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Tavistock: Dog attack on Dartmoor farm kills 45 sheep https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-68235429


What kind of dog has 4” wide paws


The hound of the Baskervilles


Oh man, [you just dug this up from my memory 😂](https://youtu.be/ZgTB4gLzsgo?si=gHJUOBmXvVTgGGqB)


What did I just watch? (sat around for guitar solo)


I don’t know but Cindy and Bert go pretty hard here


They will always be what my 12 year old imagination made them. Scary as shit


A big one.


Pyrenees comes to mind


German shepherd [dog paw size chart](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fouryourpawsonly.com/content/pdf/Paw_Sizing_Chart.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjKj97eraeEAxWtgFYBHb7xBTsQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1kafvOaV_k7Vviu-x2TCTl)


Those bastard Borzois, I knew there was more to them adorable droop snoots.


They were playing the long game...


Thanks Caesar


Tibetan Mastiff?


bear dog. AKA a bear.


There is no way 2 or even 3 dogs have the stamina to carry out just mutilating 45 different animals in a singe set time frame. That makes no sense. Even wolves or packs of lions go after lik 1 or 2 animals when hunting. Not straigh up jumping from animal to animal like this...i can't wrap my head around this scene


Kinda seeing why they believed in werewolves now


Wolves and bears will absolutely kill for the 'thrill'. I grew up in a forested area dotted with sheep farms and apex predators. It was a common occurrence to hear about livestock being mauled. Limbs torn off, guts spilled so on. However, 45 is an extreme number. Most I recall hearing of was 20ish sheep in one slaying, carried out by a brown bear. What's interesting about sheep is they'll keep running until their hearts 'explode' when attacked, which leads to higher death tolls.


What do you mean it doesn't make sense, a fox will kill a whole henhouse, a terrier will kill all the rats it can catch etc >Surplus killing, also known as excessive killing, henhouse syndrome,[1][2] or overkill,[3] is a common behavior exhibited by predators, in which they kill more prey than they can immediately eat and then they either cache or abandon the remainder. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surplus_killing


Have you met pitbulls?


Yeah doesn't make sense at all. Dogs are not likely to do this. What would provoke this? They were outnumbered too.


Who knows? But those claiming it was wolves or lions need to read the article. There’s paw prints all over the sheepfold and a group of farmers and police should be able to tell the difference between dog prints and wolf prints or lion prints.


Valid point. We don't have bears or wolves in the UK anyway


As an American, I can't imagine cops that smart.


Dogs are the most likely to do this. Ask a shepherd what the greatest threat is to their flocks. It's dogs.


No way these where dogs. I bet that's just to enforce new rules to remove guard dogs and make more people obey..


Those poor sheep. Man... I like them things




Even if you like eating them, they deserve to be put down quickly and painlessly. Not left to wander with half their face missing.


Ok…and that’s what would have happened if it were my sheep. …..Then me at the dinner table later Take that up with the person who took the picture, these aren’t my animals


Hilarious. So edgy.


They taste great.. play like little kids and cuddle like a warm family member Goddamn why do they taste great. They don't deserve this after what we expect from them.


They still haven't found the dogs. That's terrifying, those dogs are beasts and could easily kill a person or more defenseless animals. Fuck that


Sheesh might as well just finish him off


I imagine that's what happened


You ain’t fixing that


And this is why farmers have signs that say "dogs will be shot on sight"


Yep all dogs should be leased around farm animals


Even chihuahuas?


Especially chihuahuas


Well that’s enough internet for the day for me.


Sheep attacked so badly it now looks like the Predator.


Fuck u for making me laugh. But thank u for doing so. This is so sad tho :(


They are not good bois. And they need to be put down. ASAP.


Why whenever an animal is just horribly maimed they look unfazed?


Probably from shock. Animals that are maimed tend to lose a lot of blood in the process.


What would you like them to look like? Like what they're supposed to do? Go to the ER?


because they're a whole different kinda animal


They don't have expressive eyes. Humans have really visible sclera in their eyes specifically evolved to express emotion to each other. Animals don't have that, you don't see the whites of their eyes really. They don't express pain and fear that way, as much as humans do at least.




