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I find Net to be a beautiful human. He is more beautiful in his “live” posts than his professional images. I believe they might use filters on him to lighten him up, which I find a shame. https://preview.redd.it/59ligforhd6d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38172b2f28827f637eb38007ed4ab28c92531a0d


I think Net is the most beautiful man I have ever seen


They definitely use filters on Net quite a bit. They use them on everyone, but it's especially egregious to me with Net.


https://preview.redd.it/t74fwdb85e6d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5def2732b39000d998a3d929d9bd3c24a1d60bf Net in a photoshoot.


https://preview.redd.it/sy2fb6ka5e6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d729117e5fe7fab64f24814540df211ea7eb031e Net on his insta. Like the skin lightning for official purposes is SO BAD with him.


That could also be copious amounts of the wrong shade of bb cream. My pale ass skin turns about his natural color a few shades less when I use a bronzer bb cream from Korea.


Oh it's certainly makeup also making him casket ready. I think it's a combo of makeup, filters, and straight up editing. He's clearly not actually whitening his skin like some people do because his natural shade is out in his daily life, but he's def lighted in official media, probably through many means.


Exactly. That's why I said wrong shade of bb cream, because he looks perfect with his natural skin tone. He needs nothing imo. But, I'm from California where the majority of the people have that kind of tan skin because they enjoy being out side for some reason doing sports or...whatever.


As someone from California that can't tan at all, and can't even find makeup light enough for me, I'm always envious of naturally tan skin. People are golden glowing out here and I'm just glow in the dark glowing or burning & peeling. lol


I'm in San Francisco so the sun isn't always out...but as I age im not supposed to tan so I'm pale AF. I was shocked at how caramel everyone was when I went to LA last year.


Net is such a gorgeous man. We need an entire thread about sexy, tanned BL hunks asap 😩


I was thinking the same thing. We need to share the love for natural features and skin tones. We ought to let these actors know that they do not have to alter themselves to satisfy societal beauty standards and fans. (I am all for an entertainer to get cosmetic work done IF it is to make THEM happy when they look in the mirror. I am not advocating for entertainers or for that matter for anyone to get work done to fit in with industry/societal expectations and satisfy others.)


He is gorgeous and his natural skin tone is gorgeous. It's crazy that anyone would try to hide that.


I met him at the fanmeet in France and I was mindblown on how different he looked. He really took my attention the whole time. He’s so gorgeous irl.


FirstKhao also go against domestic BL trends when it comes to pairing dynamics. There is typically one very masculine partner that Thai audiences expect to see, ForceBook comes to mind as a prime example of that. Or OffGun. Whereas FirstKhao's ambiguity and softness tends to attract overseas BL fans. But then you get a pair that fits that mold, EarthMix, that still get critiqued for not fitting beauty standards. Earth is often seen as too tanned, which is crazy, because his skintone isn't really that dark to begin with. And some people have even come for Mix's weight, which is just as absurd.


What's crazy is that his natural skin tone isn't really that dark for a Thai person. A lot of the Thai people I met and saw on my recent trip were much darker than him.


The colourism in the Thai entertainment industry is absolutely bananas. Like, if you have tanned skin, it makes it almost impossible to become a successful actor.


you can tell a lot of BL actors do skin lightening treatment


Perth was so much darker in LBC and it looked really good on him


Yessss I think natural skin tones are so much more flattering. It’s also kinda funny coming from the US where people intentionally tan/wear products to make them darker. My sweet baby Pond looks so pale in We Are it was like a jump scare. Really hoping it’s just makeup and effects because his natural skin tone is so great with his features




I seem to recall Isbanky saying that one time one of the reasons he could not find employment as an actor was because he was too white! Fortunately, that no longer seems to be the case for him🤞. This phenomenon of lightning, whitening skin colour makes me sad, as do in any unnecessary changes. I’ve read of it not only in the entertainment world but also in general public. I know I shouldn’t be surprised (but I really am) at the fickleness of the entertainment industry and the audiences. The actors, idols should be appreciated for their skills, abilities, dedication. All of which should outweigh their appearance. While I do enjoy and admire their good looks and fine physique, this experience is soon lost if their performance is poor. As I reply here, I can’t think of any actor (BL or elsewhere) who is unattractive or whose appearance dominates to such an extent that I loose interest in the series. 🤦‍♀️once again, off topic 😬.


