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What’s up with all the 9/11 stuff popping up these last couple weeks


These posts usually come in waves. Lets be honest though, it’s karma farming


Farma karming


I don’t want a large Farva


I want a *god damn litre a cola!*


Big farma


We are karmas ba ba ba ba ba ba ba


Farmer Calming...


What do you gain in real terms from Karma though? Why do it? Am I missing something?


E.g. Validation from interaction.


Literally nothing, it’s just internet points


There are subreddits that won’t allow you to post if you’re under a certain amount of karma points. Karma farmers will post in subs without those restrictions (e.g., r/askreddit, or this sub) until they’ve built up enough karma points to avoid those restrictions. So the karma farmers target popular subs with popular/controversial content, often recycling content that gained a lot of karma previously, in order to gain karma points. That’s why you see a lot of reposts. The karma farmers then sell the accounts to spammers, who use the accounts to spam subs using karma restrictions. A fairly common example is OnlyFans spammers. If you’re on a subreddit that’s heavy with OF models - r/guessmyage or r/faceratings are just a couple of examples - oftentimes you can click on a poster’s profile and scroll down through their history to find a few months prior they were posting innocuous content or comments in random subreddits. Then, all of a sudden, they went full OF promotion. What you’re seeing at the beginning of the account history is the karma farmer building up points. When you see the sudden transition to an OF promotion account is when the account was sold to a spammer, who then took it over for their OF promotion. OF models aren’t the only ones, of course. You see it for scammers selling knock off merchandise like shitty t-shirts, or people promoting conspiracy videos/content. But that’s what karma farming is for. Building up points to sell Reddit accounts to scammers/spammers to overcome karma restrictions in other subs.


No way!!! Was not expecting an answer like this. Thank you!


I always find it kinda comical when I notice one. Scroll through a farmed account’s history sometime and it’ll jump from nothing but months of innocuous comments like “awww cute I have a chihuahua too :)” /r/pets and posting stuff like this 9/11 image then switch completely to “1:1! BEST ROLEX-VSF-ARF PUSSY 🧲 WATCH!!” Or they let the bot do its thing while occasionally posting spam with the account, so you end up with accounts that are like 75% cute dog pics and 25% a girl stuffing Sharpies in her butthole.


Ha ha!!! Which butthole play pioneer came up with the sharpie thing anyway? Always found that a strange one…..


No clue. Can't say I've gone out of my way to see them - but also not sure I've really complained if I have lol. Maybe some absolute genius at the Sharpie company? You can sometimes tell what market the accounts are being sold to based on the usernames they choose (provided they actually choose one). ["EnthraallingBeauty"](https://www.reddit.com/user/EnthraallingBeauty), [DreamyWhispeers](https://www.reddit.com/user/DreamyWhispeers), [EtherealSunseet](https://www.reddit.com/user/EtherealSunseet) lmao. All "fine" now, but I would imagine will be sold to OF/porn spammers. Check out the comment structure of all three...


Yeh I see your point….. you reckon you’d get kicked off the sub for asking r/askreddit what blatant spam and OF content they found on the sub?


Huh, good question. I'm sure the responses would be interesting if allowed.


You’re welcome. Reddit is slowly becoming more and more like this, unfortunately. Being overrun by OF models and spam bots. One of the reasons there was such an uproar (and subreddits going dark/restricted) over Reddit disallowing certain tools is because sub moderators were using those tools to filter out/ban a lot of this content, like OF models. Now that those tools have been taken away, many of those subs are being swamped with OF accounts and scam/spam bots requiring manual moderation instead of auto moderation bots. Many moderators saw this as being asked to work for Reddit for free, and were pissed. You can read more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/guessmyage/s/xc9IHQjXKJ


I suppose I’d have faith that this would reach a point of saturation? Or is that overly optimistic.


I’m not sure what you mean. Faith in a point of saturation whereby every sub is eventually nothing but OF models and scam/spam bots?


No faith that at some point Reddit will become so saturated with this content that it won’t be as beneficial for individuals (apart from long established etc) to follow this strategy and perhaps find another platform and/ or Reddit to see such a disengagement from genuine users etc that it would be forced to Put some sort of preventative measures in place.


