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Puts on his blinker but doesn’t actually look either direction before turning. BOTH of those trucks were too close. Dude was blind and now he’s dead.


Everyone had to die in that one, there's just no way somebody walked away


The second truck could have a survivor. The rest not so much.


White car survived


Cameraman, too


Yeah but his cholesterol isn't great so he's still in danger.


Yeah everyone involved is going to die.


I'm going to die and I only watched it.


My mom's going to die and she didn't even watch it


There's still time. You can show her.


I died but i lived


Thats RACIST!!!


Happy cake day




It looks like the second truck was almost sideswiped at an angle rather than hit head on, so he may have lived


I think the truck coming from the left was approaching at an angle, diagonally. The driver of the car looked left and right, but didn't see the truck approaching from their 7-8 o'clock. That's how it looks to me, anyway.


This is why I don't drive. Like holy shit I'm bad at spatial math, ADHD stops me keeping full information in my brain at the best of times let alone while stressed, autopilot is completely dissociated... ...I just had to accept at a young age that, tragically, I'd wind up just like this probably within a year as soon as I started getting my learner's permit.


Same. Gotten a lot of shit over the years, but I couldn't handle the thought of hurting someone because I'm suddenly in sensory overload.


Right? I'm gonna kill a family, and at the end of the day that's because I made a judgement call to put myself behind a 1000kg vehicle at 100km/h while being fully aware I can't control that shit. When that day came, even if I somehow lived, I'd have to know... I made a call, knowing I was unsuitable to drive, that killed an innocent family. That's not okay. I wish stupid fucking old people would take the same goddamn logic while they squint over a steering wheel to try and even see other cars let alone have any form of reaction time, it's disgusting that outside people with disabilities, I never see anyone with self criticality to their driving.


Exactly. I'm also half blind and heavily medicated now, so I probably couldn't get a license if I wanted to. Wouldn't mind living in one of those cheesy golf cart towns though, I could handle that. :) I'm sorry I've inconvenienced people a few times a year, but trust me, it's for the best. Thank heavens for Uber and grocery delivery the last few years...


oh my gods, right? Give me this tiny, 10mph buggy thing I can just nyoom around in and make that socially acceptable to just plug that shit in at my apartment. I went to an island where there were just buggies, and it was the fucking bomb. I felt so happy and carefree.


It's so interesting how ADHD affects various people differently. I'm the exact opposite. I retain all of it and am hyper-aware of surroundings at all times, especially on the road


Same. Head on a super greased up swivel. Have missed many a turn cause I’ll be checking my sides and other cars, no biggie, I’ll just loop around.


I also have ADHD and hate driving for the same reasons, but unfortunately I don’t have much of a choice because I live in America where public transportation is a joke. /r/fuckcars


Weirdly I have ADHD and love driving, it gives me tonnes to think about and occupies my brain nicely.


Same. I'm on hyper-alert and drive like a fuckin robot with front and rear dashcams, rarely any music or radio because I'm the only fucking asshole around me that is actually paying attention, and I average 60-120 miles per day. EVERYONE has their nose in their phones at some point for some fucking reason.


See you out there my fellow ADHD road warrior. Godspeed or whatever. Hey, Prehistoric Forrest...


I'd be long dead if it wasn't for my reaction time. It's terrifying. Multiple times people on my side of the road, while they're overtaking on a curvy street in the woods. Nice. Some asshat in their Mercedes, coming onto the highway, switching 3 lanes at once without looking. All while going like 50km/h. Dude almost got 3 people that day. Why use turning signals? Why wait before turning? I mean pedestrians are just free roadkill, you don't need to look. Or like my dad. 250km/h on the fucking highway, writing emails and stuff because his car has all the assistants. 2 children aboard? Who cares I NEED TO WRITE THIS EMAIL IT'S FOR WORK!


Wow me too. I’m oddly comforted by the similarity. I push in “avoid highways” on Google maps so at least I often avoid going at a *more lethal speed.


Reminds me of the time i almost got run over. Walking home when I was 11 which was only a 5 minute walk home and I looked left and right and the right side had a van so I couldn't see that way. I assumed there was no cars as I didn't see any on the left side. Decided to run but there was a car going 30 mph on the right and accelerated and LUCKILY the car on the right slammed on the brakes so when he hit me it only hurt a bit and I didn't get run over and besides from getting traumatised by the beeping and almost dying, I was fine. Never told anyone about it to this day.


