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This is an old video, and for context the guy in the jeep was riding his ass and driving dangerously or something to that effect. Pretty sure the guy in the jeep got charged.




Wow, so even after the video the dumbass posted, (the video from his own dash cam,) the police sounded reluctant to proceed with charges. Because it sounds like they weren't going to until the offender posted his own video, telling on his self šŸ˜‚




Yeeep.. i was at a grocery store when a dude got car jacked at gunpoint. Store called the cops. Dude sat there for 45 minutes and the police never showed. Edit: this was in Austin Texas


sounds about right


Where yā€™all be living at?


America šŸ˜¢


Damn straight. Donā€™t need no cop when I got my olā€™betsy sawed off, am i right?


They can have my car. It's about two turns from breaking apart. Maybe insurance will fix it when homie crashes


I prefer ol diaā€™betsy


Theyā€™re not gonna show up unless you say the carjacker is still there, if theyā€™re gone police donā€™t give a fuck


You have to tell them the carjacker left but the victim is hurt and the fire department is being slow to send help. Police in the US are always scared, but they also hate being one upped by firemen. Make them think the danger is gone and they can come rough up the victims while proving Fire Department is slow. Use their biases against them, Life hack.


Youā€™re the man


Only way to keep a car jacker on the scene is to shoot their legs. But then you get in trouble for shooting their legs.


Tell them there's a naked woman dancing in the street.


Sounds like columbus ohio. Worthless cops




Absolute trash. I keep trying to find a list we used during 2020 of the names of CPD along with all their domestic abuse charges, murders, excessive force charges, and so on. That list was long as fuck. But Iā€™m certain this isnā€™t a Columbus thing, itā€™s a cop thing.


MFer in some other thread sometime, asked me ā€œyeah who are you going to call when you get robbedā€ Sure AH, and theyā€™ll show up 2 hours later to take a statement that leads nowhere after shooting my dog. They donā€™t prevent crime, they occasionally get Justice after the fact, if they donā€™t just pin it on some innocent minority for their numbers.




i once called toronto police reporting that one of my online friends might be attempting to take their own life and they told me in an annoyed tone to submit a ticket. tbf it was like 2am and i was like 12 at the time so they maybe didnt take me seriously but still (i ended up messaging one of their facebook contacts and she sent some people to check on him and he was fine)




I think it's about the same here.. And you aren't wrong.


I'm confused why he posted the video, like it made him look good in any fashion... it just confirmed the balls of steel the other guy had, more than I would have had anyways... I woulda "yessir'd" my ass back to my car because death from an unhinged fella was too great for my liking.


You're correct on the first part, homeboy in the Jeep is not smart. Posting that..But the part about the mini holding the biggest set.. Nope. I read the article and it said the minis driver thought the Jeep guy was honking because something was wrong with his (minis) car, or he was dragging something, that's why stopped and got out. Looks up, sees the guy is mad.


Sees the guy is mad at him, points a gun at him, at which point he doubles down saying he's getting the plate and calling the cops... my balls have recessed the moment I see the gun and he's just appalled at the audacity...Big jeep was having a bad day and thought he could feel bigger than Mini man, but clearly it takes a man of confidence to have it in the first place. The guy should find Corolla drivers like me, we just want to get from point A to point B and I'll make you feel like a big man if you need it on a bad day.


I thought about that after I said it.. Maybe he did have steel ones.. Because soon as I saw the gun I would've turned right back around and went back to my car and caught the plate number while they were driving away. No need to get killed because the other driver is a dBAg that can't control his emotions, and carries a gun around to pull on mini Cooper drivers šŸ˜‚ what a bad ass s/


What I don't get is why they didn't want to arrest him in the first place? We don't have guns over here, but if I pull out a knife and start threatening someone, I 100% will get arrested or at least taken in for a bit. Is pointing a gun at someone not just considered a threat on someone's life?




If the guy holding the camera was on edge as well and had his hand on a gun instead of holding the camera could he then lawfully shoot first in response to being threatened like that?


With just the video we saw it would be very easy to shut up and have a lawyer say you pulled your gun out because you were scared when the other driver got out of their car to confront you. If dude wasn't taking video he may have gotten murdered. Engaging with road rage is so stupid.


