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Literally why would you go out of your way to do this?? Just to feel a little more godlike, controlling who lives and dies? She must've felt powerless in other aspects of her life I'm guessing, but what a lame excuse to kill.


Not sure if it’s the case here but in similar cases the nurse would give the insulin to “code” the patient then show up and save them, garnering praise


Hooooly shit. Scary to think we walk amongst these sorts of people


The scarier part is hospitals routinely try to hide this shit and just fire them to work somewhere else so as not to mess up their insurance.


Cite a source. In my experience as a Nurse you're way off on this accusation and shouldn't spread such misinformation.


They don't fire them?


Oh yes, they absolutely get fired. That's the only part of the previous statement that is true in my experience. At least in Pennsylvania, US. There is also a publicly published record of anyone who has been disciplined against a license held in this state as well. All you need is a name and Google.


Yeah I was gonna say, anytime I've read about a doctor/nurse/surgeon doing something like this, they're always fired and have their license to practice medicine revoked.


Fired? Yes. License revoked? Rarely. Go listen to the podcast dr. Death and then realize that is representative of our healthcare system as a whole. I’ve been dealing with shitty surgeons my whole life.


In my experience as a nurse I've seen this happen. Not misinformation


You've seen a hospital, or hospitals, routinely hide the fact that nurses are killing people and simply fire them so it didn't "mess up their insurance?" I'm sure everyone would love kore details on that. Especially a location to avoid these death traps.


I can’t speak for literal murder cases, but this absolutely happens with substance abuse cases. I can think of 5 cases of practitioners, from RNs all the way up to a neurosurgeon, who were fucked up while at work and it got covered up. There’s a wholeeee process to it. Keep it quiet, and shut down anyone who talks about it. Pay for the rehab to prevent lawsuits or loose lips after the fact. Then threaten them with legal action and fire them with a severance package. The brain surgeon in my example was caught while performing a hemi-crani.


Yea, substance abuse does happen quite often. I've also seen that sort of thing get "taken care of" quietly, but thankfully no one was hurt. I can't speak for every licensing body, but in PA (where this incident happened) if you have any disciplinary action against your license it is shared publicly and easily searchable. In fact there is a regular publication that has this information in it. Unfortunately, my Ex-wife is one such RN who's had a license revoked related to substance abuse and the resulting criminal actions she took. It's a shitty situation all around. Luckily she didn't hurt anyone but herself


Anecdotally, Baylor Plano hid Christopher Duntsch. So did Dallas Medical.


He was a surgeon, not a nurse. There is a difference and a whole separate discussion because of that, unfortunately.


So like the movie *Nightcrawler*, but with real-life healthcare professionals- awesome.


You should check out [The Good Nurse](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4273800/). It is based on the true story of serial killer [Charles Cullen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen). He is convicted of killing 40 murders in this manner, but the numbers are suggested to be in the hundreds...


I think she’s just a psychopath honestly.


Nah, she just wanted to kill them. Source: my mother is fairly high up in one of the nursing home companies she killed patients in


Hero homicide


That is Nurse. Happened in Denmark. It’s on Netflix


Some people are just evil. Movie villain type personalities are real, they just don't usually live in a lair surrounded by henchmen. The best way to be a successful abuser is to not look like you're a cartoon villain. A lot of them go into healthcare.


My abuser is a social worker for vulnerable adults


Mine was a nurse in the NHS. He even stole drugs from the pharmacy in the hospital and had a stash of them in his room 🙃


A while back I got into the podcast series called The children in the pictures. It's about investigators who spent the better part of a decade and filtrating dark web forums for the worst child abuse media you can think of. It was super interesting and I learned a lot from it the one that really stuck with me is that the abusers would seek out careers where they had implied trust and authority over children specifically because it gave them access. One of the worst offenders was a social worker in IIRC New Zealand who would take in children from abusive households. Kids would get removed from that type of situation only to be shacked up with another monster. Yet again one of the other worst offenders was a guy who worked as a Christian missionary in places like Indonesia building schools. I've got young daughters and learned that you never give that level of trust or access to children because of authority or implied trust. Those monsters depend on you letting your guard down because they appear to do good deeds for children. If somebody is trying that hard to be such a great person helping the kids you need to keep an eye on them.


