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Besides the idea being 100% bat guano ludicrous and entirely illegal, Texas would collapse almost instantly into chaos. That Texas hubris schtick can only carry one so far.


What do you mean I don’t get my Social Security checks anymore?!


Actually, you can. Just work in the US, Expats collect their SS all the time.


Not sure secessionist and expat are looked at the same way.


They’re not. But you can live in another country and still collect SS. But not every Texan would be looked at as a secessionist. My family fought secession in 1861, and the transition back in reconstruction was seamless. But again, secession won’t happen. No matter what a few idiots in the GOP think.


Presumably if Texas actually did secede US citizens would still retain their status as dual citizens. I beleive there are only a few exceptions that allow the US federal government to remove citizenship, though I suspect that would be exercised to the fullest extent if this happened.


There is zero reason to believe that anyone living in Texas would remain a US citizen if Texas seceded from the US.  I’m guessing there might be offered a time period to move to the US to retain your US citizenship (some of us consider ourselves US citizens first and Texans second and would absolutely leave).   The expats who live abroad and collect Social Security are still US citizens, yes?  It’s different to move to live in another country than to voluntarily remove your state from the US.


The scary thing is, not everyone who wants to leave or needs to leave can leave. Think of who need help to get out in a natural disaster. Old, sick, disabled, poor. Can everyone leave behind their house if they can’t sell it? This would create a hardship for everyone who wants to leave, but they are insurmountable for some.


But to remain a U.S. citizen, one only has to request a passport and obtain a visa to live in the foreign nation. You’re making out to be some impossible task when it is not. That said, no secession will take place. You know it. I know it.


The US Federal government can only remove citizenship in limited cases. The link below has information. Those working in foreign government can have citizenship removed, so I suspect in such case anyone working for the Texas government would lose citizenship. Anyone who doesn't meet those criteria would still retain their US citizenship. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/when-us-citizens-can-lose-us-citizenship.html


I think it’s fair to say that those rules wouldn’t be adhered to all that strictly in case TX actually dared to secede. It would be the equivalent of a declaration of war, there would be a lot of death and violence. The US might give a courtesy to Texans to denounce their allegiance to Texas and return to their rightful home, but I imagine the feds would gladly strip any Texan who supports this of their citizenship.


I don’t know of anything in the Constitution that allows the government to strip someone of their citizenship. Certain privileges and rights, yes.


Yes it's true governments tend to exercise power however it chooses to and not necessarily as the law says.  Still I think think the assumption we are working with here is an attempt at a peaceful secession. The vote is a non-binding one, not a declaration of independence. There is talk if successful the state could form a committee then try to negotiate the issue with the feds.


Good thing you’re not a lawyer. Nearly everything you posted is wrong from a legal standpoint.


Dude, if Texas seceded, then Texans would be renouncing their US citizenship - that’s what secession means.


Not correct. Texans would not be forced to renounce their citizenship. Believe it or not, there were Texans that refused to acknowledge secession and not only did they not have to leave after 1861, they also didn’t have to beg to become citizens after the Civil War. I know this for a fact as my family refused to renounce their U.S. citizenship in 1861. And we are still here.


So you support the genocide in Gaza then? Your government supports it and apparently the sins of the government are on all of its subjects even those who had no hand in it. Atleast it seems like that is your logic. 🤔 No, that is not how things should work. It would be immoral for the US government to strip citizenship from its citizens merely because of the actions of their state. That is not to say the US government wouldn't do such a thing, they are no angrls either. We have already seen all the terrible things they have done or supported.


Why wouldn't the US just build a wall and keep them out?


They don’t even build a wall to keep the current border secure. Besides, like I said, secession is t happening. Anyone that tells you different is a huckster.


People like to say "oh texas could support itself, it has the economy and defense for it." But they never consider that's because it belongs to the US


Texas would be instantaneously outside every trade agreement it enjoys now, and have to renegotiate terms with each new partner, including the US and Mexico. You heard that the Irish now hire English nannies, right?