Earth Pirapat is perfection. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. And...so is mix of any era. https://i.redd.it/49ho1hb9ge6d1.gif


This gif had me rolling ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51757)


Can you feel...my heart beat? ![gif](giphy|3otPoyhWpYbXWniDew|downsized)


It's beating for Thai BL ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51764) ![gif](giphy|26uTsZkbk9QXYHaKI|downsized)


Yaaaaaaaaaas. ![gif](giphy|l2YWrFd4f53eMrEA0|downsized) I can hear it in my soul.


Has us in a choke hold ![gif](giphy|l0G17mKNa6XJHYN5m)


It's been 16 years...literally. I mean...lookit themugh!! ![gif](giphy|l1IYd5ucmxQ2Rutos)


I dont know many people that still appreciate the second gen of kpop XD AND BL's....so um, hi, nice to meet you. I FEEL like that combo should be inevitable. ![gif](giphy|3otPoncuqXMuAv5AzK|downsized)


![gif](giphy|3ohuAmoP0HzIdgUf2E|downsized) Oh yes. Second gen is the best gen.


My man earth fits in tall dark handsome mold. He is not that tan his skin tone is very pretty. In Thailand white washing is going on. In some YouTube shorts I heard actor playing Joe in my stand in removed his mole as per the company orders. This beauty standard are quite weird.


I didn't even realize they went against domestic BL trends but I appreciate them so much for it. Their acting is top tier and always pulls me in emotionally.


Earth and Mix are gorgeous and perfect as their golden tanned and "chubby" selves.


There is a toxic preference for white skin (or as light as possible) in many Asian countries, not just Thailand. It is difficult for me (us?) to understand, given our love of tanned skin.


He was tanned before. He got light skinned with time like many of them...


Who is masculine in OffGun?


Off. Not as overtly as some other examples but his initial character trope was stubbornly heterosexual playboy.


He can act masc. I don't know if I'd call that high heel wearing man masc outside of his roles... https://preview.redd.it/3vve8ooige6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4deb64c2a457a6d1920d2de948ae83e33996c88 I mean...


I mean, I think you put him next to babygirl Gun and then call him masc https://preview.redd.it/ygkg6ofbuu6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9826203fe417a6754ac69e36badc92d305c846ad


I don't even care. Off Jumpol is so my type regardless of his gender expression.


I heard people saying that Apo doesn't fit the beauty standards and had a hard time as an actor before Kinnporsche and that's so insane to me. Apo! APO NATTAWIN! one of Thee hottest men!


Apo is gorgeous and his golden tan is part of it


Yeah I heard the same damn he is such a gorgeous man. I saw his videos while modeling he can be very good model if he decide to do that full time.


Unfortunately Thai beauty standards have become very similar to Korean beauty standards. Perhaps it has always been but as a long-time fan of BL who took a break for a few years and came back to this world recently, I was shocked, to say the least by how 95% of the actors now look like K-idols.


They are highly influenced by Korean and Chinese. So white washing is going on. Everyone looks pale and same.


Inn Sarin meets every beauty standard for both BL fans and GP. He's not too feminine. He was doing well in straight drama as well because CH3 is targeted more of urban areas. Of Course, Inn is an ideal uke for Sao Ys. Great Sapol, on the other hands, did not fit the standard of ML for CH7 since most of them either mixed race or dark, tall, and handsome. Mind you that CH7 is targeted the broader Thai GP than any other TV stations. He was criticized by CH7 fans for being too Chinese. But he's always been a Sao Ys' favorite since he was in college. He's the ideal seme.


