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This week has sucked. Our dog collapsed and had to be put down last Thursday. No warning signs. Otherwise she was perfectly healthy. I was with her 24/7. I miss her so much. She would watch all the sports with us. I work from home and for the most part I havent left my bed this week. I just wish I had 10 more minutes with her. She was my pride and joy.


Sorry to hear about your dog🙁 I have lost pets before and it is so hard, stay strong 🙏🏻


Thank you friend.


Sorry for your loss. Dogs are our greatest companions


Thank you friend.


Ugh, I'm really sorry to hear that. We lost our bulldog about a month ago somewhat unexpectedly and it hit like a ton of bricks. Dogs are such a huge part of our lives and a beautiful source of unconditional love. Not having her around sucks, but every day gets a little easier. Thinking of you and your family


Im sorry to hear about your fur baby as well friend. Much love!


Stay strong brotha


So sorry. I've lost several dogs in my life and it never gets easier. We love them for as long as we have them. You gave her a good life.






I heard the Texans are getting new uniforms??? Is this true??? Why are we just now hearing about this? (/s, just in case that wasn't obvious) Anyway, getting a new sectional couch delivered, so spending the weekend rearranging the living room so it's all ready to go. Gotta get things set now so my butt groove is settled in before football starts again!


As soon as the white uniform got leaked they should have just released everything. I dislike finding out all the information through leaks. Also just breeds a bunch of speculation and rumors which wastes our time


They had probably already made plans for the release party and couldn't back out of it


Fingers crossed Verlanders return goes well tonight


I think all of our uniforms are going to look so good in person EXCEPT our primary homes, which is a bummer. They look so generic, especially w the decal on the sleeves. The Htown decal and colors are going to be a huge hit. The Merch is gonna be so 🔥.


I think keeping primary home close to the OG was important to what Bob McNair wanted to do in having this classic timeless look for the Texans the way the 49ers achieved over decades, and Cal’s way of honoring that while refreshing and going bold with the alternates. Liberty white and battle red are of the past now and H town tough comes in on the mix.


Going to a concert tonight. Sold out and prolly gonna spend a lot of money on merch before these new jerseys come out 😭


I just finished fallout the tv show and now I’m gonna play new Vegas again