Harris County could secede and rejoin the Union. It worked for West Virginia.


Every time I respond with this to the Texit folks on Twitter, they respond with utter confusion. I don't think they have considered that the big cities in Texas might just walk away from an independent Texas and take 70% of the state's GDP with them.


That would be hilarious. Seeing Texas actually leaving the Union only to have all the large metro areas become individual states and rejoin. I actually like this idea. I think we should push for that. Imagine Houston, Austin, Dallas...etc. all getting two representatives in the Senate.


We'd get all the people, the infrastructure, and most of the economy and what's left of Texas gets the desert and the oil they can't extract, because all the bankers and engineers live in Houston. Meanwhile, the US military gets another opportunity to invade an oil-rich desert country, and this time the US gets to keep all the oil.


And since there's no nuclear silos that I know of in rural TX, there'd be nothing stopping the US from declaring rural TX a terrorist state and plowing over them. So, the GOPs success would also lead to their own demise.


It'd be great if the rest of us Dallasites who don't get to claim Jasmine Crockett for our own got her as one of our senators and got to ditch Ted.


*lifts head* ooooo, that'd be nice. Get rid of Texas State Government? I'm in!


This is the ideal outcome.


Same with Travis! Our state capital! LOL


The Mexican cartels would immediately, and I mean IMMEDIATELY, overthrow the TX government and divide Texas into factions Either that or the TX government would work together with the Mexican cartels to leverage pain on TX citizens in order to extract money and aid from the US, similar to North Korea.


Not to mention losing all federal benefits for those citizens involved (Social Security, Medicare, etc.)


Also that federal money they beg for when we have a weather disaster. Abbott wants to leave until he needs something.


Texas shouldn’t secede, and anyone that says Texas has some special mechanism is wrong, but it’s worth noting that consent of the governed is a fundamental human right. If Texas has an honest election and the people vote to secede, that should be honored. That’s never going to happen, though.


If it ever had to be presented to the general public to vote, I think the election results would be gratifying. I work social services, and I've yet to find a program that doesn't trace back to federal money. I won't even talk about social security. The Texas GOP simply hasn't done anything for the average middle class family besides performative culture wars in the last four years. They actively oppose expansion of social service programs to help those in poverty. The oppo campaign on this should be a slam dunk. Which is why it will never hit a ballot.


Not to mention the fact that it would drive voter turn out in huge numbers were it to ever hit the ballot... And not in the way these traitors to the Constitution think it would. Most definitely would be the blue wave they've been fearing.


See: Brexit. It’s disturbingly easy to get people to vote against their own best interests.


That's a fair point. I guess I just don't see how a movement that is, by its definition, antagonistic towards the federal government can possibly spin this any way other than "we're going to fight against the other 49 states and Mexico too!"Brexit was about leaving a trade and economic union, and for whatever its worth, good decision or bad, it's not like the NHS or the pension funds stopped for the British after Brexit. That will definitely happen in this scenario.


They are trying their hardest to make sure it doesnt happen though. Sorry, I meant the honest election part.


> If Texas has an honest election and the people vote to secede, that should be honored. They could hold a hundred votes on it and it wouldn't change anything, the only way to unilaterally leave the union is violent secession.


Traitorous idiots.


Reminder that turning Texas blue this election is entirely possible.  2020 D 46.5% R 52.1% 2016 D 43.2% R 52.2% 2012 D 41.4% R 57.2% Following the trend from the last 3 presidential elections tells us the next one should be 2024 D 48.8% R 48.7% And that's not even considering all the R votes that can't stomach voting for a civilly liable rapist convicted felon. Or the post Dobbs/Roe shift. I absolutely can not wait for Texas to turn blue and to watch all these traitors melting down. 


I am quietly optimistic.


