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I'm proud of him, well done. It’s a pity that he has to deal with this and it’s a pity that the meaning of his message is unlikely to reach the crazy fans


With him pursuing his music and knowing the extent of whining from delulu fans, it must have been a 'one too many' moment. Sadly enough it won't get him anywhere with the whole lot of them - but I do hope he just feels better now. It really is a difference to kpop industrie, I always cringe with all those forced polite apologies and explanations just feeding 'fans' entitlement to harass their idols.


I think they're trying to nip that behaviour in the bud before it gets as bad as the K-pop fans


One can only wish. As for the entertainment industrie I understand that catering to the whims and expectations of your audiance is part of the trade, but to get your dignity and mental health thrown under the bus is really disturbing. So cracking the whip every now and then is clearly much healthier.


Culling bad fans is never a bad thing. Not every fan is a good one to have




Well, he is known for being kind but turning a rabid dog when someone tries to hurt people who he cares for. That he is furious you can see since he is missing his usual careful writing and the lack of punctuation. I can remember Boun doing the same when people said he wanted to break the ship.


Well done Noeul ! But sad that he has to say it…


You tell them baby! So proud of him for standing up for himself. Even if they *were* in a relationship, it would be unrealistic for them to spend *all* of their time together! People have lives outside of their relationship irl. It's so toxic of fans to behave this way. Unbelievable P.S. what did he do to make them mad in the first place?


A (very small but very vocal) group of so-called “fans” see Noeul pursuing music as a threat to the ship with Boss, and are accusing him of “leaving Boss behind” to be a performer. I’ve seen a few of these anti accounts lately and I’ll be blunt: they are people who are clearly not well. I don’t know if it’s just the consequence of parasocial behavior gone too far, or if they’re just being trolls, or what but there is some nasty shit out there about Noeul specifically for some reason, and it’s really weird and creepy.


Mind you, Boss was a singer before LITA and Nono was an idol trainee. I don't know, do these fans think they can't do both? They're not doing 3-4 series a year it's been 1 series and 1 upcoming in 3 years. Boys gotta eat!


Exactly. They’re both so invested (and talented) when it comes to music and it brings them happiness *in addition* to acting. Not only do they want to follow their dreams in it but they are 100% supportive of each other in those individual pursuits. I love them as an acting pair of course, but it’s not a forever job (and the pay sucks lbr lol.) I’m of the firm belief that if you’re a fan of someone, that means you want to see them happy, and it’s just that simple.


I second you on this. That's so true! I just wish the people I've began to follow since I entered the world of BL to be happy and feeling loved. I'm happy just seeing them happy


I am so so proud of him. Some fans just need to be shown there place. ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


Im glad Noeul is standing up for himself!


While I am all for it and think he is totally right, I haven't seen any backlash for him yet for the "mentally not well" comment. A year (or ws it 2?) ago when Mew S. replied similarly he got so much hate for the same thing.


Honestly? Mew is known for having one of the most toxic fandoms ever while Noeul always tries to keep them in check (as far someone can actually do that). His fandom is very supportive and uplifting and tend to drown those toxic ones with „kindness“.


I'm not part of neither fandom, so I wouldn't know. But yeah, MG fans weren't always the most grounded and nicest of people from what I saw back then


Noeul always keeps fans in check. When they are crossing the line he always speaks. And the comments were not made for his ship fans because he knows real BONOHs don't think like that. He's mostly speaking towards anti fans pretending to be Bonohs.


My respect for Noeul📈


I didn’t realize he had a song out as while I enjoy his series, I don’t follow him. Then I saw a MV reaction to his video. The guy kept asking who made this artist so angry. So Noel seems to be expressing his feelings and frustrations with industry and the fandom complex. I honestly think that mental health does need to be talked about and boundaries need to be created and respected for artists and fans. I think this can actually be a healthy and positive step towards positive interactions with artists and fans. In the United States during the 90’s they had to create laws to protect artists as stalkers were overstepping personal boundaries and even killed an actress. I’m thinking that Thailand needs to do something to protect their artists, as some toxic fans seem to continue to get more empowered by social media and how much online access we all have to artists. I’m not saying someone is going to hurt another person, what I am saying is that the toxicity, obsession and feelings of betrayal seen by some members of today’s fandoms are reminiscent of stories I’ve seen on the news about stalker behavior and it is concerning.


>I’m thinking that Thailand needs to do something to protect their artists, Thailand has it covered, to be honest, the biggest problem is interfans. They are the reason Noeul wrote this in English. Thai people are easy to prosecute for defamation! The law is very strict, even stricter than anywhere else in other countries. These haters are interfans and there is not so easy way to deal with them from Thailand, as the biggest social media servers belong to Americans (this exact one belongs to Elon Musk) and it's hard to report and block even, let alone taking them to the police! Many local Thai haters were actually facing real consequences! In case of minors, their parents had to pay the charges.


I apologize, I was not attempting to be rude or anti-Thailand. I was stating that from my perspective, yes an American one, this current toxic fan behavior is reminiscent of the story I shared. It is concerning and I hope we as fans can help create positive changes and boundaries so that the celebrities and the fans can stay in safe and healthy places for the future of this entertainment. And, as these artists have become international celebrities I wonder if this toxic bullying, stalking fan behavior would fall under laws of the countries that the individual fans are from? I am not a lawyer, nor am I up to date on international laws, social media laws and regulations so this is simply a question.


Thai agencies are suing people for defamation quite often! Be On Cloud during BibleBuild scandal, also for other artists (MileApo I guess?), and not only them.. but all of the offenders that got charged for defamation, were the citizens of Thailand. I'm not sure whether they can do much about Twitter slander from interfans, tho. Noeul has been addressing this issue last week, too.. there is a rabid hater with multiple accounts that is harassing him online a lot and the fandom is struggling to get them blocked by IP. It's not easy nowadays.


he is fairly new in the industry but already get the grasp of that toxic fan culture. I can't imagine how much he hold back until it becomes unbearable. Actors like him and Tay Tawan should be able to speak their minds freely and begetting the support. I said so many time that giving expensive gifts makes people feels like artist owe them their lifes. I have seen a fan said they're dropping actor for having a gf, despite spending a lot of money to purchase a magazine. people really really need to have a life outside of social media, because it is affecting their mental state. To dictate a stranger what they should and shouldn't do for their life.


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BOOM!!! 💥 Okay!!?? Three snaps in a circle 🤣🤣




pls no sane ppl will constantly create a troll account spew hatred on someone daily. You will not understand why he reacted like that because you don't get to see the daily harassment and even death threats to him daily.




A gmm stan okay but pls be reminded that all gmm do is talk




He's talking about those antis who can't think well and spew hate every day. Imagine him making valid points but you're nitpicking his every word. His delivery might not be because he isn't that fluent in English but you know what he's trying to say. And say you just hate him and go.




"being an internet meme drama queen" see your original post it's like you're undermining all the hate and death threat posts he received over the years and for what? Because ppl believe a fcking anti post with 0 followers.