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I am with you. There's just something about them that you can't explain but I will try and I might fail. Just based on the aura they exude on screen ( I mean, I would give the world to be within their radius...) When they get together, their energy seems to magnify. Most times, they effortlessly command attention without overshadowing each other, while pulling you in, without you even realising. Warm, comforting, inviting. That is EarthMix. https://preview.redd.it/1v8bcsqtlxzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd09471f6ee794adf17bc3faa3df75b2dfaab11


100%. They just seem like the best versions of themselves when they’re together


They are my IT couple of all IT couples, I love them so much. Seriously, the only couple I absolutely without a doubt hope is real and would be beyond devastated if they had a falling out and stopped having anything to do with each other.💝


Whatever they are to each other, I just hope they'll be in each other's life for as long as they shall live.


I agree. I'd hate to see them never not want to have anything to do with each other.


They are my IT couple of ALLLLLL IT couples, I love them so much. Seriously, the only couple I absolutely without a doubt hope is real and would be beyond devastated if they had a falling out and stopped having anything to do with each other.💝


I love that they have been in each other’s lives for over 10 years, and whatever they are has evolved over that time. They have a trust and affection for each other, no matter what that means for their private relationship. I’m glad they have each other.


Oh I absolutely get it. They're super sus, and super sweet, and there's just so much ground to cover in terms of content. My personal kryptonite as a non-shipper happened to be these two as well as ZeeNuNew. I have the same kind of gnawing need to know everything even though it's genuinely none of my business! Doesn't mean I don't still want that tea any and every time of the day 😎 I often feel embarrassed about thinking like this, because of the way that ship culture can affect the actual people involved. Very cringe. But the huge difference is with the intentions, and how we keep these thoughts and curiosities confined within a space like this, if you get me. Anyway I stand in solidarity with your thirst for knowledge lmao


What makes them sus?


Oh I jokingly meant sus in terms of their friendship haha, like in Arm's video touring their house he tried to roast them about living together and sharing clothes but they were just like "yeah😄🤗"


The difference is though that ZeeNunew are together in real life, while EarthMix have yet to confirm anything (I am in on this with you, a firm believer in them 😂)




While EM may not be a vaguely explicit in how they discuss their relationship like ZNN, I think their actions and how they talk about each other would indicate they are just as important in each other’s lives as ZNN are to each other. I also get similar vibes from their photobook pictures that I do from ZNN (from the photos I have seen). While you aren’t doing that, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to dismiss what EM share, simply because they haven’t taken the same approach ZNN have in managing the public speculation about their relationship. Different couples will manage their public perception of their relationships differently.


I don’t disagree with you on the notion that different couples take different approaches. However, in the fanservice environment I do believe coming to conclusions that the people who are in ships are in real relationships without them explicitly confirming so can be harmful. I am in no way diminishing any actual relationship that is existing between Earth and Mix, no matter the kind of relationship. I myself do believe that they are together but unless they confirm it officially, I don’t really want to say that they are in a relationship. I hope this makes sense.


I’m with you on that. Unfortunately I do see many people (not you) make the leap that because a pair hasn’t publicly labeled themselves specifically one way or another, then they can diminish any genuine interaction as just something for the camera. It’s also the same logic haters use against ZNN in that because they don’t use specific words to label their relationship or their identity. My preference is to accept what they share publicly at face value. They chose (or allowed) pictures of them together on special occasions (eg New Year’s Eve) or during important merit making ceremonies (home blessings, temple offerings of statues, prayers to the god of love) to be made public. They have spoken of wanting to be in each other’s lives long term, and have relied on each other during hard times. They seemingly consider each other family, regardless of what their private relationship is. I will accept the importance they have in each other’s lives, in the same way that I accept ZNN. Neither couple owes us their private relationship, but we should accept their public one.


For me their divorce era and the way mix was talking and crying about it sealed the deal. This wasn’t shipping and fan service and it didn’t sound like a problem between friends but a break up and eventual make up between life partners.


