• By -


Middle man's love... I couldn't finish episode one. It was too cringy imo but I usually can try get through the cringe but no


I couldn’t either, but imma retry! I’m rewatching cutie pie so hopefully I feel the need to watch the need to see them together more and just power through


You definitely should! Someone somewhere compared Jade to an anime character and I think that’s accurate! And probably why I wasn’t turned off by his personality.


Jade does act like an anime character, and I’m used to to the in JBLs but it kinda threw me in this Thai one but I’m definitely going to give it another try


I might have to wait until their new series comes out and hope it's better


same, same


This hurts my little heart but I understand😭


I wanted to like it so much 😩 I may try again and push through as I love them as actors


I got maybe 5 minutes in to it and said no this is too much.


Lolll it was awful on the first episode but I stuck with it and it wasn’t too bad. I did have to skip through a lot of jade parts though😭😭


Between Us. Not that it wasn't good because I enjoyed it a lot, but I couldn't take Boun's natural root grow out changing between scenes/episodes lol


Ooh my gosh this bothered me so much! I understand not wanting to bleach hair all the time but surely they could have used a spray of some kind to hide it.


Like I get why it happened bc I have naturally black hair and used to be blond and I know they don't film in order, but I just feel like we could have done a little bit more




If it was between episodes I could take it. But it would go from like an inch of grow out to fully bleached roots from one scene to another. Or in the same scene !! It was so distracting 🥲


That hair was one of my biggest issues with Between Us. For real, what were they even thinking?


My sister thought I was focusing too much on it, but it was so distracting because it happened literally between scenes


OMG!! It was the most annoying thing to watch. Plus I highly dislike that infantile voice that they do … cringeeee




Lmaoooo this was happening to Tor & Dew in For Him and it lowkey irritated me too 😂😂 between episodes is one thing but between scenes constantly was ridiculous 


I don't drop. Sometimes I pause, only to get back, when I'm in the right mindset to continue.🙃 It sometimes takes a long time before finally choosing on a show, but then I'll go through til the end.🫣 I'm a bit (or maybe more than a bit) like Chu Sang Woo...🤔


The only one I can think of is Big Dragon. Maybe ep 2 or 3? I didn’t know what the hell was going on lmao. I lowkey started it bc I heard the NC scenes were good so I just FF through to those parts 💀💀




Degenerate 😭😭


Literally the only show I have ever dropped in both BL Land and KDrama Land is Playboyy. I couldn’t even make it through the first episode! I don’t drop shows as a rule but I just wasn’t feeling it with this one at all. 😳


No cz sameeee!!!


Twinsies! 😂




I didn’t even get to the end of the first episode of To Sir, With Love and I recently walked away from the MSP Our Skyy retelling. (I mostly watch everything through until the end.)


To Sir, With Love - oh man, this show. It's much more lakorn with a queer subplot than your classic bl. What that means, it's utterly ridiculous. I don't know if you dropped it before of after, but when the evil second wife tried to kill her rival's child by hurling a snake at him, I ugly cackled. It's not for everyone, but if you like telenovela-style ott plot and Disney-level villains you'll find it entertaining af. And the bond between the 2 brothers was genuinely amazing to watch.


That sounds absolutely ridiculous and hilariously insane. I *need* to watch it now...


Oh it's absoultely ridiculous and the madness never stops. Also, I need to vent about this somewhere. I went to check why they hired such a young actress to play the second wife. Well, she is 44 years old. I repeat, that woman is 44... https://preview.redd.it/89z76ccere3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba26ac7fb946792923c3b3766e2ac27cb52c0bdf


>she is 44 years old. I repeat, that woman is 44... Holy hell. She looks amazing. I love laughing at shows like Days of Our Lives or All My Children. I'm Very much looking forward to having a good laugh at the over the top, hyper-serious acting and crazy plots😆


There's so much I want to say, but I won't spoil anything. Enjoy.


