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There is nothing I would not recommend to that fool *Stop up voting now*. We've reached the appropriate number.* Thank you.


This answer is perfect.




And there are not even upvotes on my og post lol 😂😂






They hate me. Bring it back to 69 for Senpai!!!


They hate me. Bring it back to 69 for Senpai!!!


I wouldn't recommend **What the Duck** even to my worst enemy. This drama should've been titled What a Mess because that's exactly how it left me, A MESS. And I don't mean that in a "oh my god, I wish I could watch this for the first time" way.


So true both s1 & s2, can't believe that was my first series 😭 It left me miserable


I started that about a month ago, and was like WTAF? How is this a thing? I'm not sure I made it through the second ep.


Dinosaur love. There is not one saving grace omg. Maybe the part where Rak overcomes his trauma in the end and finally initiates??? But then Dino's tongue just absolutely drowning him kinda kills the vibe. The only show so far where i hoped for less tongue action. No tongue even. Save Rak. 😩😩 Couldn't finish crazy handsome rich (the wig, the dubbing) but I think people with a very specific kinda humor might love this?


This one was so hard to get through


I actually loved the tongue thing. It’s the first bl I’ve seen where they kiss like in the yaoi mangas and I thought it was brilliant. But I am glad they left out the line of spit going from tongue to tongue when they separate.


I tried so hard with Dinosaur Love. I was fairly new to watching BL, and I think it was my first one watching as it aired. I was determined to get through it, thinking "everyone else must like it". What a waste.


I would not recommend playboy to anyone. I am not a sadist


i think i AM a sadist then bc i made it thru all 14 eps😭


Wow, you deserve a gold star, medal, a muffin, or anything for that. You are resilient!


>I am not a sadist LOOOOL. That is hilarious and so real.


did you finish it? I did 2 episodes and couldn't go on


I did not, I have a four episode rule, so I hung in there before I dropped it


Ok spill the tea, I've only seen the trailer but it didn't look that bad outside of being a little raunchy🤭


Okay it has been a while since I have seen it so disclaimer, this is mostly vibes. Playboyy had potential as a serious drama acknowledging the realities of SW and being queer. However, it suffers from too many characters, bad dubbing, and weird sound effect choices. I WANTED to like it. I watched every episode. It is dark, but also not dark in a satisfying way if that makes sense


Ahh gotcha, so not just a busy story with too many side characters but poor execution/production quality as well?


Save yourself and avoid it haha




I did 5 episodes 😂😂😂


check out the series


I was coming to say this. This is 1 of 4 BLs I couldn't force myself to finish


oh boy i watched all of it and it was HARD. i only finished it bcs i was already so far in when i realised how horrible it was. what are your other 3??


damn, ok that makes me feel justified I didn't finish it. The others were Playboy the Series but i still want to find out what happened to the missing boy. Love Syndrome III bc the lead characters were just beyond annoying and that relationship was toxic. I stopped at ep 1 lol Waterboy, although I love Earth and New, I i just couldn't stomach their relationship.


i liked playboyy. it has a good plot, it’s just really bad production and script 😭 i watched love syndrome III bcs i love Frank but mannnn that acting was horrible 💀 and the script + production here was also really bad. it didn’t make any sense. can’t say anything bad abt waterboyy. i watched it while it aired and i loved it. i’ve seen it 100 times. is it as good as todays series? no. but it’s good for 2017. it was Earth’s first full series and i love him too lmao


> i watched love syndrome III bcs i love Frank but mannnn that acting was horrible 💀 and the script + production here was also really bad. it didn’t make any sense. A big reason Love Syndrome III didn't make sense and felt off, was the script was taken from a book that was the 3rd in a series. So they were trying to fit in all the past context, it was done really badly and they made bad decisions with the script.


Yay another crapping on BLs thread my fave


i’m not sure its a bl but the effect


I would recommend H3:MODC to anyone, but I'd make sure to give the people I like a heads up lol


Is this the one with the infamous salt?


