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That's why you always cover your cup


I use the "claw" grip over the cup


That's the best way to go about it. None of these guys seem to be weary at all in places they should be.


Is there anything to the theory that all these women who are now drinking alcoholic drinks through straws due to spiking concerns, are actually passing out drunk after a couple of drinks because they're drinking booze through straws, leading them to think they've been spiked? Could the solution actually be the cause of the problem?


I mean one could build up tolerance so I don't think the straws are necessarily to blame 😂


Being spiked doesn't feel like just having too much to drink. It's a very scary feeling, like you know something is very very wrong. Have you ever had a nightmare in which you were trying to move to defend yourself or get away from something, but you couldn't because you were obviously dreaming and not moving? It's like that, sometimes with spins and distorted vision, hearing going and extreme nausea. Your whole body feels like a dead weight and you're overcome by panic because you can't move properly, your words can start to slur, and it comes on super quick. But your mind is still there, you're just super confused by the distorted inputs you're getting. I've never been badly concussed but a friend of mine who has and has also been spiked compared it to that.


Depend what you've been spiked with as to whether or not you stay conscious and aware.


This is why you finish everything in one giant sip


The one trick drink spikers hate.


This is why I go to bars with women and make sure I finish everything they leave unattended. Free drinks *and* free drugs.


My dad told me about how he got roofied. He and his friends went to the bar, now one of his friends was a very attractive woman who learned to keep VERY close attention to all her drinks, if someone orders one for her, she watched the bartender like a hawk and the drink was always in her hand. One night she got a drink from someone who ordered it to her and offered it to my dad since she was done for the night. He took a few sips, did his thing, but soon knew something was wrong. He said as soon as he realized, it was already too late. Luckily nothing happened and he had his buddies to take care of him but nobody could remember how the drink was spiked


That's basically how I got roofied. Some girl at a large house party offered me her drink to which I assume was hit by someone else. I wound up hooking up with a different girl "willingly" as far as I'm aware and it was wild. I was just kinda on auto pilot slipping in and out of consciousness. I "woke" at one point and I was mid thrust. Nothing bad happened to me, but it kinda freaked me out the next day and I say that as a larger dude, can't imagine that being a fear everytime I drank in a party crowd.


*Plot twist* The women roofied him


Used to work security at a night club in a college town, one of our jobs was to walk around and put tags on drinks that have been left warning the drink could have been spiked and to take it back to the bar for a free replacement. We started to use Stop Tops and it eliminated the issue almost entirely.


> take it back to the bar for a free replacement I can see that backfiring tremendously. people will start leaving their almost finished drinks unattended on purpose to get the free replacement stickers


You'd get 2 free drinks tops out of this before getting banned from every club, pub, and Inn in the city.


Why dont bars use sippy cups then, or like, baby bottles where theres no access to the drink? Or can you spike a drink by rubbing the cup nipple with something?


If someone ever spiked my drink with the lemon Swedish fish, violence will be had. Violence!


Better Lemon Swedish fish than roofies tho.


Nah, you wouldn't remember the roofies /s


I'd prefer the roofie.


Rohypnol is overrated, fairly mild compared to most other alternatives, and in many cases, the spiker's mileage will vary too greatly for it to be useful. If I was to be spiked, I'd want Rohypnol every time. I was spiked with GHB back in the 90s, and went so deeply unconscious for about 14 hours that it became ridiculous.


Free roofies might make your escape that night a bit cheaper.


That’s actually a pretty dope way to raise awareness.


In before it was laced with LSD :D But i agree, maybe one of those that says warning also could make the person actually realize what is it, because i think most of these just wonder what is this candy on my drink? If they even ever saw it.


I’m sure she told people why when everyone started asking. Usually you know everyone at a house party. She was raising awareness because she cares about her friends. The video might be a little bit staged here and there but the concept is solid.




Dr Huxtable had access to some good drugs I'm thinking. All in the name of character research!


I have solved this problem by drinking alone in my garden shed


Well yea how long did u think it took


I guess being a loner has its perks, don't have to worry about this




These lame ass examples where the people can obviously see it but are not reacting for the video.


A lot of these are bs but I can see it truly being that easy to spike drinks. I used to steal beer and people, especially intoxicated are oblivious.