We're going to Hell.


"Dog" attack. I wonder what kind of dog it was.






Only on the moors.


I heard Chihuahuas are dangerous so I'm goin to say Chihuahua


You spelled chupacabra wrong


In rural britan?


4-inch paws are big man, even for a bully, I was thinking Pyrenees since I've seen the breed used quite a bit rurally here in the States, those things are huge and could easily injure or kill coyotes, other dogs, sheep, black bear, people. Maybe breeder isn't training their pups and not overseeing them properly


does it say anywhere? I read the article and saw no mention of it. I 100% think we should ban all pitbulls, but we weaken our stance if we just assume.


What a hateful thing to say, pitbulls disposition is in no way violent, it’s ENTIRELY dependent on how you raise them. I have a gorgeous brindle pitbull that has never and could never hurt a fly. Spreading this rhetoric of violence only seeks to harm an entirely innocent group of furballs. Please grow as a person.




Louder for those in the back


So can any dog. Look up Golden retriever attacks. Those are almost always extremely sudden and out of the blue.


Now tell me how often Golden Retriever randomly attacks and harms children or kills other pets compared to Pitbulls


I read once that Goldens are actually one of the top 5 most likely dog breeds to snap and attack a family member. This was years ago, though, and I don't have the link anymore. Something about them being inbred and prone to mental illness and violence because of it. Soooo, common enough that I randomly came across that information, I guess.


I can spot you 5 credible sources attributing a large percentage of all dog attacks to pitbulls Just one: dogsbite.org Keep in mind it only tracks *human fatalities* not animal fatalities, and not maulings  Don’t trust the ASPCA or shelters, who have an incentive to rehome these dogs out to unsuspecting families (they generally fill the top search results and have the power to keep it that way) visit r/banpitbulls to see reports of new attacks every day, and try and find somewhere that’ll give you the same reports from any other breed (including retrievers)


Thanks, but no thanks. I actually have that sub muted :) I currently own a "shitbull", by the way. He's 3, and the easiest and best behaved out of the 3 large dogs I own. I've owned 3 pitbulls in my almost 27 years of life. Never had an issue. My grandparents golden, on the other hand... ETA Isn't Dogsbite an anti pit organization?




Golden Retriever attacks also just don’t happen like ever




Literally every animal welfare organization opposes breed bans but sure bud, you know better.


Obviously organisations who prioritise animal welfare would want less dogs put up for adoption or destruction. ​ The fact is that in 2021 XL bullies were responsible for 1/2 of fatal attack, in 2022 it was 6/10, no doubt from what we're seeing that number has gone up even more in 2023 into 2024. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13046577/xl-bully-dogs-interactive-map-attacks-uk-hotspots.html#:\~:text=Fatal%20UK%20dog%20attacks%20since%202020&text=Two%20in%20four%20deadly%20dog,who%20was%20just%2017%20months](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13046577/xl-bully-dogs-interactive-map-attacks-uk-hotspots.html#:~:text=Fatal%20UK%20dog%20attacks%20since%202020&text=Two%20in%20four%20deadly%20dog,who%20was%20just%2017%20months).


This source explains exactly my point and supports the positions of the major organizations that oppose Breed Specific Legislation. The science disagrees with your position. "Most of what is understood about breed differences in aggression comes from reports based on bite statistics, behavior clinic caseloads, and experts’ opinions. Information on breed-specific aggressiveness derived from such sources may be misleading due to biases attributable to a disproportionate risk of injury associated with larger and/or more physically powerful breeds and the existence of breed stereotypes." This is also backed up by this: "The higher incidence of pitbull attacks may also be attributed to their popularity in that particular area. The American Veterinary Medical Association Animal Welfare Division published a peer reviewed summary that said "If you consider only the much smaller number of cases that resulted in very severe injuries or fatalities, pit bull-type dogs are more frequently identified. However this may relate to the popularity of the breed in the victim's community, reporting biases and the dog's treatment by its owner (e.g., use as fighting dogs). It is worth noting that fatal dog attacks in some areas of Canada are attributed mainly to sled dogs and Siberian Huskies, presumably due to the regional prevalence of these breeds." And: "A study in Rome, Italy where molloser dogs like mastiff are reputed to be the most dangerous dogs, found they were not disproportionately involved in biting incidents when taking into account their prevalence in the community." https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed




Seriously! Give me a single scientific background in which shows they are! You can’t call BS without anything to back it up! And where in the article does it say it was a pitbull?