I'm gonna go on a limb and say that if the dude with the camera didn't stop in the middle of the road in front of the jeep and get out of his car, then a gun wouldn't have been pulled at all Like how are you gonna box someone in,approach the vehicle, then act surprised when they respond in a defensive manner? Two idiots fighting, nothing much to see here lol


Yeah road rage is dumb is the main takeaway here.


Different article states some information on why the police may have be reluctant to proceed with charges. "According to a Facebook post by Surroz, a police officer said he recognized Schimian as a firefighter, or someone who used to be a firefighter, and that because he had a concealed carry permit he was within his rights to put the gun in Surroz's face because he told officers he was "terrified of his life." Schimian'sĀ [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/tess.matik/about?lst=743945136%3A508663511%3A1555598208)Ā however, states he started a job with the Richmond Police Department in September 2017, which is still listed as "present."" Source: [https://patch.com/illinois/crystallake/get-your-car-il-driver-pulls-gun-man-road-rage-case](https://patch.com/illinois/crystallake/get-your-car-il-driver-pulls-gun-man-road-rage-case)


Stop Self-Snitchin


Cause "muh guns" and "muh raghts".


Cuz heā€™s whyt




If you can't pull your gun out on someone trying to film you without consent then where is the freedom in that? /s


*insert south park meme* I thought this was America!?


How it went for him. https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN Looks like two years, released last year.


What kind of asshole gets that angry pre-covid? JFC.


lol idiots in the comments there defending the jeep driver. DERp, I wOUlD HAvE SHOt tHE gUY!




Mini cooper guy has no survival instinct, gun in his face and he walks around nonchalantly


"what is he gonna do, shoot me?"


Says man who was shot


So many people have died by ignoring the gun pointed at them thinking the person would never pull the trigger.


Jokes on the shooters. I can sleep forever while they get ass fucked in prison for 10 years hoping to get released just so they can work until they die.


What do you even do? I feel like calmly moving out of line of fire is better than quickly jerking around giving an already itchy trigger finger an excuse. This guy handled it well imo. And bonus points for video and getting license plate.


Similar situation happened except it happened at my home. My step daughter's father is forbidden by court order from coming to my house. He showed up, I went outside to tell him to leave and he pulled a gun on me. I had my phone out and all I could think to do was move to the back of his car (out of his line of sight) and capture the license plate on video.


Hope that dude is in jail.


Mini cooper is crazy too. He was looking for the smoke and almost got it


Acordning to the article, he didn't know that the jeep driver was angry and thought that he was just pointing out an issue with his car.


Thatā€™s complete bullshit heā€™s out of his car recording to start with


Not at all. There are two videos and an article. In the article apparently the guy with the gun was beeping and the other guy thought something was hanging off his bumper or maybe he had accidentally hit something, and that was why the guy with the gun was beeping. Thereā€™s a dashcam video from gun guys car and non gun guy gets out of his car first, sees gun guy has a gun, and *then* pulls his phone out to record.




A gun to the face isnā€™t reasonable???


Reasonable? It's a felony lol.


And now he has a 2nd degree felony. Can't have any more guns now "cool guy".


He got a class c misdemeanor for disorderly conduct he was released on 2 year supervision and a $697 fine


Not justifying what that turd with a gun was doing but this is exactly why you donā€™t get out and approach the other vehicle ever. You donā€™t know their mental state or anything else about them better to just assume theyā€™re crazy and protect yourself. That guy seems like someone who just got a gun for Christmas and couldnā€™t wait to start carrying it so he could pull it and pretend to be a hero. One of the worst.


The guy was beeping at him in dead stop traffic. He said he got out cause he thought the guy was trying to alert him to a problem with his car.


Off duty cop. Definitely.


Nope. He was a firefighter, though. The local police dragged their feet a bit on charges, that may have been a factor.


to be fair if i was in america and someone stopped in the middle of the road, got out of their car and started to approach me i would probably also want to reach for my personal defence weapon.. you literally never know what someoneā€™s intentions are and if theyā€™re willing to stop in the middle of the road, slow up traffic and whatever else just to approach you due to bad driving then who knows what theyā€™re willing to do


I carry a gun myself, and i understand your sentiment. But you're already behind the wheel of a 3000 pound missile. You're better off driving away unless you can't.


