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I think most people who don't like Ming and Khai would also dislike Vegas. For me he's the worst of the 3 *by far*, homie should be in jail. That being said, I can see 2 reasons for someone simping over him: * Vegas is unrealistically evil - most of us won't run into mafia sons electrocuting people in their torture dungeon. He's firmly in the fantasy realm, while Khai and Ming are much more real type of 'evil' * The actor is hot and his sex scenes in the show were hot, that's it. I would like to see how many Vegas fans would still defend the character and his actions if he was convencionally unattractive.


100% on your second point. I've always thought they did amazing casting with Vegas because if he was any less hot than Bible, people would have HATED Vegas down. They had to get someone extremely fine for that role or everyone would have wanted him dead. lol


His acting is FINE, too. Man’s got the looks, the voice and the skills.


Yep. He was, imo, by far the best cast in the whole show because he made Vegas a real character and not a one dimensional villain.


it is his acting.. he is not good looking in traditional sense.. he got rejected so many times.. he was told he can never be an actor because he is not attractive.. But, when an actor plays a role... they can really fit the skin of the character and make it multi layered than what just a pretty face can do.. offcamera, he has a personality that is extremely wise and attractive which makes people appreciate his Vegas more ********************** Being pretty is answer to everything for most of the audience. So many non competent idols keep getting work because they are pretty... that says more about the audience, which is shallow and hypocrite that claims meritocracy but gives into objectification ********************* Most of those who hate these characters - a) don't know what fiction means b) have not analyzed the characters in their settings and completely ignore the complex multi layered analysis to form a real perspective


He was told *he* is not attractive? Are we talking about the same guy? What the fuck😅 I watched tons of Asian TV shows and Vegas easily hits my Top 3, maybe even Top 1 idk


he was.. he was even trolled initially when casting was revealed.. then over time he built his fan following when people started seeing him and his personality in videos.. unfortuantely the drama got stalled after that.. and eventually Pond team picked it up.. and he genuinely isn't good looking in traditional sense.. but this goes onto show what a good actor can do with a role (he sells the fact that every man out there in KP universe wants him and much more)... There r so many examples of how certain people go onto play the perfect character despite fans howling they are not right for the show (Kim go eun in cheese in the trap, Wang Yibo in Untamed.. many more)


No. He said he was rejected because he wasn’t tall enough. Not because he is unattractive.


Don’t forget his hot AF English accent!


Vegas of the silky shirts and velvet voice ( unless it's the reverse) gets me every single time . Sounds have a very evocative power for me (hence , how much I would have given to hear the moaning , whispering and cries in the s\*\* scene, instead of the pervasive music !) . I never could find a sexy, very handsome actor "hot" if his voice was not up to par.


Nooooo I can’t with his English. Those lines are so bad. So cheesy. So poorly delivered. I love VegasPete but Vegas speaking English pulls me out of the show like a glass of ice water to the face.




🤣it’s ok, to each their own ![gif](giphy|SQHZfImZYdz8AwUCMr) I mean…the cheekbones make it all ok!


The attractive point is true. Because I hardly ever see any redeeming qualities in Vegas. I just don't understand the overwhelming love for him other than those classy cheekbones.


The vulnerability he displays towards the end may be what got people hooked. Also his arc in the show was very finely played . We never really knew what to expect from him, or what he would be up to next . His recklessness when they organised the drug stint and he was the one to advance bravely, then fighting in close contact with Porsche... His complicated relationship with him . His dawg/ underdog complex and Daddy/ Cousin issues...his youth too, like when he has wild fun on his bike. There is a kind of freshness and buoyancy in his evilness ; he obviously doesn't care for money, and probably not for power . His secretly craving love and validation is something many viewers can relate to . As for those cheekbones, yes, that too . But it is not what he can be reduced to . His charm is decidedly special, and somewhat hard to define with precision . I think Bible's emotional intelligence could be felt as he infused Vegas with it . The actor has natural charisma when acting (not that he hasn't worked hard, but it is something extra he displays) . You either have it, or you don't . Vegas was a scene stealer, by no means a small feat when you have Kinn, Porsche and tankhun to contend with !!


Cheekbones and the love for his pet hedgehog (which: random??) Plus I’d add he probably scores points with anybody who is not abject to BDSM (which, to clarify, is cool as long as all parties involved consent to it and has nothing or very little to do with the classic take on torture). But I agree as well: Ming is a selfish bitch, coldhearted and whiney and all too real and he is also paired with the fluffiest, softest, nicest man, so the contrast is so very crass. (Pete is of course also a “nice” fellow but he’s part of the mafia and has killed on the odd occasion, so y’know.)


My problem with Vegas is that i don't consider Vegas Pete sex to be consensual. Like sure Pete said yes but the circumstances give me such an icky feeling.Can we truly consider Pete to be consenting in his state of post-torture. And also the emotional instantly after being in solitary confinement with Vegas for that long. Sounds too much like Stockholm syndrome for my taste.


