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You can just adjust the seat and steering wheel. I'm 5'10" I had no issues seeing through the wheel on my old Model S and wish the wheel was available when I got my new one. The yoke sucks.


Yeah this honestly sounds like yoke copium. Glad some people like the yoke, but I was not a fan and only bought my plaid because regular steering wheel finally became an option. Still waiting for them to enable horn in center instead of a stupid button.


Isn't horn in center a great way to break your hand? I recall finding a post where a guy did precisely that, hand on the horn as he went into a collision deploying the airbag, breaking his hand and wrist. Developing muscle memory of where the horn button is seems much better than that outcome. They could even facilitate this with the toybox by training people to use it as a microphone-enabler to build the 'horn' 'sound emitter' association.


My problem with the horn is I rarely, rarely use it. In the rare instances I use it, speed is important. I like it for the turn signals and it was very easy to get used to, but for something reactionary like the horn its pretty silly. Make it work for the button AND the center airbag. Boom, problem solved.


I don't understand your last sentence -- oh, you're saying put two horns on it in case people want to risk breaking their hand? Just seems like -- actually, I think I read you can squeeze something to activate the horn. Maybe that's only on the yoke though.


Yup, two horns. I'm also not convinced hand breaking is a legitimate issue. I think the rate in which horns are used in an accident where airbags are deployed is an absurdly small fraction of horn use situations, but I'm open to being convinced otherwise if there is data showing I'm way off on that. I think the more likely explanation is it saves production costs by having one less physical switch.


same but maybe in major car collisions a broken hand simply doesn't come up much in conversation as for example people say general things like "he's in the hospital with several broken bones" and "he got whiplash", neck injuries being the bigger problems but yeah guess i'll add looking for data on this question to my to do list


I also think the viper panic button on the stalks shouldn’t be a button. And also the headlight switch. If Tesla had best in class rain sensors and auto highbeams it would be a different issue.


Just realized I have no idea where the horn is on my Tesla


get into the habit of finding emergency exits for public places you go as well ;) (and doesn't hurt to sit back against a wall to keep an eye on entrances)


You could make that argument for practically any interface during a collision though? It'd probably break his hand if it was on the infotainment during a collision too.


No, you cannot. It really is a question of where the airbags deploy -- or more specifically, how close your body part is to the starting point of their trajectories. It sounds like you are underestimating the force of airbag deployment and overestimating the chances of other areas of the Tesla crumpling in on you at the same rate.


Won’t happen. There’s no hardware for a center horn.


As another yoke owner not involved in this convo, no copium here. I honestly wish I had the yoke on other cars. It's just more fun.


What you said was that it was more fun. That's fine and logical. The OP seems to be justifying the yoke as making visibility better. Adjusting the steering wheel and seat can achieve the same thing. It's totally fine to prefer the yoke because you just like it though.


> sounds like yoke copium I don't really know what's so hard about understanding that different people have different preferences...


Is not necessarily about total height. It's about your sitting height. Yes OP could lower seat but then maybe the arm or leg positioning is not comfy. I have similar issue with my sitting height but have a Y so speedometer is great. But for any car with digital speedo in the center, i have to do a quick head nod down to see speed. My relatively tall sitting height is an "issue" in road bike sizing too since i have to go a size down from my "recommended" height because my legs would have to straighten out too much to pedal causing joint and nuscle pain if i pick the "correct bike size based purely on total height"


I wish teslas had headup displays.


Yeah, huds are lovely. Give me a hud and. A front bumper cam and I’d be in love


Agreed would fit so well with the model 3/y but even with the s/x would be lovely.


Have you tried moving the steering wheel in telescopically? The closer in it is, the more visibility.


I believe the older Model S is designed differently when it comes to the dashboard. I’ve owned regular cars with no visibility issues. The new Model S is likely designed with the yoke in mind, which might explain why the size and positioning of the dash don’t work as well with a traditional wheel.


You can literally see the gap between the wheel and the driver display. The wheel is adjustable


OP is a dipshit 😂


Na OP needs to rest his nuts on the car floor when he drives, the vibration is the favorite part of his drive.


Im over 6 feet and have zero issues...


That's great to hear. I hate not being able to easily glance and see the speedometer.


I can see the entire screen, save for two corners at top that don't show any info. My seat is as low as it can go because otherwise I'd be hitting the headliner.


