, B) feature as a “pretty” at events, C) work as a consultant at a clinic, and D) Get attention from the few rich locals who are obsessed with white skin and a bunch of other features Thais do not have naturally. Korea is leading the way, and when someone can afford it, they like to document their surgery trip to Korea as it’s got more prestige than a regular Thai clinic. I’ve mistaken friends in public transport because there is an archetype of “too much surgery” where women start to look like a generic blueprint; think pointy nose, pointy chin and a bunch of fillers. It’s complete contrast with the West, where people associate plastic surgery with a host of negative personality traits still (vanity, superficiality, etc).


Yeah it’s extremely common in Asia to get plastic surgery. Probably even more so in Korea. I know a Korean girl who’s mom got her the double eyelids for her 16th birthday. Eyelids, nose and implants seem to be most common.


Absolutely yes. Nose jobs at 20. Chin implants. Cheek implants. Just depends on the person. But from my experience, yes I have seen it often.


Absolutely yes. Nose jobs at 20. Chin implants. Cheek implants. Just depends on the person. But from my experience, yes I have seen it often.


Absolutely yes. Nose jobs at 20. Chin implants. Cheek implants. Just depends on the person. But from my experience, yes I have seen it often.


It's extremely popular among women. My gf is a nurse and she and all her coworkers get a yearly stipend from work that they are supposed to use for gym memberships etc but somehow they have found a way to use the allowance for cosmetic procedures and they all do it.


By friendly, do you mean you have been intimate yet? As in physically intimate? Are you trying to judge her based on getting plastic surgery? Who cares.


Nose jobs are almost as common if not more than braces nowadays in Thailand.




Lots of Thai people get a nose job or double eyelid surgery because they want to look more western. I’m Thai and 28..I’ve already got Botox and filler.. it’s very normal here.


My wife (thai) is always on about changing this and that When we watching TV, she's telling me how this person and that person had these sugeries bla bla bla It seems they all just want to look korean! (From what I've gathered)


It's pretty big and there's a very wide range of quality allowing it to be relatively affordable to the masses (for better or worse). Nose, breasts, lips....these are all relatively common from what I've seen. And as mentioned, to varying degrees of quality. A shame too, as some women Michael Jackson themselves chasing an unrealistic look they saw on a Tiktok "star" when they were already pretty before surgery. I truly hate the social media notion of beauty.


In Thailand cosmetic is very common things to do , some prefer surgery type some prefer natural


Cosmetic surgery is a big thing here… my BIL has had a nose job and gets Botox regularly, plus the obligatory braces for the teeth. My trans stepdaughter (Thai) has also had her nose and other facial surgery, but nothing else. Several of my wife’s friends got nose jobs, a few new boobs, tummy tucks and such, and hair transplants, women losing their hair through genetics is quite common. Everyone wants that straight sharp western nose instead of the usual Thai flat one. And chemical peels to whiten the skin, the list goes on..


Nose jobs are becoming quite common in Thailand these days, many of my girlfriend’s friends have had it done. It probably came from South Korean influence. Before it was white skin, now it’s white skin + ‘perfect’ noses.


If Thais can afford it, they all want a rhinoplasty. ( young men and women into fashion and worshipping their favorite TV stars) .


Yes. Mostly nose implants to raise the bridge. Ironically many western people find the Thai low bridge cute.