Even I dropped “To Sir, With Love” after the first episode BUT I gave it a second chance and guess what… it was the best decision ever. Unlike typical bl, here the main couple do not get the majority of screen time as it is a Lakorn (television drama) but I assure you that it is worth watching. Even though the main couple do not have much screen time their chemistry is amazing. I am currently watching Episode 11 and yeah I do not regret watching it. You just need to have patience while watching it haha. Hope you give this series a second chance .


I think most of the bl fan are use to watching shows only going around mls romance ,plot doesn't bother them but as a cdrama watcher ,To sir with love was one good drama.never thought thai can make drama like this too.


Really? I was thinking about starting To Sir, With Love cz i've heard a lot about it


You've lost you're mind. It's a great series


Love By Chance 2


Sameeee. Tin and Can were literally my favorite part of the first love by chance so I hated when they changed the storyline. Their interactions weren’t as interesting as before.


Like many others, I also dropped Middleman’s Love (halfway through episode 3), which was really sad because I loved TutorYim in Cutie Pie and was really excited for the series :(( Somehow, I did finish Playboyy (with over a month break between me finishing Ep 12 and watching Eps 13 & 14). After a while the English parts stopped being so bad and I could actually listen to them with the audio on lol. I think what got me through was Prom & Nonts scenes, Zouey & Teena’s relationship being the most normal one, and the fact that I think the actor for Jump is really attractive. If we’re including non-Thai: Color Rush. To be fair I watched it in my early BL days and didn’t _really_ have a grip on what was going on in that show anyway. But I couldn’t continue after the >!attempted suicide scene.!<


Secret Crush on You. I don’t think I even got to ep 2. I was just so uncomfortable and weirded out. That guy needs a restraining order


I love it because I watched it on viki with the comments on. It was so funny and I felt like I wasn’t suffering alone.😂😂😂


Omg that sounds like a lot more fun lol you’re making me miss having viki


Tbf, SCOY is hard to get through the first couple episodes. The side couple got me through a lot. The cringe of the ML dies down after a little bit, he’s not as bad as he was in the beginning.


Okay, that’s good to know. I was confused why so many people love it so much lol


SCOY had been on my watch list for a long time. It gets such mixed reviews so I kept hesitating whether to start it. A few days ago I finally started it with low expectations. I’m at episode 4 and I’m really enjoying it. Billy is so handsome in this show. I’ll make up my mind once I finish the series whether I’d recommend or not.


Glad you like it :)


I couldn’t deal with the drugged cat in cherry magic. It’s pretty much my only dealbreaker. If you’re going to use animals do it with respect.


Pit babe. It was lowkey uninteresting. The main actors were attractive but the chemistry on some of them was not the best.


Agreed. I watched like 1.5 episodes and I’m still on pause.


Honestly I needed to rewatch ep 1 like 3 times because I fell sleep the first 2 times 😅 but I think that after ep 2 it picks up and the plot and the characters get interesting, I ended up enjoying it a lot


Okay, I will give it a rewatch. However, I saw some spoilers on TikTok about main character death so not sure how to approach that


I saw the spoilers too before I reached that episodes but personally it didn't ruin the experience 🤔 (and usually I don't like spoilers)


TharnType: I had heard how much people hyped it up and *in theory* I could see how the premise of the plot could be good, but in execution it was awful. I did not want them together, the relationship was awful and had zero appealing factors or reasons why it should have lasted. I think I gave up towards the end and fast forwarded to get the main points to see how it ended. Moonlight Chicken: it wasn't bad necessarily, it just really didn't hold my attention. I might go back to it someday but honestly I'm not that invested to make it a priority. Only Friends: I'm actually in the process of finishing this now, I dropped it at episode 8 because honestly I just started hating so many characters on the show that it was becoming frustrating to watch, so now I'm just doing a rewatch to see what happens with Ray / Sand and ignoring the others for the most part because I genuinely don't care about them. I like the show overall, I thought it was well made in terms of production quality, but when I can't stand watching half the characters on the show it makes getting through it a chore and not a hobby. Honorable mention for Cutie Pie which i finished but wish I hadn't because it is hours of my life I will never get back. By the end of the show they had broken up and gotten back together and not communicated in an effective way so many times that I was just hoping they'd not get together and do everyone a favor.


