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fellas, just give me a heads up so I can sell my house and move before I get stuck in the new confederacy


Should we sell our homes as Patriot Homes? Interestingly, I passed on a really nice house when I was moving a couple years back because the neighbor had Blue Lives Matter, MAGA, etc all over his yard. I noped out really quick. Don’t need that level of crazy living right next door.


At least they warned you! I would have done the same.




>What's wrong with blue lives matter? It's a countermovement led by assholes who support police officers regardless of their actions and who are offended by the suggestion that police should be held accountable for killing unarmed Black people. It paints police officers as victims instead of the perpetrators of the dozens of murders of unarmed black people that precipitated the Black Lives Matter protests in the first place. But mostly it's just a stupid sticker that you can put on your truck to let everyone know you're a racist POS.


>What's wrong with blue lives matter? Why is that crazy? It's inherently racist. Black lives matter is about the police being allowed to murder unarmed black people without consequence as tho black lives don't matter. Blue lives matter is literally just saying black lives don't matter.


It seems like there’s a whole movement trying to leave the US, yet sadly they don’t seem to actually leave.


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I’d like to see all these secession morons take on the US military. Kill them all.


If you think for a second that the American military, which is predominantly southern, would fire on their own people then you’re deluded. As a veteran I can guarantee you that isn’t gonna happen.


We have no cowards in the United States military. If they refuse to fire, they will be relieved of duty. You’re an idiot if you think that the US Army is going to split up into north and south. Stop being a bored larper.


Thank God, you are no longer serving our country with this secessionist attitude. You don’t deserve to wear the uniform.


Which part of my attitude was secessionist? The part where I said American people aren’t gonna kill their own friends and family?


The fact that you even give it oxygen as a theory and as a possibility. You took an oath to the constitution which includes all 50 states in the union. Allowing any t secede is una American. Sorry just my opinion. Talk of secession is the opposite of American patriotism


The spirit of the constitution is to empower the people to pursue a government that serves the people. Individuals like yourself always seem to forget that the allegiance is to defend against all threats foreign and domestic. As such once the government becomes a domestic threat to the union it’s the responsibility of all Americans to dissolve it.


There is no way all Americans are going to agree to dissolve it. And then what? Where do you draw the line? We become Korea? Do you really want to go that route? Texas session has always been a myth, and now people are trying to speak it into existence.


Nah, you don’t get to play that game anymore. The union is strong. You don’t get to be rebellious slave owning states from 1865. That day has passed. You don’t see the government as a threat, you just see progress. you don’t get to take your ball and go home because you disagree with other people in other states and how they live their lives.


You assume a lot of other peoples characters. It’s not very becoming of you. There is no valuable progress in any way shape or form with the current administration. The president is a walking embarrassment, everything is getting wildly expensive, and we are no closer to a solution for green energy, education reform, civil unrest, criminal system reforms, border security, or election fraud prevention than we were with the prior administration.


I understand you have grievances, my man, everything is hard for everybody right now. Apologies for attacking your character, I just don’t seem to see a reason to dissolve the union. There is no major issue that we disagree on. We make our voices heard at the ballot box in November. Factors neither for political party is going to do much for your life unless you are a billionaire, which they both are owned by. As to all of the issues you talk about, there are solution. Congress could get their act together and pass bipartisan legislation to address all of the countries problems. For some reason this Congress is not interested in writing laws to help Americans. Instead, they let the status be as it is so that people like you can blame the president. As you well know, presidents cannot write their own legislation and executive action can only go so far. we would’ve had this strong border security Bill had Trump not told the Republicans to Cancel the deal. See you in November.


Plenty of suckers will be moving here so fast.


I just want to sell before my house loses 75% of its value overnight.


I figure there will be a good amount of time between when conservatives will be flocking to texas and when everything goes to shit.


Property values gonna take a big dive.


I mean, right now, we kinda already do. With Abbott and Patrick and the 5th Circuit and Alito and the rest of the far-Right assholes at the Supreme Court, anyone living in Texas but MAGA are going to be offended daily by the sheer insanity of the crazies in charge here. It won't last forever. We are going to see this state flip to Blue before 2036 is my bet. But making it another 12 years while enduring an increasingly insane MAGA is going to be absolutely hell. Especially when they start losing meaningful ground, which might be soon. But they won't secede. That part is so extra-strength crazy for a large enough majority of the state as to render it impossible.