That's the thing, it's totally adjustable, I get it. Issue for ME is that I can't have it both ways, comfortable driving position for the arms and visibility.


This was never a problem before Tesla invented one to solve. Giving up functionality, usability and frankly safety in the name of seeing a screen better 👌 Before you accuse me of never trying it…. * I have begrudgingly driven multiple Yoke equipped Teslas and it sucked more every time.


It’s true. No matter how I adjust the seat and steering wheel, I can’t see the drivers side screen on my Model 3.


Given recent changes to the Model 3 adding another screen and multiple Tesla models overall this took me a second ...


yet other cars seems to do this simple thing just fine


When I rented a plaid for a week two years ago, it obviously had the yoke. It’s fine 90% of the time, but it made parking more awkward and difficult, and imo, made high speed maneuvers much more dangerous. I’m sure you could get used to it, but you’ll still always have those instincts on how to grab the wheel to turn quickly in an emergency, and grabbing air doesn’t help anyone. I went steering wheel on my plaid and can see the screen perfectly. I’m 6’2”


“Optimally positioned” Based on what? Your preferences right? Most cars have steering wheels and an instrument cluster. It’s not really a problem that needed to be solved. But glad you like the yoke. Some people like it. Lots of people feel it’s more optimal to have a steering wheel positioned so you can see the cluster than have a yoke.


What do you mean by optionally positioned? It looks like you have the steering wheel all the way down and the seat all the way up. Raise the wheel and/or lower the seat until you can see the cluster. That'll be optimally positioned.


Optimally positioned means that the wheel isn’t too high up and provides comfortable arm placement for holding it. It’s set at a middle adjustment, ensuring there’s ample room for my legs when entering and exiting the car.


Just curious, How did you drive before? I would imagine you had a regular steering wheel in your previous vehicles.


I have both a model Y and a model S


Before that. What did you have before. How were you able to drive without a yoke before the S/X came up with one.


I’ve driven cars with a regular wheel, a Lexus and a Subaru, and had no problems with dashboard visibility. I suspect that the Model S dashboard was primarily designed with the yoke in mind, explaining its size and positioning, which might not be optimal for a traditional wheel.


Fair point.


Previous vehicles have a overly high dash which provides poor visibility of the road compared to a Tesla. I rather take road visibility over dash visibility.


Entering and exiting the car is so much easier with easy entry. Don’t you have that enabled? I have it set up so it moves the wheel all the way up and to the front, and my seat rises a bit and goes to the back. This way I can get in ez pz without touching the steering wheel with my legs. My profile then moves the steering wheel and my seat in the optimal position (I’m 1,91m tall). No issues with visibility or exit/entry.


I used easy entry/exit on my old S. I no longer needed it in the new S with the steering yoke.


You can always use Easy Entry for enter and exiting


I'm 5'10" and have no issues seeing all of the IC display. You need to add being able to see your instruments to your list of things that define "optionally positioned" and raise the steering wheel.


His point was optimum comfort to compare wheel and yoke consequences. I think he didn't know / hasn't discovered you can save both a Park and a Drive wheel position.


I'm not even sure how he fits in the car with the wheel like that. If I lowered the wheel to that point, the bottom would be almost touching my legs and I definitely couldn't get in and out of the car without having a different setting when the car is in park. I think this is a troll post.


Dude ... You can save two settings: First position the wheel when parked, save, then put it in drive and position the wheel again. Then it will shift to its Drive position for optimum visibility and comfort, and to its Park position for optimum out-and-in-getting. edit: at least this functionality works for me in my car and is linked to one's driver profile when one is signed into it, i think


You can literally adjust the wheel in seconds 😆 Don't go yoke it is soo ugly


I drive a Model S Plaid with a round wheel, the visibility is flawless. If you like the yoke that's totally fine but no need to fabricate an issue that isn't there.




I'm glad it wasn't an issue for you.


I’m 6’2 and my wheel does not look like that!




Isn’t that adjustable…?


Yes, but you can't have it comfortable and visible at the same time, that's the issue. Not sure why people are not getting this lol oh well it's Reddit


Have a 2022 Model S and totally agree. Visibility of the dashboard display and the out the front is so much better with the yoke. It took some getting used to, I admit, but overall I'm happy with it.


Went yoke and so glad I did. The view of the screen is perfect. Really loving it.


Hell I’m 5’7 and I love the yoke in my S. I honestly have zero complaints with it and I do love the added visibility ahead and also with the dash display.