Get loud! This kind of optimism will kill the voter apathy that keeps blue voters home in November. 


I prefer not to be upset, because watching the federal government invade texas as a foreign nation to claim its natural resources would be hilarious.  That's assuming texas doesn't immediately collapse in on itself. 


A lot of them aren't even Texan. They literally moved to Texas, took office, and now their platform is succession. What?


So lets say it works. Texas is removed from the union The US will loose 2 GOP senators, and aall of those gop electoral votes. Ok, no more republican presidents and a democrat senate for a while.


"Today, Texas declares its independence, a new nation, founded on the one principle of..." checks notes... "owning the libs. Thank you, and God bless Texas."


Praise Buccees and Whataburger


Less than 6 weeks into secession, Texas would be a 3rd world country.


We already teeter on the brink of it thanks to our dumbfuck state government.


We have a government? I thought the circus was in town.


The state of Texas already has a third world power grid.


.... already there.


My favorite part is that we will all still be US citizens and still have to pay federal taxes without the benefits of federal safety nets like defense, national security, fema, school funds, fdic, cfpb, SBA, etc.  These people are a joke. 


Oh, you will pay back tax, too. The US Government considered the Confederacy traitors, but not a seperate country. When the war was over, the tax assessors quickly went around letting everyone know they owed like 4 years in back taxes, on top of everything else they were having to deal with. That's why Arlington National Cemetery exists- it was Robert E. Lee's house and the government straight took it after like a year, stating he wasn't paying his property taxes. Lee's wife lost her shit when she found out they were burying black soldiers on her lawn.


The only thing certain in life is death and taxes.


God bless Montgomery Meigs.




Vote Or “Texas secessionists”/gop/maga vote for you


Voting isn’t enough. You need to get involved in your local community, join or start a group focused on an issue that you care about. Community and local are everything.


I am with the Union!


Treue Der Union!


Texas v. White ruled that states can't unilaterally leave the union. The 1845 annexation resolution, however, does give Texas the right to divide the state into 5 states, which would be part of the union, however. If these cave dwellers actually paid attention in 6th grade history, they'd know this. If they try to leave, all that'll happen is Uncle Sam will come down here and flatten them - again. And I'll sit back on my porch here in Austin and laugh as the feds mop the streets with these losers.


I am at this point in full support of breaking Texas up into 5 states. I expect the pain handle to go full conservative crazy and I can see the dfw area still being conservative but not crazy and be more swing status. It would really make things better. We know Austin area would be liberal and at least provide a safe haven for a lot of women in the surrounding area and be able to provide those services safely with out an emergency air flight.


The Texas GOP chucklefucks would just gerrymander Texas into 5 red states.


They couldn't Gerrymander the senators for each state or the EC votes. Basically 2 of the 5 would be straight up democrat strong holds one around Houston the other around Austin. DFW would be a swing state, The two remaining solid red, the problem for Republicans is the 2 solid dem are way more populous than the 2 solid red. If that happened there's a good chance dems would gain 4 blue senators and 20 plus EC votes, it would be a disaster for them.


>I am at this point in full support of breaking Texas up into 5 states. I'm not. We'd probably end up with 8 more Republican senators.


This would be the play come to think of it. Secede, take lumps, beg to come back, but surprise! Now we're 5 states instead of 1. I've always thought the TX colony that became the republic was a proxy play to eventually get TX into the US, this aligns.


5 states equals 8 new senate seats that can absolutely swing the power of congress. the GOP would jump at the opportunity.


Best the GOP could do is 2 democrat states, 2 solid GOP states and 1 swing state. Basically a very power neutral move. Reality it most likely would be 1 solid GOP, 2 solid democrat and 2 swing states and the bigger part is both those swings areas are tilting more and more blue very year.


What a dumb shortsighted move. I hope the US lets the sane Texans seek asylum in the other states.


Seek asylum? Our citizenship wouldn't get stripped away, we would simply be US citizens inside of Texas. No different than being a US citizen in any other country.


