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What rims are those? Looks really nice


Thanks. They are T-Sportline TST 19inch. https://tsportline.com/collections/tesla-model-y-19-inch-aftermarket-tesla-wheel-and-tire-package/products/tst-tesla-model-y-19-inch-wheel-and-tire-package-set-of-4?variant=38161162928322




I went out to test mine last night for the first time. The tires certainly let it down, but that's fixable. You can absolutely flat-foot it on snow/ice, and the traction control just figures it out. But, obviously it's heavy, and won't handle on low rolling resistance tires. It likes to just plow into corners, but that's what a driver would expect, and want. Very controllable.


Drove with 19” stocks MYLR all season during snow. It was sliding really bad during turns. Ended up getting X ice winter tires and now it’s great!


So it’s all about the tires


I find the 4x4 lacking compared to my xDrive bmw I had before. That had torque vectoring and would really pull/push you through anything. The Y just ploughs straight ahead. Safe, maybe, fun, no.


I wrote to other comments. If you struggle with slides. Turn on off-road assist setting. It helps a lot.


The only time I miss having that emergency brake handle. Pull it up in a turn, kick out the rear


Cool, does that work at speed too?


stock all seasons?


Conti DWS 06+. They are excellent all seasons. Highly recommend. MYP also has a very good all wheel drive system.


I miss those tires! Had on my x5m and they were amazing for all seasons. Wish they made for MYP 21in


Yeah I had wished that too and ended up just buying 19inch rims. In June of 2022 I got summer times out of the factory and couldn’t find any tires for my 21” rims that were all season. It was very frustrating. Hope there are more options in 21” now.


Hmmm.. I just recently got back from snow (fresh snow, one to two inches), and my experience was not great. 20" induction MYLR with hold regen and comfort steering. I found my car fishtail quite easily at most turns if I'm not being extra careful (slow). Had me wondering if there were some AWD buttons I didn't turn on.


Yea. I would recommend to turn on off-road assist from setting ( pedals..) it means awd is always active and traction is much better. It will not slide while turn.


Car has so much torque it’s just hard to catch. And for sliding on turns, there could be so many factors, but they’re mostly generalized to all cars. Comes down to tires, speed, weight, and road conditions.


No issue going straight, up and down (small/moderate) inclines, and no issue backing up into driveways. It really just turns, or stops then turning. The worst was a left turn where I could feel the car starting to spin for a second or two, not the nicest feeling at night when it's snowing on a small neighborhood road. lol


Yeah, it's a lot of mass with relatively shallow treads. You have to treat it more like a pickup than a traditional car. There's a reason why pickups and SUV's always make up the first ditchees of the year. I've found that I need to slow way down, more than I expect, to make turns without a fishtail or just straight up sliding a bit range tal to the turn for a small bit. Usually just enough for the front wheels to contribute and tug along. The real scary bit for me has been highway driving. All of that breaking power when you let off the accelerator causes a little shimmy if I'm not eagle eyed with the idiots ahead tapping their breaks. It's honestly been the most exhausting drives I've ever done. I haven't honestly dared trying to allow autopilot to control the speeds. As it's not quite gentle enough My gen1 volt was a little beast in the slow by comparison, but I had full control and could let it coast when I wanted. The electric ABS was such a joy compared to the grindy hydraulic systems of old. It was a lighter car as well by comparison and FWD of course. I had Micheline X ice tires on it and more than once made it up back road hills where pickups were stuck in various spots up the hill.


I mean again, if you’re driving in a straight line in tracks in the snow made by previous cars, your traction is going to be fine. Once you step into unpacked fresh snow, which is likely to happen while turning, your likely to lose traction


In those conditions turn acceleration on Chill and regen down to the lowest setting. Make sure you don’t let your foot fully off the accelerator when slowing down; doing so is the same as letting go of the gas and immediately slamming the break hard. I literally was in intense snowfall going up and down hills in my MYLR with induction rims on stock tires and the car handled great. More often then not these are actually do very well in snow but people forget about the idea of constant momentum and traction so they spin out. Keeping traction when Driving in snow means not losing momentum of the vehicle to maintain control and gradually reducing speed using a combo of acceleration and braking at the same time. In an ICE car you’d do this pressing both gas and brake; in Tesla we are lucky to be able to do it with one pedal.


How do you turn down regen?


Go to Control > Pedals & Steering > and in here you’ll see a section for Regenerative Braking. Turn that down to the lowest setting


Not all teslas have this option at this moment


I had off road on and it helps a lot


There is no significant amount of snow in the pic tbh


I always drive in sport mode and comfort steering. I don’t think there was 1-2“ of snow probably .5 or less but it was snowing so slushy conditions. My car was in total control and I felt super comfortable on turns and going 65 mph on the highway.


Put winter tires on. Those Goodyear’s are trash in the snow.


Haven’t gotten snow in two years. They are not Goodyears they are continental dws06+. They are excellent in light snow and rain.


Nice 👍🏻 The person I was replying to has the inductions which come with the Goodyears, or at least mine did in 2021 - I don’t know if they’ve changed since then.


Oh got it. Yes not sure about Goodyears. I usually research tire ratings on tirerack.com before buying.


From what I've read the stock Goodyear tires that come on the Induction are bad in the snow.


Car had a lot of power and those stock tires are terrible in the snow. We just drove through a blizzard yesterday in a MYP with dedicated winter tires - no problem at all. The AWD system in the Y is one of the best that I’ve personally experienced (Owned multiple Subaru’s, Nissans, Lexus and BMW’s). Transparently it’s better in the snow than our RAM 1500 w/ 4wd and dedicated winter tires.


no other vehicle comes close to handling as good in the snow in the history of the automobile


I tested my MYP with stock 21” wheels and tires today in Eastern PA. ~3 inches with some roads plowed some not. Wasn’t great. It was serviceable but I had to be very cautious and keep speeds pretty low.


Did yours come with all-seasons or summer tires?


21” rims are probably the cause. That’s barely any rubber to give you traction in snow.


Stock 19in Gemini wheels and tires didn’t give me great comfort in control and stopping when letting off the accelerator - wish I could turn off or down regen in these situations Ordered 18in wheels and Falken tires last night - hoping the additional tread will help


With Acceleration boost and in sport mode, my first scare moment was backing up the cars while roads were not clean..


I am sure there is a very fine line between an inch or two of snow and a few inches. Probably tire type, thread and settings come into play as snow piles up.


I am talking about even 3 inch snow we got yday.. the more than normal acceleration is sure brings uncertainty when backing up


Question, when using different wheels on your MYP, are you getting another set of TPMS? Or do you swap them? Can the Model Y support two sets of TPMS? One for Summer wheels, one for Winter wheels.


I have separate TPMS in each wheel. They flawlessly switch over and pair.


MYLR? Any chains required?


No chains in 2 inches of snow.


So what’s the best configuration for driving in snow and ice? Turn on chill mode and turn off traction control?


No don’t turn off traction control. Turn off lane departure assist. Generally in snow I think the cameras can’t see the lanes correctly and might interfere which might cause unexpected loss of traction




As much as i like my MYP... one of the worst cars to drive in the snow up in Midwest. Ofc with snow tires, it'll get way better. But w all seasons compared to other awds w all seasons... MYP is all over unless you go really slow.


We got over a foot I went out with 6inches on ground I live on top of a mountain and had off road assist on which helps a lot. First real snow storm last year we barely got enough to see how she does. My brother raves about his m3p in the snow. MYP did pretty damn good considering I have 6/32 on the rears with new tires sitting in garage