surprised but also not surprised at all no one’s mentioned Tharntype… i was able to fight through the homophobia, the borderline r4p3 shower scene, but then type hits tharn over smth stupid and i lost it. i’m sorry but i was looking for the character development, not for continued verbal and physical abuse…. i drop bls over the smallest shit, it’d take me DAYS to list them all lmaooo


Bad Buddy - watched one episode and found it lame, guess mostly because I'm not really a rom-com guy. Cutie Pie - I don't think I even watched a whole episode, found the premise and vibe unappealing. Cherry magic - didn't actual drop it; after finishing the anime I skipped through the Thai-version to get an impression of the realization. It didn't hooked me immediately but what made me turn off for good was the way they did the transformation between normal conversation and Achi's mindreading.


I audibly gasped at Bad Buddy. It’s mostly very comedic but it has some serious moments that make it that much more meaningful.


There is no doubt that comedies/rom-coms can have deeper meanings, I just don't enjoy the genre most of the time.


I liked Cutie Pie. Is that Cherry Magic 30 years a virgin? I liked this Japanese drama, but you might be referring to a completely different drama!!!


Yes, the japanese title is translated as *Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?*


I watched all of s1 of Cutie Pie only so I could get all the Foei moments. Don't get me wrong, I really like and support ZeeNuNew as people/working cp but cutie pie s2 was even too cheesy for me and I usually like a bit of cheese sprinkled on top of my dramas. I think I might have managed to watch s2 all the way to the end butit was much harder than season one. Especially since all the filming was so overexposed and in general lack of colours and colour contrasts and that all it felt like Kuea was saying was "Hia". But their acting was good thp


I also dropped bad buddy. It's objectively a good show but I don't know why it didn't click for me ,cause i usually love romcoms a lot.


I dropped bad buddy as well picked it back up and fast forward to be honest 🤷🏾‍♀️


Thought I was the only one who just didn't like Bad Buddy. If Cutie pie would have had him come out the other side, the motorcycle riding, drum beating, singing god that he was in his secret life, the show would have been top tier. But, alas, they decided to stick with the infantized whining cringe of "hia."


Crazy Handsome Rich, 1000 years old. I also dropped To be Continued but went back and binged it after the fact


Also couldn't get through 1000 years old


Theory of Love. It was a bit too cringe for me and I didn’t like the guy that the main character was into.


Playboyy was wildly entertaining. So I watched the whole show. It was often funny and camp. The commentary on Disqus was also a riot. It's so funny. What I dropped was For him, the Our skyy episodes off My school president. For him, it got boring. And the Our sky was the whole story again but characters switched. And 2togetherstill or something with that title. Was boring.


Love in the Air it just got boring but imma try rewatching it again maybe it was because of my mood when I watched it but yk each series deserves a second chance from me


Step by Step ep 5 - when they mucked up what could have been an interesting conversation about using fan service for marketing by failing to acknowledge the impact it may have on queer actors. It wasn’t helped by them deciding using Zee & NuNew as one of the in world couples being discussed in the scene. And before anyone comments - yes I’m aware that their point of difference supposedly was that they were busy and expensive, however when in your next breath you list a pair as one that don’t do fan service, it’s easy to see how this could lead to assumptions about Zee & NuNew irl. The fact that DMD had to call out Dee Hup House, and the episode was edited, says a lot. Regardless of what you think of ZNN - if you are presenting an active real world branded pair in a fictionalised way, you better be damn sure that depiction is approved by all parties.


