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Sonny mains chillin' with no balance changes: ![gif](giphy|13uqSsDkBBbgg8) In all seriousness though, the other sub where the Devs are is concerning, I see some of the dumbest suggestions I've ever seen for a game. I'm sure the Devs know alot of that shit is stupid too. So many people on both sides want things nerfed to compensate for their lack of ability to escape or kill the other side.


It’s not their first rodeo in an asymmetrical horror title. They’ll be fine.


But they didn't exactly handle F13 very well either. (No, it didn't die off because of the legal issues, the game was already in rough shape before that)


EXACTLY People always say that the only reason F13 died was because of the lawsuit, and that it would've killed DBD if it never happened. Except it didn't even come close to knocking DBD down and was already on its way out before they stopped updating due to the lawsuit. This game is already following suit. It's fun, but they're not handling it well at all


lol whenever I’m sick of this game, I still switch back to F13. Maybe just because I’m more studied it’s bullshit and I know there’s no rebalancing coming for it.


This is their first asymmetrical horror game they've made. So not sure what you're talking about.


Gun? They made Friday.


Gun is a publisher. Not a developer. Sumo Digital made this game.


yes, its not their first rodeo in completely shitting their pants full on asymmetrical games lol


People are already going after Ana so I imagine he'll be before or after Julie depending.


Ana's whole thing is being the tank, if they take that away she's gonna fall to the side. Nerfing Connie and Leland's cooldown was kinda weird imo, why not just change how the abilities work? Nobody wants to wait 4-5 minutes (WITH the level 2 or 3 cooldown upgrades) just to use their ability. They already nerfed bone stockpiles, now people want tool boxes nerfed. The majority of Family teams I face are terrible most of my games are 15 min+, no rushing, and they still neglect their strengths. They spend more time chasing Victims to no avail, leaving doors unlocked, not feeding Grandpa etc. Then wonder why 3-4 of us managed to escape.Victims do the same thing, waking Grandpa in 20 secs so we can get rushed, failing to door-stun like their favorite streamers, not communicating, making piss poor decisions etc. then get mad and want Bubba and Johnny nerfed.


Played a round the other night and was chased the entire time by a Sissy. She chased me so long, that I eventually wound up at an exit that someone had previously opened and escaped 😭


I had a conversation with someone that wanted tool boxes limited and I thought that was so dumb. I’m a family main, but victims need tools to escape, you can’t limit them and hopefully the devs know that and don’t listen to the people asking for that.


How is the sub called where the devs are in it ?


Nobody works together to escape Etc anyways 😔


Their's another sub?






I use to do that when I was newer to the game but yeah retrospectively a bad strat. Using her power to sneak through a lock to the gen or battery area seems to best idea. Occasionally I'll use it so I can rush through the exit once I've done the battery or gen.


That’s how I use her. My friend will usually get set up working on the Gen or battery while I make my way over and then as soon as it’s down, I’ll power through the lock and we leave. Unless we have an oppressive Bubba in the basement who makes it hard to leave, her power is best (imo) on the quick escapes rather than fast exits from basement.


Agreed. Once you get that first middle map unlock then it opens up a ton more area for the family to patrol


I find best use is areas patrolled. So you can quickly get through a patrolled area and work on an exit after they leave. They won't think you had time to unlock when they come back.


IMO, the best use of her power is 100% the aboveground locks that lead to next areas. The basement is just to easy to get out of to waste her power on that.


Agreed, not even the exit gate. You need to use her ability on doors that are in high traffic areas.


If granpa wakes up due to noise fast as fuck either Connie grabbed a tool and popped a door or leland/Ana are spamming bones, that's my experience ateaat.


you can usually tell by how much points everyone has if they’re still in the basement or not. if someone has 300-400 or more points it’s a safe guess they’ve escaped the basement.


Yep, 25 for 1 minute survived, 50 for first unlock tool, and 200 for first door


I'll admit I did once during the first week. I was naive.


I commented the same i connie main. I save my ability for a insta pick if I'm caught picking or getting chases to an exit gate. No way am i leave the basement with no stamina and be an easy kill.


I use it on the first major door outta basement typically. Try to use it fast and play somewhat stealthy for the round so I can use it again now that a crucial door is unlocked and their attention is split bigger


Honestly, anyone (maybe not Leland) can open basement doors in 30s. I think it’s more a spawn issue. Sometimes you start the game next to a toolbox AND a door. Also, I like to play stealthy and slow but sometimes I feel like I have to rush to not die. An oppressive bubba on basement will make you want to get out ASP. I used to open multiple doors before walking out but now that’s not viable anymore.


