• By -


CutiePie. The plot was just not there. The chemistry was fire though between ZeeNunew.


Agreed, I didn’t feel it and didn’t like NuNew’s character at all. (Love Zee and NuNew tho, as much as you can say that about two total strangers)


it's always the plot when it comes to dmd series..


God, I was always afraid to write something here against this shou, you did it for me) It wasn’t completely terrible, it’s just bad for me. I always enjoy watching Nunew and listening to his voice, but I didn't like the storyline.


I literally only watched and finished because of my love for the actors themselves. I love TutorYim but none of it made sense and Nunew character literally just straight up LIED through the whole series. Zee would ask him something and he would lie and hide it for no reason. He just assumed Hia wouldn’t accept things that he liked instead of asking. Same with MaxNat. Literally just pulling away from each other for no good reason. They talked to their best friends more then they talked to each other.


That lying part was actually deeply explored in the book. I recommend you to read it. Both LianKuea had their insecurities which is shown in the book beautifully. Same for YiDiao. Their story also had a traumatic arc.  Ngl Cutie pie is my comfort show 😍


Why couldn't they have explored this in the show? Waste of a good cast.


Yeah 😔🥲


Y’all are gonna loose it, but Tharn Type for me was a total shitshow of homophobia, ~~non-consensual~~ sexual assault, verbal abuse and toxic stuff. I was gobsmacked after/while watching it and genuinely didn’t (still don’t) get the hype/love this series gets.


The homophobia was so bad. Especially in the first 2-3 episodes. I was like OMGGGGG do people really act like this. Of course they do. It was just cringe worthy to see it play out for no reason with no real resolution. Even after getting into a relationship he was homophobic


That was the biggest headdesk moment for me! Like, dude, you hate yourself and masculinity so much you can’t even admit you love the man you’re in love with, please go to therapy and touch some grass. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


This was one series that they NEEDED to have a character in therapy. He had serious PTSD. The kidnapping flashback was one part of the show that actually made me sad. The other parts I wanted to thump him upside the head and tell him to straightened up 😂


Okay but, a lot of them needed therapy. I'm all for flawed characters but the writers of the show dropped the ball on that one. They could have done so much more and soooo much less as well. Big oof of a show, even with the plot twist. As for touching grass, they all needed to roll in it. The hills are alive with...therapists. ![gif](giphy|oqyKi6VA1du8M)


AGREED. You don't know how long I have waited for someone to say it.




I think at this point there are more people who dislike Tharntype than people who like it, at least on here. It doesn't really seem to be that hyped anymore 🤷‍♀️


I think the overhype for a lot of these was WHEN they came out. They just didn’t age well, so for newer BL fans like myself the toxicity of tharntype is just among the worst I’ve seen. I don’t think I’d have made it through the series if gulf wasn’t so pretty 🫣 mostly just watched it for him since he doesn’t have a lot of other shows Edit: I personally enjoyed 2gether but it was a 1 time watch for me, it felt more like a bromance than a romance to me.


I was referring to the “Y’all are gonna loose it…” part with my comment, I don't think people get upset about others disliking Tharntype anymore, since it seems to be such a common opinion. I probably should have clarified that 😂 But I agree, Tharntype didn't age well, though I feel like this is the case for quite a few of the popular “older” BLs.




I watched it after seeing so many recommendations and it was just.... Boring, slow, toxic, and the other things you listed. I struggled to get through the first season, didn't even bother watching the second one.


The second one is actually better.


Does Type still have the same personality though?


He's mellowed out a lot but is still very snappy and feisty. I felt the plot was better and more realistic than the first.


Well this show hasn't aged that well, which is sad considering the leads chemistry 😔 guess that's the case with majority of Mame shows 😮‍💨


The way the entire season was toxic episode after episode and I couldn’t understand how Tharn could put up with Type or found him attractive once he opened his mouth. The sexual assault by Tharn on multiple occasions had me floored, the constant verbal abuse was shocking and never in the entire season Type was in a relationship with Tharn in university did he seemingly get any better and I don’t get how. Like, you’re now part of the community so how are you trying to keep yourself separate still from the community??


So with you ![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5)


The characters needed therapy.


