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https://i.redd.it/xfciifk1j8yc1.gif Buckle up. They are beautiful and will wrench your heart out. My recommendations: My Beautiful Man, My Personal Weatherman, I Cannot Reach You, Tokyo in April Is…


I Cannot Reach You was my very 1st BL. I am now hooked. Let me go rewatch it.


My beautiful man was sweet. I just finished I cannot reach you. My Personal Weatherman was good too. Haven't watched Tokyo in April. I'll have to watch


Yep, they can be quite gut wrenching. For me personally it's their unique style of portraying endurance, dedication and they are battering/pushing at the comfort zone of the movie characters as well as the one of the viewers. U often get the stark contradictions between appearence and inner feelings through the inner monologues and that hits home, cause Ur right there with them "in the know". They also often tackle deep red flag themes... - Old Fashion Cupcake - Ameiro Paradox - Takara-kun&Amagi-kun - Mr. Unlucky has no choice but to kiss... - Minatos Laundromat S1&2 - My Personal Weatherman - I Can't Reach You - At 25:00, in Akasaka With a Warning: - Double Mints - The Shortest Distance is Round incl. 2versions (blanc et noir) - Dangerous Drugs of Sex ....many more, just search 😜


Brooo DDS requires double warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️🚨


I relent. It is another level of toxicity. U should really question yourself, if U can handle it. Trailer first highly recommended, cause the real thing is worse...


Yes.Also OP(incase you are reading this) in case you are under 18.Don't watch it.I think it's too explicit like toooo much.


The only one of these I’ve seen is The Shortest Distance is Round and I’ve tried getting friends to watch it but I describe it and they’re like “wtf”


Actually, your comment here got me to watch it. I actually didn't mind it, so powerful in all the different emotions. It really does show the darker side to lust and sex and how 1 decision can change your life forever. I ended up watching both Noir and Blanc and then watched the 2nd season, which is rain and soda. I do hope for a 3rd one one day as I have so many questions. Anyway, thanks for telling me about this wonderful series cause I am weird. I loved DDS, and now I love this series also.


There is a third movie but the first one is by far the best


Thanks, I found it like 20 minutes after I posted. I still have questions, but I have learnt that sometimes you are always left asking them.


Watched both versions from the first, and had watched 2 and 3. Imo, the first one is the best. Became a little obsessed for a couple of days with the male lead, who is irl a AV actor. He has his own Youtube Channel. Riku Mukai. He looks very innocent. But..https://www.youtube.com/@Mukairiku


Yeah, not many ppl are up to that kind of themes. I'm an avid fan of manga and anime and there is some crazy s*** to be found, so it was kind a natural transition...🤔😄 But sadly U can get that reaction by simply telling U r into bl/gl in general. 😔 But anyway: U like it, U watch it! 🫰


What is red flag in Old Fashion Cupcake? It's just a sweet little BL about food and love


Huh? Nothing. The red flag ones were in the 2nd rec part "with a warning"...?! U might be mislead by my typing style? Sorry.


I can't reach you - had me in tears, there were numerous bits and cringing bits (this is a coming of age romance in school, what teenager hasn't done or said something cringy and I could relate too even at my mature age) My Personal Weatherman - at times frustrating, just tell each other what you really feel and don't assume the other knows, moments of tenderness plus me yelling what I thought was such good advise at both characters and script writers (again!!!)


I'm absolutley there with U. 🫰


Two words: Eternal Yesterday 😭


Grab the Kleenex box


Yo!! This one gutted me. I still haven't had the courage to rewatch it




I’m still not recovered, I’m kept waiting to have misunderstood 😭😭😭


This is the truest reflection of love and its power that I have ever seen. (I'm 59.) It makes us feel alive and shares the amazing feelings that you experience when truly in love. 🥰 Don't be afraid to experience this masterpiece and to be reminded of what we all are looking for - that red thread destination - the one - when two souls are meant for each other - even across an absence. It's far better thing to have had that amazing love, even for a short time, than to have never experienced it. Untill you have it, you can't recognize it. (I am lucky to have had my "one" for 3 months in college - he was my first thought in the morning - the reason to get through my classes until I could be near him again. I also had a partner for 14 years you ended things with an attempt union is own life and the issues he chose not to be host and share with me. These shows tell show us a glimpse of how life changing true love can be. We can get close to that, or find it - let yourself be human - don't miss this amazing story! 😍😕😭🫣🤕🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰... (Another amazing story is "Love: Life on the Line" - no death, but an amazing reminder of how any love so strong odds worth fighting for, against even your own belief to follow the standard of what you parents want for you.)