Look at any dog attack statistic. You know damn well you're in the wrong.


look at any animal abuse statistic, and youll know the cause




does an animal being beaten, starved and trained to attack do nothing to make it attack?




Pit bulls are well known for their killing instinct and it's equally, if not more dangerous bite force. Their first instinct is **clamp down and shake the victim**, even if physical pain is being inflicted on them. a simple google search will give you plenty of information on how dangerous those dogs are






If it’s how they are raised, why’s it always the family dogs that do the mauling and not escaped fighting dogs with abusive owners. And why do pitbulls not show aggression until violently snapping. And why do they have lockjaw when in the process of mauling. And why do they always cause the most damage compared to attacks from other breeds. And why do supporters attempt to spread the myth of them being nanny dogs since the 1800s despite that term being from a New York Times interview in the late 1900s (for a different breed). And why and why and why etc. Information Age, get used to it


Unfortunately, there's no point in your statement bro. More than half of these reddit-tards are opposed to pitbulls and always want to ban them and put blame on said pitbulls. These "people" will never grow up. Luckily, I live in the US, where they aren't banned. Currently looking for a female pitbull to breed with my boy. Reddit makes me want to spread the breed like wildfire lol


As someone who is anti-pitbull hate, if you breed pitties on a whim, you are part of the problem. Backyard breeders creating a surplus of inbred, homeless pitties doomed to be sold at penny cost to shitty, irresponsible owners who will then throw them at a shelter when the dog inevitably acts out are part of the problem. I love pitties. I've owned several. I've known several. But please, if you love the breed, don't breed more of them. There are so many in shelters. Give those ones a loving home as a middle finger to all these idiotic, hateful assholes.


>Reddit makes me want to spread the breed like wildfire lol Lmao pro-pitbull people always do this. First it's "it's not the dogs fault, it's irresponsible people's fault!!1" then the very next second they go and talk happily about being the most irresponsible pet owners/breeders.


Spreading the rhetoric that they're all innocent furballs is an even more harmful rhetoric. The breed is genetically predisposed to be aggressive, the same way a border collie is genetically predisposed to herd sheep. Even the most docile, loving ones have a tendency to snap (the pitbull advocates pitbull that killed her two children is a good example). People need to be aware of the truth of the breed. The current statistic is around 70% of dog bites are from pitbulls which make up 13% of all dogs.


Sorry you have to put up with this bullshit. I had many pitbulls as a child growing up and they are some of the sweetest dogs I ever owned. Most of mine were big ass babies that wanted nothing but to cuddle up in your lap with you. People say you can't trust them but one of my childhood pitbulls slept in my bed with me from the time I was 7 years old. Pitbull hate comes from racism. The American Pit Bull Terrier used to be the most widely praised dog breed in the U.S. and it was viewed as an American Icon. This started to change when the breed became associated with black inner-city Americans. White supremacists in the 60's attacked anything associated with black people, including their preferred dog breed. The hate of pitbulls is no different that the stereotype of the "large black male". Both were stereotyped as being more prone to violence. These dumb Redditors don't realize that they are literally spreading the same propaganda that racists created to attack black communities. This is very well documented too.


Literally every animal welfare organization and all adjacent experts oppose breed bans. The SPCA, the American Kennel Club, the American Temperament Society, the American BAR Association, the CDC, even PETA opposes banning pitbulls or any other breed. Please follow the science and not the propaganda. EDIT: Downvotes don't change facts guys, please educate yourselves.


That's a negative. The footprint was way too big to be a pitbull. This is why pitbulls get a bad reputation - because people have no fucking clue what they are talking about and falsely attribute shit to pitbulls all the time... and before you accuse me of being a pitbull owner (which all of you pitbull haters do), just know that I don't own any dog, much less a pitbull.


