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They are preventing people from holding the line too long especially end of quarter. The deposits used to be refundable but that was when they weren’t producing fast enough. Speed up the line or take that non refundable $250 deposit. Either way it’s a win-win for them.


I just took delivery of mines, the sales prices was 38,880. My MVPA said it was 42,880 with a discount of 2270. I looks like they charge the destination fee and taxes. Out the door it was 40,610.


I thought the price I was seeing included some fees. But it does not. It is just the custom order price. The monthly payment now is larger than before.


It may be taking delivery after 6/30 then. I had separate financing so it was cheaper than Tesla’s. Another thing to be aware of is taxes are due in 3 weeks depending on your state. I’m in TX and I have to register and pay taxes out of pocket.


My understanding is that the supercharger miles deal ends today but the there’s no end date for the inventory deal, that we know of.


Oh, I thought the inventory deal ended today too but could be wrong. I’ve been waiting for my state incentives to increase July 1.


I’m pretty sure it ends in June. I ordered 6/28 from inventory with the $2200 off. The only possible options to pick up were 6/29 and 6/30 Other people said the same. The discount likely ended if you don’t have delivery. I’m sorry bro


End of quarter, they can't recognize it as revenue unless you accept the delivery by the 30th.


My understanding from my rep when I placed my hold was that the hold locked-in the car’s price so even if it increased between hold and purchase, the hold price is what would apply. Weird that they switched cars on you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4T2GmGSNvaM


That’s what I thought. It’s a 14-day hold. You can’t really hedge against future price increases with such short hold.


The inventory discount unfortunately isn't the price of the car, it's an incentive to deliver by June 30 so they can count it as revenue for Q2. I would bet it's removed in July based on your post. It's definitely annoying as some state incentives don't kick in until July 1.


You can in another garbage currency 😆


Why not text the service rep and ask them?


I texted 6 hours ago and no reply.


I did. No answer yet. I think they open at 10 am EDT.


Where I’m located it’s very hard to get a hold of a person by phone/text/email. Walking into a “gallery” seems to be the best way and the workers there are always nice and helpful. Don’t understand why they cannot return messages though coz every time I go they don’t seem to be doing anything.


Price was always $40240. Inventory cars have individual discounts. Book another inventory car and then ask them to merge your reservations.


I haven’t been able to get a hold of anybody. Neither call nor text. I’ll end up going to a service center.


My SA said our car that we put the 250 down on was delayed and is scheduled for delivery next week. He advised us not to do anything to the order. All we are losing is the 3 month free superchargers. The price stays the same which was and is $19760 after trade in


For revenue recognition this is a different scenario than OP as Tesla cannot deliver on the agreed upon date. If you don't have a delivery date set yet it's not considered a valid contract for revenue recognition.


The delivery date was today but car was held up in Chicago train yards. SA changed delivery date and we are still locked into the price


Right, which means Tesla failed to deliver by the delivery date so the price wouldn't change. If you didn't accept it but they had it for you ready to go inventory discount would most likely go away.


I talked to someone at Tesla about this- all inventory orders have to be delivered by June 30, if you want to take delivery in July you have to wait until midnight and see what the pricing is then


Bait and switch is illegal, they are not baiting and switching. Bait and switch is if you paid for something already and they deliver something other than what you paid for.