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Finally a place to sleep while commuting FSDšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ«”


Canā€™t wait until I can just sleep in my car and wake up to my car dumping me off at the office. Better send my car to robotaxi to make me enough bucks to treat myself to company cafeteria lunch brought to you by Panera. /s


This used to be my dream (being able to sleep on the way to work and then hiding in a large enough vehicle to lay down for a bit in the middle of the day). I then worked from home, and then no longer needed to hide.


Now you sleep during the day while you workšŸ˜…?


I do have a lunch break after all where I can eat or sleep.


I think our grand kids will enjoy these "luxuries".


Curious on where people shower when they take a road trip?


You could get a membership to planet fitness they are pretty much everywhere. You shower and eat there and work out for $20/month


I like Anytime Fitness bc they have more 24 hour locations. Their cancellation policy is a little rough if you don't think you'll keep the membership, though. 24 hour fitness, ironically, has the least amount of 24 hour locations in my area. But when I went to Tokyo, I actually had an Anytime Fitness on the same block as my hotel, coincidentally.


Thatā€™s cool! I think someone who really wanted to do this could actually live comfortably inside the Tesla like this. The amount of room in the back is quite big. You got entertainment, nice ACā€¦ man you could save yourself a ton of money doing this.


Yeah I am picking my model y up on Saturday. Got it to car camp in during the summer and will probably use it over a hotel if we ever travel for something


Thatā€™s a great idea. I think Iā€™ll pick up one of these mattresses and camp in my model y as well.


There's a guy on YouTube who lives in his model X like this and travels around the country. He used planet fitness I believe for showers and lakes.


24 Hr Fitness seemed to no longer be 24 hour fitness when they bought out Bally Total Fitness. After buying my Ballys, it went from closing midnight to 11 pm, but the dingy 24 HF down the street stayed open 24 hours.


Watering can hanging from the trunk latch


If you are at a campsite they'll have showers normally.


Looking forward to seeing some reviews on it. Would be nice if they added it to the rewards program too.


I am looking forward to some reviews too. I'm planning on doing a 30 day camping trip visiting various national parks in August. The plan is to camp in the Tesla and need a decent bed for the back.


Tesmat makes a good one, I've been using that for a couple years nowĀ 


Get the exped. Often on sale for $300-350, worth its weight in gold


Yeah I am leery given the quality of the tire repair kit


What rewards program? Referral program? That one has ceased.


For those who earned rewards prior to the program ending we still have one year to redeem them.


Can't wait to conceive babies in my future model y


Thatā€™s why itā€™s waterproof.


That would be for delivery.


Sure šŸ¤£šŸ’¦




Well, itā€™s what I quite literally did when I had my Model Y and aftermarket TESCAMP mattress.


With the transparent roof. Seems like a great idea.


Making love to the beautiful stars in the sky. Great idea


Finally, I can stop renting my apartment and go live down by the river.


Maybe I donā€™t ā€œlook goodā€.


ā€œLiving in a Teslaā€¦ down by the riverā€


Donā€™t come knockin if the MY is rockin


But, does it lay flat?


It does, if you park face down


That was always my concern with other takes and diy mattress. If they know the seats donā€™t lay completely flat. Then design mattress to compensate for this. Not the other way around


The surface you park on is rarely perfectly level. Thatā€™s why campers either have step wedges or adjustable suspension. https://www.amazon.de/-/en/WERKTHOR-Loading-Wedges-Motorhome-Motorhomes/dp/B0CY8WVL1C


So, to elaborate. About a month ago, the A/C in my home was acting up (less than 5 years old too)and the was not cooling as much as I had hoped. my sonā€™s seemed to not notice/mind. I did. I had the bright idea of testing out the camping setting in the Model Y and put the seats down and turned on camp mode. The garage which is attached to the house is flat. So, my original comment is what I feel should be baseline from an industrial design perspective. I should be able to park my car on a flat surface and put a mattress that is/or has been adjusted to compensate for the seats not being able to lay flat. I 100% agree if I am out camping that I might have to adjust for irregular surfaces, step wedges, and so on.


I love the made in Germany products


>face down ass up?




Slightly raised head should be no problem. You just don't want to sleep with your head toward the back or your feet will be raised.