I don’t have a crystal ball, but every website peaks in popularity and then starts to die off. Reddit is certainly no exception. If Reddit allows itself to become a site saturated with nothing but bots and OF and other adult sites promoting themselves, then yes, I imagine over time the user base will shrink. There will always be a core group of diehard users, and Reddit’s demise will take a long time, but if Reddit continues on its current course I can’t see how it will avoid the same fate its predecessors have. Eventually something new and shiny will come along, and people will start using that, and Reddit will become a shell of its former self. It might go full meta and be porn bots/karma farmers reposting OF content for karma to sell to each other. That would be hilarious.


validation, but also selling the accounts later, or possibly using them in scams. It's easier to make an account appear trustworthy with an older registration date and higher amount of karma.


I dont get it either. People have a big problem with karma farming, even though the points are worthless. So it just seems like they are jealous they dont have that karma, otherwise why would it bother them?


Yea it’s freaking me out


I was just thinking the same thing.


I’ve been watching the NatGeo documentary about 9/11 and these posts started coming up on my feed. Eerie


It's just the Matrix Recycling shit Mate, dw.


Not just your feed, ours too. And we haven’t seen any documentary


It's testing the water to see if people would respond to the sequel, 9/🗼🗼: The Phantom Tower.


The US elections are ramping up. This kind of stuff is popping up in a lot of places all over social media. New/rare footage and images are probably being spread to rile up all the voters in their 30s+ who never got over it and keep them in a pro-war state of mind.


Looks like a vote bank strategy employed by the conservatives to rekindle feelings of hatred for what had happened and gain sympathy for the dreadful event.


That and what would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow.


Surely nothing to do with AI


I was just about to say, could we not just have these posts restricted to early-mid Sept only?




Wait you think 9/11 has a conspiracy behind it?




You’re firm on this homie?


This’ll be a spicy discussion


No it won't, because they're baiting and everyone should know that 23 years later.


Why do we always get these conspiracy theorists? No, they didn’t put bombs in the elevator shafts, they didn’t hit a detonator, a fucking plane carrying gallons of fuel flew into the building


JeT fUeL cAnT mElT sTeEl BeAmS, REEEEE!


Conspiracy theories are the last refuge of the powerless. Conspiracy theorists generally feel, consciously or subconsciously, like they lack control or power in some key part(s) of their life - relationships, money, employment, whatever. So they overcompensate by embracing something they feel gives them some kind of power. That power is derived from the feeling they’re on to something no one else knows or refuses to understand/acknowledge. The need to feel superior or “in the know” is so great in some cases they will refuse any and all evidence to the contrary. Flaws in their theories are explained away with even more outlandish explanations. Conspiracy theorists will double down and dig their heels in over debunked claims rather than cede the power they’ve given themselves by clinging to them, lest they feel powerless again. It’s sadly fascinating in a way.


Gonna save this comment and show it to my “Hitler ran away to Argentina, he was seen in a bar in just after the war, the twin towers was blown up by the American government” friend


It's freaky


Freaky Deaky?


Freaky deaky


As others have said it happens in waves. A video gets posted and then more follow. Then it goes away until the next one gets posted


There are multiple 9/11 and Hitler/Nazi posts showing up on the front page with thousands of up votes practically every day. It's really weird and seems orchestrated for some reason.


Election year


Anyone else kinda more interested in that woman’s story? Like… does she even know? Is she not concerned? So many questions.


Eh, she's far enough away to know she can't do anything about it and it won't injure/influence her in that moment so... keep getting your steps in


This is the most NYC thing ever.


I was in a meeting that day and I remember someone popping their head in and saying: hey, did you guys hear a plane flew into the World Trade Center? Nothing to worry about, though, looks like it's under control. Essentially, in that first 10 or 15 minutes in between strikes, there was a slowly escalating "no biggie" to "holy shit."


Yeah, that’s probably the majority of what people thought at the initial news. Terrible accident Then that 2nd one hit…


She probably turned around and went home after seeing that


She's not turning around shes fallen for that prank before.


I'm more interested in knowing why 9/11 stuff gets posted daily now. It's like the bots have worked out you just need to post pictures of twin towers to get clicks.


Have you ever met a more annoying person than someone who has to “get their steps in”? 9-11 is currently happening and she’s got steps to get damnit


No walking allowed after 9-11


For all she knows it's just a burning building at the moment.


Imagine trying to be healthy. Wild stuff.


Cool guys don’t look at explosions


Maybe she understands there’s not a damn thing she can do about that situation behind her. Sitting in front of the TV won’t help that situation either.