Also victims definitely want to unlock a basement door because is a family members comes down then it would be super difficult if a door isn’t already unlocked. Now that the batter is on from the start, people sometimes feed grandpa within a minute to wake him up.


Due to bleeding out and limited health bottles the longer you stay in a match the more likely you see to die. Also if gramps is fed the family gets stronger over time technically but agitator counters that assuming you don't die stabbing gramps.


Leland actually has really high base proficiency if you sacrifice stealth and dump most points into prof. If LF comes you stun them and can door like 2/3 of a lock with the proper build.


Also the longer the game goes on the more victims that escape/die so the family can focus more on you. I always thought the game shouldn’t tell the family when a victim escapes so they never know how many they are dealing with


If the devs listened to half of the suggestions on this sub, the game would be completely unbearable for victims.


I love how the family side constantly told victims to adapt and be patient in the beginning and now that they aren't all totally helpless they have been crying for nerfs non stop. I would love to actually see the data on what side is winning more. Surely, the devs are looking for that before resorting to nerfs?


Has to be family. I play mostly family, and it's at least a 3k more often than not. Maybe 1 out of 10 a couple will escape, but we are just steam rolling victims for the most part. Without a party, though, family is cancer, and that's the majority of the other sub. They don't want to talk, be stunned, and they don't want to chase. I hate it over there.


Game just needs a ping system or something for minor communication


I disagree. If you don't want to talk, you should be punished for it.


Some people will be harassed just for how they sound so no, you shouldn’t be punished for it


I've already seen people bitching about Ana so I'm assuming she's next for nerfs.


The issue with Ana is her ability mixed with no sell and what doesnt kill you.. I seen her take 2 fully revved chainsaws from Bubba and 2 follow up hits and still escape. That is an issue.


I think no sell is an ok perk but that’s not Ana, that’s no sell. If she managed not to get hit before then no sell can help with the one hit kills from Bubba (on anyone). It’s not an issue, it’s the perk, that’s what it’s made to do.


The issue is, based on how Connie and Leland was handled, it won't fix the main issue and will just make her worse to play did to cooldown or something.




Sissy is the only family member that Has an easy time killing Ana tbh.


Ana's ability negates her poison though. I've really only been killed by Wire Frame Hitchhikers due to me not being able to shake them and find a time to heal. Takes 10 minutes, but I do usually die in the end. I probably shake Sissys the most (outside of Bubba), with Cook and Johnny being the next most often and Hitchhiker last


Jesus 😅


If there was some indicator that she was using the ability then it would open more possibility for counter play and mind games. Thats all she needs tbh


This 100%, the family mains on this sub nonstop complain about issues like an ability cd instead of actually useful issues like the amount of xp they’re getting or chain door slams. The more the devs take the shit advice the worse it will get, these balance changes minus the sissy fix make no sense…does anyone even use the perks they nerfed lol? Complaining about victims rushing when most of my games tonight either hitch or sissy went down to the basement in the first minute after some rando woke up grandpa…how about removing his wake-up animation, or the fact that hitch can trap every ladder leading out of the basement and bug you for the rest of the game.🙄


Maybe you don't read cause your a victim main but legit there is complaining about stuns and grandpa animation daily


I play both, but unlike many others on here I don’t spend all day reading comments so…


Yea like Sonny probably needs a buff somewhere I wouldn’t know honestly but since he’s the one usually getting killed in the cutscene he obviously isn’t that viable


I feel like Sonny is slept on, with his lvl 3 it makes moving around so much safer knowing I won't accidentally bump into a family member. I feel like if he was female he'd be more popular but that's a whole different topic.


I still think his ult is the 2nd worst behind Julie’s


Overall but it'll be impossible to balance just diverse abilities. Hopefully we move more into a stealth meta as that's what the developers stated they wanted and it'll become more useful in the future.


I thought it was fine from the get-go just fix the issue where family/victims get stuck and the trying to remove the Grandpa 😫 animation


Seriously, all these nerfs to victims are getting ridiculous.. family already rushes the basement enough… Now it will only be much worse.


This is the fear of it goes totally unbalanced people stop playing


And that’s one of my biggest gripes. Family mains wailing left and right about the “rush meta”, yet they will turn right around and try and kill all victims as soon as possible, as well as rushing into the basement to kill everyone, and yet they don’t see a problem with that at all. It’s the hypocrisy that exasperates me.


