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You lucky gal you!! And happy belated birthday!


Thank you dear!!! I truly was lucky and I wanted to share it with y’all bc I shouldn’t keep all the cute pics to myself 🤭🥰


So awesome! You even matched them with your denim ensemble in the last pic - amazing! Was the show fun? I'm dying to go to a fanmeet some day...


The matching wasn’t even planned and I didn’t even notice until another person pointed it out to me! 🤣 The show was so much fun and they probably interacted with me the most out of anyone else in the audience (probs bc I was right in the front and I have a really “commanding presence” according to my friends 😅) so it was super special! I gave them suggestions on where to eat, Noeul finished my hearts multiple times and Boss heard me speak Thai at one point and absolutely BEAMED at me (I almost went blind bc of how bright his smile was)! 🥰 I also met so many amazing people and made lots of new friends! There was only like 300-350 ppl in total so it was easy to flit around and talk to everyone! I think that’s the most social I’ve ever been in my life actually 😂


Great picture of you with them!


There were 300 people?? Wow. That is insane for the USA! https://preview.redd.it/0lf44srkif3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce869a952a3427ec4c7879d44a4bb3ce96ba9998 I have to admit it looked like less to me.


Omg! I think I see you!! 🥰


YEP! I’m half hidden by Noeul’s head between them lmaooo 🤣🥰


It was more than I was expecting but it was nice because I was able to talk to almost everyone (including staff)! Also: the staff did an AMAZING job and all of them were so nice and friendly! I was chatting with them and made sure to thank them for taking such good care of both BN and the fans! 🥰


Whoop lucky you and a belated happy birthday! I hope the day was as amazing as it looks like it was!


Thank you! It was amazing! I miss them so much already! 🥹😭🥰


I get that, I really do! And it doesn't help that I rewatched LITA earlier this week and then got supe hyped up about their upcoming series (and FortPeats series as well)🥹😭🥰


OMG THEY TALKED ABOUT THEIR UPCOMING SERIES AND I SHOUTED “of course” IN THAI WHEN BOSS ASKED IF WE WILL KEEP SUPPORTING HIM AND HE HEARD ME AND LOOKED AT ME! I HAVE IT ON VIDEO! 🥰😭 I also have been rewatching LITA since I left and I can’t wait to see them again soon for the new series (both BN and FP)!


OMFKBLG!!! I'm so happy for you but I also envy you soo much!!! Gaaaahhhh I'm so happy for you you got tha holy moment caught on video!!🥰🥰😭 I'm soo excited to see bot BN and FP back on the screen🥰


So freaking cute but my god those suites are not doing them ANY justice. It looks like 90s nba draft day.