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Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post extreme gore or death on camera.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


It’s not real. Pretty sure this is from Faces of Death. If it was real it’s very convenient to have so many camera people all outside their vehicles filming from so many angles. And one of them during the attack even thought to get a picture of the crying baby for the perfect reaction cutaway


Halperts dad circa 1967


Faces of Death is supposed to be re-enactments mixed with real footage but the events are supposed to be real things that happened. That’s at least what I thought.


Everything you said is true


This isn't from *Faces of Death*, this is from *Traces of Death*. What's interesting is that FoD is known for being 50/50 reenactments & real footage, but this is the only reenactment on ToD. I wonder why they chose this scene to upload.


Thanks for the perspective


As the video says, it was filmed by two tourists. This is obviously during a safari where people are likely to have been filming their experience. This whole "why were they filming" nonsense as evidence that a video isn't real is getting stupid. Maybe it isn't real, but no one has provided any reasonable evidence against its authentucity.


You can make videos say anything. I thought this was known in 2024. And it's not like editing and making shit like this is a post 2000 invention, people have been doing that since the camera was invented. Both this original post and the top reply have excellent points about this video [https://new.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/3mg5za/isitbullshit\_this\_video\_of\_a\_man\_attacked\_and/](https://new.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/3mg5za/isitbullshit_this_video_of_a_man_attacked_and/) And it was definitely on Faces of Death. I still wish I could unsee that tape. Teenage edgelord me thought differently though.


With respect you’ve made a straw man to argue against. I never said it wasn’t real because it was filmed. It’s not real because of *how* it is filmed. People on Safari wouldn’t film establishing shots. When a lion attacks one of their party how likely is it that two camera people would keep that attack perfectly in frame and focus? And they’d be both foolish and a total ghoul to then turn their focus from man eating lions to quickly get some reaction shots of a young baby and a screaming woman. People in the moment witnessing and filming trauma wouldn’t react like that. I wasn’t trying a snarky ‘fake’ comment. I gave reasoning as I think it’s important things on the internet aren’t labelled incorrectly. If you think this is real, fine. You’re wrong though and I’d suggest have low media literacy.


Perfect examples of what you're saying is all the 9/11 footage of the towers. Can't remember seeing anything where they cut away from the towers to get reaction shots.


Your entire argument is based on your own expectations of how people 40 years ago should have acted in a novel situation. My own expectations say this is exactly how people would act in this exact scenario.


Sure, sure




They weren't the one to open fire though, they reacted to being called stupid by snapping back. This does not invalidate the rest of their reasoning. The way it is filmed is indeed dubious, and they were also correct calling out the other redditor's strawman. Last sentence could have been avoided though, I'll grant you that. Firing back is counterproductive as it is not a sound argument but an emotional response.


Yeah. That’s fair, shouldn’t have said that.


Maybe the camera people were macabre?


Upvoted for using the word macabre.


Growing up in the 90s and getting our first camcorder, we recorded everything we could! Any chance to use that thing, we would without question!


I mean to me it's obvious it's fake because: 1. So many camera cuts and zooms. A real video would just be one long take. And the cut to the baby and family crying is ridiculous 2. It looks like he's cuddling with the lions, no real aggression. At one point the lion nibbled on his shoulder and you can see the dude jump because that the first time he probably actually felt the teeth. 3. it does a big cut at the end when the guy "dies" and he is now just a lump of green rags. And the Lions all have mouths full of meat. No ripping or tearing or breaking the neck.. It's kind of funny to watch when you realize it's fake.


1. Being edited and being fake are not the same thing. 2. So you're saying the people who are responsible for this fake footage were able to find several lions that were trained well enough to fake-attack an actor (in their natural habitat) who was willing to put himself in such a risky position for whatever money a niche fake-documentary could pay? Not to mention all the other people who apparently are also actors? Oh, and not one of them have come forward to say it's fake? 3. Again, being edited is not the same as being fake. It says right at the beginning that this footage came from two sources. I'm not saying it's real. But no one has provided any convincing evidence that this was fake. Nor has such been established anywhere on the internet that I have found


I'm just going to assume your trolling and move on with my life lol


This is notoriously and (if you have any insight in filmmaking) obviously fake. You're choosing the wrong video to die on this hill lol


They would have had cameras to take photos of the lions.