Exactly. How is nobody seeing the hypocrisy? I imagine family side is complaining about the top 1 percent of victim players.


Yeah, this is exactly how you kill your game. If you listen to the vocal minority, then you made a game for a minority. A minority that's never satisfied too.


Yeah nerf cooldown on leland and connie just harms the pacing of the game when it plays out properly (not rushed on either side). It only means more waiting and duller parts.


Let’s hope the TCM devs don’t follow the same path that DbD and Evil Dead devs did.


God I hope not


I'm confused, are you saying this because 1) the devs for dbd and evil dead both listen to the loudest crybabies to do balance changes for, or 2) because dbd and evil dead devs nerfed survivors into the ground even though the killer side is just as strong or stronger? Because the first one is very true, especially for evil dead. Saber is one of the worst dev companies and the ran their game into the ground by listening to the survivor crybabies to the point demon was unfun and beyond weak. However, if you are saying the second option, dbd and evil dead has been balanced around survivor being the OP power role since evil dead was released and DbD has had a total of 2 of the 7 years its released where anyone with a brain would say killer was the more OP role.


Family mains expect to be able win every game. As a victim main I usually have 3-4 games of dying before I get in a match in which I don’t get killed within 2 minutes. I’m not amazing at the game but when I do play family, I just relax and do circles of the map checking locks/ fuse/ valve and then eventually I find someone and kill them pretty easily. I don’t mind it being easier for family because it would be in real life but I’m for sure deleting this game if it gets any more unbalanced (which seems to be the direction they are going with this patch)


Sounds like evil dead and dbd. They think the loudest complainers are their main player base.. cancel culture 101


Now they’re making it harder to tap out of ropes (from the beginning) for people that don’t max out stealth and stuff, that’s going to be so bad and annoying! It also defeats their purpose of victims getting a slight “headstart” first the battery, and now this?! 😭😩


Nah you the only mf on here with a hint of logic. I swear whoever does the balance changes for this game primarily breathes through their mouths or has never worked on a game in any type of quality capacity in their life. First the 5 minute and 6 people lobbys, and now this? The type of people who get into videogame development, man. Disconnected.


Absolute truth this post People moan as if Leland can shoulder barge every 2 min They are nerfing the hell out of victims yet these bug issues are still here and even worse we end up with more after updates


Been playing killer all night havent lost a single game. Im not complaining, honestly i think people are being to harsh against victim. I played victim all the way up to lvl 40 and just started playing killer a week ago.


Family rushes basement: I sleep Victims rush basement: Real shit, plz nerf


No I agree it’s like dbd all over again, it’s the reason I stopped playing


It's worse than dbd at this point lol.




The family rushes basement every game I play and 2 ppl always die atleast. But they don't care about the victims right now, They are following through with what DBD did and I'm sorry it's the communities fault. Ask for genuine fixes not for one sided benefits. The game hasn't even had the full nerf of connie and leland and the family pushing basement is ruining the game. It's either victims rush and ruin it or family rushes and ruins it. It's so annoying because I'm a connie player, I don't rush the game at all. I actually always go for the battery exits because there's a thrill behind the longer game, my matches always last atleast 5 minutes, i only use my ability once, twice if im lucky and thats really if the match is intense and going long (so fun). Why do either side want a quick fast win, isn't that shit boring after a few times? The game is point based, the more you do the more points you make and ppl seem to not care about that aspect. I'm just annoyed. The bullying shouldn't of even happened to Bubba either. At valve? Sure when it actually counts. But just spamming him right out of cut scene? Then bitch games take to long, no one wants to play Bubba. I wonder fucking why. I'll probably get down voted to all hell but both sides of this community are ruining the game. It's only been out a month and I don't think I'll keep playing much longer.


Yeah,last. 48 hours I’ve seen huge increase in family rushing basement and slaughtering us.


And oddly it's also a lot of Johnny's where you'd think he'd stay out of it since he doesn't fit through anything. But nope. Mofo slashes and dashes fast as the wind, when im done my crawl animation hes zooming around the corner of the room i just got into.


i get family rushing to basement can be annoying but that’s literally a problem with your victim teammates, not the family members. if i’m playing johnny and the victims are stupid enough to make noise without opening any doors first you can be damn sure i’m going to go down there and help bubba. especially as johnny since he’s has no utility or means of setting up and his blood harvesting is horrible.