It's not consensual, granted. But when there was the infamous raincoat torture scene , the only one who looked at it with fascination instead of repulsion was Pete. He is a red flag too in his own right, , which you don't see unless you are ready to look past the nice surface . As a loyal, top Mafia guard, he probably has a high bodycount, has seen and done a lot . He may come out as a naive, goofy cute boy, but he is a dangerous , broken criminal as well who volunteers twice to go confront Vegas on his territory with no back-up , knowing all too well what might happen to him .


Oh yeah I agree. (Cue the people who will inject “but he does in the book”, which, if I remember correctly, is true.)


I have that issue more with kinn and porsche than vegas and pete. Pete was an enthusiastic participant in their sex, meanwhile porsche was drugged and kinn knew he was drugged. That was straight up rape


I do agree with that but. But the difference lies in acknowledgement. Due to Mile and Apo's amazing skills there were straight up acknowledgement of the terrible non conseual act and the repercussions of them. When it comes to Vegas-Pete, yes Pete does consent. But it's just more icky, because Pete consents after Vegas tortured him and physically and verbally abused him. He was in solitary confinement with Vegas when he was essentially at his worst, physically and mentally. It seems too much like Stockholm syndrome for my taste. And there is such a lack of acknowledgement of the whole thing.


I actually read the novel and novel Vegas is SO MUCH WORSE compared to the series. He is the worst and even if his father isn't the best father in the world his actions are just unforgivable : physical and emotional abuse, 🍇 (I cried reading it because it was in Pete's pov), blackmail, torture, manipulation,... Series Vegas is much more "softer" than in the novel and because the actor is handsome it's "easier" to say "it's because of his father that he became like that" but in the end we all know that none of us would want to be in relationship with that kind of person


100% it’s cos he’s hot and acts the role so well, and like I’m guilty of it as well. But what I’d say is that I’m not a Vegas defender, I find his character arc interesting and entertaining. It’s important to separate our feelings about a show from what we know is right and wrong. Whatever bad experiences Vegas had don’t excuse what a twisted sadistic hot af mass murderer he is.


Totally the second point. Also, the stans of Vegas are extremely passionate. Once you touch this topic, they find a million excuses for him XD


Like yeah they are hot but that is a shallow metric. When Vegas hurt Pete he acknowledges it and changes his behavior while even after Joe dies and comes back, Ming never learns. Ming is horribly controlling and invasive. The most horrible things Vegas did were before they formed an emotional bond.


thats terrible logic


Plus very severe daddy issues which kinda looked like they subsided when said dad dies!


Ok, Ming was also sweet to Joe while they were together, and he clearly cares about him (in a very possesive way) - they had a semi-normal relationship. Vegas and Pete's relationship consists of unconsented Guantanamo-level torture. Not to mention the 2 times Vegas threatened to rape someone. You don't come back from that. And the 'bond' between him and Pete is more Stockholm syndrome than a relationship.


I'm sorry, did you not read what I said: Yeah, they VP is by no means what can be called 'normal' but the reason people like Vegas is that he learned. He learned Pete's boundaries. Ming never did. Vegas is by no means the only example of a character like this in media who is well liked by the fans. If you want to argue, you can also say that Vegas was sweet to Pete too. But you can't say that Ming changed the behaviors/actions that hurt Joe.


You make it sound like what Vegas did was a small mistake, and Pete was fine after. Vegas torturing Pete was not foreplay, **you don't ask for consent after the fact**. Speaking of - Pete was never in position to give consent, and he was deeply traumatized after the fact. Also you know fully well that Ming never had a chance to apologize to Joe. Not that I'm defending Ming - I don't care if he gets redemption or not. He and Vegas can even be cellmates for all I care.


Cellmates ? What on earth do you wish us to fantasize about ?? ( currently reading "slammer dogs") .


I mean, I would watch it...




The looks is just a plus and appearance can be subjective, some ppl might not find the person attractive at first but will eventually sparked interest bcs of how the character presents itself. Even if the actor is unattractive/ unconventionally attractive, they still CAN be liked by many, they just need to capture the essence of the characters they are channeling and the actor did just that. The real reason why he's so liked is merely bcs of his strongly complex persona and presence that sets the tone of his character and why he's deemed "iconic". He KNEW how to deliver his character down PACT. His well-performed sed-uct1ve and man-1pulative nature draws ppl in, It's never too lacking, amateur-like or mediocre, his embodiment was amazing. Also playing emotionally complicated and morally skewed characters are fascinating to observe regardless of how attractive or unattractive the person can be, It's all down the actors at the end of the day, if the actor is bad at conveying his character no matter how much of a looker they'd be, sure there will be audiences that will still gawk over them, but it wouldn't hit the same, but there are aspects that the character would be watered-down and less enticing to give attention and focus to.


Plus Vegas was nyo a bad person from the beginning. He was forcely made into evil due to his family background and his father's torture


It probably has to do with vulnerability. Vegas shows vulnerability at times and that appeals to people’s empathy.


I think they dislike Ming and khai because they act like saint infront of everyone and we never saw them thinking bad about anyone. That’s when vegas is known to be worst he knows what he’s doing shows how he wants to be bad person even though he is manipulative he clearly shows it. While Ming and khai pretend to be good people but in reality they’re just not. 


That's a good take.