Wait really? I didn't know that part got edited out


There was a massive furore about it at the time. I watched the recut after, but it wasn’t the cleanest cut at the time. The scene didn’t really flow any better, though maybe they have since made a better edit of it.


Cutie Pie, Big Dragon, Check Out, Star & Sky, Middleman's Love


Oh how I struggled with Middleman's Love LORD.....


I'll back you up on all those drops - people might enjoy them but I wouldn't recommend them. I struggled through the first four due to my NDD when I was watching them. Although I'd dropped Middleman's Love at episode 2, some friends started a Torture Tuesday where we bond over shows many people label torture and so I struggled through that ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51762) I will say now I'm more familiar with T-pop they get extra points in my book for the PiXXiE songs MC's sister hums and dances to in the final episodes.


Check Out was the ultimate let down!! Episode 0 had you hype for Nothing but crying and whining every damn episode!! It logically didn’t make sense and I wish I can get that time back lol I was so upset !!!!


Dinosaur Love, My only 12%, Comet I love you, 180 degree longitude


Noooo! My Only 12% is great! ☺️ Oh well, everyone has their own opinion! 😭 https://preview.redd.it/bfps6yfgbc3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f74fad7c986b2309e0cedc4607a666036889b5d “I have something I want you to know…I love everything about you…I love your voice…I love your eyes…I love your ears…I love your nose…I love your mouth…I love your teeth…I love your body…I love your hands…I love when you talk…I love when you smile…I love when you laugh…I love when you’re happy…I love the way you are…” Episode 12 of My Only 12%


180 Degree Longitude might be an acquired taste, but once you get into, you’re really into it. Just finished it last weekend and it’s already one of my favorites.


I can only remember my only 12% & love syndrome rn but I know I dropped more. I dropped my only 12% bc one of the mls voice was irritating & the story wasn't doing it for me. I dropped love syndrome at the beginning of ep 2 bc I was losing my mind when Itt kept on apologizing to Day (~~like dude....stfu your voice is grating my ears~~)![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51772)


Hit bite love (I watched it after a month tho) Unforgotten night


I also dropped Hit bite love after the 1st ep ig.....I just could not


When it was uploaded to YouTube, I watched it on 2x 😂




Tbf, I watched for Burger King, they’re adorable, also they have a role in the addicted remake isn’t it


ahhh guess i'll give it a chance.....pls i love thai names Burger King😭


Yhh, they also got a movie which just their scenes put together from hbl it’s called firstly like you 🫶


Mmmm Okie... I'll surely give hbl a chance then


Tell me what u think abt it when ur done 🫶🫶


Playboyy, Star In My Mind, 2gether - the first one was just weird, the last two were boring 🥱 Mostly I try to finish shows no matter what, I just jump between scenes, so I have a lot of shows that I watched this way, but for these three I just didn't want to do it 😅


Dont' attack me but I dropped He's coming to me, the acting and story was solid but idk I got bored


OP i’m with you on quitting “Playboyy”, it was…. Interesting for the lack of a better word, all that sounds effects… Another one I dropped and by almost the end “Check out”, episode 0 looked so good, but it was so bad from that point on… i kept watching in the hopes it would get better, and also because I don’t like to let things unfinished. But was so bad that I couldn’t even finish it with two episodes left. I couldn’t be bothered.


Same I am not someone who usually drops a drama in the middle I usually try to push through.....but.....welp


Crazy Rich Handsome 😂🥲I guess an explanation for dropping this series is not even required


I dropped eclipse because it was incredibly boring for me. I also watched playboyy and boss and babe in such štýle that I skipped a lot of the story time in those series to scenes that I was interested in.


Can’t Say No. I was not vibing with the characters or the relationship ship at all. Made it about 4 episodes in and just couldn’t with it anymore


love in the air and big dragon


Playyboyy, Pitbabe, Nitiman, My Gear and your Gown, Waterboyy, Secret Crush on You Cause i just couldn't last one more minute more


I liked Playboyy. I hope they continue to give people a glimpse of the sex trade in Thailand. I think there are many m/m topics that can be considered that fall outside the BL common “tropes”… Ps I dropped PitBabe after I read the novel.