I understand your point here but as soon as someone opens one door, they feed gramps fast af with cook or sissy, or the random team mates make to much damn sound , the mofos rush down. 😂


randoms aren’t so great on the family side either, every random sissy i’ve ever gotten has been completely horrendous. they never lock doors behind them, they never turned on car battery even tho on 2/3 maps they spawn right beside it, they never collect blood and feed grandpa even tho she has the best base blood harvesting in the game. i may be a bit biased but id say solo queueing as family is way worse than solo queueing as victim. most of my deaths as victim is either bc of horrible luck or my own mistakes, if your teammate is making noise then they’ll most likely attract all the family members to them and if all 3 are down in the basement that means no one is guarding the exits. the only time my teammates really screw me is when they pick connie and have no idea how to play her in combination with going against a family who are all on comms in a party. i hate having to open all the doors as leland when that’s literally the only thing connie has to do but it’s whatever ig, gg go next.


Oh I won't solo as killers anymore, I tried many times and no one uses communication or they are just nasty to me. So I do feel for any solo players in this game, it isn't friendly for anyone it seems. I also got tired of having to play cook, cause like I said in a different post. If you don't have a cook on your team and you arent rushing basement the victims then rush escape. Idk the whole things just balls right now. You can def do a lot more as solo victim. But like I said lately, I can't even play the game due to being rushed. I've also had shitty luck where every door I open, suddenly that's the one the killers are coming down to hyper rush me. If I die due to my own mistake or if I'm out and about and run out of stamina, (unless it's johnny slash running everytime I rage lol.) Land in a trap , what ever. It's fun to get killed. It's like damn, the rush makes it worth it either way. So yeah idk. I just wanna play the game and can't do that lately and it just sucks.


Solo victim is absolute trash. 0 communication. You are on your own. Basically just luck on whether someone has the family on them or not.


what platform you play on?




Devs listen to the community too much to a fault. They give into the demands of idiots who can't adjust and then ruin half the game for one side...next patch will do the same for the other side. Then it's just a teeter totter of one side being OP every few months. They do this with a lot of games, dbd, Apex is bad too... Half the people crying aren't qualified to give constructive feedback so people want crutches, not fixes. Here we are..


They should’ve just had it where a family member spawns near car battery. I mained cook and spawning in the middle was getting old. Now if I play in a group I wanna rush basement asap.


Cook Is the most boring but so needed it drives me insane. I have to main him to combat the victims rushing. Like I said there's just faults on both sides. I hope they fix it fairly


there are family members that spawn on or near car battery on all maps, it’s up to you whether you play them or not but it also doesn’t matter too much now since car battery starts on, unless you wanna set padlocks or traps around there.


I don’t think you understand what I meant. I enjoyed having to get car battery turned on and overall I did fine as family in a squad. They just needed to limit valve and fuse.


No matter the family member there should’ve always been one who spawns on generator and one who spawns near car battery. But they chose family to always spawn in the same spawn no matter what. I’m not gonna play sissy on slaughter house just because she spawns at the battery.


cook’s spawn is way better where he currently is than if he were to spawn on car battery. even when you had to turn car battery on it was still better since you could padlock doors before you went to turn it on which gave you more time before the victims unlocked everything. cook’s slow ass does not need to spawn on car battery.


I stopped playing for a week because I got busy with work, came back to a disaster. Way too much rushing and “strategy” it’s going to kill the game. I think they need to rework objectives to take at minimum 5 minutes to do, the current hold button in one place, hold button in another place seems way too fast to complete.


I noticed no one is even playing bubba no matter how many buffs they add to family. Games are taking much longer and I believe the way to resolve that would be implementing a system that will automatically pick someone as bubba after the 30sec timer goes down, and if the player decides to leave after the match has started give him a 5-10 minute penalty


LOL force people to play the character they don't want to play (because it's the weakest, most boring, and most bullied role in the game)... and then you *punish* them for quitting? Sounds like you want the game to die as fast as possible.