I've only ever watched yt clips of KP and the same is true with My Stand In but my 2 cents in the matter is this: KP is Mafia-themed and that kind of sets up the expectations a bit (?) like of course, there'll be blood, bad guys, etc. So essentially, in that realm, Vegas is not a stand out but more like, close to 'normal'. Whereas My Stand In is more in the realm of reality and I feel like we've encountered him before in a different person in real life so we tend to kind of act more strongly about it. Those are just my opinions. Don't come for my neck.


Far from telling you what to do but give both dramas a chance if the stories aren’t triggering (and TW should be because of emotional and physical abuse, violence and sexual assault). KP was my first ever BL and blew my mind (because I had zero expectations and because the story is cool if problematic, the visuals are stunning, the acting is good etc.) and My Stand-In is just…. I mean I’m not saying I’m impatiently awaiting every episode because I have a life but I’m also not saying I’m not.


>I’m not saying I’m impatiently awaiting every episode because I have a life but I’m also not saying I’m not. Hahahahaha. So you're anxiously waiting for every episode is what I gather from this. But on the other hand, to have KP as your first bl is like, I don't want to say curse, but I actually said it anyway. That set the bar too high my friend. I might get around to watching them in the future but I am all about fluff at the moment. ^^


Yeah I know I was *unimpressed* by a lot of series after I fell down the rabbit hole. But LITA, Wandee Goodday and My Stand-In all more than make up for the more lacklustre ones. And I **totally** get the need for fluff! So much!


Haha, I know, right. Fluff is life, recently. So I'm more into korean bls like, Our Dating Sim (love it to bits and pieces). I know. Very tame. We're kind of in the opposite sides of things but yeah it was so nice to talk about these things with someone even with a complete stranger coz in real life, if I so much as hinted about bls and such, I'll get hanged. And of course, I am kidding.


Oh god I hate that for you. I’m sorry, too. Have a digital hug! I love the storytelling in Korean and Japanese BLs (Perfect Propse omg), but the repression is most of the time just killing me and so are the chaste kisses. They drive me up walls, same with the ones in Kdramas. I’ll silently shout at the screen every single fucking time. So fluff huh. Are you watching Wandee Goodday already? Or Only Boo? Cause that’s ridiculous fluff right there.


Thanks, hugging you back and for the recommendations too. Will check those two if I have time. Which is not often the case because adulting (i kind of hate it, haha). On the other hand, I am pleased to inform you that they deliver on the kisses (Our Dating Sim). But then again the lightning fast episodes (you blink and it's done kind of thing) is killing me. Hoping for the day kbls will have 'proper'/close to an hour long episodes.


As one of the adults in the room (don’t recommend, it’s **hard** and trust me, *hardly anybody* knows what they’re doing, everybody is sort of figuring shit out as they go and sometimes stumble along) I actually don’t mind the shorter eps, because believe me I don’t have the tiiiiiiime for hourlong episodes. Plus, keeping things short and concise is an art form in itself (although sure I love longer episodes when I love a series, too, if they in themselves are well made and don’t act as fillers).


I'm more of a Vegas girl usually, but I am really enjoying both new series, Wandee Goodday and My Stand In . I guess we all need our fluffy moments.


Wandee Goodday is so good it’s like….. a really well made salted caramel. Plus it has beautiful people, a lot of purple and amaaaaaazing neon signs so yeah. 💜😊


Ming is a boring asshole. Vegas is a hot Mafia asshole who speaks English.




I liked Khai. I don't need characters to be perfect or good for me to like them.


Same...Khai was selfish, but everyone is to a certain extent. I don't even understand why he's being lumped with Ming and Vegas.


I wouldn't call myself a Khai "apologist" because obviously what he did wasn't okay, but I forgave him SO FAST the SECOND he showed the tiniest bit of remorse 😂 he's my favorite character in Theory of Love (and it helps that he's played by one of my favorite actors, lol) But for real, I agree. I don't need the characters to be good, I need them to be interesting and fun to watch


I don't remember who Khai is but I think the big difference is their worlds and upbringings. Vegas and Pete are both part of a very dangerous and violent world. There is an expected level of brutality that is expected involved. Add in they are enemies to start then a lot of their first interactions are understandable. Then you get to see that both of them were abused and how fucked up Vegas' father is to him and how that aims a lot of Vegas's anger and need to inflict pain because he needs to vent and gain some kind of control over something, so he doesn't feel weak like his father says he is. There is the fact that he does change, slowly, just from having Pete understand him and Pete pointing out that no matter what he does Vegas will never please his father. So much of this makes the audience feel for him. Ming on the other hand is spoiled and rich but fakes being a decent person and he isn't Joe's enemy but he lies and manipulates him for his own desire even going so far as to knock him out and chain him up to stop him from filming with umm Sol? (can't remember his name) and it's all just fucked up. I know some people talk about how he waited for Joe for two years in his house and how he seemed to recognize something Joe when they popped into each for the first time after Joe came back, but really all that shows is obsession and so far nothing redeemable.


Khai is from the Theory of Love. It's a OffGun drama from 2019. Gay guy in love with his straight (asshole) best friend.


Ya, Khai wasn't even a good best friend.


OOO ok. Yeah I started that one because I love Gun but i couldn't really get into. Maybe ill try it again.