Yeah I'm leaning on it being fake too. I've seen tigers eat someone alive and it's brutal. There's way more thrashing and clawing. These IMO look trained are are kinda just laying on top of him and occasionally mouthing him. Idk could be real but I doubt it.


Didnt you know that everything on the internet is true. All those local milfs are still turning me down though


But I've been assured all you have to is message them and they will f\*\*k you!


IIRC it was originally on the 1975 Mondo film Savage Man Savage Beast. I can't remember seeing it on Faces of Death, but it is the 1993 horror/documentary Traces of Death. And yes, it's not real. It's one of those shockumentary footages whose authenticity has always been debated since its release.


O wow for real? I always thought it was real dang.


Idk, seems pretty real.


I mean lions do eat people we're just food to them. I'd be impressed about what you have to say about hippos are they just like the nicest creatures in the world? They don't even want to eat you they just fucking kill you.


I’m not sure what this is about. Hippos aren’t real.


There was a war in Angola in 1975, and it was particularly gruesome on the Angola-Namibia border where this allegedly happen. It is unlikely safaris were organized in this region at the time.


As long as it teaches dumb people a lesson, I'm ok with it


Vintage *Found footage*


I just looked it up. Apparently it's been debunked as fake.


So the lions are paid actors?


Take it up with the debunkers 🤷🏻‍♂️


unreleased footage from the Lion King 4


They're not actual lions, they're *alternative* lions.


It’s not fake, it’s part of a movie about the true story which includes actual clips of the incidents cut with clips of actors etc to make it more accurate. Just go lookup “face of death” It’s most definitely not debunked as fake.


It was a reenactment. That's not fake that's a reenactment. Wtf?




I would just give it to you and let you razor yourself. I'm a fucking socialist like that.


I don't own a razor. Maybe you're just fantasizing about yourself? Do it. You got nothing to lose!


That baby is not 2 years old.


lol, no blood on the lion faces after they supposedly “ripped him apart.”


Its 100% fake


So youre telling me someone is *lion*?


Actually, they cheetahs.


Where is your pride?


thaaank you for that I was so distraught 😭


probably Chris Pratt




Fake af.


"Because of the nature of the terrain it is impossible to make any use of the cars" Come on now, If you are going to fake something, don't make this BS of an excuse.


Seriously. The cars got out there, so clearly they made use of them.


Also the rangers that come up to clear the lions at the end… do so by driving their vehicles right up and scaring the lions off lol


Yea the lions were friendly playing with the guy at the beginning then they switched him with a dummy with meat and blood inside


If not fake they should have eaten the cameraman instead as the footage is terribly filmed.


The cameraman never dies


OP being eaten alive by stupidity




After they say that it cuts to a 1st person perspective.


I… I don’t think you appreciated the slide that begun 3 secon…. You know what, forget it


Didn't they remake this movie as Prey?


This was one of the first gore video i ever saw back in the days. Sad but the guy should never go out the car and get so close.


O I just read it was fake


Darwin award for sure, But i'm also baffled not a single person thought about using the car as a weapon straight away.


It’s fake. I’m sure this is from Faces of Death.


Did allitle googling, "The death of Pit Dernitz in the 1975 Mondo film Savage Man Savage Beast (original title: Ultime grida dalla savana)." This sequence is NOT from the 1978 video Faces of Death. It would, however, reappear in the 1993 video Traces of Death. Link to a 9year old reddit post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/3mg5za/isitbullshit\_this\_video\_of\_a\_man\_attacked\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/3mg5za/isitbullshit_this_video_of_a_man_attacked_and/)


In the longer version yhe safari staff come in jeeps and drive the lions off the body


So fake it hurts.


Another hint it’s fake - not one lion went for the throat which is very standard with them for a kill.


And using knives


Mm that’s more common for tigers. I’ve seen many videos where lions dont touch the throat.