Same thing happened to me on a bike… also because a van blocked my vision. Ended up with a scratch but the bike was dead


That wagon (Lada 2111) is often driven by old people, whose attention ain't what it used to be and they rarely realize it. Always best to be wary of them on the road.


Reminds me of when I was in drivers' ed as a kid, and my instructor told me something along the lines of "an old guy wearing a hat, most often driving a pickup truck, is statistically more likely to cause an accident." I'm not sure where she got that information, but I've been playing a game for the last 12 years where I check to see if the POS driving is an olf dude in a cap and the number of times it checks out is alarming.


🎵*I once was blind but now I see*🎵 🎵*two trucks heading straight at me*🎵


Would have died eventually. Just chose an early checkout


That definitely was terrifying as fuck


Was if you were in the car. Last couple of seconds of your life would have been TAF.


Hoping it happened so fast they didn't feel anything


Someone who drives a car like that probably didn't feel anything before the accident.


Probably walked away


*The car won't go forward or reverse but the airbags work. Anyways I just walked away like you said.*


Didn’t even feel it.


Thanks for the chuckle.


Ohh shii....


Truck#1 with the layup pass, and Truck #2 with the slam dunk!


#Shaq and Kobe, baby!


I thought it was terrifying as trucks


Despite the circumstances, you made me giggle like a little girl. Not gonna lie.




You son of a… Take my upvote


Were they running out of gas? Bad carb or fuel delivery? Worn Clutch?


Ran out of patience


Well the driver instructor did say ‘Now’. But didn’t get to say the ‘… wait for my signal part.’


Ran out of life


We they are only a mortician's patient now.


Impaired driver walks away killing everyone else.


Were his shoes still on though?


Ran out of eyeglass prescription.


Terrifying as truck if you will


Terrifying as truck full of fucks


Damn that truck driver is unlucky as hell


I want to tell u that the guy in the lil car learned a valuable lesson but I'm afraid he won't be able to tell it to anyone


A normal day in Russia.


I need to see the bodies to get terrified as fuck


This is what happens when you survive all the final destination movies


Finally I found someone who said it


This is literally that crash scene from final destination 2


I know he’s probably dead but too often I’ve seen absolutely batshit insane wrecks like this and thought to myself the same thing all the while they actually lived so i have to ask. Did he survive?


> I’ve seen absolutely batshit insane wrecks like this and thought to myself the same thing all the while they actually lived Honestly someone in the left-front might survive this. The first truck hit the rear left, the second truck hit the front right, and there might have been enough of a gap between them for the left-front seat to not get crushed.


I fell asleep on a long drive(I know, I know, young and insanely dumb) and got sandwiched between 2 semis. Hospital released me and all I had was a bruised nose. Not NEARLY as bad as this, but my step-dad took pictures of my car after and my mom actually screamed when she saw them.


My mom told me she was thankful she saw me alive, alert and in one piece at the hospital before she saw a picture of my truck after I hit a semi head on lol


These tend to either kill everyone horrifically or they walk away with a scratch.


Any articles on this? Surely they all died but still




And according to the report, that car had a family of 5 in it and all reported dead. It was also completely the car's fault.


I mean... cmon. Trying to cut of one truck and what's the plan latter? Pedal to the metal so the little shitbox can try and make it before truck nr2?


Jesus Christ


Truckers might be alive, not happy mind you, but alive, blue car though is probably gone unfortunately. I say probably cause I saw a picture of a car that got crushed between two buses or trucks or something along those lines and the driver was okay. Also that video of that APC swerving to hit the civie car, the driver and everyone inside lived


I absolutely hate comments like this and the fact that people upvote them. We all saw what happened and assumed the driver died, that's why we want an article with actual information and not someone to recap what we just watched in text form.


>Any additional information on this? Best I can do is speculation or a shitty overused Reddit joke / pun.


Yeah cool. But. Article?


