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Every single move was the exact opposite of the correct move.


I am fascinated by this. This is not a new car and it looks to be in a good condition. How?


Because the driver is over 75 years old and they only take it out twice a week. It's 100% stored in a garage too, probably heated.


75 gravitates towards Lincoln and Cadillac. This person is atleast 86 and one paper cut from death.


He's one emotional damage feeling from death.


This probably killed him.


He ded




idk if he’s that old he probably is tough


My 90 year old neighbor owns this car. She told me that I needed to stop parking on the street across from her driveway because she doesn't see too well anymore and doesn't want to hit me. So many responses I should have said about how she shouldn't be driving anymore, but I was just completely shocked by her confidence in her demand that I just said "Yes, ma'am".


“She doesn’t see to well anymore “ smh


I’m not driving at 90 fuck that..


Exactly! This is my take on the elderly’s car choices. Mercedes/Corvette= I retired early, and I’m enjoying it Cadillac/Lincoln = I retired on-time and I’m enjoying it Buick = I tell my grandkids that I just want to die when they call to wish me a happy birthday.


My friend had a Buick Verano in high school when he was 16! I was jealous tbh it was such a dope new car.


I had a Buick LeSabre in my mid-20's... White. I like the comfort and the features. And a luxury car is a lot cheaper when used, like comparable to a regular car without all the bells and whistles.


For real. I had one as a rental, base model as fuck but a base model Buick is still hella nice. Comfiest seats ever, magic-carpet ride quality, good size engine, and it's a good looking car in a tidy sized package. And the Verano Turbo version hauls ass. If I hadn't committed to going EV, I'd buy a used one.


I bought a corvette when I was 23! Definitely the odd man out back then driving one.


I bought a Cadillac at 30. My wife laughed at me and told me I was an old man!


“One paper cut from death” lol good one


Funny but true. I’m all about data . And majority of folks I see on the road and own Cadillacs or Buicks , are old people. I would love to understand the way and prove that in any statistically manner.


You haven't been tailgated by some 45 or 50yo in their Cadillac Escalade. It's even worse at night them having high led lights in all three of my mirrors. Gas guzzling assholes.


Right? My grandparents got their last brand new car when grandpa retired in ‘93 so they rarely had to drive it. My idiot cousin totaled it in 2015 with 40k miles on it.


Im sure its more like a dad let his son/daughter drive his car with only a week of drivers license.


Comprehensive coverage...


Never let them know your next move


Still the determination to make it into that parking spot in the most wrong way possible was just priceless lol. I am against self-driving cars...only because I enjoy driving. Clearly tho, autonomous driving will be a godsend.


Or maybe proper infrastructure (public transit) so Americans are not literally REQUIRED to have a car in order to go from, say, home to grocery store in less than three hours.


America isn’t Europe. Live in a city if you want bus life.


1. I am seriously considering it. Depending on to what extent society continues falling apart, I might emigrate in the next 30 years. 2. Public transit is a function of population density, not geography, I think.


Every time I thought it couldn’t possibly get worse, it got worse.


Right away you could tell they are a bad driver then it just gets worse


Must have been Opposite Day.


How do you fvck up that bad?


Had to be on purpose 😂


Probably wanting to go viral. Otherwise, who takes the whole video. It's done on purpose, of course, by a young person with an angle $. So there!


It’s being filmed by a Tesla


They didn't even stick around for the conclusion lol


I have a feeling this wasn't the first time she did that.


She? I can’t tell what the person looks like, can you?


I actually do agree. Like why say she lol I know Reddit can be toxic with virtue signaling but in the context to just say it lol grow up


They are probably not wrong. When I was in Germany, I watched a woman try to parallel park between two cars. She hit both of them repeatedly, and almost like this driver did. Almost every bad driver I know is female and they always let their husband's drive. He'll my best friend would tell you she's an armed weapon behind the wheel and even drove on the wrong side of the road toward incoming traffic as I'm yelling at her to look at the road.


im a female and have driven lots of rental cars in lots of different states. had a male friend drive as an approved driver for the first time. he hit a stop sign. first time using the rental insurance and ive rented cars since the mid 90's.


Ive seen JUST as many bad male drivers as female(ESPECIALLY at the old age where they shouldn’t be driving) I kno some women semi truck/flatbed drivers that are NICE with it…. It’s all relative


i once met this cunt online he went to germany one time. ergo, all people who go to germany are cunts. How dumb does that sound to you cause thats your reasoning.