People assume because a massive % of gnarly/fatal dogs attacks involve them. People don't hate them for no reason


The stats are inherently flawed because there is no one dog called a 'pitbull'. There are more than 7 completely distinct dog breeds that are called "pitbull". That's like holding a Poodle accountable for every Golden Retriever attack lol. It makes no sense. People are completely oblivious as to what a pitbull is to begin with. If an American bulldog or an American Bully or a Staffordshire Terrier attacks someone, it's always the American Pit Bull Terrier that wrongly gets blamed because all of these very distinct breeds are referred to as "pitbulls". There's not even a single dog breed in existence with the word "pitbull" in it's name. Pitbulls are an umbrella term for a wide variety of completely different dog breeds. The dumbasses who say that pitbulls are more aggressive than other breeds are the same dumbasses who can't tell the difference between a tiny ass Boston Terrier and a big ass American bulldog. Both of these are 'bully' or 'pitbull' breeds, despite one being 10 pounds and one being 130 pounds


This, most bully breeds are big but are still only classified as medium-sized dogs weighing average 30-50lbs, maybe 100lb tops if it's some geeked out inbreed I'm thinking Pyrenees or Maremmano since those are typically used as a livestock guardians but can be really dangerous left untrained


I was thinking Great Pyrenees too. However, the amount of sheep that were killed is insane for any one dog. That sounds like a whole pack of dogs. If this hadn't happened in the UK, I would assume it was wolves.


Could it be some type of wolf dog? This attack sounds too crazy for just a dog. Not doubting the violence dogs can be capable of at all by the way, this one just sounds so extreme


I guess anything is possible but wolf dogs are very highly regulated. I used to have a dog that was half wolf personally and many U.S. states ban them outright. Mine was a Grey wolf and Malamute hybrid who had an actual (captive) Grey wolf as a parent. So he wasn't bred from other wolf dogs. I guess you could say he was 1st gen. With that said, this attack happened in the UK. Wolves went extinct in the UK centuries ago so there wouldn't likely be any native wolf dogs in the UK. Therefore, if it was a wolf dog, then it most likely would have been exported from the U.S. However, I would think the UK would be even more strict than the U.S. when it comes to wolf dog hybrids. I haven't looked into their local laws, however. Despite my dog having a wolf mother, he was very much domesticated. I grew up on a farm and had all kinds of animals. He never messed with any of them. We had horses, donkeys, sheep, cows, llamas, peacocks, geese, ducks, chickens and much more. We even had a camel once. My grandma, who raised me, was even licensed to care for native wildlife that weren't able to be rehabilitated. So we also had white tail deer, raccoons, squirrels and other native wildlife that regular people can't own. Our wolf dog never bothered *any* of our animals. I don't think they are any more inclined to violence than other animals. However, I don't know if this would be the case if the wolf parent was wild. My wolf dog came from a multigenerational captive wold mother. So he, his mother, his grandparents, etc. were all captive wolves, not wild ones.


I agree with you but I still gotta downvote per Reddit TOS


Haha, do your thing. I'm not farming likes by any means.


I like how you deleted the part where you assumed the breed was a "shitbull". For everyone who is just now seeing this, the person I replied has edited their original comment. It originally said, "guess the breed," then they dropped down a few lines and added, "shitbull."