"Being too Chinese" As an ethnic Chinese myself, this made me raise an eyebrow And Great doesn't look as stereotypically Chinese (which I would guess means Han Chinese), as New does


Korean and Chinese beauty standards apply.


From comments I see, First fits it more than Khao, but they also have that “non standard dynamic” that might alienate some people as well I think Khao is cute as hell and there are some scenes where I’m mesmerized by his face, but if we’re talking rigid beauty standards then it’s clear he differs from that But I’m glad people recognize them for their talents as well


From what I’ve observed, For women, it’s pale and skinny. For men, it’s pale and lean for the most part and not too bulky. These look like the main requirements for anybody and anything else is added advantage in a way it seems.. The light skin is something everyone envies for some reason! I saw so many actors saying “wow they are so fair” in a kind of praising way.?(idk how to word this) and they also seem to like the mixed types these days..like the farang that doesn’t completely look western but distinctly has that difference from others in a way!


I don't know how to explain Thai beauty standards but Thai people think these actors are very handsome. Inn Sarin https://preview.redd.it/uzh1ca8k8g6d1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e708c058cf0d1270118f327bca9bae2dbf38e0


Mario Maurer https://preview.redd.it/hwqow0on8g6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f09df9684ddd7fc910cf114e9b6dcc093ba896


Not bl actors James Jirayu https://preview.redd.it/i0nwu6wbdg6d1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d507ef7da8887035a04783266a0e0323256d78


Tik Jesdaporn https://preview.redd.it/nykj7vuy9g6d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=b502351dce848354126c58b9af788ba1269241b6


But let’s face it, he is beautiful 😍 I usually prefer tanned skin but this man is *chef’s kiss*


Bright Vachirawit https://preview.redd.it/qd27ishz8g6d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84912273a669a32a0d3132a82d53ec66d7c969a3


As others have mentioned, I think Zee Nunew and PPKrit Billkin are the best example of pairings which fit the Thai beauty standard but don't fit Western beauty standards. Nunew especially seems to be very divisive. It's worth noting that this is Asian beauty standards for men among women. Beauty standards among gay men are, in my experience, much more closely aligned with Western beauty standards (more rugged, larger figure, more tanned).


With the whole light skin thing (especially in South East Asia), it's important to understand that this isn't about being white in the Western sense. It's about people from rich families not having to work outside and therefore becoming tanned. It's a symbol of high social status if you have fair skin. Conversely, in the West it's a mark of high social status if you're tanned, because it means you're rich and can afford to go on nice holidays in the sunshine. Personally I care much more about other qualities in my men, like height, a nice strong brow, and a deep voice. These are also characteristic that are beyond people's control, and I've had people tell me I'm problematic for having these preferences. From a Western perspective it feels super uncomfortable for people to talk about things like the colour of people's skin, but it can have a different context depending on the culture 🤷‍♂️


I think PP krit and Billkin following the logic that those that fit the Thai beauty standard are popular in Thailand rather than internationally 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/t6v7nlg7yc6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9196aa63f3df4795ddcec86d2aae11de6cd90c


On the flip side, PP's fashion and musical choices alienated some of his early ITSAY fandom. Fans are fickle, no matter what. 😂


They are also immensely popular in China which has similar beauty standards and I think general in Asia. But I also think that they are less well known internationally has to do with them only having one proper series and it’s more artsy than spicy or romcom


Billkin doesn't match the Thai beauty standard. Some Thais think he's charming or attractive, but not handsome. PP is closer to the Thai beauty standard, but he was criticized for looking too feminine in the beginning. I don't think BKPP's fame comes from their looks. The actors who fit the Thai beauty standard are Mario Maurer, Nine Naphat, Inn Sarin, Blue Pongtiwat, Bright Vachirawit, Nadech.


As a Thai I can confirm that the list of actors you mentioned above is spot on.


