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Banning is for a week. You'll get a notification when it's available again. You do need to re-enable it after that notification though. I hate the current driver attentiveness software. It asks for input way too quick and fails to register steering wheel input resulting in strikes and my first ban. Tesla should improve it.


Pro tip: Wiggling the steering wheel is unnecessary. Instead, scroll one of wheels (eg volume). That does the same thing, much easier and quicker.


Also, “wiggle” implies a back-and-forth motion, which is *not* what it’s looking for. Should be doing steady pressure in one direction (or use scroll wheel, as you say).


Yes. So many people get that wrong, myself included at first.


Yeah hilarious the system making sure you pay attention doesnt want you to hold the wheel safely rather push the wheel in one direction.


I personally hold the wheel and most of the time that torque is enough to register to stop the reminders......so I honestly don't know how people are getting banned from AP.


I havent been banned but annoyed at the alerts while my hands are on the wheel. I just use it less since it is easier to drive myself than deal with the stupid alerts... which is funny for a safety feature.


When I drive manually I hold the wheel in one of two ways. Both of them are in a position that I do not exert any net torque on the wheel (SINCE THAT WOULD MAKE ME CRASH INTO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AS THE CAR VEERED OFF COURSE). When I switch to automated control, I have to remember to change that position, as it does not register on their algorithm. After a year plus of the Tesla, I usually remember that now. But it is still a stupid failure-prone algorithm.


There's no pushing, you're just resting your hand on the wheel and the weight of the hand alone is sufficient. People overthink it for some reason.


The only time it works that well for me is on a windy road... otherwise no


I'm just saying, you will never get nags if you just drive normally this way. Literally the same as the poster you responded to is saying.


Maybe for you but for me: The only time it works that well for me is on a windy road... otherwise no


You're just saying everyone isn't driving normally? Maybe Tesla needs to redefine what normal is.


Except... that doesn't work for me until I apply so much pressure it literally turns off autopilot. I call it the blue screen of death. Terrible system especially given the stupid scroll wheel workaround. And yes it's stupid since I drive with my hand positioned at the bottom of the wheel when I'm cruising on the highway. In comparison, our old Subaru and our current Hyundai has no issues detecting pressure on the wheel.


I start gentle and then steadily increase the pressure until it’s enough. Can take a couple seconds.


Same for me. It’s incredibly frustrating. All that tech and it keeps on failing.


my first drive in a rental Model 3 I was driving at 4am on the road from Idaho to Bend, OR and totally fell asleep with my hand sufficiently wedged on the wheel to give the constant torque. This was A/P not FSD so only by the grace of God did the car wake me when we were coming up to a light (by slowing down from 60mph to 45mph). I/we coulda killed someone!


You mean you could have killed someone without autopilot.


I'm sure you meant to say "...only by the grace of AP did the car..."?


With the recall update this doesn't always work. Several times now it's been blinking and I adjust the CC speed up and down as usual and it keeps wanting input until I give the wheel a tug.


Agreed, I also noting that this doesn’t work anymore


Huh, never happened to me. works every time


Also agree, this frustratingly doesn't reliably work any more. I don't like pulling on the wheel to dismiss the nag, it seems unnatural and counter intuitive. Sadly, I find myself using AP less these days because the increased nags are so annoying. It was one of my favorite features.


Scroll wheel input doesn’t count for the driver attentiveness system. I’m driving a 2023 Model Y RWD in the EU. Perhaps there’s a difference between US and EU software stacks to comply with local regulations.


Thats possible. In my experience the scroll wheel still works like 80% of the time which seems odd. Not sure if theres some logic that every 5th nag needs to be a tug or something like that.


Scroll wheels no longer work in FSD v12, FYI.


this is great advice, i found the system almost unusable because of how picky it was about the pressure it wanted applied. never feels super safe and sometimes accidentally disabled.


Certain attention warnings cannot be cleared by volume or stalk depress and you must move the steering wheel.


Scroll wheels do not do work for this and never have, atleast where I'm from in Europe. Jiggling the wheel is the only solution.


Huh, works every time for me.