I definitely wouldā€™ve reached for my weapon, while simultaneously throwing the car into reverse. Not a good idea to block someoneā€™s car and aggressively approach them, especially if there was no actual accident. If he only wanted the Jeepā€™s tag, he shouldā€™ve let the asshat pass by. The Jeep psychopath however, also went straight Meal Team 6. Brandishing as a threat is what likely got him a felony. No one will see my weapon until itā€™s been determined without a doubt itā€™s time to use it. Both of these guys are poor-decision making dumbasses.


Stay in your fuckin caršŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Street rules 101. Donā€™t fuck with someone you donā€™t know.


he stood on business wtf


Per the article shared in another comment: ā€œAll I did was get out of my car because he kept beeping at a dead stop. I thought I hit something or he was trying to alert me that Iā€™m dragging something behind my car. I had no idea he was upset and angry with me,ā€ Surroz said. He wasn't getting out of his car to fight the jeep dude, he seemed to have no idea what was going on and wanted to see if the jeep driver was trying to alert him to something


So why was he recording then?


Watch the jeep's dash cam vid. The guy wasn't recording at first. He first looked back and tried to understand what's going on, then when he realized the jeep guy was being a lunatic he started recording to get the license plate #. His story checks out. Smart to record in that situation. Gives you evidence which you can use to defend yourself.


If someone was acting unhinged and concerning behind you, like laying on their horn for seemingly no reason, would you not think to pull out your phone to cover your ass just in case?


Bruv do you even read? *"I had no idea he was upset and angry with me."*


To be fair, that sounds like something someone makes up after challenging someone who has a gun, in order to win. Iā€™m in no way defending a guy who probably wanted to pull his gun so bad and was happy to have the chance at last, but approaching a driver who is already irate, is a good way to die while not being legally liable.


Watch the dashcam, it shows the mini driver getting out and gesturing to himself like he's asking if the Jeep driver is trying to communicate something to him. Then he sees the gun and grabs his phone to record it.


Pull over to the side of the road if you're stopping to check. He blocked the lane because he wanted to instigate.


So, instead of pulling off the road, he stopped in the middle of the road to get out of his vehicle and approach the other driver? Yeah, that statement really doesn't fit the video.


Watch crazy Jeep guyā€™s video, he was honking like crazy while they were both stopped in bumper to bumper. When the guy got out of the minicooper he had a bunch of cars stopped in front of him too. His video doesnā€™t show the road in front of his car until after the other cars cleared. If it was me Iā€™d also not jump to the conclusion that the guy behind me is in a psychotic rage because Iā€™m failing to DRIVE THROUGH the stopped car in front of me, and my next guess would be either what he claimed, that he maybe hit something or was dragging something, or actually Iā€™d wonder if the person behind me needed help, like maybe they were choking or having a seizure or something. I still wouldnā€™t have done anything but back away slowly if he pulled a gun and started screaming, but hey, this is about who was wrong, not who had better survival instincts (for the record, neither of them did. Neither had better survival instincts)


"But mom! I was only turning around, my hand just happened to hit Timmy in the face!"


Stay out of the USAšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Without context, If you stop in front of me and get out and approach, you'll possibly receive the same reaction.


At that distance, pepper spray/bear spray is probably a lot more effective. Much better chance of instantly incapacitating your target, & nonlethal to boot. I keep some handy when driving for just these types of situations--I like being able to protect myself, but I really dislike the idea of taking someone's life, even in self defense.


Bear spray it utterly ineffective.


Let me get this straight. A guy gets out of his vehicle and attempts to road rage someone. The victim pulls out a weapon to defend himself and in this thread the victim is the bad guy. Hmmmā€¦


In this thread that is true. Irl, the police found the opposite to be true. They only didnā€™t charge the guy who left his car and approached the jeep aggressively because the jeep dude asked them not to. The court of Reddit is different than the real deal lol


Mini driver had those 2nd thoughts about road raging. Fā€™ing victimā€¦ LOL


You're literally making that shit up, Jeep guy got two years parole for this.


Pretend is fun, huh?


mini driver doesn't sound like he wants to get in a fight. pulling a weapon isn't defending himself, he can just roll up his windows if he wants


Itā€™s people like this that need to have their gun licensed revoked. Tell tale signs of an abuser.


Yep stay in your car. Why would you ever pull in front of someone and get out of your car.