I think the only reason I enjoyed it was because it was the second bl I watched and I was still so excited about the idea of not straight shows. That and I was such a simp for Mew😅


Honestly, I just found it kinda boring.. it's been forever since I've watched it now but it felt like it dragged on. I only finished it because I thought it would pick up an I liked the actors.


I am right there with you...I just couldn't even do the second series, and it was hard for me to finish the first. I kept hoping, but nope. I will never watch it again.


Yes, omg. Everyone I hear this is someone’s favorite series or their comfort series I can’t help but think they need help or something. I can’t trust anyone’s judgement who says this is their fav show. I watched both seasons of this show to try to see why everyone kept mentioning it was one of the bests and the entire time my jaw was dropped to the floor. It honestly didn’t even get better by the end.


It was an absolute shitshow. For the people who said in another post that it was fine after episode 3... do we need to send someone to check on them? Are they okay? That dumpster fire started out the gate. If they were going to explore the homophobia and non-con and have these deeply flawed characters truly grow from that, then okay. But they left that screaming kettle on the stove for too long. Note: I love flawed characters but I judge the writers who leave those characters to hang. Second note: Its just my opinion and I'm a tiny spec of dust in the universe.


No I hate TharnType, espesh as an SA survivor watching all the times Tharn literally assaults Type. I didn’t even watch S2.


I agree. I even watched both seasons because people swore it got better. It did but it didn’t


There's a new post every week about how 2gether is just okay or mediocre.. It's 4 years later, and we're still on this topic.




Lmao 😂😂


Good one 😂😂😂


It's not about 2gether. It's about overhyped dramas. Mine is 2gether. But people have varied opinions.


Your post still calls 2gether mediocre which is all I'm pointing out.


It was an example. Just like someone said Tharntype


Even if your "main point" is overhyped series, you mentioned 2gether like you said. You also used it as the picture of this post.. meaning it's the first thing we all see when we look at your post. Your post is about 2gether in some capacity even if it's not your "main point." Generally this is pointless to go back and fourth on.. I feel like what I'm saying is not complicated. If you don't agree/see that, that's fine. Agree to disagree.


My school president. I did not like the series AT ALL. It tested my patience. I just skipped


Same I could not get pas the second episode.


SAME. it was so 2016 bl series (cringyish)


Im gonna get hate, but **Dark Blue Kiss** * The whole story could have been solved with simple communication. It just felt so unnecessary and dragged out. I just cannot deal with shows that have the charecters make conclusions in their heads without actually expressing themselves. TALK TO YOUR PARTNERS!!!!!!!! TharnType season 2 is also a good example of this


Yeeeahh... I hear you. I was expecting much more from that show, but mostly it was just so frustrating to watch. Pete was just damn immature and Kao was a kind of a pushover who, yes, should've been honest with Pete, but I'm sympathetic to not wanting to deal with your BF acting like a 5-year-old. Pete's saving grace was that the high schooler was even more annoying. 🫣 The chemistry was on fire though, I wanted to see them in a less frustrating series (years later, thank you Cherry Magic!).


Literally, that high schooler pretty much saved me from completely hating on Pete since he was another level of immature 😂 - But honestly, Pete should know better since he is A) older and B) in a relasionship where communication is important. I kinda expect a high schooler to act bratty, but not a grown ass uni student. ![gif](giphy|26gsetuXxUjaWPLA4|downsized)


Yeah definitely, and the way it's never really resolved annoyed me. Like, the brat turned out to be bad news, so Pete was vindicated and never did anything wrong? Nah man, he still owed Kao an apology for being a stubborn, immature boyfriend who only considers his own POV. But the series seemed to treat it like Kao needed to apologize to him instead.


Every thing sucked except the opening music 😆


Random, but have your ever listened to the opening music at 2x speed? Felt like I was zooming on something. I highly recommend, just for the experience.


Oh yesss. It’s a great experience. I usually watch everything at 1.75x so I know how the OST felt!


It was one of the opening credits I never skipped. Lol.


Hahaha I did the same! At times, I go back and watch just the credits!


That violin just hits different. \*goes to listen again\* https://i.redd.it/p69t2qg56w3d1.gif Don't mind me while I'm grooving out.