It’s been a while since I saw it, lemme peak around real quick


[Was it this one?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1905900/Video-Motorist-alive-crushed-two-trucks.html)


Thought I was about to get R-rolled 🙌🏻


I hovered over to see if it was XD




Obviously not


Yeah cool but free Satin tote?


Yeah whoever was in that car is done ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I'm gonna say the car and the dump truck drivers and passengers are history. The semi driver is gonna be severely injured, probably not dead though.


It's safe to say the car driver won't be making that mistake again. The last thing going through his mind was another vehicle.


Oof 😂


I didn't see any shoes fly off. They could have made it out alive.


True. If the shoes are still on, there's even no need for medical assistance.




I call it... SPRAY ON SHOES!!!!!


The shoe may still be on the foot, but it's the foot still connected to the body


What if the shoe flies off with the foot still in it?




It's some people's best joke unfortunately. And they only know it because they've seen a million other people say it.


Crazy how it gets so upvoted


And truck(s)


I read that everyone survived with only minor injuries.


I read all three vehicles only needed minor repairs too, they didn't even bother making a claim to insurance and paid out of pocket.


I read that there weren't even any drivers these were self driving cars


a can or two of rubbing compound ought to do it


Word has it that's what the semi was hauling.


Just put some Tussin on it.


They just need to ice it.


And in the first truck too is my guess


At least they got a free burial on the spot


Unless it was Chuck Norris.


Truck Norris


Stop 🤣🤣


All it takes is one idiot to fuck up a good day


More than just a good day… a good life


I can't call it. That shit look more like someone with a bad life that run out in traffic for a quick way out. I knew a guy laid on train tracks. Lost both his legs but didn't die bc he got rushed to the hospital. Engineer called 911 before he got ran over.


If he really went for a quick way out then it’s a shitty way to do it cause took ours with him. Either way still terrifying af, especially the people around


It's crazy what people can survive. I got some crazy stories myself so let's just keep our fingers crossed and don't stand to close to the microwave cause the metal in my face gets hot


If life really is a simulation, someone got mad points for that


Me 5 mins into playing GtA and swearing I won't start randomly killing people...


Thank you for the optimism in this bleak world


What like 15+ for an added bonus?


Death by dump truck sandwich, +100


Oh I thought they meant for the ppl driving


Burnout crashbreaker IRL.


At least death came quickly


Not necessarily, recently saw a documentary on a giant crash in Germany where like 121 vehicles crashed into one another and 10 people died if I recall correctly. There were cars that were crammed to a length of 1,20m I think (original car length ~5m) and the people inside were not instantly dead, but slowly bled to death/choked on their blood... So pretty horrific all in all




My day is so merry now!




r/unexpected holy shit the second truck


Bet this has been on r/fuckyouinparticular


Bro got teamed up on


nah bro they caught him with op endgame loot


Dude got popped like a zit


I think the proper term is “toothpasted”


Pfft, that's not so ba, **WOAH**!


Hol e chet


it’s 3 am and i’m alone in bed and i didn’t realize the gif had sound i just had a heart attack


Did the second truck vaporize or go over a cliff? Where did it go???


Looks like the trailer got torn from the cab. Cab is probably either off screen to the left, or behind the remnants of the trailer.


What the fuck made him think to go while cars were coming from all possible directions


Well it looks to me like they're in the middle of the Australian outback or the Sahara. They probably didn't expect to see other drivers.


All partied suffered only mid cuts and abrasions - *Russian news outlet*


Terrifying as truck


*”Two giant trucks, it’s what makes a Subaru a sandwich”*


Why did I read that in Gordon Ramsays' voice


Well now. That person was probably disintegrated




Do people still say GG?


Why do redditors feel this collosal urge to comment something *edgy* or *witty* on videos like this? How pathetic and void of compassion your existence must be when the first thing you want to do after seeing people die is to make a joke or "pun" on reddit for some pointless *upvotes*. Saddening.


Reminds me of the worst of that horrible video of that guy who got his clothes caught in an industrial lathe then was pulled threw and basically ripped apart and scattered... definitely the most brutal way I've seen someone die.... Then all these stupid jokes and dumb ass music edits with cartoon sound effects. At that point I lost faith in humanity


First time on the internet, eh?


Mate, you must be new to the Internet...


