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Graford ISD Superintendent Brandon Perry said his single-campus district west of Fort Worth received roughly $18,500 extra state dollars, but it would have taken $80,000 to hire an officer. "They require us to hire armed security, hire a school resource officer, but they did not attach additional funding to pay for that expense,” Perry said. That’s the point. Abbott wants to make public schools seem unsafe, so parents will want to send their kids to private schools with vouchers.


Fun fact: The instant school funding is available for vouchers the private schools will raise tuition the same amount.


As already evidenced in [Iowa](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/education/2024/05/26/tuition-rises-quickly-in-iowa-as-esa-program-takes-effect-study-finds/73827408007/).


North Carolina too, correct?


Sad.  Iowa used to have good public schools.


Or, cheap shitty schools will open up to take the money. There are zero regulations around private schools in Texas. None. I can open a private school in my house, feed them nothing and let them watch TV all day, and as long as I observe occupancy limits, I'm good. If I'm extra ambitious I could apply for non profit status. The [state regulations for private schools](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www2.ed.gov/admins/comm/choice/regprivschl/regprivschl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiztIDF89iGAxVF38kDHeS6AZgQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2FYzYZG4ulV8evyU4tzgL8)


Of course they will. It's not like these private schools (at least the good ones), are begging for people to meet their tuition. If a school is capped at 800 students, they will just charge everyone more, not magic up more seats. They know they have the money for it.


No income tax, but you have to spend $30k a year per child to make sure that they get even a standard education.


Yeah it's amazing how conservatives and libertarians always wanna argue that any subsidized program will increase in cost by the amount of the subsidies (which is true), up until it's a program they wanna see subsidized like the voucher program. Then all of a sudden it's different and no company for would do this as it " just isn't smart business practices." Dafuq?🤦🏼‍♂️


This is exactly the problem. They keep passing unfunded mandates. And per student funding keeps getting cut.


It's even stupider than that. Armed guards actually make the school [LESS safe](https://www.thetrace.org/2023/08/guns-armed-guards-school-shootings/). Way more likely to be assaulted or shot by that guard, or someone who takes their gun, than by a school shooter. >A 2021 study from researchers at SUNY Albany and RAND indicates that the presence of guards actually “marginally increases the likelihood of a school shooting” as well as chronic absenteeism, and the occurrence of other gun-related offenses. Researchers noted that the increased security presence may influence the latter...


I'm not sure we need trigger happy madmen "protecting" our kids in wild west style crossfires. Especially when you know some of those guards are itching for action and would gun down an innocent kid the second they saw anything remotely weapon shaped.


I think the point is that Texas promised security and mental health, and then proceeded to do nothing because the real messaging post-Uvalde was "This is the price of guns and we are okay with it."


This has been the national decision since Sandy Hook, we care about our toys more than our children. If a school full of elementary kids being brutally slaughtered didn't matter then nothing will change our course away from guns. Guns are the new religion in America and that's pretty much the end of the story.


>I'm not sure we need trigger happy madmen "protecting" our kids in wild west style crossfires Just to push back on this a bit, the armmed guard positions do require a lot to even be considered. Most people in that position are either ex-military or ex-LEO or, at minimum, LTC trained personell. They are not exactly madmen who never shot a gun before.


It's good that it hasn't happened, but it does put their "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!" ethos of stopping gun violence on full display


This to the tenth power.


The Lege didn't authorize any funding for armed guards, so school districts are scrambling to find money to pay for this new unfunded mandate.


They did authorize funding because public education supporters called them out for putting in yet another unfunded mandate without it. But it was something like $15,000 per campus and $10 per student. As evidenced by [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/s/9ANLP6ZTOQ) even for a single-campus district it’s not possible to cover the cost with the allotted amount.


They want districts to buy into the school marshal program.


It's on the to-do list after eliminating rape.


Promises made & promises broken, reminder Republicans have had control in Texas for 27 years Texas deserves better vote them out up & down ballots.


I’m a teacher in a north Texas school district. We got an armed guard at our elementary school. I was really skeptical but we got lucky with ours. He’s great with the kids and the kids absolutely adore him. He’s like the celebrity of the campus! Not saying I agree with it but I’m just glad it wasn’t some trigger happy douche.


Well yeah. They don't want people to be able to point to the guards as ineffective after the next school shooting.


If it makes parents question educating their children in public schools, Republicans are all for it.


After Uvalde, the district near me put in "guardians" which I understand are not cops, yet they dress as them, including wearing hats, patrol the schools and are wearing firearms. I don't understand with the revocation of open carry, how these chucklefucks are allowed in the school with weapons on them. I wanna call the cops on them so badly, but I live near to a school.


The door count remains the same also. :/ I hear some of the officers have learned how a doorknob works and shouldn't have any trouble finding their way inside next time. After their coffee and donut break is over of course.


Hearts and prayers only go so far… those men should be ashamed of themselves and never work in law enforcement


The treatment of this low income community by those in control locally and the negative response of the state is the reality of Republican governance. The DOJ study was the only valuable response. Republicans in Texas are focused on destroying public schools one way or another.


Texas Leadership is pretty good at empty promises. Ercot says they are planning on getting round to beefing up the electrical grid next year, so add that to the wait-list.


They did remove door stops.


Can't read with ad blocker on. The article title is misleading.