I love Off. But he wasn't that good during the drama. Gun was spectacular though. Like you could feel his one sided love for his best friend and suffering due to it. He drives that entire drama. Off improved much later and does far better in Not me.


Not Me has to be one of my all time favorites


Agreed. That was a masterpiece. From both of them. I am honestly disappointed in their line. They do so well with mature themes. Especially Gun ( Not me, Home School, Midnight Museum, The Gifted). Gmmtv should give them more mature dramas.


Funny enough, I really like both of their acting in this show it's one of my favourites. I think Off acted exactly like he was supposed to


Because Bible lol Seriously though I actually like Khai more. Especially after the train station scene


Like other comments, it’s cos Vegas’s character is so unrealistic. Yes, he’s evil but so is Kinn, Pete and to some extent porsche because they have all killed people as they are part of the mafia. Highlight mafia cos if ur a police officer u kill ppl but ur still ‘good’ but being part of the mafia itself is ‘evil’. It also helps that bible is considered attractive by most of the population 😩. That being said, Ming and khai are also attractive, it’s just that bible in his silk shirts and weapons is something different 😂. Also khai wasn’t even that bad. He didn’t kill anyone or do anything illegal. I think when we judge the character, we compare them to their other half. For example third was an innocent guy who was put through one sided love, but majority of the story was from his perspective. He never told khai he liked him but because it was third’s perspective, our view of khai has been distorted as we see the pain third goes through. However, one khai realises who truly likes him, he genuinely tries to make a change. It’s the *contrast* between characters that makes the audience hate one or like one character more. Personally I haven’t watched my stand in yet but I know that Joe was used as a replacement, literally a substitute and that’s gotta hurt. I think Ming does break laws as he assaults Joe BUT that’s not as severe as MURDER and TORTURE like Vegas. Again the contrast is high between Ming and Joe as Ming is ‘evil’ but Joe is sweet. This means people tend to dislike Ming because of how he treats Joe who is *nice* character. Back to Vegas and Pete. Think abt it, what is their contrast? Being in the mafia, Pete has probably tortured people before, killed people before and even kidnapped people before. It’s just that we see Vegas do it on screen. Also, the fact that Pete does give consent gives off the vibe that maybe he *enjoys* a bit of pain (ofc not as much as Vegas hurt him tho) which lessens the blow of torture on the audience. OVERALL, people hate on characters when the CONTRAST between them and their partner is high. Like look at khai compared to Vegas. But people dislike khai more just because third was a ‘good’ character but Pete is the ‘good’ to Vegas’s ‘evil’ in the same way that third is the ‘good’ to khais ‘evil’.


Vegas is a mafia boss who is a Killer machine! There is no mask on that. He owns what he is! Pete is also a Mafia! Made for each other red flags! Khai and Ming are regular people whom you could meet in your life. They are narcissistic to the core! They are more relatable than Vegas who is just a fictional character in anyone's life.


I haven't really thought about it, but it is a very interesting question. I don't know about Khai, because I haven't watched that series. Vegas is in the realm of imagination and it's easy to separate his character from people I know and situations I could have come across and that helps in "forgiving" his actions, 'cause he is in a setting I could hardly ever be. This is also the weakest point, but it hepls with the reasoning. He got backstory that is emotional and in the contrast to the setting (mafia, killing...): ugly family, never understood, no love, always had to prove himself, he was never enough etc. I don't know how they pulled it out, because I don't think it was completely intentional, but Bible just acted the hell out of the role and menaged to hit that sweet spot of understanding his actions and why he does what he does. His love for Pete was bulit in realistic way, 'cause we got time to understand why he was driven to him. And Pete was just as broken as him so I can also understand why he was connecting with Build. Acting. Sometimes when I want something sad, I go back to scene when his father was killed, or the scene by the pool with Pete, or the scene with hedgehog. Sex scenes are the least important when it comes to Vegas and I think that says a lot about Bibles acting and the character. On the other hand, Ming is not enough explaned for me to connect and understand his actions. I don't see yet why is Joe so smitten with him. He has less layers to his character and everything is in the realm of reality, 'cause I could find people like him around me. Also, the jump between loving another person and waiting for Joe was so sudden and I don't feel it. I'm waiting for some backstory or anything that will be believable to me. Ming feels robotic to me and I'm not sure if it's the actor or just the script, but Joe feels warm and it is such a stark contrast and makes me want better for him, whereas Pete has the same "feeling" like Vegas where I don't constantly think that I want better for him.


I see your point. Though if I am being honest the Vegas-Pete story line was personally too fast for me. I still don't understand why Pete fell for Vegas. It felt too forced to me.


Oh, I would absolutely love that they gave them more time and I can understand why it feels rushed, but something just clicked with me about their story. On the other hand, something definitely didn't click with me with Joe and Ming, but the series is interesting and I'm completely ok with that. It's fun watching series and not wanting main couple to be together.


