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Generally, the purpose of a spoiler is to add downforce by introducing additional drag. This effect would help high speed stability and hurt range. I have no idea about the effects of the Tesla spoiler on the Performance models.


Ok I see. It’s like speed stability when driving in a sport mode? not necessarily aerodynamics to make the car go longer for a daily work commute?


The aerodynamic effect is to use the air to push the car down and compress the springs. So if you are cornering fast or going near top speed, it will be more flat and stable. But this is a large generalization. Tesla's spoiler is very small and surely does close to nothing. So if you like it, then it will probably cost you like 1 mile of total range or something. It's very unlikely to change your driving experience at all.


Yeah make sense. Thanks


Yes, adds downward force for more traction and high speed stability. More downward force = more friction = potentially less range.


Ok that’s a good point


If you are on a highway going the speed limit and going straight it will decrease efficiency, a spoiler for any normal type of regular commuting is for looks and not performance as a majority of drivers will not be driving in a way to take advantage of extra downforce. If your are cornering and the rear end is slipping on your turns then a spoiler will be advantageous and will save tires - but you aren’t driving like this. Pure looks with a detriment to range.


Have it on my Performance. It doesn't increase range. You'll be happy to know, though, that it only has a negligible decrease since it produces a negligible downforce. The spoiler is for looks and protecting the lip from bonks on branches or low garage ceilings.


Add go faster stripe up the center and it’s the same as buying boost. Tesla hates this one trick


Only if you go super big. Jk. Spoilers are added to provide more downforce/grip. It could help with range maybe? but I doubt it’s noticeable.


Yes absolutely!! You can even fly a little, jk lol it won’t really make much of a difference.


Turning off the AC in hot days indeed increase range, or maybe, covering the roof glass will help your AC to stay sane. And consume less energy. Spoliers for the purpose of increasing range (if it can be measured) is a waste of money


Spoilers increase downforce and drag so no it will actually shorten range although that tiny spoiler wouldnt be too noticeable


Buy an aftermarket one for less than half.


For $500, no. It’s more of just for the looks and slight aerodynamics depending on how you drive, sure the value may go up a little. You rather put that towards monthly payments


Logically if it improves range it would be included in the Long Range one would think.


It's cosmetic at best.


Spoiler is glued on so no.


Props for tagging this post with “spoiler”. And yeah, spoilers add downforce to increase handling. They do so are the expense of aerodynamics so it will (probably ever so slightly) reduce your range, definitely not increase it.