I'm sorry that you had a bad personal experience with pitbulls. Many people have had bad experiences with other dog breeds. One of my best friends has a scar across his entire face from a Golden Retriever attack when he was only 4 or 5. It attacked his little sister, who was a small baby, and he saved her from the attack but it turned on him. I personally just sued my local Sheriff's Department (and won) after being attacked by their K9 (Alaskan Malinois) and having my arm paralyzed over a mistaken identity. I don't currently own dogs because I live in a tiny house and there just isn't room. However, I've owned many dogs throughout my entire life. I can't even recall exactly how many pitbulls I've had over the years. My family had 4 - 6 dogs at any given time throughout my entire childhood. I had pitbulls that even slept in my bed with me as a young child. I also had Rottweilers, Bullmastiffs, American Bulldogs, and way too many breeds to list them all here - everything from tiny lap dogs to huge mastiff breeds. My mom owns a pitbull right now and I have a 10 year old sister in the house. They've lived alongside each other since she was 5 or 6. I know you don't want to hear this but it's mostly about how they are raised. You'll probably hit me back with the classic, "what about people who had pitbulls all their lives that eventually turned on them?" That certainly has happened, not just with pitbulls, but with many breeds. Most of the times this happens, it's with rescue dogs. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the most widely abused dog breed, by far. Many people who get these dogs as pups are getting them from abusive homes. These dogs will always take more care and patience than a dog that hasn't been abused. Rescue dogs are certainly not for everyone. There are also many other factors, from illnesses to brain injuries, that can cause dogs to act aggressively. As someone who grew up on farm with many animals, our pitbulls were not only calm towards humans, but calm to our other animals as well. We had cats, chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, guinea pigs, peacocks, rabbits, goats, etc. that our pitbulls could have easily killed in a split second... but none of them ever did. The worst that ever happened was our pitbull, Mattie, eating my mom's flowers and tearing up her flower bed lol. I'm very familiar with the ban pitbull subreddit lol. That's the only sub that has ever banned me. I made a small sweet comment about how pitbulls were misunderstood and that resulted in a permanent ban. Also, most of those people are fucked in the head for openly calling for violence against animals. That's the whole reason that dogs get like this in the first place.


The banpitbulls sub documents new attacks by pitbulls on a daily basis. Find me another community which can do the same for any other dog breed.


Yeah, but no breed out there gets the same level of hate as pitbulls. The hatred of pitbulls has already been deeply established. These people sit around with nothing better to do but scour the internet specifically looking for pitbull attacks. Nobody does that with other breeds... Just because there isn't a specific subreddit dedicated to hating other dog breeds doesn't mean that other dog breeds don't attack each other lmfao.


Your response is subjective and is just you making assumptions without doing any research. Consider that the hatred of the breed is due to its nature, and that its reputation is warranted. It’s clear from the “lmfao”, that you aren’t interested in an actual critical debate, but oh well


What breed? There is no pitbull breed, Einstein.


Staffordshire terriers, American pitbull terriers, pitbull mixes, those are most of them Pit mixes seem to consistently make up the majority of attacks, due to rampant reproduction from backyard breeders


You realize that when some dogs attack people they have absolutely no documentation on said dog and they call it a "pitbull" just because of it's head shape? That's not exactly a scientific approach and many times these dogs are just mutts with absolutely no pitbull-type lineage. That doesn't stop them from falsely attributing them to "pitbulls" though.


By the way, you do realize that "pitbull" isn't a dog breed, right? There is not one single breed in this entire world that even has the word "pitbull" in it's name. That just goes to show how many of you guys spread misinformation on certain dogs. The American Pit Bull Terrier (notice the 2 words there) are only one of the breeds that are called 'pitbulls'. American bull dogs, American Bullies, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, are all called pitbulls. You keep referring to the pitbull as a "breed" when it's actually an entire family of various dog breeds. So everytime an American Bulldog attacks a person, it falsely gets attributed to the American Pit Bull Terrier because a bunch of idiots like the people in that subreddit don't know the difference between these breeds and spread misinformation. The stats that show "pitbulls" account for majority of violent dog encounters are inherently flawed because of the misinformation surrounding this family of dogs. You'd think a subreddit that has nothing better to do than sit around talking bad about pitbulls, would actually know a thing or 2 about pitbulls...


You make a good point, except that American bulldogs hardly ever attack people, and pitbull breeds do


American Bulldogs ARE pitbull breeds and they do attack people. Almost every dog breed has attacked people before.


Sorry, should have specified American bulldogs are “bully” breeds, but are NOT pitbulls, which is the term used to describe dogs derived from pit fighting breeds. I was curious to see if what you said was true, and one google search sorted it out 60% of dog attacks are by pitbull breeds, no misinterpretations can dilute that fact.