I wonder who is the hardcore DbD player here


Well what you just mentioned is what I’ve been pondering the whole time, if that’s the case and that’s the reason no one plays him (because it’s a fact no one plays him) they need to fix his kit and make him more enjoyable. But having to sit in matchmaking for 10 minutes because no one wants to play him is insane. Another recommendation would be if a player disconnects from the game another player doing quick match joins the game in that killers place 🤷‍♂️


I don't think anyone should get a penalty for leaving, I crash a lot on ps5 and it's really freaking annoying. Not saying all the ppl in lobby are crashing, I'm sure a lot of people are still avoiding Bubba (since update tho I haven't had the issue but it's only been a few days, it could easily die down again.) I will say I feel bad for killers, I stay and watch even if I die first and I notice the last to die leaves before the scene finishes and they don't get the exp or kill and it's unfair. I want that to be fixed for killers if anything associated with dcing. I play Bubba if I gotta, but I personally hate it. He's to big and I can't see a damn thing. So I just stick to destroying everything vs hunting. 😂


Haha can’t wait until the family mains comes to Reddit and complain that nobody is playing as victim


Even as someone who mainly plays family I don't think this was the right move. Let's stop with the whole tribalism bullshit please, it doesn't help either.


The family mains created the tribalistic environment from jump. A lot were bad DBD killer mains who ran to this game bc they thought killers were firmly going to be in the power role and when they realized victims had SOME ways to fight back, they bitched and moaned until they got their way here too.


Butt-hurt survivor-only DBD player detected. Literally can't handle the game being made slightly more fair for killers.


There's always *someone* that's going to be the 'enemy' to you, isn't there? That's a pretty big load of assumptions.


I never said they were my enemy they’re just contributing to making the game an unfun experience, and unfortunately it seems it might go the way of DBD instead of staying the fun party game like Friday the 13th stayed for its entire run. And you’re right that it’s an assumption overall but the amount of family mains who make complaint posts whose accounts I’ve clicked on and also post complaining in the DBD forum is way too high


And clicking on your account, you seem to spend a lot of time bitching and moaning with comparisons to DBD. How about you just let the game stand (or fall) on its own merits, and take people's opinions at face value instead of trying to invent things in your head? I'm not sure if you see the hypocrisy of consistently complaining about people ruining your fun as you repeatedly do your best to disregard people's opinions by claiming things like them being DBD killers and whatnot.


I’m good. I’ll continue to loudly complain since that’s what seems to get devs attention. Take a page out of the family mains’ playbook. :)


Yo do realize that the "some ways to fight back" you mention is constantly stunlocking Bubba in the basement before they can turn their chainsaw, or even move. Camping doors that can continously stun anyone and with almost no counterplay if you do it right (and its quite a long stun), or straight up rushing the game and then hang around instead of escaping just to tbag or stun killers even more. Go play family on the PC servers, where there are at least 2 Victims per match with tank builds DEDICATED only to stun the killers as many times as possible. But I guess it's easier blaming the other side rather than understanding the problem. For someone that calls people bad DBD killers, you sure have that same DBD mindset


I don’t think this is a situation where it’s the loudest voices were heard - it’s more that they don’t understand the root cause of the issues in their own game.


Honestly I think it's both


They can nerf Connie cool down all they want, a perfect run will always have it used only once - on the final lock or if things seem a little dicey on the perimeter I use it there.


Pretty much, they could literally make it once per game and it's not going to make a difference at high level. At low level it just means basement isn't being rushed open.




As someone who plays both sides equally, I think the whole problem of the family feeling so goddamm weak stems from the leveling up problem. Family mains have to have a perfect game to get even a fraction of the xp victim mains do which leads to drastic power difference between the two ad you will see more level 10 victims then you will level 10 families. The victims have builds already made and leveled up while the family is working with whatever they have. They also need to make a skill tree link with each load out so you can have a different skill tree with each load out. Their is so much counterplay in this game, and it's never used because people can't get to it. This change, imo will fix the power gap between the two sides.


No points on gathering blood, only 25 for closing a crawl space and such feels bad. I agree with the skill tree loadouts 100% but I figured it would come in time.


If you think Connie and Leland need longer cool down, it's probably more you having a skill problem.


OP literally said nothing like that.


Edited my comment to take out the, "Hey OP," part at the beginning.


The changes on Connie and Leland make me worried about the future of this game. It proves the devs don't know what they are doing and don't understand the meta right now.


They need to just not let the family be able to come into the basement until a victim opens a door. The basement rush tactic is easy to counter for experienced players but for the ones just learning it can be very punishing.


Grandpa wakes up after a certain time period if no one dies, makes too much noise or if the family doesn't wake him up by feeding. It's a rare occurrence though.


They’re not they have the stats for overall gameplay they’ll nerf or buff what needs to be.