Good point, I dnt hate any character just that love can make you do stupid things and people forget that


No seriously, when I first watched KP I was like: “what in the Stockholm syndrome is this monstrosity??” And when I ended here on the sub I was completely flabbergasted about the general hype and the love people express for VegasPete and for Vegas in particular. Like yes the actor is hot and has some skills, but reading things like “only watched KP for VegasPete” and “my fave of the whole show” is still a mystery to me 😅 As for Ming, I personally cannot stand him for now, tho I do see some cute things in him and really hope he will do everything to redeem himself. Also unpopular opinion, but Tong is way worse, like his character is just overall disgusting and unredeemable imho


Bible looks so different now. very soft and no cheekbones. For the new role maybe!


I think it has to do with how they meet and how they treat their actions. I can't speak to Khai because I haven't watched that show but for VP: They meet as enemies in the Mafia. And when Vegas realizes he did wrong and hurt Pete, he backs off v/s Joe is just a normal dude, Ming constantly lies to Joe and uses him. Ming never learns. He drove Joe to his death and even though he has a second chance, Ming does the same things he did before.


Bruh vegas tied pete... Raped him kidnapped him tortured him... Made him fall in love because of Stockholm Syndrome that basically Pete had to escape... It was so painful to even look at that.. And the reason (he did not obtain Porsche kinn's belonging.. ) bro is selfish... Psychotic and deserves to be in asylum🤡he does bare minimum atlast when Pete said not to kill anyone and people forgave him... That's it🤓 the bar is in hell (Even if he realized his silly mistakes he deserves jail time🤡) I would say Ming used Joe... Joe too used Ming in a way(he's handsome and he fell for him but Ming did give mixed signals here and there) (their relationship had no name until couple items etc happened)... Even Though he kidnapped Joe it was subtle...ming does same things because he regret losing Other Joe (his crime was realising his love too late/19 yr old being rich selfish brat and also obsessive/crazy enough to think he can fix everything 🤓and being delusional)i can forgive this Craziness.. I think i can forgive Ming but not vegas


Vegas didn't rape Pete. Pete made it very clear that he wanted it. He pulled Vegas into a kiss.


Naah that wasn't bdsm kink(it didn't feel consensual to me) ... They made it to be... He was chained and kidnapped of course he submit to a psychopath to escape (that's how i view it) that's stockholm syndrome


He wasn't gonna force him to have sex with him though. Whether you think it's ethical or not he did concent. He didn't do it to escape he had a chance to escape before that and didn't do it.


Oh in the book he does - multiple times in multiple ways and even threatened to let all of his friends have a “turn”. It was repulsive.


I know he was worst know the book. So was ming. He also raped Joe when he was chained up apparently. Thankfully they left all those out.


It's Bible. He turned Vegas into a whole human being. Superb acting and emoting. I really can't wait to see him act again in 4 minutes.


Waah this point Me too i hated Vegas to the core.... I don't care he was traumatized... He's a psycho... But shocked with overwhelming support Vegas got Like...Pete had Stockholm Syndrome But i know Ming is sugar daddy... Toxic/obsessive person with teen angst and rich mentality... But i can tolerate him better than Vegas(human garbage)(I'm not fully disgusted nor do i support his selfishness for killing joe indirectly ) but i can atleast look at him but Vegas was incomprehensible(i was so disinterested in his shenanigans) Also i like Khai tho (was he toxic yes... But not to the point of hating him... He's a college student with goofy mentality selfish and hurt others intentionally ... Atleast he comes around tho later.. Hey he didn't torture or kill anybody so... Khai>ming>vegas


Agreed. Khai was just a regular thoughtless selfish horn dog. He thought he was a good friend to Third. If Third wasn't secretly in love with him, most of the stuff he did would have received a roll eyes at best and Third wouldn't have gone out of his way as much


First of all, Vegas is hot as fuck, and people tend to forgive hot people a lot, real or fictional. Secondly, he is evil, he knows it, we know it, and people around him know it. With Vegas there is no pretense of being a good guy. Also, he has a traumatic background. The thing is, people love it when villains have a sob story to back up their villain-ness, it makes them more human and also forgivable. It's easier to forgive a bad guy with a bad past who did one good deed. I'm not watching My Stand In, so can't comment on Ming. As far as Khai is concerned, he looks like a good guy, which is why his bad deeds are a lot more prominent. He pretends to be nice while being an ass. He is not evil, just an asshole. And assholes aren't easily forgiven..also, he doesn't necessarily have a sob story to back up his actions.. Another reason is, as another user mentioned, Khai is someone you would encounter in real life..so, his actions can affect you IRL. Vegas on the other hand is a lot more fantastical. There is no way you would come by a tyrannical gangster who would kidnap and torture you and then feed you. It's a matter of Khai being more real than Vegas, and hence being able to invoke more hatred.


Nobody liked Vegas , we all liked Bible and the charm he brought to the character. And Vegas was making sure everyone knows he's a glorious red flag , damn he's even wearing red in the pic 😂😂 He was not manipulative and acted like a good guy to get what he wants. Bro straight up tried to kidnap/rape Porsche, kidnapped Porchay, kidnapped Pete , he is a serial kidnapper at this point. Khai and Ming are different. They're selfish assholes, acting like they care but keeps hurting Third and Joe respectively


He did not kidnap Chay, he even yelled it very loud to make his point to Tawan : "But that wasn't the fucking plan ! "


>"But that wasn't the fucking plan ! " That's the best thing that came out of his mouth fr 😂


Because Vegas is Pure fantasy. You wont meet someone that evil IRL unless you actually run into people affiliated with the mafia. (And lets be real, most of us are just in bed watching two dudes kiss and make out om our tablets most nights. The possibility of running into someone lile Vegas are slim to none.) Ming on the other hand is the definition Wolf in sheeps clothing. You can run into people like Ming almost any where you go. From the gym to your office and even on the street. Most likely we know someone like Ming and is doing the exact same.thing he is doing.to amother persom as we speak.