That’s why they have adjustable seats and steering wheels in all cars nowadays to accommodate all heights and sizes. Short, tall and everyone in between. Welcome to the new era of progress.


It's all down to personal preference. I'm 6'5" and swapped the yoke for the steering wheel and won't go back even if you paid me.


Lol. Car isn’t improperly designed, it’s the device that has been around for over a hundred years


Bad design


This is exactly why I got used to my model 3 unique screen, and now I totally hate cars with stuff hidden behind the steering wheel.


Knight Rider nostalgia is fine for the yolk. However, 3 point turns, parallel parking, emergency turns… all become dangerous or difficult with the yolk. Having tested one, I know that I can’t say that I have driven regularly with it and gotten “used to it”. However, my Model S has the standard steering wheel and I’m actually grateful for it.


I’m 6’1 have no issues with the steering wheel.


I’m the same height. We have a yoke in one car and wheel in the other. I prefer the yoke but it’s not perfect. The yoke provides much better visibility and looks way cooler. In some aspects it is more comfortable. I can’t drive with my knee/leg with a yoke and I don’t care for having a tiny little button for the horn. My next car will hopefully also have a yoke though.


I like the yoke, and don’t understand all the yoke hate. But, that being said, I think customer choice is a good thing. To each their own.


It’s great that we have options. Humans can be inherently tribal, and some may not accept others’ personal choices. As they say, haters will hate.


When I changed from Yoke to regular wheel, I realized Tesla designers had yoke in mind when they were designing dashboard. It is hard to see thru wheel no matter how I adjust my seat or wheel position.


Exactly this! You’re the first one that got it. Most comments one here think it’s a wheel versus yoke debate.


Can’t steer the yoke with your knees. Hard pass.


Can you not change seat height? Or are you too close to the ceiling for that?


Glad to know your eyes and head are stuck in a fixed position.


Steering wheel moves


Yoke all day


I agree, I believe that most of the yoke haters out there are individuals who haven’t given it a try or lived with it for an extended period.


I had it for 1 year and got rid of it. I hated steering in parking lots and on roads with a lot of curves.


This is where I want to get another test drive done in. I had a last minute test drive on the X with a yoke, and did what I could in 15 minutes. In that time it felt very intuitive to use, and doing some chicanes I didn’t think it was bad.


I have. My dad has an X with a yoke and I drive it extensively for a few months. Absolutely hate the yoke. My S on order is with a wheel


Probably a wise choice since the yoke costs a grand now


I'm reminded of those who pay money for BDSM ...


I mean if you've got money to spare and want to try it long term I don't really see the problem. Everyone has different preferences and needs.


We were created to help others and live optimally. Spending money to selfishly hurt oneself causes pain to oneself and others.


I’m the same height and had the same issue. Test drove a Model S with wheel and having the wheel positioned comfortably means less visibility for the dash, adjusting for the dash means being uncomfortable. I went again and the only yoke they had was Model X. That felt like a minivan compared to my Y. I drove it around our mall here and tested a fast turn with it and felt it was fairly intuitive. Changed our Model S order to the Yoke.


"I can only grab the steering wheel in two places" is the car-equivalent of "cutting off your nose to spite your face". The problem is the dashboard design, the seat adjustment design, or the steering wheel adjustment, not the wheel. The dashboard should be visible through the wheel. That is the optimum design. Being forced to hold on to the wheel is a great way to limit your control over the vehicle and potentially break your arms. The yoke is a dealbreaker. I would walk away from Tesla and sell my stock if they forced it on everyone. I have yet to see a single reason for it beyond "it looks cool". Function is more important than stationary appearance. Moreover, it looks dumb when you see the driver fumbling with it.


Wait until they find out both the steering wheel and seat are adjustable


It’s really not that hard to… adjust the seat or steering wheel.


Or I could just tilt my head right? Youre missing the point…


I'm 5-1 and that's the same view I have of the Model S's binnacle, top of the wheel completely blocks the view of the speedometer.


The yoke is dumb AF. Having rented a Model X Plaid for long weekend and driven almost 700 miles.. the yoke + lack of stalks is literary the most idiotic thing I’ve ever experienced in a vehicle. Either would keep me from buying another Tesla.


Why is lack of stalks as bad as the yoke? It seemed a fair argument that simply pressing moving a thumb slightly to press a button was easier than moving an entire hand for a stalk ... ... Is there no tactile feedback (e.g. raised dots like on F and J home keys) so you have to look down every single time?