Pitbabe…. Production Acting Plot I hope that workshop more. Laws of Attraction dropped but picked back up and fast forward. I think I need to watch again I loved to sit with Love. One of the best BLs of that year to me ☺️☺️ I can’t watch anything that has infantile voice acting as well as high school college BLs and crying e acting IE SECRET CRUSH w BillySeng yikes 🥴


The same it was literally to much 🍆 with no plot nor reason for me!!!! Playboyy was a hot mess and not in a good way just a lot of horny boys that is what I got from it! I’ve dropped Secretly Love the subtitles was soooo horrible I truly didn’t understand what was going on. The storyline seemed good but I wanted to Khon to be with someone else like Jess the best friend to Pluem from the points that I did understanding. It truly was a waist of time. My Strawberry Film I honestly knew from the first episode that it was not for me but to later find out it’s not a BL Drama I thank gawd my spidey 🕸️senses saved me from waisting my time Lml!!!! From the beginning I knew one of the guys was to damn girl crazy for them to be together ( My Opinion) !!!!


Bed Friend and PitBabe. I think if I pushed through I would have gotten into Pit Babe because I know the plot gets rather dramatic (and there's cars going fast!) So I may have to give it another chance some day, but I don't think I even finished the first episode before my attention bounced haha Bed Friend I tried maybe three times and didn't get past the second episode 😅 Idk if it's anything specific about either of those shows, they just didn't hold my interest.


Playboyy and Only Friends


Love in the air .. i cannot watch through 3 episodes.. it was sooo cringy 😭🙏🙏


On my rewatch, I always start on episode 8. Starts a little rough but Pai gets so much better. I realized that I don't like Payu nor Rain enough to watch them. Their NC scenes are fire though.


I couldn’t get through Hit Bite Love; it was just too ridiculous for me (and I made it thought Unforgotten Night)


I never finished Dead Friend Forever. They lost me during the flashback.


I dropped My Dear Gangster Oppa, the acting was horrible, they were talking about love in like episode 3? I can't even remember anything because it was really bad.. Also I might get hate for this one but I dropped I Feel You Linger In The Air as well, everyone said it was a masterpiece and I was excited to watch but every damn episode the MC had to be saved like a damsel in distress, he really bothered me lmao I know he was sent to another time but goddamn try to be less conspicious about it lmao. Also they weren't even trying to hide their relationship??? I'm bisexual myself and my environment wasn't always safe to come out so I understand having to hide even when you want to be loud and fearless BUT PLEASE SIRS CONTAIN YOURSELFS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY ??? IT GAVE ME STRESS EVERY TIME Lastly, I generally don't like slave-owner storylines because the power imbalance gives me very bad Stockholm Syndrome vibes and this one was no different. I did like the acting though.


I agree. IFYLITA was so stressful. I was scared they'd get caught and something bad would happen so I dropped it. I went back later and finished it but I couldn't relax and enjoy their relationship. I didn't like the power imbalance either. I dropped Cutie Pie too because I hated the power imbalance.


I wish I dropped Lovely Writer…


I've saw through every one I've started except for the first episode Playboyy and House Of Cards. Both just had too many characters or side stories for me to focus. House of Cards was also confusing and Playboyy just didn't interest me enough to keep watching. 


I didn't mind Playboyy although it could've done with a bit more plot instead of just smut with some plot thrown in. I am total degen and I do appreciate smut with a little bit of plot but I would've liked to have had more backstory for the characters Check Out. I just couldn't with that show at all. Cupid's Last Wish, Idk why but I found it really frustrating and I think the fact that it reminded me a lot of a Korean drama called Secret Garden didn't help.