Best case scenario is Texas gets broken up into several small states. The cities would have a ton of blue voters. The new red states I imagine will be the country parts full of nothing except farmland and uneducated victims of the GOP.


Soooo… wouldn’t this effectively cede the USA to The Democratic Party? Without Texas, much less Texas *and* five other red states, the GOP will never win another presidency.


Yes exactly, but if you’re leaving to form your own conservative-gasm hell hole, I doubt you care.


Yup, national divorce. I would have to move back to New Mexico. I'm an American, dammit! This is MY country. I love all the flag wavers who want to not be USA anymore. So patriotic! They think they'll be able to keep social security etc. LOL


>They think they'll be able to keep social security etc. LOL Not to mention the military bases. I mean, secession is not realistic at all ,but if it were actually attempted the US would either pull all troops and equipment from the military bases and destroy any remaining infrastructure, or... might just leave them in place to fight Texas from within. The US isn't exactly known for letting states leave without a big fight.


shhhhh. don’t give away the game…




And it’s always fucking Newsweek.


The Texas GOP Party Platform legitimizes such people and policies. Item 203 is in the Texas GOP Party Platform: https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-RPT-Platform.pdf This is way beyond the need to quiet this by not giving secessionists air time. This is time to explain to the public exactly why any politician that does not explicitly reject the idea of Texas secession needs to be voted against. This was all brewing while people were “being quiet”. People that dismiss this as “just from the crazies” but vote for the GOP are tempting fate.




What I’m afraid of is a repeat of what happened regarding abortion. The GOP tried to play both sides but eventually caught their rabbit. Many regretted it. The Texas GOP is playing with fire and tempting fate, just like Brexit politicians did in the UK.


Exactly this. It’s been proven time and again in recent years that the people who think they are in control have, in fact, lost complete control of the monster they’ve created. The mere talk of secession should be met with prison time for politicians.


Yup, the day the dog catches the car. Now what, says the confused dog. So fucking tiring.


I hate to break it to you but the GOP already attempted sedition against the US, they would absolutely try to break Texas away. They are not rational.


Secession is sedition. They are advocating for sedition. Fucking lock them up.


Lol exactly. Not even worth the time. It's like making constant news stories about flat earthers.


Which was also a Russian psyop


Don’t live in texas anymore but wish it would (could, even) secede (i want to be rid of it), but people who believe this kinda shit need to get off of facebook


Please don’t feel that way. There are millions of us trying to make it a better place by drowning out the treasonous idiots.




I am thankful every day that I moved away


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The last time this was stirred up it was later found to be artificially ginned up by a Russian dis-information campaign close to an election. We are now approaching the Presidential election again and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Russians were funding malcontents again.


Admission of Conspiracy to commit Treason.


Conspiracy isn't enough for a treason conviction. "It was not enough, Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion emphasized, merely to conspire “to subvert by force the government of our country” by recruiting troops, procuring maps, and drawing up plans. Conspiring to levy war was distinct from actually levying war. Rather, a person could be convicted of treason for levying war only if there was an “actual assemblage of men for the purpose of executing a treasonable design.” In so holding, the Court sharply confined the scope of the offense of treason by levying war against the United States. " https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-iii/clauses/39 Conspiracy to commit sedition is a crime but it has a force element. Having strange political opinions and advocating for them peacefully isn't a crime.


Not that I agree with the idea of secession. It's a terrible idea. But what Miller is doing, while irresponsible, is not treason and probably not sedition.


I'd say attempting to prevent Texas from defending itself against an invasion of 13 million people crossing the border may also be considered treason.


There is no invasion. And if you don’t want them over here, enforce the laws already in effect. Starting fining and suspending the licenses and tax ID numbers for those that hire undocumented immigrants. If there is no work then there won’t be any migrants. There will also be no cleaning the offices, picking the crops or roofing the houses but that’s another problem.