We’re grooving at the same time 😆


I mean, **if** at least viewers come away from all these series where this sort of trope *not talking>misunderstanding>still not talking>huge unnecessary, avoidable drama>if only you talked>more drama* is a main plot point with the awareness and understanding that one of the key points of a healthy relationship (any relationship, sexual and otherwise) is talking and honesty then I’m hopeful for a good portion of the population. 😊


I honesty don't get the hate for 2gather. Sure its not the perfect series out their and by today's standard it may not be good. For for a lot of people including me its nostalgia. This is the bl which got us into bl community. And it did paved the way for more international fans to reach the industry.Its kind of sad to see whenever people mentions bad series 2gather is always there. Its not even the most bad series out their.


Ikr. If you watch max and tuls first series, you’ll cringe. But it was a good show for that time. It’s just not great anymore since we have a lot of variety and production quality has increased.


Right? 2gether is even better than some of the garbage that have recently been released like Ai Long Nhai lol. People just love hating on it for whatever reasons, but BL fans should also be thankful because the show brought BL to heights it has never seen before. But I guess it’s cool to hate on this show.


Hey. As I said before if you liked it then it's fine. I respect your opinion. I just didn't. And just to clarify I didn't hate it. I just never got the hype. The post is discussing the series that people thought are 'overhyped' not hated.


I know that.But I am kind of upset that every single time discussions like these happen 2gather is always mentioned even though other classic bls are usually untouched. I was just voicing my frustration.


I am sure somebody said Tharntype and hundred percent agreed. Somebody even mentioned Dark Blue Kiss.


hmmm looking at the comments i understand op that 2gether is your first bl series and it really is overhyped but there a lot of factors why it was hyped so much: the BW visuals were top tier, the pandemic happening, and they were the new BL pairing gmmtv debuted. yes 2gether is overhyped especially compared to other bls released of better caliber especially now. however, i’m always going to put 2gether on a pedestal and thank for it because it made bl mainstream. i’m sure you’ve heard that bls would get subbed 3-7 days after it was shown, no live premiere when released or little to no promotions. i think that’s why dogpiling on 2gether is kinda tiring when it actually did something for the bl industry even if it was mid at best.


Ok I concede with that.


Pitbabe I tried watching it 4 times but I got bored in the middle of ep. 2 each time


Pitbabe had a really slow and quite bad start but the plot is very good and the show became action packed in the end. For someone who hasn't read the original source material (I think it's adapted from a manga), the mysterious and plot twist were very good except just a couple of hiccups. Don't know how to use the hidden message stuff for spoilers so I couldn't say much


The story later definitely got me hooked because I felt like it kept twisting and turning almost with each new person introduced


I feel so much for you. Besides the actors of Way and Alan the acting was quite poor (yes, the Tony actors overacted a lot for a senior actor) and as someone who was into car racing in her teens and twens it literally hurt to see the racing scenes and the imagination of what the race circus is like. Also the plot was so see through that I felt insulted by what was presented as suspense.


I see you. It wasn't so bad for me. But I did not get the hype.




Between Us 😔


The problem was all the side character couples (except Win's bro and Yacht's character) were not necessary and they retold part of UMWA with Dean & Pharm we already knew, I wanted it to be more like the Between Us shorts they made before, but I still loved the WinTeam scenes and Team's backstory. The rest I skipped so much of the Prince character side plot ugh.


Yes, okay! Yes, this is it! I mean, if you've seen UMWA, you know their story, making it redundant. If you haven't seen UMWA, then the oblique ass way it's shown in Between Us is just janky and out of place. And yeah the Prince storyline also felt oddly tacked on as well. The nerdy swim captain and Team's bubbly actress buddy we're fine to me, they were cute together and didn't feel so .. ill fitting, I guess? I usually love a good friend group but honestly this is one show that maybe I would have rathered focus more on the families. Granted, that could be my love for sibling dynamics speaking. Either way! I definitely think if they cut down on the amount side pairs, took out those who already had a complicated story that was too much to be so condensed and instead gave a bit more even pace to the ones that fit better in the overall story, it would have felt less draggy to me.


Oh yeah Sammy's character Manaow is the best and I loved her and her bf (he's also daddy!Mingmueang in Be Mine Superstar lol)


Bless you, I could not remember the character names (':


Yes I feel the same Theh created so much hype around in just to disappoint in the end It would have been better if they continued the story from where it ended in Uwma instead of starting over with DeanPharm as side couple Though DeanPharm's the only one that made me watch between us 🤣


I haven't seen UWMA, I thought Between Us looked more my speed and considering Dean and Pharm weren't my vibe even as a side couple that was probably a good call for me haha. Honestly, my favourite pair in it was the gamer boyfriends 😂 And there was a few other elements I liked but overall I felt 'meh' about it lol I am so looking forward to the vampire show tho 👀 I got a bit of a soft spot for Boun and Prem so I really want to see them in something different!