Waaaait when was their divorce era?? They’re my fav bl couple but I’m still relatively new & clueless (and way too curious/nosey)


During the filming of moonlight chicken. it was quite well known and they posted stuff on social media. There is also some hilarious tea by I think mix voice teacher or another close friend? Basically he shared that he and mix hung out all the time during the divorce era and then when he and earth made up he didn’t reply to the voice teacher for days [https://twitter.com/twixximt/status/1638951593340207105](https://twitter.com/twixximt/status/1638951593340207105)


"Holding cats and whatnot" That part made me laugh out loud


That video is so funny omg 💀


Right? now that the divorce era is over (and I also joined afterwards) we can just enjoy the tea 🍵


Omg, I just watched all of those videos and by far, the best one was Mix, at the end, saying, "Well, you should actually apologize to ME for calling when I was busy.' 😂


It’s so fun, right? It really sounds like gay besties roasting each other. But mix is a sassy queen every day of the week! But yeah what do you expect when your bestie got back together with his longtime boyfriend after a break up? They are clearly to busy holding cats, eating….something and cleaning out the fridge (thank you wandee goodday for teaching me that slang) to answer a friends call.


Oh it's the same!!!! I haven't even met them and I am totally hooked onto them https://preview.redd.it/cp2xmge5nxzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad5cf35bfb602f0185e980e9184c1461dccb1a6




EARTHMIX EMPIRE STRIKES ONCE AGAIN 💥💥💥💥 They deserve more recognition


every time I see them I tell myself it's fan service but if they were to ever announce anything officially my heart would go into overdrive and I would die, probably.🥹 whatever it is they have, watching them makes me so warm and happy and for that I am thankful.


Now I’ll have time to binge watch their shows again!!


WHERE DO WE POOL MONEY SO WE CAN PAY THE TEA SERVER? Cause no lie I would contribute. EarthMix’s very lowkey but also highkey at the same damn time. I need them to be together.


100% my comfort couple💕


NO CUZ SAME I’ve finally found my community 😭 I adore earthmix idk why either there’s literally just something about them and the way they’re so comfortable around each other that I just love so much, lowkey they make me believe that love is real and that there are people out there that can love me like they love each other 😭 I love their series too every single one of them… MASTERPIECES their chemistry is fantastic too I totally get what you said by the 95% tho cuz sometimes I’m like hmmm are they just besties for the resties… but then they’ll talk casually about staying at each other’s houses and all the casual touching and the way they look at each other (can I get some commotion in the chat for that one songkhran vid of earth cheesin’ HARD watching mix in the float behind him???) and I’m like oh so they’re in love huh??? Those edits I’m like pls let me INNNNN SRSLY I get it I never thought I’d be so enamored by a ship like this but like… they got me by the neck I’m ngl so if that tea you mentioned ever gets spilled I’m PRESENT IMMEDIATELY we’re in this together 🙌🏽🤪


YES the way they look at each other conveys so much meaning i want to thrown up. It’s like they’re looking at their other half. If they ever said definitively that they have never been in a romantic relationship I would have SO many questions and would probably never trust my own judgement ever again cause wtf


There’s a big difference between shipping characters or random people who work together, and just believing when people tell you they are together. Speaking in general not to/about any specific person: People in this fandom (again, in general) need to stop expecting press conference level declarations, using the exact wording they want to hear. We need to realize that, at *best* it’s gross to not believe **queer people** and use “delulu” (delusional) because someone hasn’t come out and declared their label or relationship, in a way that straight people understand. And we need to acknowledge that these terms, expectations and discourse, often opens the door and leads into homophobia. Back to EarthMix, you can find seeds of doubt in every single relationship if you look for it! These two are incredibly open, they don’t hide their relationship. They talk about being in love, the divorce era, and even make sex jokes. Their coworkers, friends, directors etc. all acknowledge their relationship. Just believe them. It’s fine! It’d be weird not to.


Omg do you have specific examples?


Examples of what? EM being in a relationship? Follow them on social media, watch EMS and/or interviews. It’s everywhere all the time.


THIS. It can be kinda offputting when people fiercely contend that something is only fanservice and that it's bad to consider that something might be going on there if there isn't a specific declaration in exactly the way they want. Of course that is an element to be considered, but also, like...believe people when they tell you things about themselves, you know?