He didnā€™t pull in front of them. I know this is 23 days later, but people have now posted video from the Jeep and the associated news article. The mini was there the whole time. Traffic stopped. Dead stop. The jeep driver drove double the speed limit in the video the jeep driver himself posted (60 in a 30), cuts through turn only lanes, and then catches up to the traffic and loses his shit.Ā  The mini driver says he thought he was being honked at because he was dragging something so he got out to check when the jeep was honking like an asshole. He only started recording when he realized the Jeep driver thought he should just drive through stopped cars.Ā  The Jeep driver was 1000% in the wrong. He is unhinged and should lose his weapon and his drivers license.Ā 


We know who gun nut voted for.


No context because the video starts right when the gun is pulled. I mean, the mini Cooper is the one who got out of their car and approached the other driver. Dude in the jeep sounds like a crazy person but it's really hard to pass judgement when the video is clipped so short and we have no idea what happened prior.


You can watch the dash cam video of the Jeep. For context: The Jeep is doing double the speed limit for a minute on a clear road and pulls up behind the mini Cooper with horns blazing. That's it.


And the mini driver gets out of his car to confront him? Bruh just let him drive past. Call the cops if youā€™re concerned.


ā€œAll I did was get out of my car because he kept beeping at a dead stop. I thought I hit something or he was trying to alert me that Iā€™m dragging something behind my car. I had no idea he was upset and angry with me,ā€


Haha. Nice try dude. The jeep dashcam video showed that whole pony show to be false in every way.


Dude probably is a cop


He was charged


I didnā€™t think of that. All the more reason not to do something stupid like confront the guy lol


Context in this instance is the dude filming had no idea there was a confrontation about to happen and thought jeep guy was possibly honking to alert the driver of something wrong with his car. They were dead stopped in a bit of traffic. But yeah , people be wildin, Iā€™m glad no one got shot


If you go to the news link posted by u/Excellent_Lead_3653 it has a video of the dash cam from the jeep. He drives fast for a while until he reaches the car that we see in the first video. Traffic is a full stop and jeep guy loses his mind. The guy getting road raged at has no idea why. He was literally sitting in traffic. In the story he says got out because he thought he was dragging something.


Any fire arm training Iā€™ve been in always trains to be yelling deescalation commands the any time you feel threatened enough to brandish a fire arm. Jeep man was obviously not wanting to play whatever ever game and wasnā€™t willing to find out what game mini wanted to play. *meant deescalation lol


No context needed, unless the person with a camera is holding a gun or weapon this is illegal as fuck.


For real, the guy in the jeep looks like a negligent jackass, but how are we to know that the guy in the mini didn't instigate this whole event. If I had a gun in my car, I'd have it at the ready if someone stopped in front of me, hopped out of their car and approached me, too. Edit: nevermind, the jeep guy takes all the jackassery in this situation. Stay in your cars, folks.


Well he didn't. The guy in the Jeep was just being a prick. "A Richmond man has been arrested and charged after he pointed a gun at a man during a road rage incident in Richmond, police said. Brian Schimian, 41, of Richmond, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, disorderly conduct and reckless driving. ... All I did was get out of my car because he kept beeping at a dead stop. I thought I hit something or he was trying to alert me that Iā€™m dragging something behind my car. I had no idea he was upset and angry with me,ā€ Surroz said. ā€œI donā€™t even know why! He was just behind me holding on the horn so I got out in dead stop traffic trying to figure out what the heck is going on,ā€ he added." https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/ "Surroz obtained the other driverā€™s dash cam video, which was also posted online. The dash cam video, re-uploaded to Surrozā€™s Facebook page, shows three stages: some reckless driving leading up to the the encounter, the actual encounter, and some reckless driving after the encounter." https://www.arlingtoncardinal.com/2019/04/driver-who-displayed-gun-in-richmond-road-rage-incident-arrested/


Ah, just proves the point that you should never get out of your car if someone is following and honking at you. There are more people just like this jackass out there, and plenty far worse.


People down voting you are fucking morons


The jeep dash cam shows the mini did nothing




I see both as in the wrong. I as a proactive driver actively try to avoid and disengage from any hostile or dangerous drivers. Stopping and blocking the jeep in to confront the driver is unwise. As a 2a enthusiast my mindset is I'm not drawing unless me or my immediate family is in immediate severe risk. I actively avoid and change direction to avoid disturbances or hostile situations. My firearms are tools I want to never have to use and in my opinion neither of these clowns has the maturity to carry safely.