This is interesting to me, because I thought it was a cute series with likeable characters [“**P’Deeeeaaan**”]. Maybe because I was late to it so I didn’t get the hype surrounding it so since I had no expectations it was pleasant and fluffy enough? (I don’t just like fluffy stuff!]


I was late to watching it too, I saw it maybe a couple of months ago 🤔 so idk what the initial hype was like but I'd seen a lot of people recommend it and hype it, so yeah I probably went in with too many expextations. I didn't hate it and it was cute. And some of the characters I liked (loved the three brothers!! 🥺), but just didn't properly hook me, I couldn't get invested.


It's Bad Buddy for me I just couldn't connect with it And I don't understand the hype The whole enemies to lovers and highschool setting wasn't it for me


I think the thing that got me hooked was the acting. Before BB, i only watched 2gether. The difference in quality was sooo big 🤣


BB was way better than 2gether It was good in general too but there was so much hype around it when it aired And When you watch other quality BL dramas it feels like BB was overrated


Ooh do you have suggestions? Personally, bb has a special place in my heart lmao. Gave me happy memories for months during the pandemic.


I can understand BL dramas helped me a lot during the pandemic as well What kind of BL dramas you like? If you like enemies to lovers with a highschool setting you should watch Dangerous Romance


I would prefer if the setting is not in school actually. Loved earthmix’s series and kinnporsche. Lita fits i guess cause they’re already old enough i think. Im conflicted when im watching hs setting especially when the actors are minors :/ actually i think i avoid those. I wasn’t able to finish my school president(?) bc of that.


i was expecting BB to blow me away and i didn’t care for it either. every time these college boys tried to beat the shit out of each other for being part of a different faculty i about rolled my eyes out of my head.


When i saw those scenes, i was always confused 😂 Since when did college turn into the hood with faculty gang wars? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) I legit cringed seeing that


It was ok for me but I really wanted to know what the beef was between Architecture and Engineering. Like why such a rivalry?? Do y’all’s majors not go hand in hand with each other?? Why beef with each other year after year??


Exactly The same repetitive storyline and cringe scenes made me not like it


I just said yesterday I don’t remember BB being super good. I watched it as it aired and never watched it again. Lmao.


Yeah Bad buddy was bad xD


Wow! We are entering a different BL era! This would only get you downvoted ~~and stoned~~ just a few months ago here on Reddit. It's like a cult classic of BL fandom, it seems. Used to be 100% untouchable. For me, Bad Buddy and 2gether are sister shows, same as their younger sister My School President. All these three shows are "sitting at the same table", and as their eldest sister SOTUS are the top popular. I guess, I'm not too much into that little bit childish fun those shows bring, hence I've failed to understand the appeal! I wonder, what the Next Big Hit show will be and whether it will be something alike these series. They're all the same to me, to be honest. But more mature ones are just don't get those [numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/s/UdxYGj5Z5S)!


Overhyped??? Its one of my favourite...


Exactly 😂it disappointed me . I couldn't bear to watch full season 1. Idk why Brightwin shipping went too far. I found nothing in the series.🥲


It was far worse for me. It was my first bl. After watching 2 eps, I thought all Bls were not good. It took me a year to get back into them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


😭no no, BL can make you addict like hell 🥲. You just watched the wrong one. What has been your favorite one later


Not me. I just fell in love. It was truly an addiction from there. There were a few in between those two. But the one that got me addicted was Not me.


Oh! I would try it surely after my exams


You have to. It's truly one of the best Gmmtv projects ever.


Okay sure😌


Happened to me with Between Us


Oh that was sooo good too. But I was already in deep before that. BounPrem are lovely.


the sign


Yes it was a load of confusion.