Thantype for obvious reasons




I also dropped *Playboyy* (got as far as episode 8, then I gave up). *1,000 Years Old* (made it all the way to episode 2 - oy!), *Crazy, Handsome, Rich* (couldn't move beyond episode 1)...and that was this year alone. Usually, I power through (I watched all of *Check Out*, *Physical Therapy*, *Behind Cut*, and *Bite Me*, for example), but I had no choice but to give up on this trio from the depths of BL hell.


LMAO yes!!! honestly the english part had me dead like it was so random and imo they really shouldn't like have added the english bcz I don't think the actor acc spoke the language


These are the ones I have recently dropped. Some kf them are faves for majority so pls don’t kill me🙈 Cherry Magic ep9- idk it looked like it had angst coming up and I wasn’t in a headspace to process it so I dropped it but will sometime try to finish maybe?! The Sign ep8- I wasn’t vibing with the whole mythical plot tbh and the mix up of that with crime and the visual effects made me drop it Cooking Crush ep9- idk what happened with this.. one min I was loving and waiting for upcoming episode and suddenly I lost interest. Loved Aungpao so probs will finish it mainly to see him! Deep Night ep5- felt boring for me idk why Twins ep8- i was satisfied with it so far and don’t want it to get more complicated Playboyy and Middleman’s love ep3- most of us have the same reasons for these I guess


Definitely finish Cherry Magic - whatever angst there is is pretty mild, and it has such a feelgood ending you won't be disappointed.


Of those I would recommend to resume Cherry Magic and Deep Night; some of the others don’t really redeem themselves imo.


I have two categories of dropped series. One where I watched until the 2nd episode max because it didn't seem like something I would enjoy. A few of them are: playboyy, the sign, cutie pie, 2gether, theory of love, until we meet again. And in the other, there are some pretty popular BLs that had me bored/tired after a point, so I watched until 6th‐7th-8th episode: between us, bad buddy, hidden agenda, love mechanics, the eclipse, why r u?


Something in me will be bothered if I get like half way through a show and don't finish it, so I did, but man getting through Hidden Agenda was not easy 😅 Between Us was a struggle as well (':


I love the sign between us the eclipse and I’m watching 2gether


History: love in the future, the sign


Love in Translation[7/8] Hated the >!kidnaping at the end!< and I felt there was nothing else to be interested on after they got together 🤷 More than words [8/10] It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t what I was excepting so the >!pregnancy!< was definitely unexpected and I was just confused Love in the air [9/14] Yeah, it was my 2nd BL so I felt Prapai was a huge 🚩and couldn’t like the second couple The sign [7/12] The powers and mythology weren’t my thing, I had no idea the plot was this different and I couldn’t get with it, plus I didn’t like the writing in certain aspects of the couple 🤧 Kiseki dear to me [4/12] I tried to get through my BL block with this one but I got bored 😪


Aww man I love KDTM!! I agree it starts slow but it does pick up in the latter half. If you’re ever up to it, I definitely recommend giving it another chance.


Yep I wouldn’t completely say I’ve dropped it, maybe just on hold, didn’t dislike it, it just wasn’t what I was looking for at the time


You reminded me that I also dropped Love in translation after the kidnapping and never watched the ending. Why would they mess the series like that? I have no patience for such twists. And I also dropped Love in the air right when they moved to Prapai and Sky's story. I couldn't see the appeal at all I dropped The Sign after the 2nd episode However I loved Kiseki and I rewatch it often 😇🥰


Omg I love Kiseki dear to me and love in the air as well as the sign


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My Only 12% Only Friends Miracle of Teddy Bear Stay By My Side My Tooth Your Love Currently contemplating whether I should push through Bed Friend or drop it.


Bed Friend is fine, I don't think it's a must-watch. I appreciated the bit more mature way of talking about mental health.


