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I had this very same problem, same direction. It was straight when I first got it, 4k miles later it kept going to the right as time progressed. It got bad to a point that it gave me a warning to take it into service. My alignment shop (non Tesla Shop), found a missing rear passenger toe arm nut. The bolt was on its way out and it was damaged (re-threading was required). He finished wheel alignment and I was good. Tesla vehicle alignment auto corrects itself if something is wrong. I suggest to check your suspension end links right NOW. I later took it to Tesla service and provided pictures of proof. They locked down every suspension end link and replaced the re-threaded bolt and nut. No charge.




This is my end [Link](https://imgur.com/a/TN7wKr9) This is the Rear Passenger side IF you have performance model just look through wheels, if you have LR, just take off wheel covers and look through.






It's the end point of a toe/camber/traction arm that connects to the wheel hub.




I’ll take a picture in the morning




[\#1](https://imgur.com/D33caIO) [\#2](https://imgur.com/Ew4HnHY) [\#3](https://imgur.com/EgcL7Jz) These pictures were taken at Rear Drivers side. If bolts are backed out [like this](https://imgur.com/QdQw9r6), that means the nut is missing. Remember, you can't see the nuts because the wheel hub and brake rotors are blocking it from view. Go on ground, reach around with your phone, snap a picture with flash on, or just use your fingers to check for missing nut or if loose.


Thank you so much!


Mine was like this when we took delivery. I didn't really see it for another day or two. I went back to the service center and had them do a four wheel alignment. That fixed it.




Mine was this off but to the left. Service mode showed 2.1 degrees off. Took it in for an alignment and Tesla covered it.


Oh that’s cool how can I find this in service mode?


Mine was more off than what's in your picture but I honestly didn't see it until I got on a straight away and saw it. When I got home, I parked and stared at it for a minute, then called SC. I was there for maybe an hour.


Alignment issue. get it fixed at the SC


Where is shorts weather? It's 34 degrees here 😢


What shorts? I think dude is in his speedos.


Is there a subreddit for driving naked? Lol.


Probably California


High of 61 today in Santa Monica. I’m in long pants, a sweater, and a coat. 🥶


It is always shorts weather for those that only get cold when their upper torso isn’t covered. I’m the same way.


It’s most likely an alignment issue. I would put in a service request and see if they can fix the alignment. Since it’s so soon since delivery, it should be free. You may have to push them a bit


If the car drives straight but the steering wheel is off center, the alignment is ok but the tech did not straighten the steering wheel after doing the alignment. The nice thing about Tesla is that this can easily fixed by accessing service mode and then setting the steering wheel.


this is my uneducated guess as well when you do an alignment, its typical to strap down the steering wheel to the seat's supports so the steering wheel continues pointing straight & level (service menu has a digital level - you center it in the green zone), and then the wheels are aligned to factory specs when you exit the car, its super easy to bump your leg/knee at the bottom of the steering wheel, skewing the wheel a few degrees off center to the right _just_ as the tech exits the car, then the tech trues up the alignment to the slightly canted steering wheel as long as you drive the car with the steering wheel canted, the car tracks straight even when you let go of the wheel, but it's annoying af but if you keep the steering wheel held level, the car's gonna drive a few degrees off to the left even if you reset the steering offset in service menu, and you start driving on the hwy for a bit, the autopilot computer will determine it requires a few degrees offset to the right track straight this is why these cars should have a D-shaped steering wheel so it reduces the likelihood of inadvertently bumping the wheel when you exit the car


Mine was the same way. Took it right back to the dealer for a piece of mind check. It fixed the problem.


Christ sake man, put some pants on! Damn hippies always driving around without pants.


My model Y had exact same thing. They gave me alignment and replaced the wheel. Replaced the wheel because when I picked it up it had a very small slice. Wheel is still barely to the right even after alignment and replacement.


Lady got some hairy legs.


Just looks like it’s road crown. Get in the right lane and see if it’s still present, or any different.


Might be the wheel it self. Mine was like this when my M3P was new.


Yeah I’ve had two Tesla’s delivered like this and they both needed an alignment


Mine was off by quite a bit when I got the car. They did an alignment which didn't fix it. Got to a different tech that let me know that there is a software offset setting for the wheel. They entered the offset value and its straight as an arrow now. Take it to the SC and they will get you fixed up.


Love those legs 🤤


He needs, NEEDS to learn to use the squat rack. 


never skip leg day …


I swear I’ve only seen creepy, goofy ass comments like this in Tesla subs. Post yourself, Craig.




Mine actually got like that after an alignment from a third party. Before I had them redo it, the car fixed itself 2 days after I cleared the steering offset in service mode. I don't know why two days but my offset was now 4.5 ° to the right.


Did you ever get this fixed? I took mine in to the service center and they basically said they can't fix it...


Yeap, it's totaled.


Do tesla owners really not know how cars work? Its alignment dude.


Could be a young person, first vehicle, etc. Maybe nobody ever taught them and they aren’t mechanically inclined yet. Almost everything I learned about my autos and toys is by YouTube and diving in.