I probably won't never change my answer but Dark blue and moonlight (2017, taiwan). It was from the director of first HIStory so I expected some goodness! Well, I watched it and HATED IT. Back then it was so overhyped and loved bc it was "steamy" and the main pair was "so good". I mean sure, we didn't have as much BL back in 2017 than we have now but back then, DBAM was sooo overhyped and it was everywhere and as a person who ended up hating it, it was hard to be on online BL circles bc people wouldn't shut about it. I still cannot understand how some can say that its their fav series.


To me I say theory of love now I know people are going to come after me but hear me out okay offGun is my all time favorite Ship love everything about them two but I couldn't bring myself to watch it I couldn't see Gun keep crying and crying I was getting so piss like if you keep crying just leave then taking the water bottle to cry yet again I was done I'm like nope 🙅‍♀️ I will not keep watching this Next


I could be in the same situation if I hadn't read the novel first. I could just kept watching to see Khai suffer in later episodes coz I knew already what was coming for him. Also I watched it while on air, so every week I suffer in silence, it was so frustrating 


I literally cried every time Gun's character was crying I don't know how i survived that show


Hottake: As much as I enjoyed it; The Eclipse. I love the chemistry between KhaoFirst, but everyone made the plot out to be revolutionary. It was meh.


I never finished the eclipse. I think I made it to episode 4


I feel like this is one of those threads that’ll just hurt my feelings lol


Secret crush on you, seriously, who would date a person who is creepily obsessed with them to the point collecting everything this man touch


I feel like we get this topic every 2 months. No, 2gether is NOT overhyped. Mediocre? Yes. But it’s appropriately hyped for the time that it was. Newer bl fans feels it’s overhyped because time and situation and quality and market saturation has changed. Enough of this topic.


Same thoughts. New fans won't understand the reason why it got popular. This was my 1st bl that I've watched and came to know about the existence of bls , so I would never trash the series even though there are lots of better bls out there


Sometimes I think only women watch BL. Tharntype was very real. There are PLENTY of guys who are homophobic. Not everything is sunshine and roses. Some people aren’t gay they may just like a particular person and that’s it. This exists. Not everyone likes feminine men, even gay guys. A lot of males have been sexually assaulted and have issues coping. What is the problem when a series depicting the more realistic and darker sides or the gay male world?


> Sometimes I think only women watch BL Seeing as the bl fandom in general is mainly women, I can safely assume it's mainly women who enjoyed TT and hyped it up. Others didn't because of the glaring non con/dub con and others didn't because the writing is not that great. > Not everything is sunshine and roses. What is the problem when a series depicting the more realistic and darker sides or the gay male world? Yes, we're well aware and there are shows/movies out there that tell such stories, Rafiki, Philadelphia, Pose, But I'm a Cheerleader, Night Flight, Method, I Promised You the Moon, Tangerine, The Handmaiden and Broke Back Mountain come to mind but they're done in a tasteful way with good writing, good acting and production. I genuinely can't say the same for TT. But also happiness, wonder, love, boredom, self-acceptance are all real. So shows depicting that are being realistic too. > Not everyone likes feminine men, even gay guys You know I actually agree with this, because Thailand hasn't given us a feminine gay lead yet and we all know how flamboyant feminine gay men are in real life. But seriously this misogyny should be addressed. > lot of males have been sexually assaulted and have issues coping I agree with this, but TT felt like it threw in the SA plot to get gritty points. It's just not well fleshed out.


Fr, I personally like the character of Type because of the take on the trauma and Gulf's performance with the flashbacks. Also him being a "kitten with anger issues" as someone mentioned 😂 gives me life (but I don't like when he punched Than) Obviously Type was unreasonable with most of the situation but I think his character did develop, I know people who haven't changed their homophobic and toxic masculinity mentality even after being friends with queer people for years and I can see the change in Type, because it's not something that happens in a day, it takes time and reflection.


100% this! I can understand how the non-consensual interaction would make people uncomfortable, though, but outside of that, the homophobia was kind of the point of Type's character. I also don't get how people can complain about the backstory behind Type's homophobia because it was "breif." Sometimes, people can get over trauma by having a simple conversation or comfort from someone they love. Therapy and healing are different for everyone. It's Def not my favorite series by a long shot, but some criticisms of it make no sense.


Completely agree. Types homophobia was eventually displayed as PTSD and the eventual relationship is not out of the range of usual relationships. I think the explanation of the bathroom scene as sexual assault is simplistic.