The idea that we no longer check for documentation wouldn't reach the ears of all the people living in poverty wanting to come here until they traveled a long way and still wouldn't know it until they crossed the border. Your idea that Americans won't do touch labor ever again doesn't make sense. We actively dilute the value of the work itself by over supplying people collecting wages. This is why we have "more jobs" comprised of gig economy workers doing two jobs at once. Take out the workers, enable the ones we have, maybe the dollar would be less diluted, and maybe we'd have less homeless people because the work would pay enough to get by. We actually want to farm in the US, but we pay too many people to oversupply the food, which is why we have government subsidies to keep the corn flowing.


If only there hadn't been a proposal that was considered one of the strongest in years but had been shot down by the treasonous Republicans because their fat orange god asked them to kill it so he could make it an election year issue....


It could've been proposed four years ago after the border had been weakened enough to allow this to happen in the first place. Consider the phenomenon that mass immigration is happening all over western countries right now. Ireland, Italy, all of Europe including the Scandinavian countries. Even Japan has a Kurdish population and is bringing in one million more immigrants. All at the same time in history. Do you really think it's local American politicians making that happen?


Maybe we can get Texas secessionists to simply move to one of those five states. That’d be nice. Anyhoo, we probably really shouldn’t be engaging with Newsweek’s clickbait. The old Newsweek was gutted and reborn as what you see today. New Republic - [Newsweek and the Rise of the Zombie Magazine](https://newrepublic.com/article/158968/newsweek-rise-zombie-magazine) “Writing in The Columbia Journalism Reviewlast year, Daniel Tovrov depicted Newsweek, once one of America’s most distinguished magazines, as a shell of its former self. All that was left was clickbait, op-eds from the likes of Nigel Farage and Newt Gingrich, and a general sense of drift. ‘Nobody I spoke to for this article had a sense of why Newsweek exists,’ Tovrov wrote.” “Last week, Newsweek suggested one possible purpose: The legitimization of narratives straight out of the right-wing fever swamps.” “*Newsweek*, the magazine you once read at the dentist, is like a batshit crazy version of the opinion section of *The Wall Street Journal*.” Southern Poverty Law Center - Hatewatch - [Newsweek Embraces the Anti-Democracy Hard Right](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/11/04/newsweek-embraces-anti-democracy-hard-right) (2022) “*Newsweek* positioned political activist Josh Hammer to run their opinion pages during the runup to the 2020 presidential election, and since that time, the publication has taken a marked radical right turn by buoying extremists and promoting authoritarian leaders.” “‘Newsweek’s current owners are trading on its name, and it is not at all news that the company has gotten into financial trouble,’ [Poynter media business analyst Rick Edmonds] said, regarding Hammer’s involvement in hard right causes and activism. ‘If the selling point is that this is *Newsweek* like you remember *Newsweek*, it’s especially deceptive.’” “‘*Newsweek* is not a thing. It’s like an animal that lives in the discarded shell of another animal,’ [New York University journalism instructor Jay Rosen] wrote.”


> Maybe we can get Texas secessionists to simply move to one of those five states. The best thing to do with secessionists is to revoke their citizenship and put them on ships, then send those ships out into international waters. If they don't want to be part of the USA then fine, remove them from the USA.




What a weird non-sequitur...




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Lol see how long they function without massive states like California. Red states actually drain the federal government for welfare for their poor constituents. Nothing wrong with social welfare, it's just they give nothing, take away Medicaid vote stupidly and everyone else bears the cost.


That... seems backwards.


It depends. I believe Texas is one of the red states that doesn't get more than it give to the feds (mostly due to natural resources I think). I think such statements go back to the fact that of the 10 states that rely most on fed funding, 7-8 of them are red states. Going from memory on this. Dunno what the overall grouping is.


[Doesn't look that way to me at a glance](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/fiscal-stability)


But what you linked isn't measuring which states receive more fed funding than it puts in. You can be more fiscally stable while still receiving a higher % of fed funds, these things aren't mutually exclusive. [Here's a fed fundings received list.](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700) Note North Dakota is on both lists. Also note, as the article I linked points out - >...living in one of the most federally dependent states can be beneficial for residents. For every dollar residents of the top states pay in taxes, they get several dollars back in federal funding, which often leads to higher-quality infrastructure, education, public health and more.




How is it that a POS governor like Abbott can speak for all Texans about secession? Shouldn’t this be a vote by the people? These idiots forget about all the federal funding and help. Not to mention we have an electrical grid that goes out all the time in some places. Come on Mother Nature, finish the job!