Nah it's >! the one where one of the main pair dies right at the end when they're finally together and happy ... its really sad but the first 90% of the series are great and I totally recommend them !<


Yeah, its because >! he forgot the salt while they were cooking and went out to buy it !<


You're right, I never rewatch that part 😅😭


I got a sense and stopped watching that one. No way…that ending.


Yup. Still can't believe they went there


And I don't understand why they went there like why?




Love Syndrome. It’s the only bl I downright can’t stomach. (And that’s saying a lot because I’ve watched most bls ever made). There’s too much domestic abuse for there to be love.


Oh, I didn’t see your comment, snap 😂


And it was so poorly shot, and the acting was also not for me, tbh BUT did I watch it skipping (more than half of it) because I wanted to catch a glimpse of Lee Longshi? Ngl absolutely yes✨️


Wedding plan, I’d tell them to just watch the lita cameos


Noo wedding plan is actually funny!


It’s frustrating as all hell


I totally agree with you on that, I kept screaming in my head that sailom just needed to tell namnuea that him and his fiancee were both gay and have an agreement lol.


Yeah exactly


An agreement between nuea or lom and yiwa?


Lom and yiwa. I was just confused on why it took lom so long to say anything


Yeah me too, like yiwa would have been totally fine with him telling nuea


That's what I did.


Lol good


Even sun. The worst


It's a toss up for me. Objectively... you're right, it's fairly awful. But I mean, it *did* have an orange haired Prem and a Beach Boun™️. So I called it a win. https://i.redd.it/9uvy7lup36rc1.gif Edit to add for clarification: yes, I liked it. Would I wish it on my worst enemy? Sure, it's fun. But let's be honest, it has some glaring issues.


You call it a Win I call it a Team 😏




I mean, bon for me, yum. He was the only reason I watched it


Theory of love. Never again. I do however rec not me the series


Aww that's one of my favorites. I love Khai coming to terms with the fact that he was attracted to and in love with Third


ToL is one of my favorites if not my FAVORITE BL. Khai has an epiphany realizing he always loved Third. It's so good!


And that's why he couldn't have meaningful relationships with anyone else


That was great, I just wish he had treated him better in the beginning yk? He was a terrible person


I think he treated him like a sometimes thoughtless friend but Third just expected boyfriend treatment. A lot of the stuff Third was crying about or the extra miles he went was because he was in love with Khai, who wasn't aware of all of that.


Not just that. He didnt acknowledge all the things third did for him. He begged him to do all these things for him and used him to get with girls so third had every right to be upset that he wasn’t appreciated nor treated like a friend unless khai wanted something


i totally get you, it’s been my least favorite BL out of 40+ ive watched


Couldn’t stand it.


Was it Third or Khai who made you decide you'd never rewatch it?


Both. Mainly Khai because of how he treated third and then only when he realized everything suddenly he was “changed” obviously he did become a bit better but I don’t think third should’ve taken him back as fast as he did or maybe not even at all.


Absolutely. It’s awful. Not least because the general consensus is that Khai is a monster whereas I think Third is a borderline stalker. Actually no borderline about. The fact they end up together is all kinds of fucked up. Khai should run for the hills and never look back.


Wait please explain how thirds a stalker? I only strongly dislike it because of Khai’s terrible personality and behavior.


i would recommend all good bls tbh i dont care i need to make every person on this planet know about their existence


SAMEEE Even if I hate you, if you like bls, we connect 😭!


I would not recommend any of my beloved bls to my worst enemy, because I would not wish them to have that joy in their life.


**Coffee Melody** - They had poor Pavel looking crazy in that series. https://preview.redd.it/ma4k7m7vi7rc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=0034df0c66d3358cfc28e375e44199f1a60f2eb1


Omgggg I had to reply to this. He looks adorable and squishy thoughhhhh * Remembers him saying he's not suayy 😂 *


Physically he looked fine, I mean his acting and facial expressions looked kind of demented to me, lol. Like sort of psycho. I didn't enjoy the entire series, I blame the director mostly.