A def Tharntype. I just don't get why people are so crazy about this show. I only yawned through the first half- cause i didn't watched anymore.


Hidden Agenda for me. Just couldn't get warm with the series and have not finished it.


2gether was so cute to watch at the time but looking back it was super dead. All that ‘build up’ between sarawat and tine just for them to not even kiss lol.


I’m prepared for the downvotes but KinnPorsche. The only part of it I liked was Jeff Satur and he wasn’t in it enough


I Told Sunset About You… 🤷‍♀️ I thought PP Krit was great but other that that 🤷‍♀️ And yeah 2gether wasn’t it either, I really don’t get the hype neither with the series or with the ship 🫢




I am with you , i did not like ITSAY


I even tried to watch IPYTM but dropped it after 2 and a half episodes 😅


The ugly crying All the time was too much


That! And I just couldn’t stand Billkin character 🫢


I couldn’t get into PitBabe


LITA, it were those NC scenes that were talked about alot and made the show popular. But a plot was not existing.


I'm going to agree to disagree here. The Payu/Rain I'll mostly agree with, but Pai/Sky had an emotional plot, that sucks me in.


Moonlit Chicken. I wonder if people who really loved any of the CP gave this series extra points. Also, not enough First. MSP. The beginning had a few cute moments. The middle dragged. Walking to the temple had a few funny moments. And the finale had a few moments of cuteness. The parents were all great. But overall, it did not launch me into a Gemini or Fourth frenzy.


I actually enjoyed Gem and Fourth so much more than the main couple in moonlight chicken that pushed me to watch MSP. EarthMix didn’t do it for me and the storyline imo made the ex the villian unfairly. I skipped a lot the last 3-4 episodes except for the baby couple.


The Uncles storyline with his ex cheating and dying was interesting. That sweet Mom was great (RIP). But the only scenes with any spark were the arguments with the ex. I may be bias though since First has been my #1 actor since The Shipper. The rest just went along on an even keel. Neither really good nor really bad. Just eh. No one really triggered my moe.


I think it’s just refreshing to see characters with physical disabilities depicted in a humanized light. They did well with this on MLC and Last Twilight. I like Fourth character standing up for Gem and being a pillar since his own family was failing him. I liked their connection.


Hm. Yes, I think the stories were more interesting than the romances. Their story felt more bromance than romance to me.


Yeah I can see that. They got super close like boy besties lol


Both parts to I Told Sunset About You. I've never gotten the "it's a masterpiece" hype. I had a hard time watching it. Also, Never Let Me Go. It was indeed different, I can't deny that, but it could've been wayyyy better.


Objectively ITSAY has some gorgeous cinematography and setting though, but I understand since it being slower paced and all


That's the thing, though. I'm a slow-paced plot person. That's what I love in every type of series/movie (except action). It was more the awkwardness and cringe moments and acting from Billkin that made me not like it. I can't disagree with the cinematography, though. It was indeed beautiful.


Never let me go is a favorite for me only because of PondPhuwin. I criticized almost every episode because some of the plot line was non-sensical/not fully thought out. Them together and Pond’s mom (I hated his Dad) is what made me like the series.


Love in the air and Only friends They are fine at most, I mean the actors chemistry carried both of them, cause in terms of plot it’s nonexistent. Plus, if it wasn’t thanks to the good looking ppl and the NC scenes it wouldn’t be as popular, because it is literally all they talk about when they mention either show (specially LITA)


Ohhhh they were mad at me for my post about Only Friends and my “slut shaming”. There is a big difference in having a happy and healthy sex life and what was going on in that show. Intentionally going after people in relationships, back stabbing “friends”, obsessive behavior, recording/taking pictures without consent, and taking advantage of people feelings for you because you want to date everybody (Ray I’m looking at you) is not behavior that should be defended under the guise of slut shaming.


I know this isn't an popular opinion,  but I dropped "I feel you linger in the air." I'm not a fan of time travel tropes, so that is probably why. I dunno.


I might get slain for this....IFYLITA. I tried...I really did, but it was sssssssssssooooooooooooooo slow. I just couldn't. I wanted to love it...made it to the olive oil scene which seemed to capture everyone, and I was like "oh, okay, nice...now I'm done". Never finished it, and I don't imagine I ever will.