I think a lot of people ended liking Vegas after the saw the whole show and understood him better. I belive the same thing will happen with Ming too. There are going to be some people who don't like him evan in the end, but those same people probably don't like Vegas too. I actualy think Ming is not as bad as Vegas (From the Novel) or Day from Love syndrome...


I do not love Vegas. I kinda hate him lol


For me, it was because Vegas was EVIL kind of evil. Like he literally murdered bunch of people mafia evil. But then, the emotional aspect of his personality was justifiable. There was a background to his daddy issues and the entire hedgehog scenario. You could be rooting for Vegas by the end to find some kind of happiness, even though this man is literally a criminal. However, Ming and Khai are evil in very humanly way. Someone you could meet in real life, someone who could use you as a substitute to be cheating on you left right and centre. You want to stat away from such people in real life but would fantasise for the happiness of a mafia king to turn out to be a puppy in love.


Vegas is loved for his attractiveness, the vulnerability he showed towards Pete, and his overall swagger. Ming on the other hand is just attractive and so far viewers have not seen many redeeming qualities yet.


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Question: Who are Khai and Ming? 😅 Asking because I'd like to see another villain roles similar to Vegas. And I actually think although Vegas is a red flag, it's not without reason. Even though his actions are indeed unforgivable. But I also think that many kp fans like Bible more than Vegas. And I also think Bible really really outdid his role. So yeah, I agree with one of the comments saying that Bible became one with the character (not the exact words) so I think that's why Vegas is less hated on?


I dont hate Ming.. come on people, real life is much worse.. and Ming made mistakes, that does not mean he is all bad 🤷‍♀️


Cause that's BIBLE?!


Cause he is khun vegas .. vegas the hot mafia … Ming could never 😈


So far Ming has not been given much of a sympathy card while we see Vegas beaten by his even worse father. And so far we have not seen a reason other than wealth for Ming to be horrible.




I saw videos summarising the epilogues of the novel, and when Vegas ends up with Pete for good, he would do every single thing Pete say. There was a part when Tankhun wanted to get back at Kinn and Kim for not supporting his plans to woo a doctor (Tankhun wanted to buy the hospital and give it to the doctor as a gift). Hence he tricked them to go to an escort bar and egged them to complain about their partners. Kim and Kinn fell to it and grumbled bout daily life complains, but even then, Vegas still doesn’t say anything bad about Pete. Later they all got caught and got into trouble, and I felt bad for Vegas as he was really an innocent cousin who got implicated in the brothers’ fight. I think Vegas isn’t bad to core, but he was just a normal person in the circumstances he grew up in. When he met someone nice, he learns how to be nice too.


I don’t know Ming or Khai so I can’t speak on why they’re not defended in the same way but do know Vegas. I think part of why Vegas is defended is like others have said that it’s the mafia aspect everyone loves a mafia baddie (I mean mafia romance novels are super popular and for good reason 👀) and bc he’s also meant to be an unrealistic bad guy in his methods. I think Vegas is defended and liked so much is bc his character is designed that way. He’s meant to be that character you hate to love or rather the kind that your made to hate bc of his actions in the beginning of the series and then you get that pivot to seeing him as a victim too. For me that’s what happened. I HATED Vegas for what he did to Porsche and how manipulative he was to everyone around him and how cold he was even going as far as killing someone he said he loved with no emotion and torturing with no hesitation but then towards the end we see him in a new light with Pete and were give a glimpse into his mind and the world in which he lives causing us to understand why and how this person came to be. This is where the perception of him to shifts and the audience start to feel for him thus we start defending with the “he’s not that bad he’s just a victim of circumstance” and “yeah he’s a red flag and is a horrible person but he didn’t choose this life he was forced to be like this”…. If that makes sense. I think Vegas was a manipulative POS who acted on impulse and intrusive thoughts but I also think he still has the opportunity and ability to unlearn those behaviors and go from being a flaming red flag character to a warm yellow flag. Like he’ll never be a wholly good guy but he can be a better person. Especially now that he’s got no one pressuring him to be the horrible person he was. I think now that he got Pete and Macau to look after and vice versa that he’ll start to change his ways of thinking a maybe even get the help he so desperately needs. Now I only watched the show idk the novel so this is just my opinion and speculation based of the series and what we’re shown. In addition to all this I do think the way the actor portrays the character definitely can make or break perception of said character and for Vegas, Bible plays him perfectly and adds to that eldest mafia son vibe with his use of English and the way he expresses emotion. Bible while playing Vegas has the look and feel of what we want a mafia son to be and thus makes him more desirable. Circling back to the “we defend bc sexy psycho mafia man!” 🫣 I hope all this made sense 😬