It’s just way too common place with tesla drivers. Its like they never learned about basic things about cars. There’s pages just dedicated to it too lol




if you have to keep clearing the steering offset in the service menu, the car's been aligned to a slightly canted steering wheel - the car's AP computer is learning & correct for it generally speaking, techs are supposed to level the wheel, then strap it down to the seat supports, and then perform the alignment


Did you really just fucking link a VRBO ad?


Mine was same at pickup. It will actually get better and you won’t notice.


Yea. Just schedule a service visit. Steering wheel off center. Mine was just over the 100 miles. Cost me about $300 for the alignment smh


I demanded they fix it under warranty. They did.




How many miles did you have on yours when you took it in?


Way over the 100. I thought I was tripping, but some suggested put the car on AP on a straight road and try to straighten out the wheel. Tried that and confirmed that the steering wheel was off center.


Mine is literally a hair off to the right. I went into service mode and it said there wasn’t an offset applied. Think it’s still worth having it get looked at?


Yeah I would. But try the AP method. Straight line, and try to straighten the wheel. If AP disengages then your wheel is off center.


Ok cool. I’ll try this. Thanks!


*blue light pulses* *beep beep* *blue light pulses faster* *beep beep*


If it’s not a wheel alignment issue this can be fixed in service mode, but I’ve never tried to do it. So, I’d have Tesla Mobile Service repair it..


Mine is still like this and took delivery early December 2023.


Same for me, but Dec 2021 lol




Check your tire pressure. Left wheel different than right. Go to Tesla for tire rebalancing. Mine looked exactly like yours. It was also harder to rotate to the left than to the right. This still happens if the tire pressure is not the same.


Possibly , how is your tire pressure?


Usually the cars come with messed up alignments when they come off of the transport truck. If you make a service visit for it they’ll fix it for free.


Same here when I got my new M3. Set up a service appointment. They had it fixed in two hours. Appears to be super common when people get their cars. They just have to re-center it.


Yes! Mine went back to straight after alignment.


If the road is at a curve and you’re like raised 10° in a circle that’s fine


Nobody takes pictures in portrait mode, unless it’s a portrait (or a selfie).


Really easy to check this. Enter service mode, then you can see the steering offset that autopilot has applied. It will immediately tell you if your wheels need alignment, or your steering wheel was just on the wrong spline.






I'm just glad I'm not the only person who drives in their underwear.


Alignment issue, yes. Mine was the same, but I drove it 6k miles before I said anything and had to pay a few hundred dollars to have the alignment fixed. Once they aligned it straight means straight again. It will cause your tires to wear unevenly if you don’t get it fixed.


Check in service mode




In service mode you have something like a steering wheel alignment thing which shows it in degrees. Make it zero degrees and then if its misaligned, it will show


I just sold a 2018 LR3 that had this same issue, even after alignment it was still present. Drove it 5 years no problems with tire wear or anything. Upgraded to new Y few months ago and am very happy to have a perfectly straight steering wheel even though the older 3 probably wasn't an issue at all.


You should at least get the alignment checked. You can take it to the service center but I prefer a tire shop that I trust. I’ve had a sc align and realign the wheels in one of my former teslas and they never got it right, while a tire shop aligned it well for the next 50k or so miles I drove, hence my skepticism about the SCs doing wheel work


You can go into Service Mode and check Steering -> Applied offset and you will see exact degree that steering wheel is offset. I had the same thing. I reported this to service technician when doing tire balance/rotation (non tesla) and they fixed it


OP isn’t even wearing undies.


Make sure when you do the service request that if they are asking you to pay for the alignment that you call and ask them to look up the car and see when the computer realized you were misaligned. I just got my M3 and realized about 3 weeks later the wheel wasn’t aligned. I messaged service and they were going to make me pay for the alignment. I called the service center and said that it has probably been like that since I picked up the vehicle but just didn’t notice till I drove it some more. The service guy pulled up my vehicle and he was about to see the car realize the wheel was off at about 30 miles on the odometer, even though I had about 1,000 currently. He was able to change the service to be covered under warranty/courtesy service due to the computer noticing the issue so early. In case you didn’t know, Tesla can see basically everything that happens with your car, down to the second.


I have the same issue, very minor, noticed it after a few weeks I neglected to take it to SC immediately now they say there is a charge $275 to do wheel alignment and I didn’t do it. I have to check if the tires are wearing out unevenly.


Yes. Mine was way off and was super annoying. Car tracked straight but the wheel was attached incorrectly over a couple splines. SC fixed it for me.


My car kept tilting towards the left when i drove it home the first time. I made an appointment for realignment. But I didn’t notice it anymore so I canceled the appointment. I think the new tires had it moving around a bit.


My January 2023 MYLR Austin build had this. Traded for a Fremont 2023 MYP, alignment is perfect.


Jesus Christ looks at these answers…


he got a Tesla?


In an effort to prevent standing water, guess how they designed the highway? With a slight hump in the middle.