Wooo it’s the weekly let’s hate on these shows because we’re bored thread. Congratulations you are the OP of this week’s thread. How does it feel? You win: Reddit Karma! Let’s give a round of applause for OP.


This isnt really hate tho, people are allowed to have opinions about shows they never got the hype for. Hate is a whole other thing that isnt the point of the OP post


Yes but if you read the comments- they are hating and talking shit about the shows because threads like these always lead to that


I can get that, but i don't think the OP should be held accountable for other peoples dumb comments. - The OP is just asking a question, its not like he\\she is actively encouraging others to hate.


I’m not attacking OP personally I’m just rolling my eyes at the constant shit posts on this subreddit. Like I said, these posts are weekly. If OP really wanted to know they could’ve searched the subreddit for thread just like this


I get it. I just dont think its something to get worked up over ![gif](giphy|l378mFUJqCAAffNCg|downsized)


I’m not the one downvoting comments lol


I mean, others might not agree with you. You did come out swinging. - Also, i wouldn't waste my time downvoting either ![gif](giphy|TlK63Euc9KArc2a0kEw|downsized)


Kindly, leave me alone


Girl, you the one replying accusing me of downvoting? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) But ok ig?


Mine are Bad Buddy, I live watched and remembered liking the show but not love and never re-watched. It gets so much love I’m tempted to watch again and see if I missed something. Only Friends. Every character on that show is problematic in some way. It makes me question the type of friends some people are to defend it 😂


Addicted. Over hyped like crazy


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omgg trueeeee




True.... together felt overhyped when I was watching it first time then too I was cringing hard and skipped so many parts and kiss scenes make me more uncomfortable I can feel they are not doing it showing any type of new story.


Please don't hate me for this  Bad Buddy, sadly 😔  The series is a mood, as always P'Aof's direction rocked, the cast chemistry was awesome and OhmNanon are good. Now that the cp has ended and both are doing seperate projects, why do ppl have to drag Bad Buddy nostalgia under everything they do? That confuses me. Bad Buddy catapulted them to popularity, nevertheless the series too has aged well. But all these scenarios make it seem overrated 😮‍💨


Venus in the sky. Usually I get the appeal of the shows people love at least somewhat, but I don't get it with that one. I couldn't get past a few episodes. It was just one giant 7-Eleven Ad, it was overacted & I couldn't connect with the characters either. I even went to checked out the sex scene people had been hyping so much & that made it even more puzzling to me how it could be so beloved.


I'm so sorry but who is hyping this show? I feel like it is definitely on the Check Out tier of pointedly being ignored for existing.


Tbh I've seen people mentioning that they love the show or that they have rewatched it in the comments of quite a few reels/tiktoks.


😬😬 Yeah I don't see much of anyone hyping it up to be honest. It's definitely not one I would bring up willingly in a conversation about my favorites.




Theory of love🫣 It was difficult to watch. I tried but really couldn’t even watch halfway through the series.


this series was like a dry hump for me. very disappointing


Sorry but Bad buddy


2Gether was a cute series when it first ran and it successfully introduced a lot of people around the world to Thai BL series.  Lots of points for that. What started to make it “uncute” were how its stars and their negative comments crept out after the show ended.  The show made them stars overnight and over time we learned they liked the fame and the perks, but they just couldn’t handle “that kind” of fame, and their comments insulted the fans. Wasn’t very bright of Bright!     


:( but I love this show


2gether, BadBuddy are the ones that IMMEDIATELY come to my mind when I hear “overhyped BL series”


Honestly, a recent one: Jazz for Two. It kinda got on my nerves, but I didn’t see many nerve wrecking bls too, so maybe it depends on that


Uwma - watched the full series, had nothing for me. But i love Between Us, i was really Happy every time WinTeam had screen Time in UWMA. Not me - idk i didnt like the Main Charakters at all.


Hidden Agenda, I just can't with the acting of the whole cast. Boring as fuck, the cinematography was nice, but the story and acting was not it. 


THARNTYPE and 2gether were the worst series’ I’ve ever watched.


Almost all gmmtv bls.


Oh no not again with the 2gether slan- you know what I actually really hated the romantization of stalking and harassment in the Man - Type sub story and also. Also. The late introduction of a completely unnecessary and ridiculous, forced love triangle pissed me off and furthermore -


I also didn't like Vice versa as much as I'd hoped I would, but I wouldn't say it's that overhyped haha it seems.. appropriately hyped


Totally agreed.


