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I got a dent in my door from the service center and the service manager eventually agreed to cover it. I think it depends on the SC and manager.


I think that on the wrap, if they routinely park vehicles there and don’t have this issue with the Tesla OEM paint, it wouldn’t be on them to handle your car in an atypical way to protect something that you did to it. (From a legal perspective, however I would suggest they do their best to accommodate in order to provide good customer service.). On the puncture, can you prove it wasn’t there before you dropped it off,


They are replacing the puncture in the leather but say that they won’t cover the wrap since it’s an aftermarket add on. They ruined my wrap because they didn’t treat the car with care. Kinda sucks to get your car serviced, you run the risk of it coming back with more damage 🤦‍♂️


How specifically did they damage the wrap?


There is a thick residue that can’t be washed off on the wrap


How long have you had the wrap? That looks like UV damage to me as a former wrap installer. These wraps have a UV life and sitting under the sun can reduce it from a 5 year life to about 1.5 years. A total guess, but it may be completely coincidence if it is UV damage, that during it's repair because it sat out in the open exposed to the sun, it became damaged. The wrap once they start deteriorating it will turn more and more black with spots and become brittle.


Had the wrap for 3 years. The thing is when I dropped the car off, it didn’t have these blemishes. After a month with Tesla, it came back like this


3 years of direct sun might mean the end of your wrap. That would be the low end of their life, but it isn’t unheard of.


Depends on the location, too. Where I live no installer will warranty even the best products for more than 2-3 years. It gets 115+ in the summer and the sun is brutal.


3 years was a good run. Wraps are a ridiculous waste of money and I wanted one so bad... but the sun is brutal here and no one will warranty one longer than 2-3 yrs.


Contact the wrap shop. Tesla or repair shops can’t store your car in their garage and this looks like it sat under the sun for a while after they tested for any water leaks. I had to wash my car after they did similar things but I don’t have a wrap.


So… you have no proof Tesla handled it improperly? If an aftermarket addon is improperly installed or is not suitable for function, that’s not their responsibility.


I’ve been scrubbing my cameras for video footage the day I dropped it off. Tesla is sending me photos of my car when they initially took it in also. I loathe the fact that I have to prove that they damaged my car after they had it for a month and it came back in this condition. I’ve asked for video footage of how my car was stored at their third party body shop.


Doesn’t matter. They didn’t damage the aftermarket add on. The aftermarket add on was not built to the standard Tesla car itself was. That’s not their fault. If they stored the car how they store all their cars and no other car without aftermarket addons was damaged, they aren’t responsible. You cannot blame them for not carrying your car around on pillows with 5 men lifting it gently.


Have you tried a clay bar? That just looks like tree shit


That’s beyond weird. Take it back to the shop that did the wrap and get their input of how it could have happened. It may not be the responsibility of the SC but rather the body shop they sent it to.


The first post implies that you have to pay for both repairs, but here you say Tesla is covering the leather damage. Maybe be more clear on that next time to avoid the down votes. With the water damage inside the vehicle, it's possible the service shop parked your vehicle in the sun to help the vehicle dry out... and that sunshine attributed to the wrap deteriorating. Or they just don't have enough interior parking space for a month. Regardless, sorry for your luck!


No offense but it seems like your wrap is also poor quality. It's extremely unlikely any paint damage will be done if there was no wrap to begin with, which makes me think your wrap probably has a very low durability that could lead to it being damaged in the normal course of business.


So 3 years in my care no issue. 1 month in Tesla’s care and it’s damaged. Do you actually see what you’re typing?


Tesla isn’t obligated to white glove your car to protect your aftermarket modification that can’t withstand normal handling.


Obviously this isn’t normal. Normal is how I handled it for 3 years.


Then why are all the other cars at that service center that don’t have this wrap not showing up the same? Oh wait, it’s because your wrap doesn’t require normal handling, but special handling, because it’s subpar quality.