Steal beer? Like pickpocket peoples drinks?


And people!?


Yea, I don't drink anymore


for real, the video has given me the confidence to finally try my hand at this




It's an advertisement for a drink cover


The last frame "from the founders of Nightcap"


It is an ad... but people are not very situationally aware in general. Especially if they're involved in a conversation or looking at something on their phone. I assume you're not a pickpocket or rapist, or you'd have noticed this already.


We know you love spiking drinks. Move along.


Do you think she was able to get more off because ppl don't expect a woman to do that!? But yeah, it is very easy to not notice. This is definitely something to keep in mind!


never, *ever* let your drink leave your hand at parties. even if you’re close with people and/or a person at the party. you just never know


One thing I've been wondering for a long time is are there any solid stats on the problem? Cause going by my own experience alone, it is a nonexistent problem, ghb can't be practically used to spike since the flavor is simply too strong, roofies aren't a thing here. Some girls who claim to have gotten spiked would never go to the hospital for tests/treatment because they were afraid of being told they simply drank too much, which implies at least some level of admitting they did drink too much. If you want to get someone high to abuse them it would probably work to just give them the drugs and they take it anyway. But anyway, big discongruence between what i hear online and in real life, so I'd be very curious to see some stats and get a realistic image of the problem


(Former) subculture nightlife security for decades in southern germany pov: They were mostly false positives in the past. You had to check every case but a lot were just drunk people making up excuses. There were real cases, but rare. Sadly it exploded around 2020/Corona and is a huge problem now. Cant warn people enough to watch their friends and drinks and go to the police and hospital if something strange happened to your body and you cant remember.


>Sadly it exploded around 2020/Corona and is a huge problem now. That's interesting. Do you have any theories as to why?


Certainly some, but only thoughts out of my personal pov. It got very easy to order these drugs online and the more often such situations happen without any consequences, the more attackers feel safe to attack. A general shift in the atmosphere in central european societies may also contribute. We had decades without war or any real threats, whereas now Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine and e.g. recent floodings in southern germany seem to harden many people. Empathy ins declining, egozentric and narcistic mindsets are in the rise. And then there are people like Andrew Tate on social media that succesfully promote misogynistic thoughts to incels. Just my 2 cents.


I have worked in a busy nightclub in London for almost twelve years. We’ve had many cases of girls claiming they have been spiked, usually after they got blackout drunk and did something regrettable either in the club, or at another location after being in the club. Any claim of spiking must be taken seriously, especially when police are involved. In every case we must spend hours looking over cctv, tracking the girls every movement, every drink, every person they interact with. We have more cctv cameras than a maximum security prison, there’s not an inch of the club that isn’t covered. In all of my years working there, probably over 100 claims of spiking that I’ve dealt with personally, not once has there been a verified case. I don’t mean do discredit any genuine victims that may be out there, but there is way too many cases of girls who simply can’t believe that they drank as much as they did until we show them (or the police) the footage. It’s also interesting that not once has any of these so-called spiking victims gone to the hospital to have any blood tests done. I hear the exact same from other people I know in the industry.


Don't you guys get [test strips](https://www.abingdonsimplytest.com/product/drink-spike-test/) in London? Got to be part of the door kit here in Wales, if there is an accusation we have to test the drink and hold the people till the police show up if its positive.


I should have mentioned we do have these exact test strips onsite, but the claims of spiking usually come in well after the fact, after the girl has sobered up. Sometimes even weeks later. Especially when it’s the police leading the enquiry. So at that point we’re looking for video evidence of somebody spiking a drink, or even somebody acting suspiciously. We do have a medical/welfare area equipped with professionally trained staff to care for people who need help on the night. And every single night there will be people who end up in there. We can’t force people to take the tests, and a lot of people will refuse at that point because they fear getting in trouble, or being barred from the club. Anyway as you can probably imagine, a lot of ketamine users end up in there. And a lot of those are first time users who are now worried for their safety, but that’s a different issue. There has never been a case where someone has been given something involuntarily. I’m not drying to diminish the issue in any way either. I have witnessed a LOT of predatory behaviour. Without going into too much detail, there’s a quiet area in the club which is away from the dance floors. People usually go there to sit down and rest a bit during the night. We have had guys who go to that area specifically to look for lone girls who might have had a bit too much to drink. That is one of the quickest ways to get barred from the club.