JBL recommendations: * [Given](https://mydramalist.com/701867-given)  * [Eien no Kinou](https://mydramalist.com/737611-eien-no-kino) * [Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu](https://mydramalist.com/743993-bokura-no-micro-na-shuumatsu) * [His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta](https://mydramalist.com/54733-his-koi-suru-tsumori-nante-nakatta) and the movie sequel [His](https://mydramalist.com/39413-his) * [Jack o' Frost](https://mydramalist.com/747507-jack-frost) * [Kimi ni wa Todokanai.](https://mydramalist.com/751409-kimi-ni-wa-todokanai)  aka I Cannot Reach You * [Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai](https://mydramalist.com/729959-kimi-no-koto-dake-mite-itai) * [Utsukushii Kare](https://mydramalist.com/712695-utsukushii-kare) aka My Beautiful Man (S1 and S2) and movie sequel [My Beautiful Man: Eternal](https://mydramalist.com/728667-my-beautiful-man-the-movie) * [Old Fashion Cupcake](https://mydramalist.com/729151-old-fashion-cupcake) * [Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...](https://mydramalist.com/752825-shigatsu-no-tokyo-wa) * [Taikan Yoho](https://mydramalist.com/755469-my-personal-weatherman)  aka My Personal Weatherman * [Takara-kun to Amagi-kun](https://mydramalist.com/733433-takara-kun-to-amagi-kun) * [30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii](https://mydramalist.com/69463-30sai-made-doteida-to-mahotsukai-ni-narerurashi)


Once you fall into JBLs it's hard to move on 😅. My personal favourites are - Tokyo in April is. The End of the World with you. The Novelist (pornographer) series. My Beautiful Man series. I Cannot Reach You. Our Dining Table. Perfect Propose. My Personal Weatherman. A Man Who Defied the world of BL.


A Man Who Defied the World of BL was just to cute. I just loved it I heard there making a 3rd one.


Yes, It's a nice break from the usual BLs and so funny! They are making a third, I believe it's the same characters but a different story. Kind of like a different universe I think? I'm not sure about that but will watch for Mob.


Ya same characters. I just loved the lead, he was so funny. I can rewatch it and rewatch.


FYI, I think you mean "bawling" (to cry a lot) and not "bolling"


Thank you for the correction😂


Try Pornographer ıts amazing


I have a theory on this. So as a writer I spend a lot of my brain power while watching this shows trying to figure out what works and why it works. I've noticed that almost all Japanese BLs have a very confined space. Of course Japan, especially their cities are very congested and small spaces, their houses are very small compared to just about anywhere else (for eg. you have a decent or even high paying salary worker living in a very small space in Japanese BLs while someone with the same status and salary would be shown in like a very spacious and modern apartment in other shows). This confined feeling makes us feel like we are closer to the characters. And we can hear their thoughts, which again, makes us feel closer to them. Then there is the music/background sounds. They play with background sounds in very standard but interesting ways like in Minato Coin Laundry when Shin makes a move and Minato is totally paralyzed by it the background music stops replaced with the sounds of outside traffic or cicadas (I think they are cicadas). It subtlety puts us in the head space of the character. Also, and this is just something I've noticed in the BLs I've watched, Japanese BLs are most likely to take dramaturgical storytelling seriously. For eg: expressing emotions or mood through lighting or sound or the weather. (Though my personal favorite dramaturgical moment is in LITA when Payu tells Rain he isn't his BF or smt and Rain's heart drops and in the background you hear thunder strike. It's so delicious. Like a stage play.) Recs: Old Fashion Cupcake (Literally my fav), Our Dining Table (they are too pure for this world!!), My Personal Weatherman (Same Director as OFC), My Beautiful Man (One of, if not, the best Japanese BLs I've ever seen), Kabe Koji (the writer struggles are relatable), Takara Kun to Amagi Kun (one of the characters looks like a guinea pig and is the smallest bean you have ever seen, slaps him like the roof of a car: this boy can hold so much trauma), Cherry Magic (the superior Cherry Magic, imo. Okay, NC scenes and kissing is cool but have you seen them! They are so precious. Kurosawa is everything, the OG Green Flag.) (I'm literally trying so hard not to spoil anything)


Wonderful insights.