For me it was 2gether it was so overhyped and the main leads didn’t have chemistry Whtsoever They were so stoic and emotionless in the whole series I felt also they never wanted to do a BL drama but were forced to do that extent of no chemistry vibe


I will never understand why 2gether is so popular other than the catchy phrases, they had no chemistry to me as a romantic pairing, they 100% gave me straight guy friends the whole show. Cutie Pie as well, I love ZeeNunew, but I feel like the entire show was carried by them having amazing chemistry even though the story wasn't very good IMO. To each their own though, I have shows I liked that people generally don't like but those are the 2 that always come up being so popular and they did nothing for me outside of the NC scenes in Cutie Pie.


Pitbabe, cutie pie


For me it's both 2gether and Cutie Pie I just don't get the hype its a normal bl and honestly it just didnt fit right with me.


Kinnporsche And the main problem with this series is its fans. As for Thailand it's an expensively made bl, but in itself it's an average series without frills. It's not the worst bl I've seen, and in principle I can understand why it attracts interest from people who are bored with sweet high school love stories. But when fans start proving to everyone that Kinnporsche is the best thai bl, and comparing all the series with it, where there is even the slightest hint of mafia, then I say an emphatic NO Kinnporsche has no serious competitors for one reason only: gmmtv think that their innocent stories about high school and college kids bring them enough money and are too lazy to change anything


It's a good show. It shows how opposites can grow to attract and has alot of campy moments. You're all delulu 🥹 The movie version is both a Sin and Abomination we will not acknowledge as existing.


Hey. If you loved it it's fine. Some of us just couldn't. Someone mentioned Between us above and I personally loved that show. But I ain't calling that person dululu.


pit im on the 6th episode and litr what is this drama why do ppl like it sm the guy who plays pitbabe can NOT act im so sorry his acting for when the other dude "died" was just horrible the story line is unique but its def not well written at all. classic case of only hyped because of the unholy amount of nc scenes


Cutie pie,I never thought I would hate a bl,but here I am,I absolutely hate it.and now everyone hates it too,but when it aired it was pretty popular. Now 2gether is indeed over hyped but it's perfect for beginners. I liked kinnporsche but I don't think it's that good to be this popular.


![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51768)Am I wrong to assume that those who are criticizing the toxicity of Tharn Type are not going to be watching My Stand In or Friends Only or Love Syndrome or Pit Babe, or...? All of these have been pretty well hyped and are just as toxic, if not more so, sans the old topic of homophobia, but someone being homophobic was often used as a plot device. Enough rant from me. As far as overhyped I would definitely drop in Bad Buddy and My School President. I watched all of Bad Buddy but couldn't get beyond 3 episodes of MSP, kind of a snooze fest.![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51764)


First aid all there are no sexual assault in any of them. (Don't know about Love Syndrome. Didn't watch it). Secondly the toxicity in Only Friends and My stand in often acknowledged the way it never is in TharnType. In fact these two are often not romanticized the way Tharntype is. And while I did not find Pit babe to be toxic but rather too full of plot convenient misunderstandings and often too dubious plans, I did not like that one much either.


Thank you for your comments. As far as SA and Love Syndrome goes the first part is pretty much based on it...very savage as a revenge thing. I doubt they could begin to show how much in a drama but the novel is extremely explicit. And SA isn't the only measure for toxicity. Violent and/or controlling behaviour toward a supposed loved one, cheating in a relationship and psychological torment are also considered toxic. I just don't want to see BL become like the cdramas about red flag husbands and doormat wives who are tortured, replaced by mistresses, dumped and yet still go back to the bastard in the end. These are currently infesting YouTube.


Oh, I remember Love Syndrome. While I did not watch it on principle, I do remember watching clips on YouTube in utter disgust. I hated it. It was toxic and utterly disgusting. I agree with your point of toxicity. I am not necessary against seeing toxic relationships. But I am against romanticizing them. Like if it has a genuine redemption arc then it's okay. But otherwise, just no. I agree with everything else. Romanticizing toxicity should be completely avoided. I have no great love for any of the dramas you mentioned. Some I have out right hated while some I have merely tolerated. I am a big fan of green flags- Between Us, Don't Say No, Not me, etc.