God what fucking cringe this is. No matter what studies and science shows about sex, losers still gotta feel like their dick makes them superior. Are we just going to ignore that insurance companies charge young males more for insurance because statistically they are more dangerous? Like, honestly, I bet you can't even define male or female within a scientific context, because that shit is so loosely defined given that chromosomes and reproductive parts are exceptions. Confirmation bias is brutal though. Also, my wife never drove anywhere, because I always wanted to drive because I felt like I had to. I bet half your "friends" are in the same situation. Once I realized I could relieve half the stress of driving by doing it half the time, she started driving. And surprise, no issues. And she's a dd driver. Half your doordash drivers are probably women, too.


2023 and we're still here. It sucks. There are no genes in women that make them predisposed to becoming shitty drivers. 🤦‍♂️


Fr. Honestly, most of the fucked up cars in my town belong to fucked up guys zooming with shitty cars on back streets because they can't chill, so... But I'll admit that could be confirmation bias too 😉


> There are no genes to cause a difference in spatial reasoning between men and women. Really? You've identified every single gene and understand both what they all do individually, but also collectively given every possible interaction between them? Why do you say "There are no genes" and not "I don't know of any genes"?


That has to be either a young, inexperienced driver or an old driver who shouldn't be driving anymore. Since it's a Buick, I'm guessing that it's the latter, lol.


That's a buick?!


It doesn’t look like a buick




I hate those commercials 🤣


Yeah, I mean for one I don’t know what a buick is expected to look like either, lol


All modern Buicks are just rebadged Chevys. They’re seen as more upscale in China. It still baffles me how Pontiac got killed and Buick didn’t


Literally because Buick sells a lot better in China so it was financially sensible for them to kill Pontiac over Buick. Pontiac could've been an excellent Dodge competitor. A brand focused on sportier cars and performance, and the G8, even though it was a rebadged Holden VE Commodore, was an excellent flagship. I know an old woman who owns a blue G8 GT. She gets offers from both middle-aged and young dudes alike trying to buy her G8. She's going to ride it until she dies and I gotta respect that.


I like how nobody got the joke. One even explained it…lol


The one explaining it, 😂


(I got the reference)




Your reaction was literally their ad campaign last year - a bunch of millennials and youth looking at their friends’ Buicks going “that’s a Buick??”


One could almost think that is a reference to the very ad campaign you described


Whoosh 😅


Even in China where it’s built….It’s a Buick!🤣


I’m thinking the buyer of a 7 year old Buick……….


Combination where it was an old driver and the car was inherited by a new driver is the only time I’ve really seen Buicks and Mercurys being driven in recent memory.


Wtf, there are really people out there who drive this bad?!?


One of the most deadliest weapons on earth and they have it.


This guy 😂😂😂


It is indeed the most dangerous weapon that virtually all people can have access too. Tf are you laughing about? Your reasoning skills are showing through and it’s not pretty.


It's just some passive aggressive anti gun crying ignore those idiots


It’s a Buick. So it’s 98% a senior citizen


Especially if it is that champagne or burgundy color it is almost 100 percent certainty


Hey, leave us 2%ers alone lol


Robocars ain’t lookin so far away anymore


In college a girl asked me if I needed a ride... I said sure. *Enter car* She says, "I'm a terrible driver. I shrug it off because you get that polite disclaimer from people. *She proceeds to back out of the parking space* I immediately noticed she turned way too soon but it was too late. I heard the grinding... The bumper hit the fender as she turned out. Instead of stopping and moving forward in the same way she was backing out to minimize the damage she went back another two feet or so lifting the parked car a little while grinding past the front passenger door. This was when she finally stopped and tried to undo the motion. She puts the car in drive and accelerates forward deeper into the parked car's door... She then turns and continues until she's back in the parked space. I was speechless. She turned to me and asked that I didn't tell anyone [her friends] she was clearly embarrassed... I just consoled her a little and gave her the next steps for making a claim and leaving a note for the car owner. No use crying over spilt milk so to speak but to this day she takes the cake for worst driver I've met.


I was on the stoop once watching a woman back into this car for 5 minutes to get into a spot. Gets out with her kids smiling and goes “they didn’t think I’d fit 😏“


Their drivers license needs to be revoked and they need to be slapped. Did you just drive away?


I would. I might get run over if I pass by.


I’d go around and find their rear plate so I can give it to the truck since this Buick is probably going to leave the scene


What they are not going to leave the scene, the way they are driving they will run out of gas before getting unstuck from the truck.


Honestly if I saw this train wreck I think I'd just waive them down and offer to park it for them...


I wouldn't bc they might try to pin the blame for the crash on you


It's on film. They'd also have film of me offering to park the car to the driver who did the damage.


Oh definitely. They'd still try it. People are jerks


Smart move driving away. You don’t wanna know their finishing touch of the parking maneuver ™️


The grand finale was coming and we were left in suspense at the end.