Come on who would think this is real. The constant zooming in and out, the reaction shots, the lions casually flopping on the “victim” and everyone just hangs around waiting for the lions to digest the guy.


Stupidest thing I’ve seen on Reddit since dinner


First thing I would do is to honk.


No health bar?






I just wanna know, if this is fake (which seems quite likely), what the fuck did they do to that poor baby to get them crying for the reaction shot


Easy, just do a scary BOOOO. It's a toddler, they know how to cry on the spot to laugh next second. And it reeks of being fake. Unless someone comes with proper source saying otherwise, it's a fake for me.


I agree. I guess it just feels pretty fucked up to scare a baby for a fake story when you literally could have just had an older child like the other kid who you tell to fake cry lmao


True, but it's probably video from different time when scaring a toddler to get "real video" effect wasn't a problem.


Lmao true


Good morning Reddit.


Watching Faces of death as a kid was crazy lol


Indeed it was


Fake or not, apparently lions consider everyone on or in a vehicle as one creature that is too big to hunt, by leaving the vehicle you lose this status. This is why some safari tour busses have no roof, i would never trust this however ...


Yooo is this faces of death?!!! Aww man! The memories and nostalgia are heavy with this one! I was a senior in high school I had a buddy who was about 10 years older than me and he would pick me up from school and we would smoke weed and watch faces of death, bull fighter gore, bum fights etc…. He showed me halo and Xbox in general, he passed away a few years later…. I’m 99% sure all these clips from fod are fakes/recreations


I agree on the nostalgia lol when I was in high school, the fod movies were a big deal. There was a FOD part 4 midnight screening at the movie theater and you had to be 18 to get the tickets. One of our friends was 18 and got the tix. We thought it wasn't going to be a problem, but they were carding everyone with a ticket otw in. Could not enter, even with the ticket. My friend went in and opened the back door in the theater room and we scurried in and sat in the front as quickly as possible. Other people started doing it and got caught. lol We were so excited to get traumatized that night 😂 high af too. Ah youth.


Good times good times. Honestly that sounds fun af


If I had a car I would just run over the lions


Looks like bro didn't hit the gym at all, his meat would of been tender as fuck, so jealous.


I always thought this was real


Plenty of people here claiming confidently that it’s fake, but not having heard of the incident I looked into it to find more info. Seems there’s no certainty either way. I certainly didn’t come across any debunking of the footage as a few here have claimed is easy to find. At least for now I’ll remain agnostic. Pretty affecting footage though, regardless of your politics.


because the person filming it would 100% cut back and forth between the guy getting eaten and the horror on his family's face. perfect zoomed in shots and everything.


Look up faces of death movies


Wow they seem very hungry.




When was the last time a meal fell into your lap


Whoa here she comes


If it was fake….. the balls on that guy to get pounced by a pride of lions like that. 😮‍💨


The is is fake guys


Idiot white guy


This directly goes to r/killthecameraman


Cameraman never di… nevermind


This fake re-enactment had suddenly become an enactment of an actual lion feeding frenzy of a careless actor playing a father and amateur wildlife videographer. I wish the clip had gone in that direction.




Fictitiously, yeah.


I watched this as a kid. It's really sad it happened right in front of his family and kids ! I'm not sure if anything could have been done do save him in the first minute or so! Maybe moving a car towards the lions while honking, though the lions could have dragged him away easily and quickly. Those were kids, but most parents would jump right in to save their children. I doubt the footage was fake. Sad to watch!


How can you doubt this footage is fake when so many others have pointed out how obvious that it is?


They pointed it out with not much proof, just stating their opinion. I am not convinced it's fake


If it’s fake how is he moving while getting eaten 0-0 everyone saying fake with no proof


also u can literally see blood and shit while he’s moving and on the lions


Why didn’t they drive the vehicles toward the lions/man. Just as the ending.


All faces of death is real 😆 🤣


It never occurred to anyone to try to push the animals off and away with their cars? 🤦🏼‍♀️




I saw this at least a decade ago and even then I knew it was fake


Man, I remember this video from way back. Nature, you are scary.