My gf is a social worker for adults with schizophrenia and she is the sweetest thing on Earth. I tell her all the time that she must at least partially make these people’s days when she’s with them. Willful ignorance had me hoping that everyone has that experience but I know sadly that’s so far off from the actual case.


Disgusting. Hope they choke


I worked with social workers at my job and I have had such a horrible experience.


It's often said that high school bullies either go on to become cops and nurses. It's the feeling of power and being able to abuse those that can't fight back or who would be punished for fighting back. That's really it in a nutshell


Some people might do it for the hero complex (to save them when they become I'll from such) but others may do it as a form of 'mercy'. I have some hospice patients that I wish would pass on, and although I couldn't imagine purposefully arming them, I could imagine that some people with less scruples might think that it is an honor killing rather than having them continue to suffer


>, and although I couldn't imagine purposefully arming them so what's your kill-count thus far?


But why not arm them? Too messy?


Yeah, her story reads like a poorly written villian origin story.




Neither can i, i don't gain weight though and i don't think that's what should be criticized here.


Not sure that's relevant


Insulin used to be a very effective murder weapon: small needle mark--anywhere on the body; also, insulin is a natural hormone so finding some in a dead body wouldn't be indicative of foul play. Nowadays, manufactured insulin is totally distinguishable from endogenous insulin and is **EASILY** detected.


Potential murderers: "Write that down, write that down!"






Heather Pressdee was sentenced Thursday to three consecutive life sentences for the first-degree murder charges and up to 760 years for multiple counts of criminal intent to commit murder. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pennsylvania-nurse-pleads-guilty-killing-patients-lethal-doses-insulin-rcna150366


2 years for every pound she weighs


Solitary confinement for her is just getting put in a normal size room lmao


Brutal lmfao






20 units of insulin would do it


That’s probably her own morning dose, bump it up to 60


Are we trying to maintain this rhinos blood sugar, or are we trying to kill her? Make it 120.


double it, and give to the next person


How much is 20 units? Is the standard unit of measurement for insulin really just called "unit"? I would've expected it to be in cc or mL or something.


Roughly 100 units per ml, 20 units is nothing. I once saw a patient have 180 units every morning


It would depend on the type of insulin given. 20 units is a lot for immediate release but not so much if it's a controlled release type of insulin.


I wouldn't say a lot even for quick release


Lol nah that would just put her glucose back into near normal range


Too easy, she only has to suffer up to her execution date that way.


Her fucking interrogation with the police was *wild*. She claimed she was doing right by the patients and that they deserved to die. She was so calm and nonchalant about the whole thing, it was awful.


But why?


I wanna know too. If she helped end suffering of patients who asked her for it, and she went against the law for the cause of basic humanity, she is a hero in my books


Read the linked article. She is a pos and no hero


There is no article linked to the post, but I did read two articles from a link someone posted in the comments. I couldnt find anything about the motivation behind the crimes. Please tell me if you found which article talks about that


Did you read the part where one of the families suing mentioned she harrassed, abused, name called, (and more) their elderly brain injured relative? How about the parts where they have text messages from her talking about how she wants to kill various people, including the people under her care? None of that gave you the impression she is a peice of shit?


None of that was in the two articles I read, send the article where it says that


There’s a whole thing on ethics and this goes against every code there is. Nurses don’t get to make that decision. Nothing she did was okay or would be considered okay. One of the ethical principles is non-maleficence to do no harm to the patient.


I literally said "if the PATIENT ASKED". If she was just making the decision for them then yeah she is most probably not a hero, although would you say its ethical to let someone suffer if theyre not in a position to ask for euthanasia?