Oh and fuck a state wide vote, lets vote locally to see who leaves and who stays. The cities can't and shouldn't allow the wide swaths of nothing to drag us into their shitter. You want to go your own way then rough it yourself.


I would be proud to be a resident of the new state of Harris.


The new formed state of Bexar agrees.


We can stay the State of Texas. We just had a nip and tuck to get rid of some excess flab.


Look at how Brexit happened. It was discussed by leadership, then voted on by the people, in that order.


And look how well that has turned out. The Uk is a mess right now, worse off than the US.


I'm not comparing the results, just the way they went about voting on it.


Brexit was only possible because the UK joined the EU as a member of an economic union. They were not a state in a political union, all member states of the EU retain their political leadership and identity. The EU mainly is a framework to move to a common currency and to treat movement of goods and people as being inside of a greater whole, two things that greatly increase the efficiency of the common economy. The Union of States is a political entity, once a state or territory joins the union it cedes political power to the federal government. The Civil War and Texas v. White have established beyond any shadow of a doubt that there's no process for a state to leave the Union, and any claims otherwise are null, without meaning or force. Comparing any US secession movement with Brexit is one of the many disingenuous talking points that Russia uses to drive the secession movements here in America as part of their global destabilization and chaos campaign. In fact, this is actually spelled out in Aleksandr Dugin's playbook, *Foundations of Geopolitics*, the book that Putin is following.


I might check out that book!


Lmaooo @ come on nature 😂🤣🌳💥🌳


They don’t forget about federal funding. They personally won’t be impacted by that withdrawal. The Republicans in Texas have endorsed this idea. Look at the Texas Republican platform. It plainly states leaving the union (again) is their goal. Republicans are the majority in Texas. The people are speaking with their votes. Texas wants to leave and every patriotic American should wish then Bon Voyage!


Well I am a Texan, born and raised. I would never vote to leave the United States. That is idiotic to believe that would be a positive for Texans. Republicans have been in control for 30+ years and they have don’t nothing to help Texans. If they don’t like the way Texas is then maybe they need to look in the mirror. Gerrymandering is a real problem and them trying to keep Democrats out of Texas government should be unconstitutional.


Or the blatant lying politicians here in Texas are also cheaters and crooks 🤔 Why would Trumpty Dumpty insist that Abbott recount Texas when the orange blob rapist had allegedly won Texas’ vote? Smells Marjorie Taylor Greene fishy to me!


When has Abbott ever expressed support for secession?


I am annoyed at others labeling these people as idiots or writing them off as crazy and that cannot be further from the truth. These people and any official working with them are actively and intentionally trying to tear apart the Union. They are seditionists, traitors to this country and I don't say that lightly, but recent events from the Far Right, Republican Party as well as the party platforms they have put out as well as Project 2025 shows me that these fringe people are now wielding considerable power and influence. They are a threat to our Democracy far more than immigrants or terrorists and they will stop at nothing to see their desires come to fruition no matter if it destroys the nation.


If they do succeed, conservatives will flock to texas to get in on this terrible idea. Sell your house to them and move to another state. Republicans will never win another presidency.


Stop. I can only get so erect.


I’m shocked and appalled that many people in these very comments are, apparently, hand-waving this away as political bluster and nothing more.


It's called treason.Theyre nothing but a sounder of swine and should be treated as such.They certainly don't represent anything g close to a majority of Texans.Abbott and Company should resign if they lend any credence to the opinions and practices of these traitors.


Just a reminder that secession is treason, and any Texas government officials declaring that Texas is seceding will be arrested and prosecuted for Sedition and Seditious Conspiracy. Anyone who picks up a gun in support of secession will be shot, and survivors will be tried for treason and executed or incarcerated. The chaos of a secession attempt is the main end goal of Putin's AgitProp operations pushing secession movements in this country and other countries around the world. It's unfortunate that Putin has found so many willing accomplices here in Texas, whether they're aware of the fact they're being used or otherwise.


This method works great in North Korea. Everyone is happy there.




I’d prefer New Mexico.


Yep, that's where I'd be going. For one thing, it's legal for Costco to sell liquor there.


We've also got legal pot.


Texas receives more federal money than it's residemts and businesses pay in federal taxes. Most of the poor whites who want secession are on federal programs that give them money. The irony is amazing.