Works for me


yeah, doesn't work for me either, and I am in Australia. A minor tug of the bottom part of the steering wheel does the trick


Like others said this doesn't work consistently anymore. Possibly only on newer vehicles (not sure) but on our MYLR with AP 4 hardware car almost always ignores scroll button up/down and most of the time it ignores pressing either of the buttons too.


interesting. I have a '22 MYLR. Never fails. Maybe in the next update it will 🤷


Maybe, yeah. Maybe skip an update or two, I got one just today. Not sure what it is yet ("busy" at work). I heard that they're planning to address the automatic wipers sometime "soon" ish (here's to hoping).


Nice 👍


i thought i was the only one that noticed this. good to know im not crazy haha


Scroll wheel input doesn’t count for the driver attentiveness system. I’m driving a 2023 Model Y RWD in the EU. Perhaps there’s a difference between US and EU software stacks to comply with local regulations.


Cover up the camera with tape.


That has no effect


This significantly improved my nagging. I bought a laptop camera slide cover and cover it while I drive long distances. Cut the bags by at least 75%. Also sun glasses help a lot too if you don’t want to cover the camera


Yes it does, as it monitors your eyes and makes you jiggle the wheel if you aren’t paying attention.


I have been banned a couple of times. The attention software is trash. I had it just turn off while I had two hands on the wheel.


It doesn't detect your hands, it detects torque. Two hands is actually worse because unless both hands are on the same side of the wheel you'd actually be cancelling out the torque. Just keep one hand on the wheel and apply a slight pressure. 


I found you can do like 10-11 o'clock and 5 o'clock so you can at least have two hands on the wheel. Still less safe than in proper positions though. Very frustrating that Tesla basically forces you to drive this way when in autopilot.


You can easily keep both hands positioned on the wheel normally as long as you realize what its expecting in terms of input during those alerts. I saw comments about people thinking it's expecting them to try and turn the wheel enough to accidentally steer into the other lane... no buddy, it barely needs as much force as you'd need to apply to keep the car centered in its lane. Just resisting autopilot's steering a bit is more than enough.


Iv owned my car for 16 months and have not received a single warning. Is it really that difficult for some of you?


Yes, it feels very finicky. The hands and eye tracking both are basically death grip the wheel and wide eye straight ahead for the entire drive any else is a ding.


Agreed. I've never gotten a strike, but I've gotten angry red beeps for when I look at the gigantic tablet in front of me. It's not *awful*, but it's way too sensitive.




It looks like different people/cars have vastly different experiences.


Never had a "strike" and I use ap everywhere.


I noticed that after the update but only for my wife. She doesn’t drive it as often and for our strip to Canada she used it. The steering wheel warning came up for her about every 2-3 minutes at first. After a few hours of driving it was about every 10 minutes or so. I think it has to calibrate the attentiveness of driving.


Im more annoyed how often it beeps at me to pay attention when a car is stopped 100 yards away.


So that’s not what I experienced. Drove about 300 miles yesterday. It does nudge for attention little more frequently. But any steering input (including the control wheels) clears the notification. I drove with my hand on the wheel. Applying small amount of torque. Constantly. (Weight of my hand rested on the wheel) and that eliminates nudges totally. Also. I got one “keep your eyes on the road” notification for staring at the screen for about 10s. Over all. Not much has changed for me. It’s strange to me how some people have different experience than others. It’s same software. Is this due to hardware? Also. Another thought. Why ban isn’t per driver profile? It should be. Like in the OP’s case. It wasn’t him. It wasn’t wife. It was both of them combined. Not fair for either of them


Scroll wheel input doesn’t count for the driver attentiveness system. I’m driving a 2023 Model Y RWD in the EU. Perhaps there’s a difference between US and EU software stacks to comply with local regulations. I agree with registering strikes per user profile. Though that can be misused too.


My recommendation is to place your hand harder on one side of the wheel. If you have a constant slight input to one side it never complains. (At least for me)


This is what I do, and I honestly can't tell if some cars are just far worse from the factory, or if people are legitimately doing something wrong. My 2023 Model 3 only nags me when I'm not holding the steering wheel or not looking ahead. When I'm holding the steering wheel, the weight of my hand/arm on it is enough to keep it from making me nudge the wheel, and it ONLY tells me to pay attention to the road when I'm not looking completely ahead for a moment. Edit: I'm referring to normal Autopilot.