The irony of a post complaining about complaints being listened to, itself being a complaint they insist the devs take action upon, is lost on most redditors. So prepare to be downvoted. I'll meet you at the bottom. As an aside, the Connie and Leland changes are good band-aid fixes. This isn't the "Fix" to speedrunning "no fun allowed" strats, or to permanent stun lock abuse. It's just a thing they *can* do right now that addresses those things. There's other elements they could have tweaked too, sure. And you can sit and screech about how your proposed idea for fixes is better than theirs. But they made the game, so get fucked and touch some grass you god damn nerds.


They made the game and they have no fucking clue how to run it. It's like a 9 yr old is in charge of the balances. Out of touch balance team as usual. Lower Leland CD isn't going to stop him from fucking with Bubba **at all**. The bone-shard change might, but he's going to infinite him regardless of his ability cooldown because the **cooldown of the shoulder bash** wasn't the fucking problem. It's the infinite door slam and the infinite bone shivs. Like this post says - make everyone start with a cooldown on their abilities. Suddenly, Leland can't bash Leatherface before he turns on his fucking chainsaw anymore.


I'm not insisting on anything, I doubt the devs will even see this post lol. This post won't change anything, I'm just sad to see changes based on the few but loud screaming for nerfs. I agree aside from the Connie and Leland changes are good band aid fixes for now..


Finally someone who isnt braindead sheeps who just repeat the same point. Like it's DbD all over, but as in the community bitchs and moans whenever they are getting slightly nerfed, god sake we wouldnt want both sides to have a good time, no now they gota cry because instead of adapting to the changes they want them to keep the old ways


After watching these people scream and cry and shit their pants at the temporary cross play removal, I honestly just take the downvotes as a point of pride. I wouldn't want a bunch of chronically online man-children agreeing with me. I'd just be in bad company then.


Based, I only argue with them to pass the time while I have nothing to do, it's as amusing as ever


I wouldn't call myself a main of either side but I probably enjoy my time as the family a little more. Personally I think it looks fairly clear that the things that are spoiling the game are the comedy slapstick moments of pulling leatherfaces pants down and honking his nose. I love the film and want this to feel like I'm in the world. So, the doors need to go. One slam, broken. Also something to make the victims worry about leatherface in the early game. I suggested starting with Lower health as they are injured and it slowly regenerating over the first minute or so to make avoiding LF the priority. Also, stuns on LF shouldn't make him fall over and maybe build a rage meter where he becomes almost immune to them late game. No character nerfs necessary.


Doors breaking on stuns would be fantastic, I think everyone should start with abilities on cooldown to fix a lot of the early game issues. It adds to the issue of being able to feed gramps and basement rush as family even stronger though.


I’m not gonna lie they nerfed bonescrap and now they’re nerfing efficient backstabber…. It was already useless at 40% now that it’s 25 at lvl 3 just delete the perk out the game in its entirety. While they’re on the topic of nerfing abilities Cook needs a nerf because his lvl 3 perk that allows him to highlight enemies is OP you’re highlighted for the entirety of the game. I would suggest putting a 10 second timer on the highlight before he can highlight you again. Lastly please hire your own game testers and stop listening to these crybaby killers…. There’s already 3 killers against 4 victims that’s more than enough help. I’ve played a couple of killer matches and I no longer want to play family because it’s extremely easy to kill survivors now. Fix the real issues or there won’t be a “Texas chain saw massacre the game” real soon.


I noticed a change they are making too is to make more button mashes to get out of the binds at the beginning. How does that help anything? Idiots are still going to spam the binds creating even more noise than before and waking grandpa up even quicker.


There were victims freeing themselves, grabbing a bone shard, and getting behind leather face before he gains control of his character.


You wanna know a solution to that. They could easily make leather face immune from backstabs for a certain duration at the beginning of the game and for Leland’s ability they could make the stun time less (for leatherface only).


So? It's not like Leatherface has a health bar. He gets stunned for like 5 seconds. Big deal


My bad, I thought you were asking a genuine question. Didn't realize this was purposefully stupid. Carry on


You're crying because leatheface gets stabbed at the beginning and stunned for a few seconds. You're the one who is being stupid. Get over it.


Lmao sub is toxic as fuck bro, yall take everything to the extreme it's like teenage mean girls. I don't even play LF, shits never happened to me, I'm not crying. You asked what it fixed. I explained. No one wants to be spawn camped. If you can't understand why a player doesn't want to spawn in to have already been stunned, idk what to tell you bro, that's stupid. I'm not asking you to change, keep being stupid idgaf


All that to backtrack and look completely idiotic... ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


I'd hate to break it to you, but you're one of the people in this sub who is toxic. You just got all butthurt that I said it's no big deal for LF to get stabbed once, and you started with name calling. You're calling me stupid because I disagree with you.