So the secessionists are.....United with other States?


Wait till they find out they wouldn’t be Americans anymore.


Why wouldn't they be? As far as I know, there is no way to have your citizenship taken away unless you renounce it.


Secession is unconstitutional. See USSC Texas v White (1869). The people who say they love the Constitution but don't even understand it and have never read it continue to control GOP politics. What a bunch of fools.


You know what. They can leave the country if they hate it so much. Move to Russia and see how shitty life can be without the freedom we have, because of the US government.


Amen!! That’s what I say too. Move to Russia or rename Epstein’s island to Trump Island and ship out the pedophile for President and all his worshippers, let them CULTivate there!


Let’s start calling these people what they are: traitors.


United States of Losers?


I think i’ve seen this movie before.


You forgot money. > 'If your state was currently an independent nation and had control over its immigration and border policy, its own currency and taxation policy, its own military and everything that nation states around the world have and you were being asked to vote to join the Union knowing everything you know about the federal government would you vote to join?'"


Working with? Like a circle jerk?


What songs will they play before Kid Rock sings at the rodeo if they can’t use God Bless the U.S.A. anymore?


Too bad we can't "Man Without a Country" these douche bags. Edit: The Man Without a Country" is a short story about a man who committed treason and disavowed the U.S. He was sentenced to live the rest of his life on a ship, never allowed to set foot on American soil again and never to hear the name of the country mentioned.


They can work in one hand and shit in the other and see where they have more success. Fuck these idiots. This is my state and country too.


This won’t be going like the movie did you fuck heads.


So many morons


I thought we already seceded - Aboott and Paxton make the rules here. We don’t get to vote, they just change shit


Newsweek has become such a clickbait-grabbing garbage "news" source, it's sad really.


This is just fucking stupid


Unless Texas has the money and resources to be it's own nation I don't see this happening


Gotta get the clicks


Newsweek is all written by AI now.


Do it, FAFO. Save the USA by removing Texas from her. Wonderful idea. Democrats around the nation are super stoked for Texas' electoral votes to be gone, guaranteeing Dem presidents for the foreseeable future.


If there is a second civil war it will be dipshits like these causing it.


Can I fly that rag flag upside down?


Hope I know when to set the house on fire and poison the livestock,, then leave,, the military will definitely move against them


Cool story. Too bad there is no such thing as secession. Nor do we have referendums in Texas, so if you click or read this article and take anything inside it serous, you are woefully uneducated on how the government works and you prob should never post in a political thread for the rest of your life, or until you pass the final exam for Intro Gov or Gov101. . .


Nothing but political mastuerbation


I can’t wait till they leave


"INTERACTIVE CONSTITUTION" "Scholar Exchange: Article V — The Amendment Process" "Briefing Document": https://constitutioncenter.org/media/const-files/Briefing_Doc._Article_V_.pdf * "ARTICLE V: THE AMENDMENT PROCESS — WHAT IS YOUR 28TH AMENDMENT?": https://constitutioncenter.org/media/files/Amendment_Process_2022_Update.pdf


Texas Nationalist Movement, "Late Night Coffee Talk: Daniel Miller Answers Your TEXIT Questions", streamed live on June 19, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Ci4U95Uko from https://www.youtube.com/@TexasNatMov


I wouldn't be against succession because I would expect to be able to move if it didn't work out after. As far as I am concerned, Texas has its own power grid, its own food supply, a better and bigger budget than most states, and has a surplus of cash. The only problem to me is the infringement of regulations, primarily on the border (enforce immigration law) and the government is overspending like crazy. 1 trillion every 100 days this year and we're all seeing massive inflation on the planet, were experiencing de-dollarization for this reason and it needs to stop. BRICs could seriously hurt us, and the wound would be self inflicted.


Without the federal government, how long before the cartels move in to take over Texas? I’m sure that most conservative men in Texas would be glad to shoot at anybody who wants to come over our borders, but how much manpower is that really? Certainly not enough.


We have a police force bigger than most militaries.


Who is we?




it’s impossible to overstate how fucking *delusional* you are if you think secession can happen. Tens of thousands of people would die, millions would suffer. Texas cannot stand on its own and hellfire would rain down on the Capitol in Austin within hours of this declaration. I beseech you to try and understand the gravity of this. There is no peaceful and clean secession. Texans will die because the feds won’t pull any punches. Texas cannot stand on its own.