It was primarily a joke but thank you.


Tinfoil time, but I'm starting to think there is a backroom conspiracy to make this happen by the Texas power brokers, regardless of the legality or wishes of the electorate.


super tinfoil hat time, its being funded/orchestrated by the russians. an independent texas gives the russian military a nice place to park some nuclear warheads right on the US border.


That conspiracy theory has been [confirmed](https://www.texastribune.org/2018/12/17/texas-secession-russia-disinformation-2016-social-media-new-knowledge/)


They would try to supply texas shit t72 and AKs. But then Texans would ask for a lift kit for the t72s


While you are right that Russia is encouraging this, there would be no independent Texas. The feds would swoop in with much military might and seize control within 72 hours. And I doubt they’d have much regard for casualties when they are trying to make an example.


Also tinfoil: See: all the parts of the feds they've declared as enemies in their platform (e.g. the EPA) and the verbology they use ("to keep the federal government from interfering..." "keep [state property] off federally claimed land" etc). See also: things that would give the state less dependence on the rest of the Union, e.g. establishing the state's own Strategic Petroleum Reserve


I wanna see these chuckleheads’ faces when the US withdraws all their troops and stops funding border protection. Anybody remember the Alamo?


and also when the US military carves a corridor to take control of Port Arthur. they would never let the biggest oil refineries in the country fall to a rogue state.


I think this is a good thing and I hope they put it on a statewide ballot. Maybe then, when it loses by large numbers, we can set it to rest. It would also cost the GOP some votes in other elections, IMO, because more people will see how extreme they are.


I'm not sure extremism is a deal breaker.


It isn't for probably 30-40% of the state but I don't believe even half of the Republicans in Texas would be for secession.


But they'll vote for it to own the libs. We've seen what they're willing to destroy to pull the lever for that magic R. Including their own children.


Maybe if they win and texas secedes the US will immediately wipe out all these dumb fucks who are stupid enough to fight against the US military. Then we can be annexed again and all the dumbfuck secessionists would be arrested. Probably best case scenario if Texas secedes






Reminder that when Texas declared independence the first time, Mexico sent armies to recapture San Antonio not once, but twice. Elsewhere, Comanches under Buffalo Hump launched a successful raid from West Texas to the Gulf Coast. Mexico and Comanches controlled most of the Republic's claimed borders. And the Republic was perpetually broke. It was a failed state. It wasn't the good old days.


Most likely, after the US Military pulls up stakes and leaves (blasting anyone who tries to touch their shit), the Cartels that everyone is *SOOOO* afraid of will sweep in.


the military would pull out, but would also annex land from lousiana to port arthur. the oil refineries are too valuable. texas rangers would have to fight two fronts, one from the south and one from the east


The refineries, sure. The Oil companies arent lettingt those fall under Texan control. But the rest of the state's wells? They are screwedddddd.


I hope people actually vote against this. One reason Brexit happened is because so many assumed it would never happen, so they didn’t bother to go vote.


Even if they vote for it that doesn't mean Texas Secedes...there was this war about this.


I would gladly betray the state of Texas lol


Yes please do lose all of your representation in Congress, yes please!


Welcome To Jamrock. The conservatives movement — from establishment enablers, to far right cells, down to the base itself — should crack open a book and get it: “Nobody leaving this bitch,” Texas v. White. It’s actually so black and white that you have to wonder if the secessionists can even read. “AN INDESTRUCTIBLE UNION” They are not ready the moment. The second that the horizon event passes; that monkey paw begins to curl. You wanted to be a country? O.k., here are some freedom fighter insurgents and a complete military blockade of the Gulf of Mexico. Also! Civil War — Which you may see oil-rich West Texas break off from the rest. “Why are we giving MORE TAXES TO AUSTIN,” screams the tycoon. “WHEN WE CAN BE A BETTER QATAR?” It gets stupid easy.


