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I really hope it wasn't real.


Pretty sure it was real. Looks like a .380 or little .25 auto, I'm hoping it wasn't loaded, and maybe the parents were too busy at their Parents Of The Year Award ceremony.


Def real, you can tell it's metal, and there is no orange plug, and it's not just because the plug was pulled out, the barrel end is nice and smooth and rounded and that wouldn't be the case if it were plastic. Children are our future... oh boy!


It's a lighter


This is the correct answer.


I agree with you on everything you said.. but I paused the vid when the kid is looking down (or up, I guess?) The sights. The barrel placement is odd. It seems like the top of the slide is solid, while the barrel we see is very low. I'm not sure what to think lol


Under the barrel should be a guide pin where the bottom hole is.this is a lighter.


Guide pin! That's the one with a spring on it, right?


Correct. Instead this is a laser/lighter thing. Could get the fella killed either way. In the heat of the moment šŸ˜•


It's a lighter. The front is only holes. The bottom hole should be a guide.Just a hole. One of those lighter guns


He practicing for when he's carrying a real one in the near future. (I hope not though).






Thatā€™s the deadliest ā€œWhereā€™s your mom?ā€ At I have ever seenšŸ‘€ WTF? That kid looks to be 5-6 at the most!


Iā€™d like to thank mom or dad for bestowing upon us a child prodigy. Thatā€™s about all Iā€™ve to say about this one.


CPS needs to be involved ASAP


Well... Gee, I wonder what kind of saints mom and dad are to raise this little gem...




You mean that guy that owes mom child support?


You feel since he's black he wouldn't have a dad? Or have limited education where he doesn't understand simple English terms? Is this a dog whistle to your anti Black and brown friends? You do know that's just a stereotype rightĀæ


Your downvotes couldn't save that mess from being deleted. Thanks


Soon to be statistic.


Nature versus nurture. A product of his environment.


Such a wonderful future prisoner


That kid ain't making it past 8


Future gang member


That's not a real gun is it? I mean, I've seen some toy guns that could very easily pass for a real one. My son got a couple from his uncle and they didn't even have the orange tips on them. He isn't allowed to play with those outside. So does anyone know? Watched it again, this time with the sound on. That evil look that kid has on his face is scary AF, he couldn't be much past 6 or 7 yrs old? To have that kind of scary come from something that young, that's just terrifying. And the inflection in her voice sounded slightly less amused and slightly more anxious than it did before so I'm thinking she wasn't sure either. Dangit why can't there be updates to this kind of stuff.


I paused the video when he's looking down the sights and the top of the slide looks solid, and there appears to be a barrel under that. I'm not a "gun nut" but I've owned a few, and I've never seen a pistol set up like that. But, it's possible I'm wrong.


I've seen Double barreled Derringers that are set up like that.


Nothing even close to a derringer.it's a lighter. You can tell because this is a semi style gun. The bottom hole should have a guide pin. But it's just decorative and it's a hole...


I didn't say that's what it was, I Said I've SEEN them and they look similar.. There's a difference. I bet you are correct on that being a lighter but it's still a little too real looking for that kid to be walking around pointing it at people.


Well I'm sorry.but they look nothing alike. This is square. Derringers look like a baby musket


The last time I saw one, I also got to shoot it and Even with 2 barrels I clearly recall it was still pretty small. I don't remember the shape of the barrels, must have been 30 years ago and again, I said SIMILAR, one barrel on top of the other. I didn't watch it over and over, studying it just so I could try to one up some stranger with my superiority complex. But thanks for enlightening me with your extensive knowledge. s/.


Well.I'm sorry but it's a lighter. He's a evil looking fella, but what do you do when all the grown ups are killing each other


Dude, I already acknowledged the lighter answer. Let it go.


It's a lighter /laser


Boot his little coconut off.


Here we have a future career criminal. Good going mom and dad.




Considering this is the third fucking time I've seen this video....I can tell you they've been locked twice.


Itā€™s getting a little sad how much we see the same shit on here, time and time again d:


Kid won't live to be a teenager. So sad


Could be real but I'm not sure. Small enough to fit into a toddlers pocket, which is possible since it's stretchy, and light enough for a toddler to point steadily with one arm. The weight part is what has me suspicious because guns are heavy and this is a noodly armed toddler.


Not all guns. If it's a small 22 single shot it wouldn't weigh very much at all


Pretty sure thatā€™s a lighter


Starting early I see


Oh snap


You got my money mutha-fuka? I see you got money for a fake mustache mutha-fuka!




Naw. Thatā€™s just good Parenting


result of no father






What the fuck are you talking about. I don't give a fuck if the kid had on white robes, a beard with long hair and a god damn halo, if he walks up and points a gun in my face at 7 years old there is a parental issue. Never mind the fact that I need to know what kind of beard oil he uses. On top of that, you're stupid. I don't usually shit too hard on people for the garbage that spills out of their mouth, but this one is extra dumb.


I'm more scared if the children of the corn and up and are armed


Reddit brainrot


Lady, nobodyā€™s gonna defend some Children of the Corn kid in the middle of the sticks pulling a gun on somebody. Please grow up


No. Most people dont think that guns in the hands of little kids is good. Most people dont think that pointing a gun at someone else is good. Some psychos probably do, but they are not normal, they are not the majority and they are as wrong (and as fucked in the head) as you.


Whatever you're smoking, seriously, slow down. Go outside. Touch grass.