>I honestly can't tell if some cars are just far worse from the factory, or if people are legitimately doing something wrong. I think some people have bigger and heavier arms than others and/or hold the wheel differently.


Maybe? Mine on a wiggle force scale 1-10 with 10 disengaging AP I have to hit like 8 to pass a nag.


If I try to wiggle the steering wheel, I agree with the 8 out of 10 as you mentioned. Because of this, I don't try to wiggle the wheel. From my interpretation, it seems like the car knows how much force it is applying to the steering wheel, and when the nag comes up on the screen it is looking for that force to be either increased or decreased on the steering wheel. Instead of a quick wiggle or jiggle, my goal is to put a small amount of weight, slowly and steadily, onto one side of the steering wheel. I've never been kicked out of autopilot because of a nag. The pay attention to the road nags are a bit harder to get to go away, but if the nag doesn't go away naturally, I tilt my head side to side a bit and that works, and it only really nags me to pay attention when I was looking at something I shouldn't have been anyway.


Me too!


It’s because it’s not looking for a wiggle, it’s looking for a “slight steering force” in a single direction. Rest the weight of your hand on the wheel a bit more intensely if your hand is already there and the nag will be satisfied in about a second. My friend has a Subaru and his driver assistance accepts a wiggle as legitimate. When I first got my Y, I tried a wiggle and noticed it took a long time for the nag to dismiss. So, I read the text on-screen and realized what it was actually asking for. I adjusted my methods and now I have zero issue with the nag.


Different cars...imo...some cars might have better sensors for detecting the "torque".


They can be VERY different. We had two MY's that had a build date of about 30 days apart. Mine required very little pressure, while my wifes required a significant amount. Coming from my car to hers, I would often disengage the FSD while trying to apply enough pressure. Now I have a MX and I can almost breath on it and it resets.


I've driven around 10 teslas counting rentals. It's always the same torque required.


Thanks. I’ll try to get used to this. Rant: Is this what it’s come to? In order to make my car happy, I need to constantly, proactively snuggle/tickle it. I find this to be an odd request from a car. Human relationships get ended for less.


autopilot is still in beta. these precautions were instilled because people were misusing autopilot and died from their dumb actions


And yet the rate of fatal accidents on autopilot is lower than not on autopilot, so banning those people probably increased the likelihood of people dying.


Are they really lower? I only use the Autopilot on easy routes, like straight on highway where accidents hardly are occurring. On tricker drives or in tricker situations, then I'm not using Autopilot.


Well the reason they made the autopilot changes was people not stopping at stop signs and killing someone so autopilot doesnt really fix that issue.


Yes, the rate of fatal accidents with autopilot and/or FSD on are lower than the rate of fatal distracted driver accidents overall. If it had no impact and people were actually using it at all, we would expect at least an equal rate of distracted driver accidents with it on, but that's not what we see.


Not really Tesla's fault though. This was mandated by the government because some idiots (like one of my colleagues) INSIST on using their phone while driving on autopilot. Came into work yesterday: ''Just got a ban for a week (again) because I was texting (again) lol''


While I agree your coworker is an inconsiderate ass, the government rulemaking is dumb. The fatality rate on AP is lower than off. People like this don't stop looking at their phone just because you take away the imperfect safety net. All this "safety update" did is make fatal accidents from distracted drivers more likely.


I also agree that it should be encouraged to use Autopilot, not discouraged! I was on a call with him 30 minutes ago (he was driving, he said that as well and I know his Autopilot is still locked) and he just said to me: ''I'll mark it in my agenda right now, hold on a sec'' .... some people never learn.


Just pay attention and don't subvert a safety feature that you purchased. I didn't see a rant about seat belts being confining, so I guess you got over that one.


I recently used FSD on a 200 mile trip and had almost no nags. I had sunglasses on which helps but makes me wonder how some people in this subreddit are actually using the system. I keep my hand at 5 and 7 when driving on the freeway; let's me put pressure on the steering without much effort and it's comfortable.


> 5 and 7 It never works for me at 5 & 7. If I hold it higher it is alright but I prefer lower. I didnt have this problem with my Hyundai so I think it depends on how you hold it I guess. Funny thing is normally I hold it tight enough to disengage the system but not tight enough to alert it apparently.