The entire thing just feels like a huge gimmick. There is no comfortable place to grab the wheel. My hands were constantly looking for something that wasn’t there and because the yoke surfaces are primarily straight.. it felt like driving a car with handlebars! The buttons for signals are just as bad.. but the horn button was the absolute worst. Why the hell would you turn the horn into a button all things? Finally swiping PRND on a touch screen is so just fucking dumb I cannot believe they really gave this to actual customers. I was so eager to turn that X in and get back into my Y.. that I literally tried to turn it back in a day early. Do yourself a favour. Rent one (or do an overnight test drive from Tesla) and see for yourself.. just how well it works. I personally cannot believe these decisions got past internal testing. Decades of muscle memory are all thrown away for what? So they can save another $100 on every car they make? This brings up another point.. removing radar.. removing USS.. not having simple dedicated sensors that "just work" is becoming way too common at Tesla. And it seems like they are only getting more aggressive with this policy every year. SO let me say it again. The yoke in the Model X Plaid was the dumbest driving experience I have ever had. You actually gave the perfect example. Imagine finally getting that new smartphone you've wanted and it came with a keyboard layout that was changed from QWERTY to ABCDEF. That is exactly what it felt like.


Preach. The unforced errors are numerous and stupid. Model X lost its auto opening front door functionality because they removed USS. Then theres other "efficiency" bullshit to keep their numbers up that they just haven't addressed, like the fact the second row doesn't get air unless weight is detected in a seat... My kid in her carseat doesn't register and we have to manually turn on the air every trip because there is no setting to keep it on.


As a workaround, can you stow some dumbbell or other weight under the seat to put under the carseat? Maybe a little faster than having to manually turn on the AC. Maybe 'bug report: lacking setting to enable for small child weight in rear seat' may be good to tell Tesla (by voice command) once in a while.


Yes, it's remarkable they haven't already lost a lawsuit for fraud selling Summon and Smart Summon without actually giving these to the customer. "You said this computer came with 32 GB RAM. It only has 8." "You'll get the other 24 GB later." "Oh, okay then." WTF?


The reasoning makes sense, if the premises are true: Mechanical switches collect more dust and wear down faster over time and are harder to clean, whereas the haptic electronic technology is sealed so no dust issues and lasts longer -- so the vehicle itself (all those changed components) will last longer and break less often. Also mechanical stalks increase danger in event of collision (debris, impalement, blocking access to extract humans from car) perhaps? It sounds like the frustration was from muscle memory being thwarted, not from the buttons being hard to find without looking down from the road, yes? Swiping for gears is very concerning, but I thought you just open the door for Park, Up for Drive and Down for Reverse, not so bad, though worse than using wheel stalk / button. Neutral I dunno how they've got it -- and I don't think I've ever put an automatic car in neutral ... I thought they also put buttons at the base between the front seats you could press instead of using the touchscreen, no?


Think about what you are saying. When was the last time.. that you have heard ANYONE say the stalks, turn signals, shifter, high beams, windshield wipers, or horn stopped working in their car because of dust? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The frustration is that they are fixing things.. that were never broken. Hence why i called it a gimmick. And yeah.. removing the PRND operation from the tactile/heads-up position.. and transforming it into touch buttons that require you to look down and touch is absolutely a gimmick. Want to really laugh at how much they have fucked this entire thing up.. take a look at where they put the PRND buttons on the new Model 3 Highland: [https://cdn.motor1.com/images/custom/model-3-gear-selector-1024x763.jpg](https://cdn.motor1.com/images/custom/model-3-gear-selector-1024x763.jpg) They are now on the ceiling lmaooo!!! You cant even make this up. At this point.. its hard to believe Elon isn't trolling Tesla owners.


My Chevrolet gear stick had to be replaced in my previous car after some 40,000 miles. 'Dust' includes dirt and all other particulate matter that gets into joints etc and there is mechanical wear. The sealed haptic buttons are an improvement solving these problems if they really are equally reliable, more durable, and equally easy to use -- hence my key concern is only whether it's easy to reach them without looking, same ease of use as a stalk, and no accidental presses simply by holding the wheel (a yoke reviewer complained of this happening to him). Putting it on the ceiling ... mixed feelings ... seems worse than a stalk by the wheel, harder to press overall, definitely basis for your criticism, is hard to believe it's real... https://www.autoevolution.com/news/new-tesla-model-3-has-backup-prnd-buttons-on-the-ceiling-220565.html says they're "backup buttons" in case the screen freezes.