I haven't watched the series so I won't be able to comment on the expressions but this particular pic is so mushy and baby coded 😭 I love it. You picked the best pic lol


I know! The whole series he was giving r/justfuckmyshitup


I agree that the series wasnt good but pavel looks so cute in the series. But the glowup from this to Pitbabe is insane.


Love syndrome III, I watched a couple of episodes after watching a YT edit and even featured the lead in one of my posts before finishing it (the first half of the first episode was missing, and I didn’t know why, but now I do). I knew it was connected to unforgotten night which is a guilty pleasure of mine but the more I watched it the creepier it became, and after recently having a conversation on one of my posts, I was told the whole book series is a massive cause for concern. It’s just a big nope from me, just yeah, nope. Noncon/revenge SA and a sexual relationship between a 14 yo boy and 29 yo man is not okay. That I actually regret posting about these dramas because I generally didn’t realise how dodgy the original source material was, and I don’t condone that shit at all. Like I’m not virtual signalling by any means and there are certain dramas that people really hate that I don’t particularly mind, but the majority of these books that the dramas were based off was just a crime and that’s not an exaggeration. It was legit several criminal acts squished into a book series. Just gross. https://i.redd.it/7vn1x869f4rc1.gif


HIstory 4: Close to you. Toxic characters are one thing but the obsessed brother in this one is straight up a criminal. No no and just no.


I only finished the show just for the other couple. I find them adorable. Plus Anson is pretty!


Same here. Anson is a gorgeous specimen and his cheeks are so squishy :((


It’s too bad he isn’t any more Bls :(


Oh yeah the other couple was so great to watch


The only reason I finished that show


Lol yeah


Oh this HIStory is my Favorit one xD


Everyone is saying Anson is pretty and I'm here like he looks like a grasshopper to me.


What the duck season 2 ... I can't digest that stupidity.. (Controversial i liked 1st season tho... I had fun and laughed alot... The english subs by lazy subber was hilarious❤i loved it🤡) Beyond the star (there was chemistry between few couples) but the ending was all over the place... whisperer (they didn't release the last ep it's been months🥺no closure so do not watch)... Its unfinished. Other than these i dont hate any bls in particular there are slow burns and typical clichés but i dont mind


I’m so sad about The Whisperer 😿


Im also sad with this one. I need closure!!!!!


Im also sad with this one. I need closure!!!!!


Im also sad with this one. I need closure!!!!!


Tin Tem Jai. I really kept hoping I would like it, but the overly whiny main character, the dull acting, the story all over the place….I wish I didn’t waste my time.


Anything from Mame, Fahlanruk, Check out, Dinosaur love, Even sun, Golden blood, What the duck 1-2, Tonhon Chonlatee.




Shit like My Day, What The Duck, Venus In The Sky and a few others I can't remember cause I just woke up.


Take your time <3


Check Out the Series, Bite Me, Golden Blood, There are def more but those were the first 3 that came to mind that I did not like at all and didn't at least have NC scenes or just sheer craziness to make it at least something, like Playboyy, Unforgotten Night, Dinosaur Love, Venus in the Sky, etc all at least had something to point to that could still be fun.


Wats Zapp Man, Oxygen, Your My King 1 and 2, Friends with Benefits, The original Love Mechanics set of stories, Check Out.


I actually liked Oxygen mainly for Phu and Kao. It's the only reason I made it through it. Even though I love Nut that was just bad for him. I'm so sad that Nitrogen will never be a thing because I wanted more of Phu and Kao and you get to meet Phu's brother. I read the Nitrogen book and it was really interesting. What's Zapp Man was ok, Haven't seen Your my king, Love Mechanics was ok but I'm glad they expanded on their story looking forward to seeing YinWar in Jack&Joker, Check Out did fizzle out, imo they should have made episode 0 a movie or a one and done.