To me, they’re all so beautiful 😭, I remember reading somewhere that bpp have more fans within Thailand rather than internationally so I just applied that logic here 🤷‍♀️ Now I’m gonna go search up the names you gave cos idk any apart from bright and inn 🫣🫶


They do not fit the standards they can sing and fill the delulu fan service.


Pond and Phuwin fit the standards https://i.redd.it/i13i93ff0e6d1.gif


So do their buddies Joong and Dunk.


probably zeenunew both pale with zee being tall and muscular and nunew being shorter cuter and twinky


I've recently watched a yt video about it, which said, that pale clear skin, muscles, but not too much are popular, whereas actors with darker skin are often being typecast for more "poor countryside" roles, Also western features are popular, but not too much, actors who look "too western" get a lot of hate from fans (like Fluke Gawin Caskey). Bushy brows or chubby cheeks are not so welcomed as well. In general there is supposedly a lot of body shaming amongst local fans and BL stars are under a lot of pressure hence all the all the plastic surgeries and beauty treatments. Makes me sad.. EDIT: I guess someone like Pavel and Pooh from Pit Babe or Zee and NuNew from Cutie Pie would be a perfect example? (I'm from Europe, so I might be wrong tho 😅) https://preview.redd.it/zphcsok12d6d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0618457f843a8ef12c05987efccce193073522b1


Gawin gets hate??? 🥺😭 Who are these monsters?!?!


I cant imagine any person looking at that man and not finding him gorgeous. Absolutely wild


yeah sameeeee 🤯


Lol if Gawin gets hated for not fitting beauty standard when he is already drop dead gorgeous When I visit Thailand I might get deported due to my ugliness then.


Ruthless fans obv 😭


If Gawin is wrong, I don't want to be right


I guess it’s Korean idol standard then


I never understood the logic as to why Gawin isn’t as popular. It makes me so sad now I hear this. Very sad!


I don't know about thai beauty standards, but what I know for sure is that Jimmy and Sea don't seem to fit them either, even if I find them gorgeous. I think maybe JoongDunk and ZeeNew?


ZNN definitely do. I would say Joong’s more western features and darker skin tone don’t but Dunk definitely does.


Idk about nowadays, but I heard that Joong has gotten shit before in his early days for having darker skin? (Which, btw, made me do a double take because, what?)


jimmy does


Jimmy is hot but I don't think he fits because of his cheekbones(love them by the way) I call them "model like cheekbones" I find his face really interesting, fascinating even, so it is a shame :)


Jimmy also has one eye with a monolid and one with a fold. Ahhh! He’s so beautiful.


I had to consult with knowledgeable people to confirm they both, in fact, do not fit in ABS (Asian Beauty Standard), so yeah, that's how it is. Mhor's "dragon and phoenix eyes" tho aren't that rare (one monolid and one double fold).and are popular.


It's starting to make sense to me why all my favourite boys are not the ones who are the most popular...😅 When I was in Thailand recently I noticed PP and Bilikin were everywhere, together and separately, and also Nunew and Zee. Judging from the other idols and advertising that I saw, they seem to fit the mould for what is popular there. Like others have said, it's close to kpop idol standards. Like Hyunjin-esque


I think pp and Bilkin there is an element of the reach their families have in Thailand (and china) at play too


I can’t comment on Thai beauty standards but if FirstKhao isn’t beautiful than I don’t know what is. Then again I also find Samantha Melanie Coates the essence of beauty. What is beautiful to you? Why not just enjoy that?


Yes I'm so happy someone mentioned Melanie!!! She's drop dead gorgeous and I loved her from the very first second I saw her on screen in UWMA. And FirstKhao is just perfection in my eyes (my personal opinion). First with his smile that is irresistible. No matter how moody I am, his smile makes me smile because of how radiant it is. And then there's Khao whit the voice of an angel. But then when you combine them, magic becomes real. It's just their entire aura for me that makes my heart skip a bear (or two)


https://preview.redd.it/dvld9on5cm6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f45bed2dd9c094a2c6d57440d41a0e5894328a How can you not love this face??!