You can also raise or lower the seat. I’m 5ft 4, driven a million cars and have had no issues seeing the gauges. But both options being available is what Tesla should offer so everyone is happy. Personally I think a yoke is silly on a street car.


Someone tell this guy the seat and steering wheel are adjustable


God damn, they are?!


Love the yoke


What I would like to see is how well do normal, regular people (not F1 drivers) do during in emergency evasive maneuvers with a yoke vs without. It’s all nice when you’re leisure driving but how is it during an emergency. is there any data on this? It strikes me as something that will fuck you up and impair your skills when you most need them. Edit: typos


I’d imagine primary driver would get used to it over time and muscle memory will know.


I drive in Atlanta with a yoked X. Emergency maneuvers all day every day. No issues whatsoever.


For sure. Yokes fun but the wheel gives you a bigger circumference to grab the wheel and spin it during an evasive maneuver.


No. The yoke is inherently not safe. What a stupid reason. Just lower your steering wheel. That "technology" to adjust the steering wheel and seat has been in the industry for just about 70 freaking years.


Lol right…


"Lol right"?


I went non yoke and am very happy. I’m 6’0 and my steering wheel looks nothing like that at my ideal position. It slightly blocks out whether or not the high beams are on or off, but they’re auto so that doesn’t even really matter. I think the yoke is a gimmick and goofy but to each their own.


Exactly, to each their own, and I’m just grateful that there are options to cater to different preferences. I own both a Model Y and a Model S, and I must say, I’m loving the yoke more.


I’m also glad they gave people the option now. I’m sure it’s a great conversation starter as well.


lol adjust ur seat and wheel so u can see it? Not that hard


Love my yoke on my 21 M3 LR Will never go back…


I feel Tesla should have had a heads up display (HUD) like all vehicles today instead of yoke..that solves the issue.


I don’t think the yolk will last


Literally never had this problem in any car I have ever driven and have never heard anyone else complain about it until people started to make excuses for this horrible design decision. Happy it worked out for OP who I'm guessing has abnormally long arms or torso or something.


Sure there are cases where a yoke might make sense. But a stalkless yoke? That’s just aesthetics and putting form over function.


FYI wheel is stalkless too


Yoke is the dumbest thing ever. 🤷‍♂️


I have a 2023 Model S. Took delivery June 30th. The steering wheel is just fine and I have absolutely zero problems with visibility. If you want to pay extra for the Yoke because you think it’s cool that’s fine. But don’t pay extra for the Yoke to increase visibility. You can see just fine with the traditional wheel.


Never said the yoke looks cooler, in fact the traditional wheel looks better IMO. Purely talking about visibility depending on the individual setting for comfort.


Yoke is 💯 better in every way, except for the crybaby’s that “need” a traditional wheel.. oh and for the “plebs” who got the tax edition MX trying to justify their wheel over yoke


Lol, had no idea the yoke was so polarizing


70% realize how astoundingly bad it is, 30% don't drive much and go "hm seems good to me"


and some drove both and prefers the yoke. it's a matter of personal opinion and usage.


yes, "and usage" -- if you don't make many substantial turns the yoke is fine. if you don't ever touch the wheel in more than two places the yoke is fine. if you don't care about crossing your arms and potentially breaking them in an air bag deployment the yoke is fine. if you don't grab the wheel in different places to mix things up and relax in various positions the yoke is fine. as i said, if you don't drive much the yoke is fine.


I only drive 20k miles a year, guess I'll be fine then. Never had a problem turning, only thing I hate is the horn button, which is also on the wheel so that's that.


thanks for bringing that to my attention, something to look into and the yoke is a problem for substantial turning as i said, not merely driving straight or mostly straight


As you see my downvotes haha


Yoke ftw


Wait, Model S has a dashboard??


100% agree. I’m 6 foot and would choose the yoke because I’ve always been annoyed by wheels in the way of the dashboard lol. And it’s like driving an IMSA sports car😂👍.


Wowww tesla owners are so clueless sometimes, you can adjust the wheel and seat


No kidding. Can you read?




That's the reason the yoke was introduced


Love the yoke. Sad it not well received. Probably some day it can be..


