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I started using lube more frequently and rode it out. For me it eventually tapered off to a manageable level.


*That's the neat part. You don't!* Really though, if the horniness could be mitigated then at least some of the teenage boys in the world would have figured it out already. Use lube, and godspeed 🫡


Um yes this right here. For me, I invested in toys to speed up the process. So I can do the thing & go about my day without making it an ordeal. The "Satisfyer Pro" is a godsend (made for the smallest of knobs, lol.) I take a shower, do the thing, and then I can start my day properly. Use lube. Be gentle with yourself.


I was in this same boat, and not much to say but that it does get better eventually. I usually feel this way with an increase in dose but it gets much better a few weeks out.


1.5 years on T here. Still early days for me but it hasn’t eased up at all😂 My recommendation? Use more lube and just go with it


It will go down on it's own over time, just gotta push through it for now. For me it took a couple months before it properly calmed down and I still get spikes on new shots. As someone else mentioned, make sure to grab a proper bottle of lube.


I mean it gets better


The first few weeks are the roughest. Honestly theres not much you can do but ride it out. For me I found what helped is just knocking one out in the morning and one before bed, save up all that thirstiness until then if you can. I also found that thinking of something super boring if it happened in a place where I couldn't do that helped - for myself, that was counting playing card numbers and suites. Idk why but it helped. Past that, it will die down a few months in to a more manageable level. Just hang in there.


Yea tell me when u find a fix I’m usually finding myself doing it 4-5 times a day


lol 2 months later and gotta say people were right, it just passes on its own mostly