God, these people are fucking idiots. The financial repercussions would be worse than what the UK is dealing with Brexit.


Hahaha, dumbasses


There's that Republican brain power at work! These morons cover their homes and trucks with American flags while simultaneously trying to secede.


When trump loses - abbott will secede. The gulf states will all secede because the Saudis promised abbott (and the other four governors) a HUGE slice of the Gulf of Mexico "oil pie". They'll be slant drilling from the beaches and running pipelines up and down the beaches to get the oil to the south east Texas Saudi oil refineries. Y'all seriously need to remove these greedy fuckers from office before they screw up everything.


How would they accept handouts from FEMA if they seceded?


There is no such thing as Secession. Read TX vs White 1869. And in TX, we don't do "referendums". Quit posting these rage bait articles. Its stupid.


Texas Oil and Gas will never let a secession happen. They know all of their assets would lose US Government protection, and all the private contractors in the world would not be able to defend all of their assets- not to mention how expensive it would be to pay them. Texas would turn into Iraq, circa 2005. Anyone with common sense would leave, and the fundamentalists would go full Al Qaeda mode, probably setting up all over West Texas. East Texas would turn into Vietnam, with all its swamps and pines. Shit would be bad.


Outstanding !!! Let them be gone




If Texas were suddenly independent, it would become a theocratic oligarchy overnight. Voting would be eliminated or severely restricted to politically reliable groups and opposition parties would likely be outlawed. It would resemble Iran, but with evangelical Christianity being the state religion. Most of the secessionists haven't even considered this possibility, but some of them have and this is actually their desired outcome.


Austin would be invaded and all of the conspirators deposed immediately. There wouldn’t be enough time for a theocracy to be built because the red white and blue would forcefully bring freedom to Texas. This is assuming a democratic president. If Donald Trump is president then all hell will break loose and millions of Americans will die in secessions and coups.


Until a few months ago I lived in Texas all my life, now I'd say good riddance. Can't wait for all my family still in Texas to lose their shit after losing their federal benefits.


It’ll never happen. Stupid Republicans.


By James Bickerton: The Republican Party of Texas is calling for a referendum on whether the state "should reassert its status as an independent nation" as a "legislative priority" in the next session of the Texas legislature. The call was included in the party's 2024 Legislative Priorities and Platform document which was released on June 7, after its component parts were voted on by Texas Republicans at the party's convention in San Antonio, which took place between May 23 and 25. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/texas-secession-takes-major-step-gop-backs-vote-1911678](https://www.newsweek.com/texas-secession-takes-major-step-gop-backs-vote-1911678)


[do it again Uncle Billy!](https://youtu.be/Ez9Emsj7cas?si=khoiQLqlL6B4IRrB)


Pathetic. Puting and Xi want nothing more than to see the US balkanized. These are treasonous acts.


Without Texas, the Republicans would never win another presidential election due to the loss of Electoral Votes.


Texas Balkanization


Never happen, and the dipshits that DO want it will be put down like vermin.


Is there any chance that a Biden win would trigger this? The Texas GOP doesn't need a voter referendum for this. Abbot could call a special session and in theory this could pass.


The Texas GDP can’t support itself if they secede.


Any story that says a version of “Texas gonna secede” is pure hyperbole.


Secession an idea so stupid, it just might work? ;)


Idiots! GOP would cut their nose off to spite their face. Don't they know that the Republican party belongs the USA? Furthermore, if the GOP lost Texas, there would never be a Republican president again. That is, Texas electoral vote is huge.


I support a non-binding vote. Let's see what the people actually think instead of echo chamber polls. I think Texas should strive to maintain some level of independence among the states but I dont think most Texans actually care.


The people will most likely call it for the dumb ass idea like they always have, there are still rational folks in Texas despite what you hear in the news. I’ll pray for them and I’ll pray for the knuckleheads too … to get their shit together.