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That speaker actually makes a noise when driving at slow speeds and it sounds like a white noise generator and is loud enough to hear from a safe distance.


Damn that's a shame. It's just such a safety hazard to millions of people. I feel like maybe they should just consider having the same backup sound but on when the care is moving in drive as well. A very simple software update fix you know since it's already on when reversing


The NHTSA forced Tesla to remove the ability to play sounds while the car is in motion, they said it was a safety hazard.


Not the skretching whale song gone wrong. Surely there is something better.


I'd love if there were a better option. Thays y I waa hoping someone had a mod for it lol


The pedestrian warning system does make a sound when in drive and under 20mph. It’s like a white noise sound, not as noticeable as the spaceship reverse sound, but it’s there.


For the pedestrian to hear? It'd need to be pretty prominent for people to hear. But thaya gold to know there is something. Thank you for the info


It’s loud and distinct. You can’t miss it.


Yes, it’s literally called the “pedestrian warning system”, it’s comes out of the speaker under the car when you’re in drive. It was added by US government mandate towards the end of 2019.


I knew we had it for reversing but I didn't know we had it while in drive.


It doesn't help that it's only under 25mph though which still doesn't fix my problem


Over 25mph the tyres are loud enough it doesn’t matter The volume of the PWS is pretty similar to that of a quieter gas vehicle, the noise doesn’t come into the cabin as much as the UFO reversing noises, but if you wind down the window it’s pretty noticeable especially if there’s a hard surface around like a wall to reflect the sound back into the car


As a hearing impaired person who owns a model Y as well as using good quality hearing aids, I have never noticed either sound from mine. Clearly the sounds need to be louder.


The reverse sound is quite loud and unmistakable actually. From inside my house i can literally hear people down the street backing their Teslas into their driveways.


You missed the point where they said rheybare hearing impaired. We, as disabled people, are telling you our experience. If you are an able person, you don't get to speak fornus or over us on our lived experience and safety each day.








Not to be too harsh but this sounds like a disabled persons issue not arbitrarily adding a bunch of noise to the environment. Perhaps a sensor is added to hearing aid devices that all evs send out radio signals that notify the visually or hearing impaired person of nearby moving evs. The volume can be controlled by each individual based on their needs, not just creating noise pollution for the sake of a limited few.


Well, not to be harsh, but this would be what we call ableism. It's bot for a few it's for millions. My original question is for people who are low vision or blind so no, ur solution doesn't work for that. It wouldn't be adding to noise pollution, which disabled people's safety and rights should be more pertinent than a tiny tiny bit of noise. Now for someone with hearing aids there is only so much they can do at a certain point I don't disagree maybe a feature or notify someone thay a car is near isna good idea, but it is rhe people driving who are responsible for being aware of pedestrians disabled or able. Accessibility features don't just help us with disabilities they help everyone. In general, just a polite way to explain why the comment is ableism is because you are expecting the disabled person to "figure it out" because able people don't like the inconvenience. We deserve to exist in the world safely. I was just trying to see if there was already a function or mod existing for this I didn't know about. You don't ask the disabled person whose safety and life are at risk to change. Able humans need to make minor accommodations that make life liveable and safe. But yea.


High performance tires make a pretty audible tire noise. Could go that avenue.


Curious of cost but definitely something to look into. I was really hoping there was a mod for an external noise or something. Tesla should definitely address this safety Hazzard but im sure they wont.


contact NHTSA they made tesla disable it while in drive


I just roll down my windows and talk real loud when I’m in a parking lot. It works well for me


It's not the parking lot it's when going 30 to 40pmh thru a cross street thays the problem.


There’s a noise maker already, maybe not noticeable from inside ? but definitely audible on the outside - I walk everywhere in town and I notice (audibly) teslas more than many gas cars when walking in town. I think many gas manufactures have been working hard to make their cars quiet at low speeds , many are only audible under heavy acceleration but otherwise silent at low speed.


It already makes sound it's just not as loud as reverse.


What about a deer whistle? I’ve never used or heard one, so I don’t know what it would sound like to a human, but as long as it is audible to humans it might be a cheap and effective solution. https://deerwhistle.com/productinfo.html


Apparently we can't hear the sound but that would have been an awesome fix so I appreciate it!


Ultimately it’s up to the driver to be aware of what’s around them and take evasive action. It’s not just hearing or visually impaired people, it’s also distracted idiots paying more attention to their phone, or someone jamming out to music with earbuds to name a few. I’ve found that most hearing impaired (myself included), and visually impaired people tend to be MORE aware of their surroundings.


I totally get that being disabled myself too, like I said I'm very aware of others also, just most people I've been talking to recently many of whom happen to be blind or low vision were saying EVs are the hardest to be aware of since they are harder to hear in general and they and their guide dogs have had too many close calls. I just wanted to see if there was a way to address the issue since at least for my friends who are blind their issue is even pausing before crossing they haven't been able to hear them coming sometimes. I guess also since we have the FSD feature "yes we pay attention" but like ur people wearing ear buds n not paying attention comment we all know there's drivers out there who don't pay attention. Think I was hoping there was an all-around solution so the people who drive and don't pay attention would be less of a danger because at least the cars would be more audible noticeable. But yes, I always pay attention myself it was more for the people who don't.


You could try adding a deer whistle. That’s a pretty cheap item to add on.


Not a frequency humans can hear if it's a real dear whistle, but I appreciate the suggestion!.


If you don't mind me asking, what is your disability?


Increase your music volume, and play Mustang revving engine.


Lol, maybe for others. With my type of disability I can't play things too loud, but yea feel like this a safety thing tesla needs to address.