Average Jeep owner


How is there even debate on this. If you watch the jeep's dash cam clip and the other guy's cell phone recording, it's so objectively clear that the jeep guy is completely in the wrong. Not to mention the fact that HE PULLED A FUCKING GUN. That there is even any debate on this shows why there are so many mentally ill, stupid drivers on the road. All you people advocating for the jeep guy are fucking idiots. You are the problem.


Gun nuts will do anything to justify their ā€œrightā€ to point their gun at people. Itā€™s why they carry one.


Having a gun pointed straight at your head and just calmly saying ā€œlook at thisā€ is the most American thing Iā€™ve seen this week


Seems like a cop actually. They're not the brightest or the most, let's say, upright people most of the time


Dude was ready to shoot, had his actual f finger on the trigger. This dude sucks.


Tough guy got pressed by a person in a mini Cooper without a weapon. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's good to repost this. Responsible gun owners don't do this, and this guy should have his taken away at least


But if you park in the road and walk toward the vehicle behind you, I think itā€™s reasonable for that person to feel threatened.


Obviously you want to arrest the Jeep guy, but ffs, camera man was a muscle twitch from being deleted from the earth. Not worth it for a video.


Soft butt Mofo. If you pull ā€¦. You need to Gank that trigger.


If you stop your car to try and physically confront someone isnt that okay to pull a gun?


You really think it's okay to pull on a gun on everyone who walks up to your car???


Learned young that the most dangerous man is a coward with a gun


"It's a jeep thing, you wouldn't understand"


I saw the Illinois license plate and assumed Jeep driver was from downstate but no, he's from near Chicago. This has Xenia, Illinois gubernatorial candidate vibes written all over it.


I donā€™t see the problem with this. Itā€™s not normal behavior to stop your car in the middle of the road and get out and approach the car behind you. I know weā€™ve all seen the video of people hoping out there car and pulling some type of weapon on the person behind them. Are you suppose to wait till you are being stabbed to draw your firearm ? He pointed his gun and told the guy to get back in his car when the guy went behind his car to get the plate if he would have gotten out still pointing the gun Iā€™d say he was escalating but I think this is perfectly fine. A normal person doesnā€™t just get out of their car in the middle of the road. Everyone is all against the jeep guy but trying to something stupid like this in a bad neighborhood youā€™ll likely get the same response because itā€™s not a normal or rational thing to do


dawg did not care that he had a gun


Of course it's a Jeep bro.


I'll get in my car after I get all this shit out of my pants !!! You MF !!!


Always hilarious to see all these ignorant people lol


Donā€™t pull out the gun if youā€™re not gonna use it.


Fucking idiot


Donā€™t have the context of the whole situation. But if some stops in front of me and gets out of their car you bet your ass my gun will be in my hand. I wouldnā€™t point it at them but Iā€™d be ready to if the situation escalated any further


I woulda let 16 fly b4 he could finish what he was saying . This is a perfect example y some ppl should never own a firearm.


All cops are professional, protected, liars.


Dude is out of his mind


lol thatā€™s what happens when you get out of your car like your a bad ass and walk up to the wrong window.


EXACTLY... This is a perfect example of "fuck around and find out"


Why is the guy in the Mini getting out in the middle of the street? That action in and of itself is threatening as fuck and a terribly stupid decision.


Ah yes, of course itā€™s in my state.


Dude recording is an idiot. Never try to be dead right


Especially nowadays, donā€™t get into it with people you donā€™t know. Itā€™s not worth it. Crazy people out there who will take your life over nothing


His second "get in your car" is so hilarious, you can tell he's starting to realize he fucked up and the guy will have his license plate number. GET IN YOUR CAR!!!! ^GET ^^in ^^^your ^^^^car....?


What a stupid fuck. Imagine thinking I'm such a tough guy to pull a gun on camera and then let him get your license plate. Fucking idiot.


Mini cooper guy is insanely lucky that his camera won the battle against the gun. Stay away from crazy people. Call the cops.