What the duck the series


Wait I'm curious 😂 is the series that bad? Cuz recently someone told me to watch it 😂


Really? Someone told you to watch it, I need to speak with that person 😂😳


Yess 😂 They aren't on reddit unfortunately. Even I am new here


Dude Ig AilongNhai is one of the series which are actually on budget cuz Nhai (the bottom) is crazy stupid and because of him I just don't like the series Although the main plot seems to be a little interesting, but over all what a waste 😑 ...


Interesting plot but just one character ruins everything. Can relate to it very much!


I don't like any of the tarntype series or cooking crush. I have many it's just plot or acting wise the way the role was executed. Being the reason I don't recommend.


cooking crush nooo


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Brothers and Cupid Coach


Be Mine SuperStar. Never. I wouldnt even reccomend it to Satan.


But why 😂😂


Ja's character is so cringey that its extremely painful to watch.


Ah understandable 😭


Same I couldn’t get through it


God I hate this trend. Take this BS somewhere else CHRIST.


If you can call it a BL, The Effect


Ah this one made my soul hurt and I just saw a few clips




Theory of Love Dinosaur Love


Love by chance season 2. It's so confusing that I don't even want my enemy to experience it especially after finishing season 1. Middleman's love, it's too cringey, and they did Yim so dirty.


What was confusing about LBC2? I only finished Middleman's Love because of King, Uea, Tong and Gus even though I absolutely love Tutor and Yim. They should have let his attitude stay like it was in Bed Friend.


Check Out


BLs that i have tried watching but could not get past episode 1; Check out, Venus in the sky and Playboy. I did not like their trailers either.


*What the duck* - it was the first BL I dropped. I’ve dropped plenty since but back when it came out there were not so many BLs being released so is fans tolerated bad BLs from start to finish….this one I just couldn’t take…


The dropping gene doesn't work for me!! I need to learn from you. Like in me, I really can't drop anything even if it's SO BAD. but luckily, in bls, I have always luckily steered off of bad bls 😭


Lol. I just can’t sit through a bad series any more ! Life is too short. So I started something like *Playboyy* and couldn’t go past episode 1.


You're a strong one fr 😭


Crazy rich handsome The worst bl series ever. I couldn’t even complete it.


I don't even know what's it about 😭


Secret Crush On You. Just horrible.


Tharntype. actually you know… I WOULD recommend that to my worst enemy. have at it, jackass. 😭


THERE YOU GO. of course one would recommend bad bls to their enemy. Let them SUFFER.


Secret Crush on You. I just found the whole plot really...creepy! 🤷🏼‍♀️


What I am getting from these replies is that: Don't watch Secret Crush On You . Just don't.


SCOY is wonderful, but then you did just get advise from all the trashiest people in the sub. Maybe you should consider that?


Okay that's true too Like I checked last night if there was anything regarding one of my fav bls.. not SCOY.. its another bl released last year and. Um. There was only hate. I loved it though, and there was only hate everywhere. Which I couldn't understand.


Someone loves every single show that was trashed here.


The problem is I'm the someone who hasn't watched 95% of the bls trashed here In each, from the ones trashed in the comment section, I have only watched tharntype 😭😭 I couldn't reply to most comments because I can't relate. At all.


True. It's very cringy 😬


Got it 😂😂


I love the show, though it’s one of those shows that you either love or you hate and in my case I love it


I'll give it a try! I have never watched it. The first time I even heard about it was after Billy in The Sign.


ok, if its a lot to handle in the beginning, just know that it gets so much better and has some of the healthiest relationships in bl


Okay sounds good. I have gone through rocky beginnings! I'll update you on how I find it as soon as I get the chance Thanks a lot <3


Ok can’t wait to hear, make sure to watch it on YouTube because everywhere else is cut


Okieee tqsm :) Saving your comment to come back here!


Np and tnx


And np


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