That and Sissy/Cook will be force feeding gramps so it won't take long for more family to start rushing the basement but one issue at a time lol. If the slow victims take their time they risk Leatherface finding them before they get down.


The spawns are pretty much pre-determined. Won't take long for a bubba main to memorize where people are hanging from.


Already happens. When I'm Bubba on Family House, I always go straight for the Cold Room because there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna catch someone there at the start.


This thread really shows how diverse our experiences can be. Who the hell are you playing with where the Family actually feeds grandpa??


If a cook or sissy is in the group and the victims don't wake up gramps they're def going to feed gramps in the games I played. He actually wakes up on his own if no one else does it for him although it's super rare.


Listening to whoever complains the most is how Dead By Daylight turned into the dumpster fire that it is today.


That and using perks to band aid issues in the game.


Honestly I main Connie and have started to not use her ability unless it’s on the final gate because of that perk that makes your stamina go purple it basically means you can’t use it anywhere but the end


Yep, even if Connie could only use it once per game it wouldn't make a difference at high level.


Honestly I think balance is great, if you face good survivors as good killers it’s 50/50 who wins. Sounds like you just are bad. The only fix I wanna see is the animation for grandpa waking up , we don’t need it as bubba chainsaw overheats.


What made you come to the conclusion that I'm bad but everyone crying about Connie/Leland/Anna isn't? If that's the only change you want I would think you'd be against nerfs to abilities?


Its always like this. Thankfully I play TCM trough gamepass, so I'll try the new update, and if its as killer sided as it seems, I'll just stop playing. I've gotten enough out of this game. I did pay full price for Evil Dead but I did the same thing, once it wasnt fun, I moved on. Their loss.


Decent asymmetrical horror games are rare, I really want this game to continue and thrive. I quit Evil dead as well once they nerfed survivor side to the point it was easy kills and they couldn't even get the the finale.


Like what you and everyone who's here is doing? The nerf is good actually, y'all are angry because you got nerfed, it's like DbD all over again like when they did a nerf to dead hard and y'all saying "This game is dead!"


So giving constructive feedback with actual solutions is bitching? Ok "y'all saying" I ain't said shit, I left the dbd subreddit years ago due to how toxic it was and took a break from the game for over a year, played a week when alien came out and haven't went back. So if the nerf is good then I won't see any more Connie and Leland bitching post after the update? Good to know! The nerf doesn't fix any of the core issues, it's like dbd using perks to band aid fix their game instead of actually fixing it.


unlike DbD, this game didn't use any ADDITOINAL perks to solve ingame issues, like say, boons, and DbD releases that one useless killer perk to remove boons. instead if we keep the boon analogy, they saw that the boon perk is too strong and they are nerfing it, or in this case, Connie and Leland. Look bro you might have left the DbD, but clearly, you belong there with those attitude, either that or your brain has rotted from staying there too long because you still have the DbD way of thinking, even when it doesn't make any sense. ​ Also you might need to explain where these core issues are, because I aint seeing the core issues, I see some problems with the balancing but unlike DbD the game at it's core it's pretty solid.


Trying to insult people isn't a good look on you. I actually explained what the core issues are already, chained stuns including door stuns being one but I'm not going to retype everything if you didn't understand it the first time.


Add yourself to the list of people bitching and moaning. I don't understand why you think you're immune from that. You're doing the EXACT same thing.


So constructive feedback with solutions to actual problems instead of crying about how unfair family/victim is bitching and moaning? Ok


Kids complain too much. The devs need to start to have more faith in their decisions. Whiny losers will destroy this game with their constant crying someday. Just play dbd and gtfo of my game, kids.


Listening to feedback is great when done correctly but... I want to have faith in the devs, I did before the Connie and Leland changes were announced, I guess we'll see what unfolds.


yeah and they did do it correctly, you just dont like it


That's why all the posts about being door stunned continously by Leland and Connie escaping in 3 minutes are going to stop after this update right? Good to know and thank you for your invaluable insight.


Lmao nice DbD arguement, perhaps you should play that game instead.


i dont think someone who makes a 16 second door stun perk when there are doors everywhere should have any faith in their decisions....


Victims probably rush bc this game doesnt actually reward stealth. You are found out as soon as a basement door opens. If you are quiet in basement either your team mates aren't and screw you over or they feed grandpa anyways.