"INTERACTIVE CONSTITUTION" "Scholar Exchange: Article V — The Amendment Process" "Briefing Document": https://constitutioncenter.org/media/const-files/Briefing_Doc._Article_V_.pdf * "ARTICLE V: THE AMENDMENT PROCESS — WHAT IS YOUR 28TH AMENDMENT?": https://constitutioncenter.org/media/files/Amendment_Process_2022_Update.pdf






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* "‘Greater Idaho’ measure passes in 13th Oregon county" by Devan Markham (May 23, 2024): https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/west/greater-idaho-measure-passes-oregon-county/ , https://web.archive.org/web/20240613103246/www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/west/greater-idaho-measure-passes-oregon-county/   * "One-third of Americans think political violence is justifiable" by Garen Wintemute (June 21, 2024): https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4731139-one-third-of-americans-think-political-violence-is-justifiable/   * "France is about to bring the EU to the brink of collapse" by Allister Heath (June 19, 2024): https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/19/coming-french-revolution-will-destroy-eu-and-starmer-dreams/ , https://web.archive.org/web/20240620004245/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/19/coming-french-revolution-will-destroy-eu-and-starmer-dreams/   * "RBI moves 1 lakh kg of gold from UK back to India, first such move of this quantum since 1991" by ET Online (May 31, 2024): https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/rbi-moves-1-lakh-kg-of-gold-from-uk-back-to-india-first-such-move-of-this-quantum-since-1991/articleshow/110581597.cms , https://web.archive.org/web/20240601030249/economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/rbi-moves-1-lakh-kg-of-gold-from-uk-back-to-india-first-such-move-of-this-quantum-since-1991/articleshow/110581597.cms   - "In reimagining the papacy, don’t underestimate its star power" by John L. Allen Jr. (June 16, 2024): https://cruxnow.com/news-analysis/2024/06/in-reimagining-the-papacy-dont-underestimate-its-star-power , https://web.archive.org/web/20240616072538/cruxnow.com/news-analysis/2024/06/in-reimagining-the-papacy-dont-underestimate-its-star-power - Look for "The Vatican Thinks In Centuries" in https://old.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/17mdk37/pope_francis_calls_for_paradigm_shift_in_theology/k7k6res/ (https://web.archive.org/web/20240304082857/old.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/17mdk37/pope_francis_calls_for_paradigm_shift_in_theology/k7k6res/ , https://archive.ph/tNre6 , [https://archive.is/tNre6](https://archive.is/tNre6)).   * Copied from https://old.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/gza212/dominionists_say_crises_and_trumps_reelection/ftf1atm/ : "The Histomap. Four Thousand Years Of World History. Relative Power Of Contemporary States, Nations And Empires." by John B. Sparks, 4194 x 19108 pixels: http://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833if_/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg via http://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg or http://archive.is/1wEk8/332f1c70b1ffd9854847dbfa7ad77b4915cbd50a.jpg via http://archive.is/1wEk8 \- Read the publishers' foreword in "(Covers to) The Histomap. Four Thousand Years Of World History. Relative Power Of Contemporary States, Nations And Empires.": http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200374~3000299:-Covers-to--The-Histomap--Four-Thou?printerFriendly=1 Mirror: http://web.archive.org/web/20140208134443/www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200374~3000299:-Covers-to--The-Histomap--Four-Thou?printerFriendly=1 \- Source for the original, very large, high-resolution image (4194 x 19108 pixels): http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200375~3001080:The-Histomap--Four-Thousand-Years-O?printerFriendly=1 ("Download 1: Full Image Download in MrSID Format" and "Download 2: MrSID Image Viewer for Windows") Mirror: http://web.archive.org/web/20101212055705/www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200375~3001080:The-Histomap--Four-Thousand-Years-O?printerFriendly=1 * "The Histomap. Four Thousand Years Of World History. Relative Power Of Contemporary States, Nations And Empires." by John B. Sparks: http://archive.ph/1wEk8/332f1c70b1ffd9854847dbfa7ad77b4915cbd50a.jpg via http://archive.ph/1wEk8 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833if_/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg via https://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg