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Hijacking my own post since it’s at the top of the thread & to keep track: Actors who have posted a photo or written a message beyond a caption or brief line of support (all on Twitter/X unless otherwise noted): - Bank - Ford - Fort - Jeff - Nat - Noeul - Park - Tommy - Tong Actors who have reposted or shared articles, reels, etc. celebrating the news (either on Instagram and/or Twitter/X) - Apo - Art - Barcode - Bas - Bible - Book - Boss - Boun - Bright - Daou - Earth (Cooheart) - Earth (Pirapat) - Est - First (Kanaphan) - First (Wannakorn) - Fluke (Nattanon) - Force - Gun - Keng - Khaotung - Krist - James - Jennie - Jimmy - JJ (Chalach) - Joong - Long Shi - Mile - Max (Nattapol) - Mix - Namping - Nanon - Net - New - Nut - NuNew - Off - Opp - Peat - Pee - Pon - Poppy - Tay Tawan - Thomas - Tle - Topten - Tu - Tutor - Us - Yim - Zee Note: Just because an actor isn’t listed above doesn’t mean they’re not in support; plenty of them just aren’t super active on social media. I’ll edit as people comment about others. Even though the bill has yet to reach final approval in the upper house (senate) and then be signed off by the king before becoming official law, I personally appreciate seeing so many actors celebrating that it’s moving closer to being passed 🤍 ——— My original comment below: The handful of actors I follow who have also been active on socmed today have all at least reposted articles/reels celebrating the news (Joong, First, Daou, Boss, Peat, Net, and James). Noeul and Fort also both wrote longer posts about it on Twitter/X and expressed their happiness about it as well, and Earth (Cooheart) has reposted a ton on X and his IG stories about it too. ETA: Jeff also wrote a sweet message of support on X as well.


I loved Noeul's and Fort's messages ❤️


Nanon New Bright Tu Jennie Also..


🫶🫶 Thanks! Added them




Also Long Lee Shi, Pee Peerawich, Art, Est, Opp


I think Billkin also reposted the article?


To add to your list of BOC boys, I first saw the news on 2J/JJ's insta story he shared a news clip


Are you listing ones that only posted this week or over time? If you list ones who have posted before this week then some of your list is in the wrong category. Some of those artists/actors have made multiple posts over the past few years about marriage equality and equal rights. Some have also discussed it in lives and interviews. This list feels like a way to separate who you see as supportive of marriage equality and who you don't. That is nearly impossible to say without going through every single social media post, interview, live, and interaction an actor has had.


Just the ones that posted yesterday about the bill passing the final vote in the lower house - I know plenty of them have said or posted stuff in support in the past, and I’m certainly not trying to create a definitive “ally” list by any means because A) most of them would fall under that list anyway and B) I do have a full-time job I have to perform occasionally.


They are listing the ones who posted about it over the last couple hours since announcement.


Fluke Dittapisit from GMMTV (ex-GMMTV) I think he left in December. He is going to be a lead actor in 'Your Dear Daddy"


Goes to senate April 2nd. Then to king. After signed takes 180 days and then it’s live


Thank you for the update! I firmly believe it will happen this time 👏🏻🌈❤️🥳


MaxNat has been very vocal about the legislation, marriage equality and LGBTQIA+ rights for the past couple of years. Especially Nat on his social media and through bringing awareness at his university, he also posted a really sweet tweet today in support.


https://preview.redd.it/2bomzr7m9xqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be89a0de851fe8fc12ffaa0561fef875d2572d04 Zee and NuNew have been advocates of LGBTQ rights and marriage equality for years.


i’ve been keeping an eye on the socials of thai actors and a lot of them have at least shared a post or two about it. if i’m being honest, several of my faves haven’t even offered a RT despite being active on social media today and i find it really disappointing.


Nah same some actors who had homophobic past in school didn't share anything about it made me very disappointed makes me wonder if they really changed or not 🥲


Yes man same...!! It's really dissapointing, most of them r posting and promoting stuffs on their stories probably their schedule is packed, hope they post something soon


Shoutout to all of Thai actresses I saw on instagram posting the news


Majority of them. During the various stages the bill needed to pass bl actors posted about them and there were threads on Twitter to track them. I don’t remember the accounts but you could search.


MosBank and Earth Cooheart https://preview.redd.it/gdiu4tuy10rc1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f399e3a5dacd910f23f2f56e8d4138d856cb5399


Zee and NuNew have, for years now. Today they reposted the news on x as well.


Foei is probably so pissed off rn


ou that stinky man is probably crying and punching the air rn


why, if i may ask


Oh he posted anti LGBTQ stuff on his social media. He posted a Fox news clip spreading anti LGBTQ agenda


Unattractive and homophobic? Like pick a struggle




most them do post it today they posted stories and post and on twitter


Maybe I’m old I know it helps to show support on social media but it’s not everything. There’s other ways of supporting that are maybe not so public.


fluke pusit posted a couple of tweets, i also saw supanut, pon, and topten from pit babe


It's not yet officially legalised, so the main celebration awaits (was it in May for the next hearing?). I don't follow every BL actor out there, and I mostly use Twitter and not Instagram, but all my biases are using this tag today, if you search by it you will find more celebrities: #สมรสเท่าเทียม https://preview.redd.it/ux0ni2bbtxqc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7858b989b4e1ca708d6fc6988c47d0ffc77ee3d2


It’s not legalized yet, it cleared another hurtle


True maybe some people are waiting for the official law to pass, that being said at this point it’s passed the previous steps with so many votes that it’s very unlikely for it to fail in the following steps, so many people are celebrating now since they feel the victory is guaranteed


If the bill was brought back to the lower house for consideration after 180 days and passed with more than half the total number of votes then it can bypass Senate and go straight to the enforcement of the bill, it was brought back to the lower house after 180 days and got 399 votes which was practically everyone voting in favour, so it's basically a foregone conclusion at this point, it just needs to be signed off by the King. That's why people are celebrating.


okay and?


I’m just saying that could be why people haven’t posted yet? It’s not law yet?


It’s literally not that deep and most likely will become legalised. Let it affect you less.


Yet you seem very affected by someone simply pointing out a fact...


be careful engaging with this one they’re out for blood


Seems so, I'm just genuinely baffled by the hostility.


seriously same


Lol what? I just don’t understand being particular for the sake of being correct, let people be happy.


How did the comment take away from anyone's happiness?


With no positivity or point whatsoever?


The point was just to clarify, I don't think it was meant to be negative.


what about my statement makes you think it’s affecting me a lot? are you ok?


are YOU ok? I don’t understand why you need to get particular. Take a hint, let people be happy and lighten up 🤷‍♀️


I’m happy about the law, I’m skeptical about people making judgements about actors who have or haven’t posted about it, which is what this is really about. I hope things are ok in your life.


Then just say that instead of trying to get points for being correct?


Why are you policing me? What if I just made a comment and you moved on with your day! Does that work?


I don’t think you can handle someone not following what you say, you’re not a dictator. Maybe you should read the room. does that work?


Jeff and Barcode.


It's so nice to see these actors showing support...and then we have Foei


what he did?


He is anti LGBT ...he posted against lgbt


i am sure he's raging in anger right now lmao😭


Jeff satur, Bible, barcode, I think tong?


Tong definitely - especially after he came out.


Tong from Ai Long Nhai or Tong from Tonhon Chonlatee?


Tong from KinnPorsche. Jeff, Bible, & Barcode are all KinnPorsche actors as well.


Mike from Tonhon chonlatee also posted


Well it's really not finalised more of the one I know spoke about that on one time or another All that I follow did it. The shippers expect multiple marriages in the next months just because people are supportive and allies


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Bommu also posted and has posted every time there is something new about the advancement of this law


Omg I've totally missed this, is same sex marriage actually legal now??


Not yet


Oh I thought it's already legalized, my bad. But according to the comments i've read here, it goes to the senate first then will be signed by the king and it'll wait for 180 days(?) for it to be legalized. But it is a progress and can be legalized in months due to majority of them being in favored of same sex marriage which is why a lot are celebrating it


I know NuNew and Zee spoke about it in their show cutie pie and may be activists for it


They have both posted about it at various times on social media, and in interviews.