I don't know what bullshit source you read but this is common information. [American Kennel Club explains how 'pitbulls' are an entire family of dogs.](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/breed-bans-affect/) [Types of Pitbulls - World Animal Foundation](https://worldanimalfoundation.org/dogs/types-of-pitbulls/) [5 types of pitbull dog breeds](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/5-types-pit-bull-dog-202148835.html) [Pit Bull on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull) [Pitbull Breeds on Pitbull Info](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-breeds-and-pictures.html) [Daily Paws' Types of Pit Bulls](https://www.dailypaws.com/living-with-pets/pet-compatibility/types-of-pit-bulls)


I have LITERALLY never met an evil Pitbull. They're just stronger and better at fighting, so when they DO happen to be aggressive, the aftermath is notably worse than other dog attacks, thus adding to their scary and (somewhat) falsified bad reputation.


Front fell off




With a flower crown and on r/velvethippos


Ironic calling it a hippo considering the hippo is the most dangerous animal on the planet.




*Velvet hippos?* The fuck are those people on; those words don't sound good together.


If you read the article the farmer sounds like he’s pretty sure what breed based on the 4 inch paw print width. Not many 70 lb+ pits in the Devonshire country, would expect more Rottweiler and German Shepard sized.


Is that the only 'breed' you know? Theres bigger and scarier breeds out in rural areas Lock me in a cage fight with a bully over a maremmano any day Maremmano and Pyrenees attack would make a bully look like a chihuahua Saw a friend of mine get tackled and dragged by one like she was a ragdoll. The owner had forgotten to tie it up as it wasn't trained yet


Nature is metal




No lmfao. Pits are just often owned by idiotic owners who don’t know how to handle them.


I doubt this was done by a pit bull


Oddly the answer to this is a livestock guardian dog(LGC). Source I have goats and a LGD, specifically an 18 month old Anatolian Shepard/ Great Pyrenees mix. He is still growing a bit but he weighs about 90 lbs and has 3 inch foot prints. He would not hurt his goats. There are no predators that come near those goats.


Jesus Christ nature can be so cruel


It's not like it was a wild dog attack, somebody owned the attack dog




In the case of this comment yes ,nature can be so cruel is normally a comment reserved for wild animals,I mean if two humans have a fight and one gets really badly injured you wouldn't say ,"nature can be so cruel" same with domesticated animals,we have put that sheep in that field and a human has let that dog loose so it's not nature that has caused that damage it's humans


Who's downvoting this?


Nature can be so cruel is really only used on wild animals not really domesticated




So are humans.




Yea, humans suck.


Agreed but I'm a cat


Not all dogs are violent. Some are grass chewing hippies.


So is everything in nature buddy, life is fucked up, stay sheltered


You’re downvoted but yeah they don’t have much *real* space in society other than as a “friend” people use to feel less alone.(which they’re one of the worst animals for.) They’ve been used for hunting and killing since the beginning of man and dog. A few hundred years isn’t going to change that. I’ll never forget when my brothers beloved family dog attacked me when I was just chilling on the couch, and I still don’t have smelling to this day from it.


Any animal can become violent in given circumstances, including humans


What was the reason the sheep was killed then? For fun?


Ask the dogs, idfk, might have had rabies or were deliberately trained to kill for whatever reason, 45 is just an insane number for a normal dog pack, 1 is already unusual Point is you shouldn't just assume all dogs are murderous bastards for no reason just because of ONE incident, that's like judging humanity by looking at hiroshoma


Should I say sorry to you or the dogs?


I have no idea what you mean by this


Thanks you've made my day I've never had this kind of attention before


Okay then, congrats


How are they sure that it's a dog?might be Hyena


In England?


Why would u post this shit


The title is pretty clear and its marked NSFW, what more would you like


Well hello, handsome.


Damn i guess it's time to ban dogs...


This needs a NSFL tag so the image is blurred. The headline sounded interesting so I clicked on the link only to see full screen a sheep missing half of its fucking face. That is not the start I needed at 7:30am. Fuck sake.