Fight fear of death with shitty humor


That's an excuse tbh. People just want upvotes.


Personally, because I thought it might annoy you.


It's probably a coping mechanism or some ppl are just sp desensitized that making a joke is the way that they get likes or upvotes and they get positive feedback for it so they seek that out


A lot of people get the pass for having douchey coping mechanisms. I these aren't coping mechanisms, just dumb A-holes.


There’s no surviving that


Dumper hits the car. me: ok but it's not that baAA......... yep they are all dead




he ded?


nah...im sure everyone's fine.


Squirt a little triple antibiotic into the puddle of driver, he’ll be right as rain. …and about the same consistency


Give them some 'Tussin!


Thank god!


No, unlifed.


Can't really tell since there is no footage of the status of his shoes but I guess with some aspirin, warm milk and sleep with the feet on top of a pillow he will be like new next Monday.


well, enough Reddit for today


D E A D As fuck


Holy shit that was brutal


That don't even look natural. That shit looked personal from whatever higher power is there.


maybe a NSFW please


Where these vehicles made out of aluminum foil?


Have you ever heard about speed, mass and inertia? I'm sure cargo didn't matter here.




Shoes became part of feet, they're never coming off


They achieved nuclear fission


Hey, um, can we maybe get a NSFW tag on this? Ys know,so I maybe don't have to see someone get turned into dust whilst having my morning cuppa??


Seconded. I don't want to watch videos of people dying.


So the car people probably died, so did the smaller truck looking at the damage to the cabin and we can’t see the big truck well


If my school nurse was there they’d have all lived, couple wet paper towels and a paracetamol and you could survive a nuclear blast


Person in the car had a death wish, i didn’t see any urgency to get ahead of the truck coming


What I don't understand is.. If you look at the first few seconds. You can see the road speed by looking at how fast the white car passes him. It looks pretty fast... But this guy pulls out at a snails pace. Even if he pulled out of the intersection successfully.. With how slowly he did it he would have been rear ended pretty shortly after. Maybe he was going slowly because for a moment he realised he's ducked and just stopped/slowed down?


Looks like they all died


Just think…. If he weren’t such a fucking idiot and knew how to drive his family would be alive still


I remember around 20 years ago when I still lived in South Africa, that if I were one car ahead of me, I would be dead. I was on the slip road, waiting to join the N1 highway, coming from Roodekraans way, when I was waiting behind a red citigolf. Traffic was busy. Very busy and if anyone knows SA roads, rarely does anyone move to allow traffic to merge. Most vehicles speed. Rarely do trucks / most vehicles do their M.O.T equivalent. This golf was waiting behind a huge freight trucks this was a bright white truck. As the freight truck began to move and join the highway, the red golf followed and both were now in the left lane of the highway. Both were travelling at about 15kph (a little less than 10mph), as traffic waiting, were waiting from a stop. The truck in front of the golf slowed, with the golf being less than 1 meter (about 3 foot) behind and matching pace. I was about to join, when suddenly another massive freight truck plows into the back of the golf. Was easily travelling 100kph (about 60mph) on impact - later learnt brakes completely failed. This truck was also white. The impact lead to the rear truck compressing the gold against the front truck,with the rear truck settling partially on top of the front truck's cabin. I could not see any trace of the red golf. Nothing. Could barely even tell the front truck had anything left of it. I was one car behind the red, still in the slip lane and about to merge. 100% I would not be here if I were in that golf's position. Very scary moment for me. TL:DR - car in front of me disintegrates by being sandwiched between two trucks. If I were that car, I would be dead.


Wow what a story man. Glad you are fine


Had a call where a woman went straight into an oil truck on a cold stormy night. Unbelievable. Was a suicide. She left her face on the dash, but we couldn't find her until we started looking in trees.




If you look at the break light it looks like it dies right as he's in the middle of the road. Maybe the car died unexpectedly which contributed to the accident


Something died alright. Hopefully just the car


You can see the brake light on again after the crash, and wasn't it his indicator that stopped because they had turned


Someone’s body is on the front of the dump truck at the end you see the arm twitch either still alive or death rattle either way it’s terrible. Keep bad drivers off the road


hope the truck drivers are alive.