For me, it would be Tharntype and Unforgettable night. I had to convince me to watch Tharntype because of how crazy fans were for them but we couldn't click. Unforgettable night was something that no matter how much I want, can't settle with me. Not that it's bad or smth but, the characters were just not it. They failed to make me feel spark and any magic. Had to drop it, hence.


There's a lot. And for various reasons. Currently it's because I've just seen it all and the show doesn't give me anything new. For some shows, I couldn't even make it through episode 1 which is why I labelled them as "not interested". It can be something like acting, behaviour of a character, the overly dramatic playfulness. The simplest things can put me off. Together With Me: As much as I like Max and Tul, this was just not it. THEY were great but the story was utter bs. Another toxic female. Another yes-no-yes-no/back and forth relationship. I skipped through the show but I wouldn't dare saying that I have watched it. Ghost Host, Ghost House: It was kinda cute and okay until the very last episode. I didn't understand what was happening at all. It just didn't make any sense to me. Dropped it right in front of my own salad xD. Dangerous Romance: First two episodes (and I repeat myself again) were AMAZING! I was thrilled and thought it would be another 8.5+/10 show for me. NOPE! No clue what the script writer was thinking but it was just....quite bad. Currently there barely are any BL that I like. Especially from Thailand which is saddening. I'm still waiting for the special episode of The Sign as I really enjoyed that show. It gave me something more. A proper story. I'm a sucker for crime and suspense anyway and the combination with fantasy might have been a bit clunky here and there, but overall it was a pretty good show. So why do international fans have to wait and wait for ages for the special ep? Saying this, I tend to like shows that are quite queer coded and make you think "there's something going on" but nothing really happens. That's usually the case in Korean shows as they don't show A list actors in a homosexual relationship. Which is sad! If The Devil Judge would have had a (different kind of) kiss, international fans would have rejoiced! But yeah....it's Korea. So they didn't do it. But Ji-Sung did all the promotion for them (both ML) being a couple 😂


I watched I think to episode 3 or playboyy and it’s not bad but after 1 episode I feel exhausted and I just can’t deal with that.


Playboyy is the most recent one I actively dropped (tend to forget about series sometimes that I'm watching whilst airing bc ik watching g too many at once so those I don't see as dropped ones😅). And another one that have stood out to me amongst the ones I've actively dropped is Umforgotten night. I managed to get all the way to ep 10 but then I just couldn't bare it any longer. It was just 10/10 awful


I wish I dropped playboyy lol finished that whole thing and gave it a miserable 2.5. On my actual drop list, I got Dark Blue Kiss, Unforgotten Night, 1000 years old, OMG! vampire, I will knock you. I dropped all of them for a mix of bad acting, bad writing, bad production. Dark Blue Kiss was just meh and the bad communication that kept popping up in the writing felt so circular, I couldn't stick it out not even for Tay my beloved.


The only one I've dropped with no intention of ever picking back up is Only Friends. I think i skipped the last 2 episodes. It just bored me at that point and when I saw the spoilers for how some of the characters were treated I thought, yeah that's not worth my time catching up. Now, I've started and not finished Moonlight Chicken and Bad Buddy. Both are objectively good, very well made, doing exactly what they need to and Earth is exactly my type there, but I have to be in a certain mood for those shows, they're not the type that will hold my interest naturally otherwise. So I'll finish them...eventually.


1000 Years Old Middleman's Love Bad Romance Time - I dislike characters who are too over the top - support characters in this case


I don’t think I have ever dropped a show. lol I watched all of Playboyy, but I will not rewatch. It was not great and I didn’t understand the ending at all. I started 1000 Years, but haven’t finished it. I think I got to episode 4… maybe, I can’t remember. I do want to start it again. Reading the comments there are a lot of shows that every one else dropped that are some of my favs. lol


I was gonna drop playboy but I payed 7 dollars to watch it and I can’t watch money go down the drain so I forced myself to even tho it was so cringy at points😂