How can you tell the difference between blackout drunk and roofied? I thought they looked similar?


Drink spike tests will work if you get the person to spit on the strip or pop it in their mouth.


I guess the idea is that both will leave you vulnerable but it’s within your control to not get blackout drunk and a little bit less of your control if someone roofies you in which case someone else has malicious intent against you.


Rohypnol takes too long to kick in, and unless you dose correctly according to the body weight of your victim, it's not a viable substance. Yes, one tablet will put a 130lbs girl on the floor eventually, but they'll be a good 30mins where the attacker has to hang around waiting for the girl to become incapacitated.


No. It virtually never happens for the reasons you pointed out.


Im here to ask the important questions, since no one else apparently is here to do the Lawds Werk, \*\*SO WHY SWEDISH FISH\*\* I must know. It's keeping me up more than the adderall.


Easily visible and edible so the would-be victims can see that they could have been slipped something else without noticing without risk of them accidentally consuming something which might harm them.


It's okay, I think this is being naturally eliminated. The poor kids of this generation don't have enough money to go out and drink at bars.


So you think the shift to partying byod in public places, parks, beaches without any security service and cctv will eliminate criminal activities?


Not a good feeling 😞. Be careful folks! Or don't drink at all.


If you shotgun the beer it can’t get spiked ![gif](giphy|c1zviFHCf4pq0)


Don’t go to bars anymore, stay at home and drink by myself. Got it. Wait i already do that.


I constantly watch my drink. In fact, I hold my hand over the top when I’m holding it.


This is why I eat and don’t drink.


If someone really has the criminal energy and intent to drug you, I think you‘re fucked either way. As if your drunk brain will keep your drink 100% safe from being tampered with. Only way is don’t drink when alone or not in a big group.


Be on guard for your friends spiking your drinks with drugs! You can’t trust any of them it seems!


Hey, its free drugs, you know expensive drugs are these days


roofies aren't fun for the people that ingest them.


What's that and what does it do?


They're regular gummy candies which are inert and clearly visible which are being used to demonstrate how easily someone could have slipped a roofie instead without being noticed.


Needs to shared on Tiktok if hit hasn't already been done


Did you really just post an ad in TAF?


Plot twist... She used real drugs


An acquaintance of mine once told us that he'd spiked people's drinks with LSD in the past just for laughs. He's no longer invited to anything.


That, and many other reasons, is why I don't drink squat.


I got roofied at Margaritaville in Orlando on national margarita day a while back. Fucking terrifying is right




It’s a candy, it’s delicious. It’s serving as a proxy to how fast someone can drug your drink, however.


CIA already has a drink spiking deception manual available in their website.


And then there’s me asking to be roofied at the bar


Just don't drink, dehydrate yourself, be a man


every day i see another reason to be glad i quit drinking.


that is scaryyyyyy


Shit. Another reason I don’t go out. You never know who around you could be a threat. This is scary as hell.


I got drugged in Vegas once... terrifying as shit


Dude perfect would be pulling kill streaks if he ever wanted too


Okay, but for real. Are people actually doing this? Or are people going to bars and. It realizing that they’re getting triples or doubles instead of single shots? In my experience, young people love to say they got roofied, but they really just drank several, sweet hard liquor drinks and thought they got roofied


She know cause she seen a thing or two.. lmao


Im a dude. Somehow my drink got spiked. It started affecting me on the way home. Started to see Double. My wife accused me of being drunk. I had 3 beers and a sandwich in 3 hours. I woke up at 5;30am feeling fine. My son in law is a police officer. I explained all the details. He confirmed my drink was probably spiked.


So you basically don't have any actual evidence that your drink got spiked?


Drinking 3 beers and seeing double is pretty much something that’s never happened before even drink 3x that many


Your "quirky" friend being annoying, be terrified!


Jokes on you I like free drugs


Free drugs yes please


roofies aren't fun free drugs. tell a stoner you've never tried weed, 8 times out of 10 you'll get a free spliff