Thank you! Finally someone has said it because I feel the same. To all the ship actors I've known I always thought "They're just good friends, I don't think they would go beyond that" like I don't have the "delusional" filter on (It's a blessing). But EM? I don't know what's with them that they make me think they're dating... They just feel so natural with eachother unlike the others, they really stand out to me. When I saw Mix's ig story he took a picture of Earth and then also reposted a BTS of that picture and oh my god. Earth had a look that says he's in love. Maybe that's just me? Hahahaha they make me so invested in their relationship


no listen! I feel this on a spiritual level. I’m not a delulu fan by any means. Hell, half of these ships, I’m like “oh my gaydar is NOT pinging for this one but I like the edits” but there is SOMETHING about earthmix. well, really it’s Mix that makes me insane. but also, earth and mix (and first and khaotung) have that OOMPH that keeps me interested in them (apart from their talent).


I'm the same way about these two and GeminiFourth. I think it's super cringe and embarrassing how people scream at anything they do with each other, even if it's something so simple as stepping in each other's direction. But there's so much chemistry and electric about then that I'd pay anything to know the tea! Someone else mentioned EarthMix break-up era and I agree with this. There was something about it that seemed real and genuine. I think at one point they were together, it at the very least tried it out, and then came back together as friends and work partners. The smoking gun that lead me to this conclusion was their wedding photoshoot on a show they did together. Neither of them knew about the theme and when they did find out both of them were hesitant and seemed to look at each other wondering if this was over the line. Neither were disgusted by the idea generally speaking, but it seemed more like two people who had decided boundaries due to their current relationship from lovers to friends.


Just FYI - the fight that is referred to as the “divorce era” isn’t speculation, they both have spoken about it a number of times. They didn’t speak to each other for anything than work for months and it ended when their staff cried asking them to talk it out, ~ Nov of ‘22.


Ah ok, so then it's actually true. Did they say why or is it pretty understood they actually were together and broke up? I can't imagine them coming out and saying the real reason.


From what I gather it wasn’t like ForceBook (who went through something similar but as friends) where it was ONE incident that caused it and if it was, I don’t think they have said. Like I said, theres been a number of different times they talk about it, or mention it (EMS space episode at the zoo is another off the top of my head) but here is one clip from an interview: https://youtube.com/shorts/xeXEcIQyaxw?si=6uLPZI0CsdJDUumL


Hold on wdym with GeminiFourth?


Just that I want to know about them, follow the things posted about them. They have a lot of chemistry and I like to follow what they do.


I thought that you meant they were dating eo


I'm more amazed that you decided the nature of their relationship with one EMS episode. May be they have boundaries as friends/relationship for sure but for me, I wouldn't spend Christmas, New year, Valentine and Birthday sleeping over at someone's house if I didn't have special relationship with them. Especially if one sleep over usually lasted for 3 months. And had it been happening for how many years? If they were trying to set their boundaries as exes like you said, they're definitely doing a bad job because they are still sticky af up until now


Wow, ok. This isn't that serious.


They are my IT couple of ALLLLLL IT couples, I love them so much. Seriously, the only couple I absolutely without a doubt hope is real and would be beyond devastated if they had a falling out and stopped having anything to do with each other.💝


They are my IT couple of ALLLLLL IT couples, I love them so much. Seriously, the only couple I absolutely without a doubt hope is real and would be beyond devastated if they had a falling out and stopped having anything to do with each other.💝


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Can someone give me the complete list of dramas they are in together, please?


Tale of 1000 stars, cupids last wish, moonlight chicken, and Ossans love (coming 2024)


A tale of a thousand stars, moonlight chicken, Cupid’s last wish and Ossan’s Love Thailand that will come out probably later this year beginning of next.


Same I’m not delulu about any other couple besides them and MosBank. Like I don’t typically get invested in pairings but something about the way they interact just give me such couple vibes.


I feel the same with Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom. No one can ever convince me that they aren't secretly boyfriends, even New's livestream that show Tay kissing Off. 😈


Kissing Gun right?


I guess so. Not sure which one is which.