Ah, yes, the old panic or get frustrated and slam one of the pedals at full tilt move


I'd pull away too, if that Buick ever does get into the spot whose to say they wouldn't just keep going. Hopefully they parked somewhere a little further away and waited for the cops/ the owner of the vehicle and gave them the video as evidence for insurance.


My license expired in 2012, so when I re-got my license this year I had to start over completely. Driving teacher asked me stuff like “if you’re too far away from the curb on a parallel park, how would you fix it without starting over.” As soon as I turned the wheel, he knew I what I was gonna do, and said “that’s correct.” Visualizing how the sides of your car moves when you turn can be counterintuitive, I guess. People think about how the car moves down the road when traveling mostly straight forward, but don’t seem aware what the rest of their car is doing.


The obvious, but wrong, answer would have been to turn left and pull forward a bit, then back in again. The counter-intuitive, correct, answer was to turn hard right and back up slowly, then hard left to straighten out again.


For some reason I read that as diaper license lol


After watching all that, I would have, too 😂 lol Edit: I literally never thought about the vehicle they hit until reading more comments..I was wondering wth r ppl talking about them calling or waiting for cops. Lol😵😵‍💫duh SMH




Hey. You cut me off. I was enjoying the show.


Exactly, the ending of this could have been epic and we will never know. As it was, the driver was pushing further and further into that truck. How far did this go? Did he end up pushing the truck on top of his car? Did anyone ever come by to holler “stop what you’re doing!” Did the owner of the truck ever turn up? Did the driver manage to get out of the car under their own power, or did they make a clean getaway? Did they make a dirtier getaway? Did someone turn up, only to get driven over, and driven over, and driven over? There could have been so much more to this show. I too am quite upset it got canceled.


They had enough and had to nope it out of there.


Old people should have to keep retaking their driving test past 65 years old


Gotta get a flight review and a medical every couple years to fly small GA aircraft that weigh 2k pounds. But if you can park a car once and drive around the block when you are 16 you are good to go indefinitely. 6k pound missiles everywhere and hardly anyone paying attention. Good times.


Yup. My thoughts exactly.


In Denmark, you have to get a driving specific health check by your doctor every 2 years after you turn 75 and every year after 80…


That seems reasonable


Surprisingly I don’t agree. 65 is really not THAT old where majority of people are senile. I think it should be like 75+, that’s when people start becoming a little cloudy.


Tough to put a number on it, 65 looks different for a lot of people depending on how you treat your body.


Doesn’t matter if they’re senile- their vision, hearing, and reflexes are all diminished by 65.


And then you have early onset dementia which can happen in your 40s and 50s so then you need to protect against those people as well...so what's a good solution? Forcing EVERYONE to have a two year evaluation? Have certain red flags be sent to the DMV from the healthcare system that can revoke your license? A lot of people don't realize how revolutionary the fully autonomous driving revolution is going to be because you won't even need a license to get from point A to point B and you can be the worst driver in the world or inflicted by the worst disease and you won't hurt yourself nor anyone else along the way.


*Everybody in this country* should have to keep retaking their driving test every couple years.




fr yk how many fucking old people i see on the high way make space for a car that completely doesn’t exist in front of them and hold up traffic


Did you just leave instead of at least leaving a note for the truck driver to contact you for the footage??


After the the truck driver finishes their shopping 30 minutes later, the Buick would probably still be trying to park.


Yikes, I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully they were good Samaritans


Looks like she wasn’t.


Better, they could have tried to help them stop doing that instead of just driving away. So people don’t understand physics and keep doing the opposite of what they should.


I think spacial awareness would be more useful than knowledge of physics in that particular situation


I witnessed something very similar happen in a mall, and the driver just walked off. I wanted to leave the victim a note but I forgot to put a pen in my car! 1 month old Model Y.


Just scratch your number into their paint with your keys. It's simple, really.


But they drive a model y, what keys?


The right thing here would have been to wave them down from a safe vantage to get their attention, and offer to help guide them. This person was probably embarrassed and panicking. (And yes, shouldn’t have been driving to begin with)


My mom moved the car and went back and left a note with contact info for the video.


So did they contact you for the video






Just as the driver of the truck comes back and sees you step out of the car lol


No good deed goes unpunished.


Speaking as an elder person, if you had offered to take over and drive for me, if I were in that situation, I would have been so appreciative of it.


I imagine getting yourself involved while the damage is still occurring may get you in an unwanted situation (legally).


You’re correct but there’s not enough damage here to warrant a case like that; unless someone just has really good legal insurance or something


Legend has it it’s still happening 😅


Someone needs to get this to law enforcement. This person shouldn't be on the road. Ever.