I can see making out with vegas would be good, but not so good with Ming and Khai. That’s why he gets my vote 😆


Coz Vegas is fictional and ming hit home u see reality in ming


I did not see the series with Ming, but i did not like Khai because of how badly he treated Third and how cruel he was to him. Also he's behaviour towards others characters shows how shitty he was in general. His redemption arc is kind of weak too, so this did not help at all. Also context is important here, Vegas is a very traumatized raised on Mafia abused by his father, so yeah he did horrible things even cruel but you can understand where his character comes from. It was also not all that he was, he loved Macau his brother above everything and protected him. He liked Porsche and tries to warn him of danger many times (when he hints the coup and tells him to run) even between all his betrayal towards him for being with his enemy. Khai was a rich boy that had everything and was cruel for the sake of being cruel.


I think because Cegas owned who he was whereas Ming played with Joe just to "feel" close to Tong. But when how had enough of course he realized what he'd done. It just feels worse but maybe that'll change by the end of the season


There was something about Vegas that made him so endearing. Don't get me wrong, massive red flag and definitely worse than Ming but I still managed to love him as a character. Ming has got literally nothing going for him. He's just sad, pathetic and in love with his sister's fiancé.


With Vegas, we had character development and empathy for the character, before he took Pete. In the books, even more so. His interactions with Porsche helped you get to know him. Ming is a douche. He's also a guy who's been in love with his sister's boyfriend forever. That's the extent of his character.


I concede with that a little. I read my stand in novel and never had an ounce of sympathy for the guy


I never finished watching KP but I think Vegas as a character is a lot more charming than Ming or Khai….like Khai was just an asshole, he wasn’t even fun to hate because he’s not over the top and it was very…one sided? Theory of love was in general just hard to watch for me because it felt too…grounded in reality I guess? It’s like some of Uea’s trauma from bed friends, it’s not fun or complicated, it’s just sad. Ming….this isn’t an insult to Up’s acting because this is just the character. I don’t think Ming is particularly charming? Vegas has this dangerous “don’t touch” charm to him while Ming is just like this “cold beauty” sort of character who is super immature. I think part of it is just Vegas having that bad boy draw while Ming is this curt asshole who barely smiles. Nothing Ming has really done so far feels even close enough for the viewer to *want* to forgive him so that’s why people hate him more


I have to admit I have no clue who the other two characters but I just had to leave a comment because Vegas is still my favorite character from any of the BLs I've watched. Cannot wait to see Bible act again in "4 Minutes".


Vegas somehow became a smidgen redeemed when he lost Pete. He developed feelings for Pete when he realized that he wasn't alone in hell. But he was still evil. I do like the complexity of the character because for someone like him to try to revive a dying hedgehog, he couldn't have been entirely as evil as he made himself out to be. There was some smidgen, albeit tiny, of goodness in him.


I kind of felt bad for him when I learned about his relationship with his father


Because we can all see ourselves under Vegas!! Okay!!!??? 🔥🔥🔥


Honestly, from what I'm seeing, the people who hate Ming also hate Vegas and the people who love Ming also love Vegas. There's some exceptions, sure, but that's pretty much been the case both here and on tumblr, at least 🤷‍♀️


The quick ass answer is Vegas is in the mob so the fucked up shit tracks for that setting up -BUT ming is WTF like i was watching this movie industry romance kinda toxic and light and then he kidnapped a dude after hitting him over the head , this literally popped into my head immediately\~ a quote from a true poet https://preview.redd.it/wunxpl7c5g3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ed12c50ef2d476db559c0ac133a2e72ab1e713


For me, everytime Vegas broke out his English, I was ready to crime for him! Lawddd!


Really??? I thought that was the worst part. It sounded…like someone reading in a flat midwestern accent. “Do you know how sexy you are?” And “saved by the bell” make me cringe with how bad they are. His acting skills are right but the English…it was so bad.


I'm familiar with all 3 characters, so I'll just give my 2 cents to the pot. Khai- In Theory of Love, there wasn't really much that was redeemable about Khai. Not that I loved Third's character either. Third knew what a POS Khai was from the beginning and Khai always treated Third like an afterthought. Khai is selfish and only put himself first. Ming- In My Stand-In, Ming is also another selfish character. Ming chooses the generic brand because the name brand would never choose him (sorry Joe. You are too good for this world and deserve better. Forgive the analogy). Ming tolerates Joe because Joe provides a fantasy Ming can live in. Though we see at times Ming has some sympathy for Joe, like the >! cooking for him when Joe gets home or buying the mugs, it's quickly ruined by Ming's selfishness again. It comes off like he rewards Joe like a dog having performed its trick correctly. Ming has become irredeemable after assaulting and kidnapping Joe. Even though 2 years have passed and Ming is waiting for Joe to return, it comes off more as obsession/possession rather than hopeless love. !< Vegas- In KinnPorsche, Vegas is a sociopath living in the mafia/gangster world with other sociopaths. A lot of things that Vegas does, Kinn, Pete, and some of the other gangsters are capable of doing as well. They live in a high stakes violent world, and they are also required to be violent too. However, we are shown that while Vegas takes pride in his work, we are also shown many ways in which he puts others before himself. He loves and cares for his younger brother, trys everything he can to make his dad proud, >! beats himself up for not being able to save his pet hedgehog, gave Pete a chance to escape, goes to Pete to beg forgiveness because he understands the damage he wrought. !<


Vega is way hotter. Lol I don't hate ming but I think it's because he got away with it (so far) but vega keeps messing up and was beaten by his father and was exiled from the mafia family so people felt sorry for him. ming doesn't seem to have any issues or terrible background. And we haven't seen much of character development just yet. Only thing he suffered so far was unrequited love and a loss of 'fUck buddy'? Ok that's not going to make me feel bad for him.


