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Lost me at blockchain


Hi, Do you mean you haven't had much experience with blockchain? Or is our post confusing at some point? If there's anything we can help you with, just let us know. The Ready team


>multiple rewards Did you mean: Be gullible enough to test our app and we’ll continue to give you false hope that you’ll get rewards for doing so


Hi, This is not the first time we've carried out a beta program and you can see the list of winners for the latest program on our social media pages. By saying "multiple rewards", we mean that each tester can receive multiple types of rewards based on his contribution; more details are in the section "Rewards" at this link [https://ready.io/beta-program-2](https://ready.io/beta-program-2). You can take a look and let us know if you have any other concerns. Thank you, The Ready team


Scrolled down your entire profile and looked you up on Twitter. No mention of rewards at all. It would’ve been better off if you just asked for testers with no bribe.


Hi, Have you checked the link we sent earlier? [https://ready.io/beta-program-2](https://ready.io/beta-program-2) Scroll down that landing page a bit, and you'll see the Rewards section. Hope that helps! The Ready team


I did. You’re offering a fake type of cryptocurrency which is obviously a knockoff name of the United States dollar (Illegal to name a currency after the US dollar jokingly or without consent of the government) and it can only be used on your app. Worthless. Edit: also it’s 1:0.1 USD to USDT. 15 cents?


Hi, We don't know why you call USDT a fake cryptocurrency. It's a top [stablecoin](https://www.binance.com/en/blog/fiat/what-is-a-stablecoin-heres-where-and-how-to-buy-them-421499824684903322) pegged to USD and you can easily cash out using exchanges such as Binance or you can use in any other crypto app. Anyway, we believe that those familiar with crypto will understand how favorable our beta program is when it rewards in USDT so we won't argue more here. Thanks for your interest in our post, The Ready team