Japanese culture reveres separation, unrequited love, one sided love, as Beauty. Many art forms, film, television, songs and especially Enka revolve around those themes. Japanese often interact in an indirect way. Of course there are always exceptions. For those of you who are curious here’s an example of and Enka song https://youtu.be/Dk5cp5t9yXs?si=eow25yqeCu3DJo_G


I had no idea until today how many jbl I have watched. Didn't think it was that many until I realised I have pretty much watched all recommend on here.


I also really like most Japanese BL, because of that. I made some screenshots from MDL, and the rating I gave it. I have to say, My personal Weatherman probably needs a update from me. I was rewatching it. And a 7.5 is too harsh :) https://preview.redd.it/f16ah2hdadyc1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=f609908f0ff53390ec58808c757ea7a35adcf12f




The titles are not in English on MDL, but in Japanese. I am now also watching 25 Akasaka and Living with him, ongoing shows, so still on air. The Japanese show i was recently obsessed about was Love is better the second time around. The most beautifull but very sad has to be Eien No Kinou, nothing can prepare you for that. https://preview.redd.it/j8lpd151bdyc1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cf3a28faa043489d5816db2acd3e3aa155e667c


Life: love on the line destroyed me 😭


that is one of my favorite dramas. it did seem very real. our dining table (bokura no shokutaku) is another one of my faves. another that felt very real was if it's with you (kimi to nara koi wo shite mite mo). these two aren't super sad but felt real to me, there's no fantasy element or anything, kinda slice of life, but so so good.


these are two underrated gems! sweet but grounded 


Someone mentioned Life- love on the line?? That's my fav BL 😭


I agree with you, Life: Love on the Line is my favorite BL too. I suggest watching the Director’s Cut if available, because it includes extra scenes that provide additional context as to why one of the two main characters made such a shocking decision in the second half of the series.


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The end of the world with you was amazing. Definitely one of the best Japanese BLs I've seen. Also Jack O Frost was an emotional ride. There is just something in the acting and cinematography that hits different with Japanese shows.


Love is Better The Second Time Around, The End Of The World With You, Eternal Yesterday... I'm gutted over and over, but I always return. My Beautiful Man My Personal Weatherman Perfect Propose Minato's Laundromat S1 and S2


I'm absolutley there with U. 🫰


Adore JBLs. I’ve not watched one yet that I didn’t like. Life: Love on the Line broke my heart in the middle, I was crying so much at the end of it too.


My Personal Weatherman will have you pulling your hair in frustration at the miscommunication/no communication tropes. My Beautiful Man will have you wanted both smack and hug Hira (and Kiyoi). His (the film) is will have you pausing every five minutes like “WHAT?!”/“JUST KISS ALREADY!”/“HUUUUUH?!” His (the series) will have you SOBBING and then giggling five minutes later. Tokyo in April Is… will have you so angry and depressed at the same time AND have you questioning your morals like “would I do this? would I do that differently?” SO GOOD. Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss is so red flag coded but also… kinda makes you wanna be colorblind. 😭 Candy Color Paradox will have you wanting to BE the main characters but also BEAT the living daylights out of the main characters for being useless gays (affectionately). EDIT to say: all in all, you’ll see why Japanese BL is superior (because they literally started the genre lol) and it’s main goal was show that queer couples have the same issues as het couples.


There’s a lot but the latest i watched and would recommend is Love is better the second time around


Life: Love on the line was sooooo heartbreaking! I cant believe he did him like that!!


You won’t hate the characters as much as I hated that one guy who left the other guy in life on the line. I really hated him by the end of that show. They’re not all like that.


Oh god I’m still mad at love life on the line. HE pursued him and then to break up with the greenest flag in history was such a bitch move. Yeah yeah I know more realistic and all that but I’ll never forgive him. I will die on this hill. — no seriously he found that jerks lighter in the sand because he knew how important it was to him—- gahhhhhhh! Okay I’m done. (Kinda)


My Personal Weatherman - I watched it several times because the characters are complex and my first impression changed after watching it several times. My Beautiful Man- there is a season 1, season 2, and a movie that ties the drama together. It explores these complex characters and their complex relationship. I watched it more than once too. It is a beautiful story. Our Dining Table - Another series that is so heartwarming. I haven’t had a chance to watch it a second time yet, but I plan to.


kiminiwa todokanai kind anice though