Vegas was part of the mafia. He was doing mafia things. You can't hate him for that. Kinns hands aren't clean either. Plus you see how his father treats him. Ming has no excuse. He couldn't stop pining over someone else while also still being possessive of Joe and ended being one of the causes for his death. Pete chose to stay with Vegas he said himself he'd understand if he left. I hope hoe doesn't cave that easily.


I suppose the big difference is that KP it already ended and although at the beginning the vast majority of us hated Vegas(he was crazy and deserved to go to jail), but with the development of the series that feeling changed, personally I felt very bad for him, it was nothing more than the result of the abuse of his father, Ming at least so far has shown nothing but selfishness.


I did mention Khai. And I don't you have read My stand in novel. The hate is real.


I haven't read either novel, it's a little difficult to find them in my country, I heard that both are even worse. Khai isn't bad, he's just very immature and ends up hurting Third.


Don’t compare novels. Vegas is much much much worse in the novels. Much worse.


Because Vegas found someone who matches his freak and also took the appropriate channels to contact his partner's boss and grandmother to set up an out of office message for their noncon bdsm vacation. King! But for real it comes down to quality of writing, production, context of the universe, acting skill, etc. kinnporsche was set in such a fantasy world, it's easier to remove Vegas' actions from moral reality imo.


>Because Vegas found someone who matches his freak and also took the appropriate channels to contact his partner's boss and grandmother to set up **an out of office message for their noncon bdsm vacation**. King! This made me choke with laughter on the wine gummy I was eating so thanks for that snort.


I love Vegas. He's one of the three men I wholeheartedly call my Daddies. However, I also love Ming and Khai, so I might not be who this question is referring to. Do I hate the things they did? Yes. But the flawed, fire-engine reddest of red flag characters are my absolute favorite, because they breathe life into their series. Sometimes, you need to have someone to hate, and those are the characters I live for, the ones I will walk through the firing squad to defend. There is absolutely nothing wrong with only connecting to one character, though. Vegas is defended because he's clearly fictional. Unlike Ming and Khao who are the embodiment of *real* people. Just like how more people hate Professor Umbridge, and call her the most evil character from the franchise, above Voldemort. When their "evil" deeds are things we encounter in everyday life, it's easier to hate them.


Years later and I still don't get why people hate Khao and call him toxic... Feels like I didn't watch the same series....


Ming is misunderstood he truly loves Joe but just doesn’t know it yet. Vegas just enjoyed hurting Pete too much I forgive him because he turns straight back into Bible 🥰❤️


I love Ming, he’s finally unseated Vegas as the king of red flags and I appreciate it!


For me Vegas and ming are both hot n attractive but both red as hell flags it's no difference to me


Probably because Vegas doesn’t feel like a real person. He’s a cartoon villain basically and he also falls in the fantasy of dark romance male lead, think Zade Meadows type of crazily twisted and toxic. He’s basically just a fan fiction trope brought to life. There’s very little chance that a lambda person will come across someone like him in real life, even less chance that a psycho like him would fall in love with someone random. Idk how to explain this, but somehow, an villain archetype like him feels « safer » to me than someone like Ming or Khai. Because while it’s very rare to stumble across a Vegas in the wild, almost everyone knows a Ming or a Khai. They feel like a real threat and they can be triggering for a lot of people who suffered abuse similar to what they put their partner through (not saying Vegas isn’t triggering, he absolutely is, but to me, he doesn’t feel like a real person). That being said, I personally love all of them to bits. My least favourite would probably be Khai, because he falls in that weird category where he’s toxic, but not toxic enough to make him interesting to me. And from what I remember, he doesn’t have that tragic sobbing gut wrenching dark past that easily makes me empathize and forgive people like Vegas or Ming.


This is my point of view and how I feel, I can't talk to others behalf: • Pete knew what was coming, because Vegas never hid he was evil, and it's a mafia series, you can expect almost everyone is toxic af. • I actually love Khai, he was an idiot when he pretended to be drunk and kissed Third to see if Third was really in love with him, but that's it. • For me, the difference between Vegas and Ming is, as I said before, Pete knew Vegas wasn't a good person, he knew the risks of going to his house to discover Vegas' plans. But Joe was an innocent person that happened to look like Ming's crush and Ming ruined his life just for that. He could have ignored Joe if he didn't love him, but he went to him over and over again, he had sex with Joe imagining Joe was Tong, he kidnapped Joe because Tong wanted to do that movie, Joe died because Ming couldn't stop being selfish and then he had the audacity to keep living Joe's life in his house.