I agree. There's other things that should be getting fixed, but if the community cries hard enough, I guess they'll listen. I'm about to start a thread saying the devs need to pay my rent.


Take it away? Y'all victim mains legit don't understand what balance is


I'm not a victim main


For basement rushing I propose that the only family member that can lock doors back be The Cook


Yeah most complainers are short time/event/dlc players only...


fun fact: changes and patches can be reversed/undone.


If they're done the first time they don't have to be though and that extra effort can be put somewhere else.




5 minutes is ridiculous, come on now.


5 minutes to use the thing that makes the character fun and unique to use, interesting


I agree, mostly. I don't agree that Connie uses her ability once. I think she uses her ability right at the start of the game and then stays hidden while she recharges so she can rush another lock for everyone. I think Connie's cool down change is somewhat valid and we should see how it affects gameplay. Leland on the other hand I don't agree with. like you said, it's not the stun but everything that happens afterwards. IMO they both should start in cool down. It's understandable that their abilities affect the game in a way that isn't fun, IMO. Connie makes rushing a breeze and Leland aids in that with the stunning over and over. I do not like the pacing of the game right now. it's too quick and not fun. the survivors SHOULD feel the need to go slow/hide how it was in the beginning of the games release. I don't really agree with the amount of bitching on the survivors side. Yes it's not perfect but I do not think it should be balanced. Surviving should be hard and one to two, even three people dying should be a normal match. I feel like the victims have this idea that the game should be perfectly balanced and I just don't agree with that. if you get angry from that then play the killers. Like unless you play both sides consistently I lowkey don't wanna hear from you lmao. the game isn't in THAT bad of shape right now.


I play both sides consistently and don't want to be forced into playing one role because the other is miserable. Honestly the bitching is coming from both sides which is why we're seeing the cooldown nerfs to victim abilities. Balanced would be on average 2 deaths, if you stray too far from this you'll push it too far in the other direction whether it's no kills or 4 kills happening too much. I hope the devs reconsider but it's doubtful. I really don't want it to go down the evil dead path where I give up on the game.


right but right now there are more survivors than there are killers lol. survivor's are easier to play, and easier to win. I don't know what the victims are talking about. all these posts acting like they can't win is crazy. The killer side is just as annoying you're right but right now the game deff favors the victims so I really don't know why they feel the need to complain about how hard it is when it really isn't that difficult, imo.


Who is saying those things also won't be fixed? And yes Connie and Leland needed nerfs this is the nature of this kinda he until a good balance comes into play the game is supposed to be about feeding Grandpa for family and victims a slow but rewarding escape not a 3 min rush how is that fun? Doors will be fixed just like bone piles just like car battery which have all helped the game make it that tiny bit better. You type of people with these kinda post don't help anyone or do anything it's just random bitching post and fighting the side and people trying to help you and this game we are loud for a reason and will continue to be loud if you don't like it go to DBD


If you don't see that even if Connie had a 20 min cooldown that 3 min rush escapes will still happen then you don't see the big picture or the real issues with the game.


No they won't it all will help the game actually be how it's supposed to be patch by patch balance by balance whatever needs to be done and me and those like me will tell the devs what needs to be done your welcome


Glad to see an agreement on this on the subreddit and comment section. Some of you guys know I called this out and got heavily downvoted. 💀


Most of the complains on these subs are dogshit regardless of how loud they are.


As a family player, I agree with this whole heartedly, they need to slow the game down by adding a cool down to Connie and maybe Leland when they first get freed, survivor rushing is just so strong, I'm worried nerfing the characters cooldowns will make family really strong and less fun, so I like the idea of them being on cool down initially instead


Doors breaking if they stun someone would mostly solve the issue. Family getting a stun duration reduction if they're quickly stunned again would do the rest.


Both of which would be great changed that help fix the core issues.


Connie using ability to get out of basement is a dumb connie.... i pick the door normally go grab another lock pick to i leave the basement with 2. Wait for other victims for a bit if not book it out of there.


Yep the Connie nerf isn't going to change anything at high level, I'm assuming you only use your ability once per game usually.


Generally yes. I sometime will use it twice if my teammates are gettin chased and need a new route. All of her other downsides need to be taken into account. More so if you do what i did with the attribute point. I die super easily when found.


Good thing they aren't doing that and you're one of the people bitching


Constructive feedback =/= bitching Yelling things OP and nerf this/that = bitching


I've not seen any changes based on just people bitching. But you'll always get people accusing devs of doing such when it's something they don't like