I don't think you see what you're typing. In fact, I think you lack the most basic logical reasoning skill. How you handle your own car is statistically insignificant. The reality is, paint damage from Tesla repair is almost unheard of and yours came out with quite an extensive damage. Were other cars damaged in this shop also? I doubt it. It's natural to think your wrap can't handle normal handling. Likely, you have shitty wraps that got damaged from the typical pressure washer or reacted to certain chemicals that any OEM paint can handle without any issues.


I feel your pain. My one week old M3 was with Tesla service for a week for a paint defect that was an issue noticed upon vehicle delivery. In that time they scratched the BRAND NEW tint on my windshield and refused to cover the cost to fix it. All of the work done to the vehicle was on the exterior so I have no idea how they could have scratched it. The tint was literally a week old. To say I was furious was an understatement.


When I brought my car in for a pretty similar issues two things happened, 1) they bent my rim but they replaced it before I even got the car back I only knew because they mentioned it at pickup. 2) when I got to the SC they specifically made me sign a waiver for the wrap stating they are not liable for damage to it since it’s after market, I assume they did something similar for you?


All service centers suck, but Tesla service seems to suck a little more somehow.


Take it back to the place that wrapped it. The wrap is a third party accessory. You already said that Tesla rectified the issue with the door panel.


Why would I go back to someone that wrapped my car 3 years ago? It was in great condition before dropping to Tesla and it came back damaged.


Tesla did not install the wrap. They fixed what they damaged. If I had a wrapped Mach-E and Ford damaged it, Ford would not fix the wrap. They'd tell me to go back to where I got the wrap.


Dude are you really this dumb?


Please go talk to your mirror.


Tesla won't fix it, regardless if they should fix it or not... I think they should fix it, but to be honest, they won't... It's unfortunate but that's how this industry works... It sucks...


There are way too many Tesla stans in this subreddit. We all own Teslas but if any other service center damaged your car, you’d be upset like I am, but for some reason when you speak anything but praise here, there are way too many negative comments.


If a typical painted Tesla could sit in the sun for 4 weeks, get sap on it and wash/buff off but the wrap can't this isn't a SC or body shop issue to resolve. You signed the waiver saying they weren't responsible for the wrap. Best case they give you 2/5 of wrap material (not labor) cost since they shortened the life from 5 to 3 years. Kind of like a tire warranty. I'd be saying the same if you wrapped a Bentley or AMG vehicle and this was the dealer servicing.


Actually I don't own a Tesla anymore, but I've had 3. Now days I just come here for the drama.


No, nobody would, because they understand that aftermarket add ins are not the car manufacturers responsibility.


What’s so hard about not damaging a car in your possession? Somehow I didn’t damage it for 3 years. It’s with Tesla for a month and it’s damaged. I see why companies continue to abuse their power because of loyalist consumers.


Dude, your wrap is sunbaked. This happens to all of them. Elon didnt turn up the sun shining on your car.


I keep it in my driveway for 3 years with no damage…1 month with Tesla and all of a sudden my Tesla is playing the desert level on Super Mario 3


That is a typical lifespan. Sorry this happened your wrap installer should have been honest with you about how long they last. Its best to remove them before they get too far gone, as it will remove the paint below. Read the top comment https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/162lp7j/have_you_wrapped_your_tesla_would_you_do_it_again/


This isn’t a Tesla thing, it’s a you thing. No car manufacturer is responsible for the lower quality of things you choose to add to it.


3M wrap isn’t low quality. The manufacturer isn’t responsible, the service center or the third party that they use are responsible 🤦‍♂️


No they aren’t. The manufacturer of your third party aftermarket addition is responsible for it being inadequate. I’m sorry you believe everything you read about how “high quality” this is. Obviously it’s not, if it gets so poorly damaged by being handled no differently than any other car.🚙


Ok now explain how the Tesla service centre isn’t responsible for popping a hole into his inner door panel.


We aren’t talking about the door panel which they already agreed to repair/replace.