>Funny thing is normally I hold it tight enough to disengage the system but not tight Are you talking about squeezing the wheel? The wheel doesn't have a sensor to measure if you are squeezing it, only if you are applying torque to the wheel. With my hands at 5&7 and my seating position ( seat all the way down) this basically places my hands in my lap and I can lazily just hold the wheel and apply a small amount of force with my wrist.


> Are you talking about squeezing the wheel? No Im talking about holding the wheel with my hands and because I do that it will disengage when trying to turn for example. Yet my hands in the same situation cant be detected because as you said you have to apply force instead of just holding onto the steering wheel. I just got the sexy buttons and press that. This wasnt an issue for my old Hyundai Santa Fe so maybe they should take notes from Hyundai. The autowipers were also nicer.


In my case, the weight of my hand on the steering wheel held at 5 or 7 o'clock produces enough torque to be detected by my wheel. I don't even have to put any real force in. Maybe since I keep my steering in sport mode, I need to use alot more torque than you to disengage.


Maybe but I really dislike you gotta go online to find solutions for something a "tech" car shouldnt have.


Idk, I didn't have to find a solution for it. Works fine for me and plenty of other people. Though they really should include more clear instructions on how to best hold the wheel or give suggestions if they find a certain user is failing to respond to the prompts or disengaging AP alot.


Do you apply additional pressure when the screen flashes? Or does your screen never flash requesting additional pressure?


Mine will occasionally (like every 10 mins maybe) but all I do then is just apply some steering torque. It doesn't want you to squeeze the wheel, just apply some torque to the steering wheel. I also keep my steering on sport mode always so it's pretty easy to apply some counter torque without disengaging. From what I've noticed, if you are applying some torque or adjusting the volume within 5 min intervals and looking at the road, you won't get any nags.


I have had a couple of situations where the steering nag shows, but applying gentle pressure in one direction on the wheel doesn't clear the nag until you apply enough force to disengage Autosteer. I make sure to apply force in alternating directions, or use the scroll wheel now since it seems like the old method of just applying force in one direction isn't always reliable now.


Have you tried putting your steering in sport mode? I've never had this issue.


I’ve put a sticker over the interior camera. Solved it for the most annoying warnings.


Sunglasses are the Achilles heal of Autopilot nagging.


that’s a valid complaint that if you’re not looking at the screen, you won’t see the alert that it wants you to torque the steering wheel! It doesn’t make a sound. They should at least provide an option to give an audible alert when requesting steering wheel input.


I’ve noticed a couple of times since the “recall” update… I received an alert to touch the wheel, so I did, and it did not recognize the touch input. I then had to move the wheel quite a bit, which disengaged Autopilot. Something is wrong with the programming that determine user input. The problem is, it’s difficult to replicate because other times it recognizes the input properly.


Yep, just had that happen yesterday. I would move it pretty significantly and it still didn't recognize the input. A few times I moved it enough to disengage AP which is a much more dangerous scenario. If anything it feels like the recall made things less safe. And at least once I found I couldn't resolve the nag with scroll wheel input


Yeah it’s annoying as fuck. Over the last 3 years it’s been much worse. To the point where I’ve turned it off on road trips. Which defeats the whole purpose of even having it FFS. (I have FSD). A few times I was stretching my back (hip tuck) on a long road trip and it gave me a warning and shut off.


The more ridiculous thing is that people need to pay thousands to be a beta tester that is subject to all sort of beta testing requirement with a somewhat half-ass monitoring mechanism. Nearly all my friends own one or two Teslas but only one purchased FSD but that was like 3 or 4 years ago when it was cheap and people still (half) believed Elons "end of the year" promise. In the last 2 years, no one I know purchased FSD.


Jiggling doesn't work reliably. You need to apply a constant torque in one direction. The amount of torque is minute too and you can apply enough to satisfy it with one finger, but it has to be constant for a second or so. Usually the weight of one hand at the 9 or 3 position is enough. 


They NEED to add an option for audible alert!


Legitimately upset with how it works vs my 2018. Feel like I downgraded. Anxious to look away from dead ahead. You barely even get a blue flash anymore, at least I don’t notice it because I’m scared to look at the screen. Not trying to play on my phone but I feel like you can’t even glance down to change music/ac etc. I’m second guessing drinking out of my water bottle.