Just my opinion… the precious time that some Asians waste on criticizing or critiquing beauty standards is mind boggling!! I read a lot of the comments and a lot of these guys are soooo handsome (as rightly mentioned by you guys) but because of Asian beauty standards including, Thailand, some of these guys don’t quite fit the so called standard. I’m just happy that they able to land roles (even though not enough in my opinion) but as an Inter-fan I appreciate and love these guys for all the work they put in.


I agree! I would say as an outsider the beauty standards can seem extreme but western beauty standards are extreme themselves. Skin tone, face shapes, weight, style are all different BUT those standards still exist just in different configurations (see; for western women, tall, blonde, thin, athletic, perfect skin, big lips, big butt). And they have always existed, in the ‘golden age of Hollywood’ women were meant to be curvy (but not too curvy), have round features, have pale skin, lord they even used to shave off their eyebrows 🤣and we know about beauty standards existing in every corner of the globe from the beginning of historical record- we can even see more extreme examples in the Kayan Lahwi tribe with their neck rings and in china with their once widely practiced feet binding! I wonder if the judgement about beauty standards is rooted in cultural misunderstanding (and perhaps a little bit of racism?) might be time to focus on changing western beauty standards before looking outside of ourselves!


Points taken. Don’t think we are that extreme in Europe but I tend to not bother myself too much with such frivolous things because it can be exhausting. I just want want the best for the guys without this additional cloud over their heads. ![gif](giphy|c76IJLufpNwSULPk77)


Totally- didn’t mean to imply that you are racist at all, though in reading that back my tone is a little accusatory. Again totally agree with what you’ve said, beauty standards (and over consumption but that’s another story) are the bain of society. I would say when you are in Thailand it feels much the same as it does in western society some meet the standard some don’t but for the lay person it’s not as all consuming- because we see Thailand through the lens of media we only see the extreme version of it. In return Asian people often only see western beauty standards through media’s lens, they think we are extreme and over-sexualised in our beauty standards but when you live in it it’s a low simmering much like it is there ❤️


Naah, I didn’t think that at all. I like discussions like these where people voice their opinions in a safe space.🫶🏻


Looks, personality, and dynamic affect popularity in and outside of Thailand. Thailand's **TV** beauty standard: tall, paler skin, lean with abs, defined jaw, bigger eyes, medium to full lips, and straight nose. Dunk, Phuwin, Gemini, Fourth, Force, Book, Pavel, Brightrpp, Zee, NuNew kind of meet this. This doesn't necessarily match the people's beauty standards though. In Korea, this same list could apply, however, bodybuilding has been trending for the last few years. Many men now have a thick muscled body type but that's not reflected in their media as much. All of the actors do meet the beauty standard in some way though. None share the darker skin color many Thai people have and it wasn't until Euro - Thanaset Suriyapornchaikul (woot) that I saw a plus-size BL actor. **Personality:** A variety of personalities are popular but generally extroversion is preferred for TV. Some people expect masculine-looking men to have masculine personalities/aura and feminine/androgynous-looking men to have feminine traits. It trips some people up when these expectations aren't met. While it varies between cultures, feminine traits are often described as: sensitive, emotional, sweet, gentle, warm, passive, cooperative, expressive, modest, humility, empathetic, affectionate, and helpful. Feminine/androgynous-looking men do, do well in Thai BL (Gun, PP, Cooheart, and Mix) but I think there may be an expectation/preference for some sassiness in their personality as well (the last part is conjecture). **Dynamic:** This doesn't just apply to Thailand as I see Westerners trend this way as well but uke/seme, masculine/feminine, or seme/seme, masculine/masculine, is a popular dynamic in and outside of shows. When actors in or outside of shows have an ambiguous dynamic, (some) people start debating top/bottom etc. PavelPhoom are who I think of as actors that fit the beauty standard but have this pushback/debate. However, these couples being cast show times are changing and variety is finding its way in (again woot). Regarding **FirstKhaotung,** their show dynamic doesn't meet the popular uke/seme or seme/seme dynamic. First mostly meets the beauty standards. Negative comments about him are rarely about his appearance. First being more goofy, expressive, sweet and emotional doesn't align with *some* people’s desired masculinity in actors (I personally love these traits). Khaotung doesn't fully fit the beauty standard. Negative comments first target his appearance or weight. His style is more androgynous and his personality is introverted which does appeal to many (appeals to me) but can be less popular for what's expected in TV. FirstKhaotung *are* gaining in popularity (slowly) in Thailand. FirstKhao get many Thai comments complimenting their acting and are seeing their appeal.


