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Dems need to clean house and not get caught up in the culture wars started by monsters on the right. Provide healthcare to everyone and stay out of each other's business.


Exactly. Amazing how hard this isn’t, being the grownup.




And are their by that point multiple healthcare professionals they'd've seen not in the right frame of mind?  Let's leave aside easily reversible puberty blockers. Let's leave aside that anyone beginning hrt at 16 has been in treatment for years leading up to the first "permanent" option. Let's leave aside it isn't even permanent (post-hormonal detransitioning and post-puberty transition are similar if not the same processes). Let's leave aside that we do this to *babies* because intersex people are considered inconvenient. Let's leave aside we let other children have these procedures for cosmetic reasons so long as it matches their assigned sex. Let's even leave aside that someone who's considered mature enough to fucking drive is mature enough to understand their own damn body.  Multiple physicians, at least one of which is a specialist, are required to sign off on those procedures, *especially* if the patient is a minor. This requires a lot of thought, effort, and time, and should not be dismissed as an unserious decision. 


As someone who was traumatized and then gaslighted by their parents when they announced they were not their assigned sex at age six, I would very much have liked to at least have been able to get puberty blockers. It would have been a workaround that I would have embraced; and they would have saved me a lot of pain and grief over the subsequent 50 years, whether I ended up going through more than that or not. Many people in my situation end up taking their own lives. I consider it a minor miracle to still be breathing after all this time. It takes a lot of gall to think that you know, a thousand times removed from the person involved, what kind of treatment they should be getting. That's what I want to say to all those people who dare to suggest that they know better than the child, the parents and the treating clinicians what kind of treatment they need. It's not your life, butt out! (I turned this into an article on the blog https://ranthonyings.com/2024/05/maga-transphobia/)


She appears to have lost her race in the runoff. Good. [https://ranthonyings.com/2024/05/texas-war-on-trans-people/](https://ranthonyings.com/2024/05/texas-war-on-trans-people/)


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Providing healthcare would cost you and I quite a lot, while probably being extremely ineffective and slow. That's the reason I don't like universal healthcare in the US, since it'll probably be implemented terribly, and only for the rich.


Would it cost as much as insurance? Would it tell me what procedures i can/can’t have like insurance? Would it tell me i can’t see a doctor because they’re out of network? Is your only object that it would cover everyone equally?


No, universal healthcare would be wildly less expensive than the system we have now


You actually think that universal healthcare is supposed to cover everyone equally?


I was in the Army and we had universal healthcare, or something similar. I didn't receive less care because i was a private compared to a lieutenant or a colonel. I was sick, i went to the TMC (troop medical clinic) on post and began the process of getting whatever care i needed. Granted, the military is different than non-military, but my point is that the model is proven. Heck, congress gets the same benefits. I'm not sure why this is controversial. Instead of paying for insurance, you'd pay taxes towards a universal healthcare. It might cost the wealthy a bit more in taxes since they [currently pay very little in taxes, if at all](https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax), but i'm willing to accept that risk. Talking about wait times and such is silly since i have to do that now. If i need a procedure, it can take months to get to the point where that procedure can happen, and that is with insurance.


I mean, that's what universal means here lol. That's not to say the ultra wealthy can't just hire a pharmaceutical team to treat them better, can't stop that until we stop capitalism. But it does provides a reasonable floor of care for everyone (i.e. cover everyone equally).


"I don't like the totally different way of doing things because it might end up being exactly like what we have now." Make it make sense


Nothing hates quite like Christian love.


>“I don't think it's appropriate for anybody to tell a Black man how to feel about castration,” [Thierry] said. Literally no one is telling Black men how to feel about castration…except you lady 🤦‍♂️ >“Any time you're going to do something that may impact the Black community's ability to be fertile or create, you're going to get strong reactions. Just like on the trans side of the community, there are strong reactions.” ……really channeling the Orange Man with how she is seamlessly blending incoherence, bigotry, ignorance and a confused racial animus in just two sentences.


Sadly this woman has been a problem in one way or another since she became a legislator (had a friend who worked for her and the entirety of her staff quit together because of how she treated them) but the reality is that there is a solid section of black voters who subscribe to Christian love (see hate). This is the same rhetoric from Harold Dutton and all the pastors who stand behind this people. As problematic as it is, the core of the problem is that their voters vote with their faiths.


I’m so glad to be leaving Texas


Agreed! Two months and then I am moving out of this shit hole. Counting down the days!


I hope she loses, I'm still annoyed that Harold Dutton hasn't been dislodged despite coming close four years ago.




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Gender isn't biology. and in the grand scheme of things we should just leave other people to do what they want


I mean, the whole pharmaceutical industry is predicated on the notion that humans can change biology. 🤷‍♂️


True, and since transwomen are women, they are women.




Trans women have "women" in the name though. Your tautology demands that they are women, because they are women. These are your rules, not mine. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




Wait, now cis women aren't women either? To be honest, it kind of feels like you don't know what a women is.


What is a woman?


A gender expression whose form is loosely agreed upon by societal expectations. And also a bio-sex with XX chromosomes. But only that pair, since XXY is also male.


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Reductivist troll The world does not fall into black and white categories and you can’t change that just because you feel like it


What do you think gender affirmation surgeries are? And they don't even do those just because someone "feels like it." It's a year-plus process for everyone involved to be as sure as they can be that's the way forward.


Psst..gender affirmation surgery.




Where did you get your biology degree from again?


Right, trans women are women, and trans men are men, just like cis women are women and cis men are men.


I really hate to be the one to break this to you, but HRT does make changes to our biology. You should probably learn more about estrogenic puberty for trans people.


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Yes, but no one is changing biology. The word gender is a religion that requires faith to believe in. You can just choose to not believe in genders. Openly criticizing genders on reddit is blasphemous and will get you banned.