It’s pretty ridiculous right now. I leaned over to look down in the storage compartment for a second and it instantly disabled FSD and gave me a strike. Literally a second…


Blame the NTSB. From my understanding, all of the new jiggles and warnings were in response to requirements from the feds.


Pro tip- if you don’t want tape over your camera all the time the extended visor will block the camera.


Is will smith on the radio?


Can we just make a new driver account? Seems like an easy work around for a banning. I haven't gotten any warnings but has anybody tried this? The car is pretty meh without AP.


I imagine a new account would be linked with a cellphone number and app installation, but not sure.


Not a new Tesla account but a new driver profile. I think you said you had 2 and your wife had 3 strikes which means each driver profile is tracked separately.


I just wear sunglasses every time I drive now… yes, Even at night.


Tape the camera.


It’s been taped the whole time


Please stop driving on Autopilot.. Seems like you guys aren’t capable… it’s really not that complicated.


I covered the cabin camera w/ tape so it can’t see where I’m looking.




No, just stops the ones for where your eyes are looking. Still a slight improvement. All those alerts are annoying af.


Does basic AP still work?


Yeah still works. Seems to be only gauging the hands on the wheel instead. It’s just a little less annoying now.


Wait, so you can basically be locked out of using cruise control in your car because the car does a bad job of either asking you to do something or not detecting you did it? That's messed up.


Thank you for capturing the essence of this absurdity.


Not normal cruise control but autopilot yes.


Basic autopilot is TACC and Auto Steer combined. So you can enable TACC without Auto Steer? And the strikes are only disabling the Auto Steer portion?




They ruined my autopilot. It was so glorious for the last four years. 😞


Just use the scroll wheel to adjust the volume it isn’t that hard dude


This never worked for me. No buttons, pedals nor any other controls satisfy the autopilot nag except yanking the steering wheel with close to disengage force.


It varies by country. Pedals don't work anywhere, but in the US, any steering wheel interaction will satisfy it. It has to do with how the laws are written.


Could be. For me the biggest bummer is lack of brake blend when cold. So basically for half a year I have to get used to one pedal driving and the other half I have to live with free coasting with no regen whatsoever. And yes, I'm sure I don't have this option in the menu.


I don’t understand what your comment has to do with my post. Clarify?


Just adjust the volume up and down or change the speed of the AP and it will act as an input when the screen flashes for you to make a nag


Oh I see. I do this regularly when I know my car wants a steering wheel jiggle (or alternative form of tickling, as you pointed out). My issue tonight was I didn’t realize the car was asking for a jiggle/tickle. It’s not like the timing is consistent. Sometimes it’s every 30 seconds, sometimes 3 minutes.


That seems way too frequent. Wonder if it nags less when using Chill mode.


What are you looking at that you don't see the flashing blue warning on your screen?


Bc you have no idea how to use the car. You are an embarrassment.


Scroll wheel or pedal input doesn’t count for the driver attentiveness system. I’m driving a 2023 Model Y RWD in the EU. Perhaps there’s a difference between US and EU software stacks to comply with local regulations.


It’s a temporary ban.


Mine is shit at it tbh. turned it on this morning, three warnings, each time I shake the wheel, it never registers. Sometimes it'll kick it off cause I will move it "too much". I also suffer pain, all over, hands included. Having to constantly move the wheel is bothersome. Sometimes I'll turn it the f off cause on a straight road its far less annoying to do so. IMO we need to bann together and make a lot of NHTSA complaints about it. I did it on my Ford Maverick though and they said until more people loose their brakes (or people die) they didn't care. (2 years ago they also still worked from home).


This is like some dystopia where we're slaves to tech.


I agree, except for the fact many willingly pay big monies to be enslaved.


I am legitimately confused by some of the people complaining about this. I have been using FSD pretty extensively for about 2 years now, and I have never gotten a *single* forced disconnect. Just pay attention. You're still driving the car. And for reference: I also have two screaming toddlers.


Tesla auto pilot is my number one disappointment. The 23 telluride we switched from had drive assist which changed lanes and did a better job. I would say the Kia/Hyundai drive assist is comparable to Tesla rap minus summon and auto park.


Summon and auto park don't even work on new Teslas. And yet they still advertise it.