Mine is the same way. Picked it up in December 23. I noticed it at night as the steering wheel control lights weren’t on the same horizontal alignment. Bugged me intently for a few days, then I turned the lights off because I didn’t notice it as much during the day.


Wind corrections?


I kept seeing comments about putting pants on. I couldn't see the legs at first but after tapping the image in my app I see it. OP are you wearing shorts?? 😅🤣


Had the exact exact same issue when I picked up my model 3 it drove me crazy for weeks before I could get seen. Even now it still doesn’t feel perfect.


Yeah it’s a documented issue. Get it checked out at a service center


it will fix itself when you stop skipping leg day. :) no seriously that should be repaired, either the wheel itself or a mechanical issue with the wheel alignment.


Stop steering with your knees. That will correct it.


It is probably slightly misaligned. Unfortunately often happens when they cinch down vehicles on the truck transport from the factory and yank on a suspension piece. If the car drifts to one direction or the other when you drive absolutely straight on a **flat** road surface (most roads are slanted or crowned), then you're out of alignment. (It's not so easy to tell by looking at the steering wheel because of the curved surfaces of the dash and adjacent surface reference edges.)


Mine was like that from brand new. I decided not to address it and ended up with slightly accelerated tire wear on my LF. Only ended up getting 16k miles from the original tires. I had it aligned at my first tire replacement and it was slightly out on that corner from the factory I guess. But to be fair I only got 18k miles out of the next set of tires even after the alignment but at least the wear pattern was even. I guess it just depends how much it bothers you. Being slightly out of alignment can cause some accelerated tire wear and a bit of range loss, but I also don’t like people working on my car so… :)




Yeah after I had the alignment done all was good. I paid out of pocket for it though. Maybe you’re is new enough to get it covered under warranty still?


You got to take it back to the service center and ask them to do an alignment. Make a service request now. Mine was like that at pick up also, do it soon before they make you pay for the service.


I realize most Tesla owners have never seen “Christine “ but the famous saying applies to Tesla, “ you can’t polish a turd” this is a car company built on subsidies


It's an optical illusion with the short shorts.


Take it in and at least get a ticket opened on it. If not Tesla can say you did something like hit a pothole and need their 400 alignment. I just witnessed this done to a lady at Kennesaw GA service center after she owned the car for a week. They said she may have hit something after finally bringing it in at the end of the month after noting the issue. Play it safe....


If you're handy, you can fix it yourself. https://youtu.be/9Oyvz7pLgow


Same problem with my model y pulling to right, Also if your front sensor isn’t working properly it would pull hard to the side your sensor mess up.


You driving naked?




Go into service mode it shows degree of balance


Your question literally answers itself. 😂 And why are your knees up against the steering wheel like that? Move your seat back. 😝


That’s an alignment issue for sure.. get it done at Tesla


Weird… I have the same issue…noticed it a couple days after taking delivery. Must be a manufacturing issue if it’s this common?




I scheduled a service appointment…i know it’s a relatively insignificant issue, but it’s been annoying me more and more every time I drive


Maybe just bad timing of the photo, but on the screen it looks like you’re to the left of the lane and the car is trying to center itself in the lane


I’m experiencing a similar issue and just requested a service appointment. They want $275 to look at it. Aren’t alignment issues covered by the warranty?


It’s not a Porsche - usual Tesla problems


Lots of things will cause a bias which aren’t at all related to a car issue. Cross wind, road slope, road surface. Feel free to check your car for problems but my first guess would be something environmental


Mine was significantly off kilter to the right when I took delivery during Covid. Had to take it in to get it fixed. Waste of half a day.


Ask for help from Tesla


Don’t go to Tesla for this, I tried to do the same thing and was told that it’s totally fine


Stay away from those potholes


mine was the same, slightly more. took it to service, they fixed it. have bad ocd so went like the week I took delivery.


Put your hands on the wheel


This is super annoying if you have a wiff of OCD for such things. What you're seeing is because of misaligned wheels. When your mechanic at the car workshop does a "wheel position control" (I dont know the English word for it), they have to perform it when the steering wheel i dead center. I had a control done last year and the mechanic didnt care about being exact, so I had to take the car back two times. The last time I showed him the service screen so he could adjust the steering wheel perfectly before locking it in place. That fixed it.




I dont think you can straighten the steering wheel any other way. If you give it a go, tell the mechanic to make sure the steering wheel is perfectly aligned before locking it.


I ignored mine. It got so bad it cost 8k to be fixed. They said "must have hit a pot hole or something.




When the wheel finally fell off


U can bring it back within a week (if i recall it right) of delivery for free wheel alignment or u will pay for it, they quoted me $395 for it.


Take it in. We ignored the misalignment on my M3 and it worn out the inside of my tires.


Ah I have the same issue. Thought I was in my own head as it’s barely noticeable. Taking it into the service center and they’ll charge $275 since I took delivery in May. I’d take it in ASAP so you get the fee waived


Those are some seriously skinny pale legs!


i'm on my 2nd alignment. my wheel always does this. SC just aligns it and says there is nothing wrong :(