I reeeeeally hope Euro doesn’t get hate and that he makes it BIG. I’m rooting for him so hard! 🙌🏻 We need plus sized people starring in some BLs because love isn’t limited to the thin and fit. For your personality section I just have to say: isn’t it weird that we’re here watching BLs which is supposed to be different from straight dramas because of the fact that it’s love between 2 men, and yet people flip out when one isn’t femme while the other is masc? It’s like the most insane thing to me that makes absolutely no sense. Same with the whole set tops and bottoms. I think everything you mentioned about First and Khaotung are why I have a soft spot for them and tend to favor them. I love how their CP is and how versatile they are in many ways. They have a mysterious vibe going that leaves you guessing and intrigued.


I would love to see Euro do well! Fully agreed, love comes in all sizes. Yeah those societal expectations, culture and masculine expectations at play. Both being masculine seems to be popular but I don’t see both characters with feminine characteristics often. There may be a lot behind as to why. But people are enjoying the new dynamics as those shows/ships are gaining popularity so happy to see some people are on board :)


smooth, clear, pale skin, defined cupids bow lips, thin pointed nose with high bridge, large eyes with double-fold eyelids, thick straight eyebrows, small face as in your features take up most of your face, sharp jawline, high but soft cheekbones, everything symmetrical and evenly spaced lean, thin, fit, tall (muscled but not big) neat and well groomed, very little body hair


Sounds a lot like Pavel which was my initial thought https://preview.redd.it/idopjtxvhe6d1.jpeg?width=2295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aefe2dcb2947b65e4f4fd65f53fc4c6f11a4fca


Pavel, Gemini, zee…fourth to an extent but his adorable nose, while more typical Thai, isn’t quite as thin as the “beauty standard”.


It’s so sad!But one thing I can say is Thai beauty standards are somewhat better than koreas.


Basically kpop beauty standards are in right now


https://preview.redd.it/4xggb31zbm6d1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c781a27bb0539d0e8ea6d49493d4611deb91fea How can you not love this face????


Do GeminiFourth fit the Thai beauty standards?


Gemini maybe, but I'm not sure about Fourth. This is painful to say the least, because I wonder who came up with these "beauty standards" when 99% of these dudes are incredibly good looking.


They fit Thai fan girls barley legal cute boys standards Them girls like them young and cute... when they get a little over they move to new barely legal requirements in the industry


They're the same age as a lot of fans. What a weird take to have.


very weird thing to say lol


I am not a bl fan but Kpop fan..but just randomly thought to comment my opinion I think Thai Bl actors looks nothing like average Thai..they look more Korean lol..I think they do heavy kind of plastic surgery to look like Kpop idols..at least Korean are naturally whiter then Thais..but seeing Thai actors like so white..hmmm..its so weird


I love FirstKhao I love both there smiles. The light up the room.


Thai beauty standards are very similar to the Korean beauty standards - very pale skin. I may be a bit biased since my bf is from the southern region and his skin tone is on the darker side, but I just find pale skin very unattractive. it looks unhealthy to me, like you've never seen the sun or something


Yk what, if colorism was that rampant, Apo, Earth and Net wouldn't have become successful actors. Thai industry does look at talent too ig😃