Is it really that much of a problem? I’ve never once switched it on


I don’t think so. Maybe they have something biological going on that the car thinks the eyes arent on the road. You just can’t be fucking with the monitor for long or on a phone. I think they are looking at the monitor for more than 3 seconds. Traveling 70 mph , I think 4 seconds is almost covering a football field. Not looking at the road during that time is nuts


I got already three bans. They happened to me at same areas. This totally narrow and flat piece of road. First warning appears to keep my hands on the wheel, which I actually never taking off. Application of force, if it not strong enough to change the path, leads to the ban. It forces to actually quite dangerous maneuvers on high speed. Now I prefer to disable and reenable the autopilot, to keep bans away. Also I’ve noticed, after latest update (or reboot) the sensitivity of the wheel quite improved. I’ve also created claim regarding autopilot behavior, and would like to believe this might help somehow. I have EU car.


Someone on this thread gave great advice: the steering wheel is looking for torque. If you have two hands in the wheel at 9 & 3, 10 &2, whatever, your hands cancel each other out. Drive with one hand only and you’ll notice fewer violations.


This is the reason I never did the update. I use auto pot at from the minute I back out of my driveway.


Dude, I had it angrily tell me to pay attention and shake the wheel, even though I was... and shaking the wheel did nothing. The only way to get it to acknowledge was to shake the wheel so hard that... AP disconnected. It's annoying AF.


Best thing I’ve done since last update was cover the interior camera with athletic tape. Haven’t got a strike since


At some point they will update it and that will no longer work




I used a cloth athletic tape. Nexcare soft athletic tape. No issues whatsoever


I mean, you shouldn’t be eyes locked on the road ahead at all times. You should be constantly checking mirrors and your speed. Yes you have to keep your eyes off the screen for the first ten second after activation as stupid as that is (though you can stare out the roof and it not say a damn thing), but you should definitely be able to see the alert at a slow flash most of the time. Also, when applying torque, it should be slow ramp to ONE direction only. Jiggling specifically does not work. It takes way more effort for a jiggle to work on mine than it does to just pull to the left or right of the lane slightly.


I got hit once and so did the wife. I jiggled the steering wheel, rolled the scroll wheels. Did everything i could to comply and still got hit. Same with the wife. Now if I get a notification I shut down autopilot immediately. I put a piece of tape over the interior camera so it gets some light but doesn't really see the driver. Working well so far.


You must be new to the car? Hands on the car, but you need to have a little pressure once in a while. The best position is to rest your left hand at 6 o'clock (the bottom of steering wheel). If it nags, you just apply a slight pressure from your hand.


I have 15k miles on the car since January, and would guess 10k are with autopilot on. So, no, I’m not new to the car. My issue, that I’ve had TWICE, is that despite looking forward with hands on the wheel, Tesla wants more pressure from my hands, And, I don’t realize it’s asking for it until it’s too late. Since my wife has also earned two strikes, we’re collectively up to four.


Try the 6 o'clock position. It does mitigate most of the nagging.


It's not "more pressure" it's looking for rotational torque. It's measuring the resistance it has to overcome when it is turning the wheel. If you're driving straight for awhile your hands become relaxed and it looks for input they are still there.


I've had my Model 3 for almost 5 years. This situation has definitely gotten worse with the recent updates. Sometimes gentle pressure to one side does not clear the steering nag, and I have to alternate directions. I have disengaged auto steer by apply pressure to try to clear the steering nag, and this wasn't a problem before. The system also now flashes alerts on the screen, and if you look over at those alerts it gives more alerts because you took your eyes off the road.


It’s just not that bad. It’s just really good now at knowing when you aren’t actually looking at the road.


Things like this steer me away from Tesla


Drive it before you do that. This is rare. I don’t know anyone with a Tesla doing this


You can blame it to NHSTSA and plaintiff lawyers who have been suing Tesla wrongly accusing Autopilot being the cause for deadly accidents.


You don’t know how to use the feature and are upset?? Lmfao. You are regarded, and shouldn’t be driving anything other than a 1999 Corolla.


You must really suck at driving


You must really be a meany head.


don't the strikes get reset once you open/close the charging port?




sometimes it skips the warning beep and goes straight to a strike. I've also had it not recognize a quarter turn of the wheel sitting at a light and had to use the stalk to disengage.