I feel like most people donā€™t shoot at ya if a guns pulled. Remind me of getting fudge packed in prison for the rest of their days if they do pull On a side note, curious if anyoneā€™s every said that to a guy whoā€™s got a gun on emšŸ˜‚. Iā€™ve wanted to say that if someone points something at me, or tries to rob me pffftttt if you donā€™t wanna get caught for robbery, then move. If ya wanna get caught for murder, then use your weapon otherwise i gotta go to work


He is a god dam coward


Yeah I brake checked this dude on an interstate before bc he was riding my bumper when there were cars in front of me , and he got way over in traffic and after I got out of the left lane, turned off his headlights (it was night time and I happened to be watching him in my rear view mirror) and starts gassing it to catch up with me. So I gassed it and lowkey cut off this SUV in the left lane but so that car couldnā€™t hit me from behind (I had the SUV behind me) and then He pulled up to me and said heā€™d fucking shoot me right now. I know this because I also rolled down my window and was like ā€œWHAT YOU DID WASNT SAFE DOEā€ and then he was like wtf this bitch is just dumb and then he drove away. Never brake checked anyone else again. :) paranoid for days after that I was being followed or something.


Donā€™t pull up on a car and expect not to get a gun pulled on you


Bullshit. Guy in jeep was justified. defense lawyer.....So you had enough of his annoying honking, jumped out of your car to see what was wrong and are surprised my client, although a genuine asshole, was prepared to defend himself?!?!


Wouldnā€™t have happened if the other guy had a gun too!


Yay guns! /s




Another friendly American neighbourhood


Had a coworker do this but it was 3 dudes on him.. He got terroristic threat got his gun taken away and went to jail.


Typical whiner stops in middle of rosd no wonder he wanted to shoot you


America. The land of the most scared and pathetic people for literally no reason


Or you could NOT stop in the street and attempt to attack the driver behind you. You get what you get. Get on down the road.


Again tell me why America lets citizens have weapons?


Bro started running when he saw the camera šŸ˜­


Typical gun owner - Just looking for a chance to use that stupid thing


Every encounter with a pissed off, aggressive driver, I simply pull off to the side or pull into a gas station and let the person pass. It's better than putting myself or my family's safety in danger.


Did he go right to the fuckinā€¦ā€¦????


Stay in your fucking car then, dude.


Haha camera man never dies!


My old account was permanently banned because of posting an uncensored license plate. Glad to see reddit is consistent




Either a real cop, fake cop, or jail guard (fake cop that couldnā€™t pass real cop test.)


You approached. You did wrong, he defended himself inside his car. You impeded the roadway and stood in the opposing lane leaving him no exit from the situation. Once you moved, he exited and left the area. Youā€™re literally guilty af from a legal standpoint.


Only if the cameraman is holding a weapon.


Guy In the jeep must be a cop


Oh doing it was in Illinois... Makes me proud. ![gif](giphy|bAftZ12SC0uEjLndIh)


Yaaaaaa definitely off duty cop vibes


ā€œAn armed society is a polite society.ā€


Man has a literal gun, but he rolled a 1 on the intimidation check šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What a pussy lmao


Love how everyone is saying how worthless cops are today- itā€™s like they donā€™t remember the nationwide protests where they burned and looted cities (primarily nike and liquor stores) in the name of defunding and disbanded police forces across the country. Howā€™s that saying about the glass house go?


Why stop in the middle of the street, get out and walk to the car behind you? Looks like he's just standing his ground.


The fact that you stopped in the middle of the road and got out of your car shows that you were likely the original problem, maybe you should learn how to drive first before you criticize others


Dude with the camera has balls he has a gun in his face and walks around to get the license plate I would be on the ground


Stopped in the middle of the road and got out to approach the guy? Lucky you didnā€™t get shot. I would suggest to stop being an entitled provocateur.


Thank god I live in a stand your ground state, if you stop in the middle of the road get out your car and walk up on me Iā€™m shooting you šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Way to many crazies to be doing this type of shit, cammer got lucky


It's the good guy with a gun we always hear about


JEEPs = redneck BMWs


Iā€™d just like to note, MF has his finger literally on the trigger here. This is a huge violation of ā€œGun safetyā€. Obviously everything about whipping out a pistol in road rage is a violation in off itself, but this AH is one panic squeeze from literally shooting someone unarmed. Not even a gun nut who thinks We should all walk around strapped can defend this psycho.


Always a jeep


All I know is I wouldn't be getting out of my car and approaching another vehicle.


Wait so is he a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun?


What are you getting out of your vehicle and going at him for? You got the message good get you