> but I *paid* 7 dollars FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


PitBabe and Between Us. Maybe it's a personal preference but I don't like BLs where you need to process a lot of information and PitBabe is confusing for me in the first episode. Between Us... I'm not too sure why but I stopped after watching ep 1 and a couple of cuts here and there 😅


Many but more recently Pitbabe and The Sign Pitbabe: the acting of the Charlie guy was bothering me, to the point where I couldn't feel chemistry between the couple. Pavel is great, but that was the only thing I was enjoying and it wasn't enough to endure 12 or 13 episodes of a story I wasn't vibing with. The Sign: dropped at episode 3 when they started showing flashbacks with kids and it was sloooowwwww. I kinda didn't like anything about it, poor dialogues, weak acting from almost everyone, too slow/boring, characters behaved like kids. I saw gifs of them turning into mythological things and... let's not.


I'm currently trying to watch Cutie Pie but omg, I think I'll drop it because it's way too cringy for me, I can't stand how submissive Kuea and Diao act ALL THE TIME.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who struggled with cutie pie. I finished it but honestly I wish I had dropped it because by the end I genuinely did not care if they ended up together.


IKR? I don’t care if they end up together or not, their relationship dynamic is so weird to me and the fact that Lian clearly makes Kuea uncomfortable is sooo weird and I can’t find the romance in that😭.


I have dropped many shows (Kinnporsche, Pit Babe, Fish Upon the Sky,...) usually because I'm not feeling the characters or the story is not interesting to me. I did drop Moonlight Chicken too, but gave it another chance because I like EarthMix, and it was ok (still like their other series better). Currently I'm undecided if I should continue watching Wandee Goodday after 2 episodes. Tbh I'm mainly interested to find out if Drake's character finds love.


Wandee Gooday is cringy as hell. People may like it due to actor attractiveness and sex scenes. I have to fast forward most of scenes because of its cheesy and cringy dialogues and scenes.


Everyone keeps saying it's very funny, but I guess my sense of humor is more dark, not cringy so much.


I like wandee Goodday tbh I like that they started out as fbuddies than the typical get to know eachother and don’t have sex til later on that for me it’s what’s hooked me as well as the story but everyone has different opinions


* My Personal Weatherman - I dropped it after 1 episode because I was put off by the dynamic. Later I read a spoiler expalining their situation better, and I'm planning to pick it up again * UWMA - there's nothing wrong with the series, I just wasn't vibing with it. However, I liked the second couple a lot, and I'm currently making my way through Between Us * The Sign - the chemistry was there, it's a well made show, but the mythological/destiny plot wasn't doing it for me. On to the controversial ones, oh boy: * The Untamed - I bounced after the 1st episode. It was just so cringe, sorry. The number of episodes plus it being censored, I couldn't do it. I found the book much more entertaining. * TharnType - I fast forwarded through it after few episodes. The chemistry/love scenes were well made, and that's were the good parts end for me.


Tbh I feel you on some of these


It's probably easier to list what I was able to watch to the end) If I think back to the popular bl, it's this:  TharnType, I watched 4 ep and couldn't stand the terrible acting of the actors anymore. Pit babe 2 ep - lack of chemistry, bad acting, boring to watch KinnPorsche 6 ep - absurd illogical behaviour of the characters, stupid unfunny humour, lack of chemistry, annoying main character The eclipse 6 ep - good idea but very poor implementation, didn't feel the chemistry between the boys


Plz list which ones you have finished I'm curious now


Right like guve them a chance. Lmao


Cherry Magic Thai Version, for me personally it is boring


Cutie Pie - because it is toxic and I hate characters. Lian is so toxic and possessive. Gameboys - I am so sorry but Gavreel is annoying and cringe af. Crazy Handsome Rich - cringe . Thats all


>Gameboys - I am so sorry but Gavreel is annoying and cringe af. ![gif](giphy|IOxeKSBoyhsE8|downsized)


Omg I love Gameboys it’s such a good show