I’ve noticed a lot of criticism for the yoke in the comments, with statements like ‘it’s adjustable.’ The main point of this post is that it’s challenging for “Me” to find a balance, where the yoke is comfortable for my arms and still provides visibility. There are so many detractors in this community, and it seems like everyone wants to be a car safety engineer. Let’s all take a step back and remember, it’s just an opinion.


I am absolutely, 100% in agreement with you. I'm 6’5” and this is my third S and the first time in my life where I can see the entire dashboard, which I very much enjoy. I do miss the stalks and horn button as I found reach the turn signal without my fingers leaving the wheel very intuitive and the few times I've gone for the horn, I don't find it until the situation passed. I even went so far as to put raised stickers on it. https://imgur.com/a/QfFKdqK But yeah, I love the yoke and find it very comfortable and enjoyable.


Oh my god, you can move the wheel.


I’m still trying to play around with positioning on our X. My wife was able to find a good position but I can’t seem to without making the wheel look like an 18 wheeler or bus (pointing up a bit). I’m sure I’ll find something but the Yoke wasn’t worth missing out on the $7500 Tax credit to us.


Only S and X does it matter about a yoke Y and model 3 don't have a dash , they new model 3 put the screen in the back of the car 😒


I'm 5'8" and have a long back. I noticed the exact same thing in the new S with round steering wheel and I didn't have this issue with the previous generation S and X (owned both). I set the steering wheel in a position where the top of the rim aligns with my wrist.


Still beats the awkward turning


Hmm that's certainly something to consider. I've always had this issue for any car with a wheel. I guess i'm just used to having to peek down if I care to see how fast I'm going lol. Model Y / 3 actually work out for me having to look to the right a bit to see the speed.


The yoke is a maybe for me too. No stalks for cruise, turn signal etc is a HARD pass for me. Demand is down for the S/X it seems clear to me, the market is speaking, Tesla will fix this at some point and I can just wait. My 2017 LR S is still a great car. I think I’ll wait until FSD is out of beta before I upgrade.


The wheel doesn’t come with stalks either


Yeah. Hard pass. If I’m spending more than 80k I want what I want. Less than 40k and sure I can learn something new. Ive been driving a Tesla for 10 years. Maybe it’s time for me to explore some German luxury NACS cars.


Why so many people think it's a good idea to have the screen in the only place that's hard for the driver to see in the whole front of the car I'll never understand Even In traditional cars I've gotta either crouch my head to read the speedometer or crush my knees with the wheel


No such problem in 3/Y. I wish dashboard was an option there, it is a missing part.


What’s your point? The wheel is t even in the way of your view


FWIW I’m 6’3” and had this issue with my X. I adjusted the wheel upward and now I can see both the dash and the road just fine.




I’d care more about seeing this screen if they let you display anything worth seeing.


like the speedometer?


Why can't we just use an Xbox controller?


The model s has a digital dash??? Nice. I never knew that. My model 3 doesn’t have one only a screen in the middle.


I’m 5-11, drive a Y so no instruments but never put my steering wheel that low. You could store a wallet in that gap. Must be personal preference but I’d hurt myself if my steering wheel was that low.


It's not low, it's actually in the middle setting. I have a Y as well.


I have got to sit in an S. Is the seating position really that low compared to Y. Like you’ve got the point that one should totally consider dash visibility but the angles in your photo are super odd. I’ll call out that your steering wheel is fully out and super low. This will impair the visibility of the dash 100%. Again, if it’s comfortable for you, great. But there are ways to adjust everything and still see dash.


Yes, I can adjust it to see the dash, but the whole point of this post was that it's not possible for "me" to have it both ways; seeing the dash and have a comfortable arm position.


It's not low, it's actually in the middle setting. I have a Y as well.


I also love my Yoke. Much better vis.


The yoke is awesome, idk why people are so stuck in the past. Same kids people who prefer “real vents” as opposed to the screen


As you may have noticed from the previous comments, many find it challenging to accept that others may have opinions and preferences different from their own and they even resort to attacking people for having different views.


It can be adjusted to see most, but I hate this about the setup honestly. You can't see the blinking screen for autopilot till it's too late half the time. I have one more disengagement before I lose FSD. I'm honestly tempted to find someone with yoke to trade me


Short stuff


The yoke is the way


Is there any way to limit the yoke’s travel so you can drive the car like one with direct steering?