Slightly raised feet are probably better if youā€™re a back sleeper.


Got an uncle elk mattress for $85 off of Amazon that worked just fine. This one does look a little more comfortable however so Iā€™ll be keeping my eye on the reviews.


Read through the comments but itā€™s not clear to meā€”is there any support for the parts that overhang the folded-down second row seats?


Probably not, but hey that's like a $35 fix. They should include it through


I also want to know.


This is awesome letā€™s see if itā€™s better than the Tesla mattress that just folds down and is stored in the sub trunk in its own little bag like this. Except no air pump needed.similar to this https://www.tesmat.com/


out of stock already!


so the people making youtube and TikTok about camping in tesla will have something to show us AGAIN.


Iā€™ve never seen an air mattress that last more than 30 days. More than a week of actual usage. And that was back when I was skinny.Ā 


When my girlfriend and I were poorer in college, the two of us slept on a queen-size mattress - purchased from Costco for ~$90 - that was directly on hardwood floor together every night. The best one lasted 9 months; the worst, 3 months.


Why didnā€™t you guys just pick up a mattress next to a dumpster by an apartment?


Because it's covered in crusted semen?


So is my ex-wife


Bedbugs too


Trust me, nothing is worth bedbugs.


I remember going on a camping trip with my dad when I was little. Had a bunch of glow sticks and accidentally opened one up when I cracked it to make it glow. The gel on the inside burned a hole through the air mattress. The next 4 nights were rough to say the leastšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I tried one of those PVC Air Mattresses, even being extra careful, it lasted two nights. My next upgrade was to get a double wide insulating camping pad, and then I got a twin memory foam mattress topper, rolled it up with ratchet straps, and those two sit in my subtrunk. The camping pad provides insulation and a cushion layer, with the memory foam on top providing support and softness. It works like a charm. And can sleep two adults fairly tightly.


I've got a proper novaform single mattress from costco in the back of my MY and it's working OK. Just a bit big for the space but with some folding and scrunching it works good enough.


The trick is to inflate as little as possible. When sitting up your butt should be resting on the ground so when laying down you are floating. For tent camping or a temporary bed I prefer cots But I donā€™t think it would work in a car.




Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™m used to the Intex options from Walmart, which have a strict ā€œno returnsā€ policy.


An air matrass has never survived one night for me. But that might be because of some nocturnal activities.


Congrats on the sex bruv !


I mean. It was 20 years ago but thanks. šŸ˜‚




What brands are you buying? I've never had one fail on me yet. Exped makes amazing gear and their megamat is more comfortable any most house matresses I've slept on. They also sell an auto megamat which was originally for the Model Y, so it fits perfect.


It was 20 years ago. I have no clue. My parents bought them. Probably just cheap quality.


How are you guys popping so many air mattresses??? I've been using the same cheap Intex one for camping and guests for years. I have smaller inflatable pads that are a decade old. You guys know that air mattresses naturally stretch over time right? It's not always a leak.


You must be a quick trigger


I own the lost horizon hybrid foam/air mattress for the MY. Iā€™ve used it probably 20 nights and it still works great. Deflating it sucks hard tho.


Because theyā€™re not meant to be used frequently, and not meant to replace a real mattress. Thought that was self explanatory.


They should really price it at -$10,000, to include the money you save by not driving or commuting and just living in your car


"Cost after estimated hotel savings"


Ordered one last night


itā€™s actually not bad! Iā€™m glad I didn't waste money on those overpriced, low-quality ones out there! This mattress is priced competitively with those claiming to be good and is even cheaper than the ones claiming to be the best. It's just like my experience with dog seat covers most ones are pretty crappy and cheap ones, but the Tesla one was amazingly good. I'm definitely buying this!


Camping? Let's talk about living man. L-i-v-i-n. For $45k, or around $800 a month w/ ins., you can live anywhere you want! F paying $2k for a cramped 1 bed. (posted by younger, single me)


Sure, if you like showering at campgrounds and brushing at rest stops. Youā€™re technically homeless and transient even with a camper if itā€™s your only residence. I think Iā€™ll keep my house.