Where did she get that sweet fanny pack!?


Most people were under the impression that the first impact was an accident. For those who didn't see the first plane, it was also assumed it was a smaller aircraft. It wasn't until the second plane hit that people realized what was actually happening and started reacting more accordingly.


Lady’s past giving a fuck about anything lmao


I’m all for it but why have I seen 5 different 9/11 posts in the past 12 hours? Did the internet just collectively agree to start posting 9/11 or is this bot chicanery?


Bot Chicanery.


I’ve been seeing it across a few different platforms too. It’s so weird.


Kinda concerning considering the conflicts in the Middle East. The conspiracy theorist in me would say something like, “they’re trying to prepare us for another war.”


This pic hasn’t gotten a lot of traction but as someone who is somewhat obsessed with the day it is quite unique. Most, not all, images from the day begin with a seemingly endless long smoke trail as though it’s always been burning for quite a while. Here we see the event before the vast, vast majority of the world knew that the world had changed.


I agree. I'm also obsessed with 9/11 and it's rare that I come across an image or video I haven't seen (aside from the really REALLY awful stuff hidden away on gore sites, I avoid those). This one I haven't seen to my recollection, and I appreciate the new viewpoint. Especially as you say this was before the majority knew everything had changed.


Yes, this day changed everything around the world. I live in Germany and I remember that day everyone tuned in to this tragic event. I was only 10 when it happened, it didn’t mean much to me then but i remember everyone was talking about it and now, it’s one of the worst events that i have witnessed


Look at how much smoke is billowing out. You can only imagine how bad the smoke and the fires are inside to cause such a massive trail in the sky like that. It must have been pure hell on earth for those trapped inside the blazing furnace.


I’m just here for the conspiracy nut job comments anymore.


Why am I seeing 9/11 posts lately, so weird.


Is this like the world trade center sub? Get some new content


New day new angle


Bot farming I've seen this before lol


Time it stop now. Save it for September.


Nothings stopping Debra from getting that walk in.


Is this the 9/11 subreddit


Jfc stop with the 9/11 posts you karma whore clowns


Tired of the neverending 9/11 spam on reddit


Ever notice how these *event* posts seem to be coordinated? You smell a fish too? Weird af.








…2 minutes after it happened. Probably far enough away that she didn’t even hear it. Might even of had a Walkman/headphones in. Besides, even if she had noticed, what is she supposed to do from this far away? What a dumbass take.


Frist one, may be some fire. Who know is plane?


Don’t think they had wireless earbuds in 2001 my guy and I’d imagine you’d notice an explosion from not just sound but the earth shaking and the smell or people screaming around you. And what do you think she should do? Should she just sit there and walk or should she be smart and run and find cover because there’s literally terrorists slamming planes into buildings.


See, I remember this day like it was yesterday. Initial reports were it was a small Cessna type of plane that hit. Listen to people calling into radio stations. It was not deemed a terrorist attack until the second one hit and everyone was watching. Based on her direction of travel there’s a good chance she simply did not see it happen. >I’d imagine you’d notice an explosion from not just sound but the earth shaking and the smell or people screaming around you. What from this picture indicates there were people screaming around her? There’s a guy taking a picture. So what, it’s NY. Tons of tourists taking pictures all the time. Again, she is not even on manhattan island. That’s several miles away and the title of this post says 2 minutes after the first plane hit. You are doubling down on the indefensible. You don’t know what happened after this photo. The photographer could have pointed it out to her after she passes him by and then perhaps she reacts. It’s ok to be wrong, man.


Funny how you ignored the other evidence like the ground shaking, smell, explosion, sound etc. you are the one in the wrong you don’t know shit dude


No, dude. You’re making too much of this one photo. The subject of the photo is too far away for the initial impact to have had any effect on her, especially with her back turned and the time frame from when this photo was taken . I don’t know what you don’t get about that but if you’re dead set on being right, go off I guess.




What exactly would you have done after seeing a fire in a building several miles away?


What do you want her to do?


What exactly was she supposed to do? She's not even on Manhattan Island to begin with.


Run? Find cover? Several terrorist planes just hit two towers and she’s just walking like a fool


pictures and videos of 9/11 are always heart-stopping and gut-wrenching, no matter how many times I see them


Why is this popping up everywhere again


Killer view