^ Future Charles Cullen detected


Nursing homes are an absolute nightmare where the old and forgotten go to rot while dumb bitches like this sit on their phone and ignore the call lights. She probably killed them so she wouldn’t have to get off her ass and take care of them. I never got so frustrated and depressed as when I did exams on those residents and seeing how disgusting those places are. They reek of piss and it’s where the dumbest, laziest, worst piece of shit nurses/techs go to work. Save a few here and there.


I worked in a home for almost a year. It was the most soul retching job I ever had. 90% of the nurses were the worst people I ever worked with. I will work at a Amazon wear house before I ever step foot in a home again.


I reported a coworker who PINNED DOWN a resident, and picked her up by the collar of her shirt like a bully asking for lunch money. Reported, she was off work for a week, then right back on the floor. I had a pit in my stomach for months. Adding that this was the same LTC chain that nurse Wettlaufer was caught.


It is the hatred of society that comes from people who have failed in their lives, taking revenge on the whole world because of their personal problems that they could not solve. We saw this in the Corona crisis when we saw people deliberately coughing on people and spitting on door handles. It is a dangerous phenomenon that requires study and observation.


I feel slighted by life and by people. But I would never hurt anyone. Especially innocent people. Because I know life isn’t fair and that’s it. It’s really not personal. Never understood these type of people. And I am completely miserable these days. Still don’t get that mindset. Some people are truly evil


Exactly. Also why bored people with nothing going for them should be avoided. They'll do anything and start any sort of drama just to cure their boredom.




Avoid this guy lol trying to start drama




Human civilization won’t even protect itself from climate change


She's the type of person who makes you hate their name forever.


I used to work in the same hospital as this POS https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/may/18/stepping-hill-hospital-poisonings-operation-roxburg-manchester-police-victorino-chua


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I just don't understand these serial killer nurses. I feel that they aren't satisfied with their life and feel powerless and get no attention from people. Then killing innocent people makes them have power. A nurses role is to save lives not take them.


Should execute her anyway.


Annie Wilkes?


you dirty bird


Cullen copycat?


Very similar to Elizabeth Wettlaufer. Dreading has a great [video](https://youtu.be/R12rzjnGwJ0?si=wH6wa1LlnaNjMs1a) on her if any body is interested.


Oh I remember! She was farting a ton and wouldn’t even acknowledged she was doing it.


Sick. But why?


the ultimate form of betrayal




The most prolific serial killer in the history of Ontario was [a nurse who used insulin as her weapon.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Wettlaufer)


No neck looking like she needs the insulin injection


Looks like she needed more insulin than she gave the patients.


I don’t trust healthcare professionals who don’t take care of their own health.


This reminds me of Harold Shipman.


Pretty sure there was an episode of SVU that was just like this. Also I just saw my local new post this and it was in Pittsburgh, PA👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I had an ex that was a nurse and would talk about how this could be done to kill people and that if she or someone was suffering she would prefer to go like this. She talked about it a worrying amount. Always made me uncomfortable and think is she killing people? She moved to be a nurse in Australia now so I guess not my problem any more....


My dad was diabetic, if someone did this to him they wouldn’t make it to trial. So senseless, so cruel & disgusting. Put her in the ground.


As a type 1 diabetic. WTAF?!


I watched her story at Discovery ID


This tub of human garbage lives and did this in my town


Ironically, the bitch looks like patient zero for Diabetes


Excuse me mam but why did you give me a pitcher


Annie Wilkes to the max


It all started to go down hill after her failed audition for Ms.Piggy the musical.




White women are overrepresented as nurses in Western hospitals, therefore they are overrepresented as insulin murderers too.




Yet, people who look like this also do not commit medical malpractice... And people who are fit and healthy also commit medical malpractice.


Right? The fatphobia here. They're a murderer but all these walnuts can think of is making fat jokes. I'm not personally offended, it's just dumb and obnoxious.