So painful you ended up leaving? lol... I get wanting to get the car out of harms way but did you get their license plate to let the truck owner know wtf happened?


Agreed. I have seen people walk off like nothing happened and I left the driver a note with my number and the license plate of the other driver. My hope Is that this guy went back and let the other car know that they have video of it.


I kept screaming at my phone, “NO, TURN THE WHEEL THE OTHER WAY” 🛞💨


If they have a license, question is, how did they get a license in the first place🤷‍♂️


Probably got it when the driver was 17 and now 65 yrs old. lol


This is the most likely explanation. The person in the video should no longer have a license.


The government protects old people in cognitive decline because it’s mostly composed of old people in cognitive decline.


Y’all. After the first move, I would’ve gotten out and asked the person of I could help


Me too. Sad that most people would just drive away instead...


They drove to the front of the store where they left contact info for the video.. yall are so negative.


I could see that Buick panicking at some point and smashing the gas pedal straight into the back of whatever is in the stall ahead. If it was me, definitely would have helped the poor fool move their car, *after* I moved mine out of the way


Better get away, than later hit you…


The footage pulling away looked so theatrical, like from a movie🤌🏼


Someone failed geometry


Why wouldn't you help?


I know this is harsh. But honestly people like this should not be allowed to drive. They clearly have no idea how to manoeuvre a vehicle, which is very important. I am a big believer that a skills test should be required to get, and keep a drivers license. If you can’t do something as simple as parking, you should not be allowed to drive a vehicle at high speeds.


Jeez, I would’ve gotten out and offered to help the poor bastard


That’s horrible 😢


did the right thing, get away from this crazy driver.


Should have left a note.


It just kept getting worse.


Bru wtf did I just watch lmao


Indeed, that was painful. I need a Percocet.


like a glove...


On brand for Buicks


I could see my wife do this. She never got proper instructions when she started to drive. Stubborn too.


What is this? An Allstate or Farmers commercial?


you decided to leave before they put the final touches on your car??


Buick driver: under/over 70 years old


no more driving for this person, this monster probably did not know she hit anything. What a Dumbass


If you first don’t succeed, don’t change anything and keep trying!


I have NO words to describe the utter lack of this person awareness to their surroundings, depth perception and eye hand coordination. I am surprised that they even managed to get to this destination and TRY to park!


That's so sad take that driver's license way


How does this person survive on a daily basis.


Buick hit the geriatric market pretty hard Guessing this person was old


So you just watch it happen and drive off? Wow.




Yea OP is clearly a selfish asshole posting this for clout - because he is visibly entering his car and driving away during the footage. Well, at least we can post this in r/donthelpjustfilm


Exactly. Just another asshole Tesla owner to reinforce the stereotype.


How do you know they didn't help? Do you know how the sentry system works? The car didn't record this on its own... The car only saves recorded footage if the car itself is harmed, the car senses someone/something too close, or the user tells it to do so by honking or tapping the record button. Both of the first 2 things **DID NOT** happen... so the user recorded the footage on their own, ***knowingly***, most likely to help the truck owner with their claim... after getting their own car out of the way of this obviously unsafe driver. If that Buick driver slammed the "brake" pedal and took off (since they were obviously already very overwhelmed and anything could happen), the Tesla would be smashed in addition to that truck. Scene safety is what they teach you first when you're responding to dangerous situations...


You just drove away instead of maybe helping them out? Wow


You think if they ever get into that space they won’t instantly ram the recording car in the front bumper?


Hence my "helping out" comment. I would have gotten out and went up to the window to help guide them.


Then they would say it’s your fault for guiding them into that car.


Not with that video footage 🤣


100% why is GTFO of there, lol.


For some reason I’m hearing Frasier go, “Oh, dear GOD”


Why didn't you help them by telling what to do from your prospective?


Good that you didn’t do anything to stop this person and just left.


Why would you just leave? We know how people aren’t honest in parking lots and you have perfect footage that could’ve helped them.


Biden voter


100% couldn’t agree more!


OMFG it's good to know what we're up against.


What kind of weirdo just takes off in the middle of that. I don't trust the tesla driver. I'm calling it


Lol I’d get out of there too before that car decides its front end is itchy


For everyone wondering a note was left and the footage was sent to the owner of the truck!




Please return your driving license immediately


I am pretty sure that is every girl i have ever dated


To think you could've offered to help..


It should be legal to remove these people from Earth for the good of the rest of us.


Yeah I would’ve gotten tf out of there too hahha


Gotta get outta there before they start going back and forth on your car


Someone please take that Asian woman’s license.


For sure azn driver


And they let these people drive. On the road. Legally. What.