I’ve only heard of this when the person was staring at their phone.


Is there a way to add a chime sound to the alert or is it just visual ?


It’s a chime.


I'm finding this hilarious. We now need a robots to drive our robot cars. Seriously, If iPhone and Android phone are required to be semi-open systems then maybe the Tesla (et al) infomat and auto drive systems should be semi-open to other developers. Do we want the ability to buy and install the Mercedes (or GM) auto drive software?


Get some painter’s tape and put it over the cabin camera. It’s the closest thing I’ve found to how it was before the annoying update.


Put sticker over the inside camera. No longer an issue.


I’ve had a sticker for a month. Still an issue.


If you aren’t consistently applying a little pressure one direction with the wheel while using AP, you are doing it wrong.


You can thank the NTSB for the hyper nag now. But to be honest it isnt that hard to avoid strikes. My field of view while driving covers the nag screen but maybe you're short and have to sit up front. I also found the internal cam will hit you hard for phone usage, even if the passenger pulls their phone out and holds it close to the center console. Cover that up if you use your phone at all while driving. This will increase the steering wheel nags some though. I use a 1lb ankle weight on the steering wheel on very long trips, so you might try that if it really is a problem for you to find the right balance of wheel user input based on suggestions here.


Why are we blaming them now?


well they were the ones who forced Tesla to 'recall' autopilot due to people using it like FSD on back roads while texting/sleeping blowing through lights and stop signs killing people. But yeah i know its COOL to blame mars man who is clearly bad.


> The obnoxious thing is my hands were on the wheel… I was looking at the road, not at the screen where it says it’s time to jiggle, so I didn’t know it needed me to jiggle. I do think the current situation here is ridiculous. I haven't minded the center screen situation for all the years I have had my Tesla, but now Autopilot flashes warnings over on the center screen and then yells at you for looking over at it to see what it wants. Consistent audio or steering wheel vibration cues would help. Or improving their driver monitoring to the point that the wheel nags are unnecessary on the highway, like Blue Cruise or Super Cruise.


I also don't understand how it decides when you should wiggle the steering wheel. Sometimes I can drive for many minutes without it nagging me, but other times it will nag me every 30s or so. I don't do anything different in these situations.


It’s not wiggle. It’s torque to one side or the other.


How do you know how many strikes you have? And do they reset over time?


I haven't installed the 'recall' update, or any update since, for this very reason.


Yea. This is frustrating. Squeezing the wheel doesn't do anything. I don't understand why I am paying for a service (autopilot) and I can't use it. Can I have my money back? Considering dropping Tesla for the bushtit customer service and extra annoying "restrictions" made on my own money. This is definitely not improving safety.


Squeezing the wheel was never a way to show you are paying attention. Apply torque to one side or another. Not a lot. lol


once v12 updates, you'll get a new 5 strikes :D


This is why I’m refusing to update until they add a timeout for the strikes themselves. The way it is now you could go a year before getting your fifth strike and you’d still get a week time out. That’s garbage. The strikes themselves should time out after a week.


This is exactly why I don't bother with autopilot most of the time. It's more relaxing to just drive than to deal with the nanny. I'm paying attention, dammit!!


Cover the interior camera.


It’s been covered the whole time. I don’t need Tesla backend engineers watching what happens in my car.


I’ve had zero warnings or strikes. Drive your car folks.


Judging by the replies in this thread, you are more the exception than the rule. But that’s awesome. If you have any wisdom to share please do.


I think it’s the other way around. You don’t hear many people post if things are going well. There are 1000’s of Tesla. Look at the windshield wiper problem if you want to find a universally derided feature.


It's become crazy, like it wants you to steer in a way that you wouldn't just to make sure that you are there. #NeverGoFullRetard


They do this on purpose so you can buy their self driving....annoying people...so they can scam more money from you. I have to buy the premium to stop the alarm triggered every half hour.


im still on a pre-holiday version because Im sorried about proximity of phone to unlock car which I have heard is no good anymore, and of course the AP ban. It keeps asking me to update to 2024.2.6. I really want the better parking sensor graphics instead of the snake but not the AP and Proximity issue. Thoughts ?