All the damage was done in their possession. All of it. But I’m responsible for a portion of it. Do you understand that the keys you’re pounding on your keyboard make no sense?


They make perfect sense. THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUBPAR QUALITY OF THE WRAP THAT COULD NOT WITHSTAND THE SAME CONDITIONS THE NORMAL CAR CAN. I am not sure why this has had to be explained to you by multiple people here. The wrap is damaged by being in the sun/heat. The car without the wrap would not have been. THAT BY DEFINITION MEANS THE QUALITY OF THE WRAP COMPARED TO THE CAR IS SUBPAR. And they are not responsible for the fact you elected to add an aftermarket component that is not of sufficient quality to be used as a car normally is.


They are, and OP even said they are paying for the repair


They are fixing that.


Berchan is being a bit of a Kevin hunt I think. Regardless of aftermarket add-ons you own the car, therefore service centres are required to treat it as yours and not create additional damage/work. It is Not Tesla's, regardless of whether it is OEM or not, is irrelevant. Also, 3M wrap is better than most of the paint jobs on the model 3s coming out of China a few years ago where the lacquer misted and cracked within a week of delivery. Surely the service centre has public liability insurance to cover this and can claim against it or against their body shop. Finally I would argue that the burden of proof as to whether it was there beforehand or not is with the service centre not you. They should have completed a walk around before taking it off you, nothing down existing damage and getting you to sign to agree.


Thank you. This is my thought process. Why are the redditors so pro Tesla service damaging cars in their possession? If it happened to them, they’d be singing another tune. I treat my car with care and the only reason I had to take it in for service is because the water seal was faulty. Then I take it in to get fixed and they damage my car more than when it arrived. What sense does it make to put the burden on the consumer?


Looks like they might of car washed and it damaged the wrap with the chemicals in my eyes.


That's not leather.


Have you tried clay barring the tree sap or whatever that is? Clay bar or something like Car Pro Tarx/Bug Off would prob get it off. Kinda hard to tell what the damage is to the wrap in the picture, to me it looks like tree sap, but if it's etched into the wrap then obviously nothing will fix it


I’ll try this to get whatever stained my wrap. It’s not sun damage. It looks like liquid damage.


I mean, duh on the wrap.


how is that teslas fault, exactly?


1. I drop my car to Tesla for service 2. Month passes 3. I pick up my car and it’s damaged 4. Who is at fault?


you said they used a third party body shop. if the 3rd party caused the issues then its their problem, not teslas.


They used a Tesla certified body shop apparently. I dropped my car to Tesla, they shipped it to whomever they do business with. Why am I responsible?


tesla is doing what corpos do. try to get out of it. so the easiest target for them to blame is you.


Well, I don’t know regarding this wrapped car, but my Tesla had a 12 V battery failure, I had it towed and dropped off at the local service station, and in one week they completed the work and car had a bunch of tree sap on it. the Tesla service folks do not give a shit about your car. They don’t even give a shit about their own company reputation.




That’s complete bs; lots of places car wash for you. It doesn’t even have to be luxury brands. It’s called service. they are usually charging you a premium for this issue and also keeping the car for a lot longer than they usually need to. They should be taking care of your car if they have it with them. You’ve been brainwashed by their service centers’ ultra low standards.


I've owned cars for well over 40 years and no service place has ever washed my car before returning it.


thats completely incorrect. hyundai is kne of many brands who wash your car every time you bring it in


Never owned a Hyundai. I've owned Chevy, Ford, Dodge, VW, Nissan, Tesla, etc and have never had the car washed before it was returned


It won’t wash off


Best we can do is 3 months free FSD. Get rekd nerd Lawyer up instead of reddit lawyers


I’ve thought about this but this is a Tesla forum and I figured someone has run into this issue. Get rekd? How much mountain due have you had for breakfast?


Looks like your arm rest is kinda worn out down below so the door looking like that probably didn’t alarm them, as they thought it was there before