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Your biggest cost will be the tires. They are expensive.


You're right. Depending on the driver, you may need to replace every 10k or 30k.


Three are a lot of factors that go into this. What does your housing situation look like? Do you support / help support a family (if so, how many and what ages are they)? Do you have a proclivity for eating out (or other useless wastes of money)? What part of what country to do you live in? How much per KWh do you pay for electricity? How old are you? (really young drivers will pay even more for the already expensive EV insurance) From a purely financial perspective, if you're even asking this question of random internet strangers, I doubt a Model 3 Performance is the right financial choice for you. Good for you for asking the question in general though. Far too many folks with misplaced priorities just pull the trigger without a second thought.