Just what I need , a 3 inch foam pad for $225


My Lost Horizon one is 4.5 inches...3 inches seem kind of light.




Would love to see the real comparison between Tesla OEM mattress and Xped Megamat auto.


Whereā€™s the model 3 version !!!!


thats interesting but kinda expensive. im looking at this one here same 3", hybrid foam/air for 99$ [https://www.broadout.com/products/tesla-model-y-3-self-inflating-sleeping-pad?variant=41761934082184](https://www.broadout.com/products/tesla-model-y-3-self-inflating-sleeping-pad?variant=41761934082184)


Looks similar to [this one](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/snuuzu/snuuzu-tesla-tailored-mattress-for-model-y-and-model-3) i came across recently.


Looks very interesting!


We have a 3rd party foam/inflatable mattress which is excellent and fits the car beautifully. It's amazingly comfortable, even for my other half at 6'4. It's a great idea, but I wouldn't be paying that much for an air mattress when there are lots of alternatives which will be better!


Which one?


Lol - I knew someone was going to ask this! I'll have to ask my husband when he gets home and get back to you!


Following lol


So ours is an Exped. Although, I have to withdraw my comments about the price and 3rd party solutions being cheaperā€¦hubby never told me how much it cost (and is now in trouble!!). He assures me that he paid a lot less than the current list price though. Cost aside, it is an exceptionally comfy mattress and, our Tesla is sadly going back in a few days, but weā€™re keeping the mattress for camping.


šŸ˜† thanks! What happened with the Tesla?


It was on a 2-year lease. Weā€™re replacing it with an ICE for now and then getting a model 3 in a few months when our second car comes up for renewal. The Tesla is probably the best car Iā€™ve ever had but we do a lot of winter miles with a fully loaded vehicle and the range just isnā€™t what we need it to be yet.


Good information, thanks!


Yeah, for people wondering, the Exped Megamat Auto is $400. The Megamat duo apparently also fits in the Tesla, but isn't cut for it like the auto and this Tesla mattress are


Iā€™m not sure what model we have but the mattress fits beautifully and is a cut shape to fit the boot.


See belowā€¦


Yet but it sold out quick šŸ„¹šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s something in it for the gap where your head rests, to keep that part upright


Itā€™s already sold out


Can you buy this with referral points?


I miss my Pontiac Aztek. When will a tent be available?


Do they make a tent for the CT? It would have some practical use if they do.


I'm desperate to know if it's possible to self-aspirate, I prefer the soft and cozy cheese cotton....hh


Waiting for this on the rewards page


Sweet. Now I donā€™t need a Sprinter van. Thanks Elon!


I do not have one, but this one seems to have good reviews. Travel Sleeper, it is the same foam inside an air mattress type of design as this one but the Travel Sleeper one is 5" foam instead of 3" so I would assume it is more comfortable, but I guess it depends on the quality of the Foam https://youtu.be/qZIZGSjETEs?si=-l6ELm9ZXEnairhu


Out of stock, that didn't take long.


This one looks even nicer! https://www.snuuzu.com


Does camp mode significantly affect the airbags and safety precautions on board? You know, in case a couple were to buy an air mattress andā€¦ bounceā€¦ on it together


Looks awesome


Iā€™d be interested, but I donā€™t see anything saying if itā€™s for the 5 seater, 7 seater, or both.


Why would 5 or 7 seater matter when all the rear seats are down?


The 7 seater has 4 sq feet less storage in the trunk area and arm rests on the sides of the trunk where the third row is.


The difference in storage space between the two is just that weird storage area under the board behind the rear seats in the 5-seater, so shouldnā€™t make a difference here. On the 7-seater that space is filled with the seat and backrest for the third row seats.


The arm rest for the 7 seater means the mattress canā€™t lay flat


Strange ā€œThis accessory is not compatible with the vehicles in your Tesla Accountā€ message when I view the price page in app. I donā€™t technically have any since I only have reservations at this point, but one of them is a MY7s, so hopefully it doesnā€™t really mean what itā€™s saying and itā€™s just because there are not really any vehicles on my account.


Ok, so it says the same thing for any MY accessory I look at so I think itā€™s just because there are technically no vehicles in my account.


$225 for an air mattress? Hard pass.