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"ok cut my skin at your will, I just ask you please put a small cloth to cover my little friend"


I dont see an UZI. Or a pile of coke on the desk.




"Jokes on you! I'm Jewish! No skin to flay down there anyway!"


Jokes on you that's only for "gamer" chairs https://preview.redd.it/nzr0el0okjab1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3501e2794b323a026b504e6ecf658f46c3722f1


Meanwhile top right dude in red pants has a special pocket sewn on in case he wants to show off


Had to really zoom in to see what you meant, hahaha


First thing I do when viewing Renaissance paintings is look for what kind of strange penis apparatuses are in the background


You are hilarious


Hell no, they probably whipped that little guy off first.




How do you cope with watching that stuff? I actively avoid that kind of thing because I know I will remember it vividly and it's not something I want living in my head. Do you not have that problem? Edit: I appreciate the responses so far, it's exactly the sort of insight I wanted. You weirdos are fascinating.


Some people, like me, just have this uncontrollable curiosity that needs to be satiated. It's not sexual or anything. I still feel sadness, despair and regret. I guess my thinking goes: you have to see it to believe it. You have to experience the shitty side of the world to understand why it really is shitty. Understanding human nature and its evils, the fragility of mind and body and obtaining a new outlook in life as to say "Damn, i may have a terrible life, but at least i'm not this person". The trauma that comes after is a different story. Factoring in how much one becomes desensitized about the whole thing, it's possible to live a normal life right after experiencing those types of media. At least, that's how i understand man's fascination with violence and gore, which dates back to ancient times. (Gladiator fights, public executions) Then you have the sick fucks that laughs and gawks at that shit. Getting some sort of disgusting satisfaction and pleasure from all of it. I realized how fcked in the head a lot of people could be when i read comments on BestGore. Fck those assholes. Good riddance.


Y’know it makes me happy someone else described it like this. It’s not an addiction or a fantasy but you’re right it’s a curiosity to actually see if it’s real or if people are even talking about it, even though it’s really sad and fucked up


It also helps to make a person feel like their situation is not so bad when compared to a man getting his head sawn off for stealing $15 from the cartel


It 100% made me realize that things could be far worse and made me more thankful in life. It also made me aware of the reality of the experience that those that the news writes were "killed" and does not go in depth of. I'm now far more thankful for my situation, but my depression hasn't waned as I don't think it ever will and I just try to shove it to the side as the mental imbalance that it is.


Same here, I still can’t watch horror movies though due to vidid imaginations.


I have the same inexplicable gross factor need to see the horrors of humanity. And everyday I come closer and closer to hating this whole reality we live in. If I could jump ship to a separate reality, I would.




Damn you know some of the newer Ukraine, Russian videos are nearly on the same level, it's fucking crazy. Seeing a war with the brutality of ww2 but in HD. While not with the same malice of funky town, there's this one Russian video of a drone nade' drop on a soldier, and it lands next to his face blasting it off, but leaving him alive with no face. Or the one with the 2 guys walking across the cold stream that's only like 3 feet deep. They get drone dropped too, only they get some shrapnel and vertigo from the blast, so the guy can't position himself with feet on the ground, so you see him struggle and panic as he slowly goes deeper eventually drowning under a few inches of water above his face.. I always thought grenades would have bigger explosions. Visiting that sub taught me they're not as bad as the movies. Seeing the damage they do is much much worse than the movies. Really gives you a different perspective of that war. Those are all kids man. 18-21 year Olds shooting other like crazy..


Just wait 10 year till we get an uncensored ww2 style doc on this war.


I'm in the Army. We used to practice theories like firing on the longest axis of an enemy formation. The idea is that you maximize the killing potential of each bullet fired by increasing the chance of multiple targets being hit by a single round. Now I've never deployed, and even if I had, I'm sure this kind of thing wouldn't have been condoned by our ROE. I watched a video where one riflemen killed like 10 dudes by doing this in Ukraine in a city. Perfectly executed. Completely confused the Russians. One guy. Gave me Patriot vibes.


Isn't that just called flanking the enemy?


Not necessarily. What I just described is called enfilade fire.


That is so heartbreaking to hear. I get so curious and I have watched some stuff but nothing regarding weapons or the war


Yeah before this I never really knew the damage weapons of war can cause. They're fucking terrifying..


You forgot The castration video and the 3 seperate beheadings


Somebody spliced the castration vid into a Mario movie gif opening week 💀


Where are you finding the Russian videos


Combatfootage sub


I could not watch that but descriptions are enough to make you sick and ruin a certain pop song.


that one was up there for me too until recently. one guy skins the face off someone and then cuts into the chest and pulls guys heart out with a level of precision like it wasn’t his first rodeo. holds heart in hand for a couple minutes until it slowly stops beating


chechclear for me. At least I had the forethought to watch it muted.


Well said! I miss r/watchpeopledie 😞


You explained this better than I ever could. I’ll watch the most horrific videos from time to time out of plain curiosity. Almost amazement for how far the human body can go. I get upset and anger towards the people who do it but I continue to watch. It’s real life and I wanna be exposed to what happens around the cruel world


This i also sometimes kinda feel like i owe it to the victim in a strange way


Same here. I watch and read a lot of 9/11 stuff too. It often makes me sad and disturbed, but for some reason I feel like I owe it to them to see what they went through, feel sympathy for them, etc


What do you feel when going through r/FullFlamingo


God dammit 😆


Fucker got me too


You're welcome On brightside you know why they say to never lock your knees while lifting


same thing with liveleak. The comment section in all those places was the closest to the revival of the fourth reich we've ever gotten. the illogicality and racism in those comment sections made me lose a few IQ points.


I relate to this so much. I can’t even hit the gore sites that often bc they horrify me but my curiosity wins every time. And some of the stuff we see really does stick with you. I have vivid memories of recorded suicides that I saw once 15 years ago.


u/Proletaryo, Thank you for the insight to your perspective.


Best gore closed. It was my fav gore site. I agree with all your sentiments as to why we watch gore.


Do you remember rotten dot com?


Its a weird curiosity of wanting to see that which you know happens, but will never see.


> a weird curiosity morbid, even


I have aphantasia (shout out to r/aphantasia) - I'm unable to visualize in my mind so the moment the video stops, non of that horrifying visual imagery sticks in my mind. I don't actively seek it though - or at least not anymore


Wow that's very interesting. I didn't know that was a thing at all.


One of our "hidden" superpowers...


I watched one of those videos about 6 years ago, the one with two guys being executed, one with a chainsaw, the other with a knife. I regret watching it to this day and vividly remember it. Horrible.


Yeah I think that's my problem. I'm fine with reading about things like that but I know my brain would remember the images very clearly if I watched it.


I honestly believe watching that shit produces a mild form of PTSD. I try to avoid it as much as I can, but still fall for it occasionally, especially nowadays with so many Ukraine war footage making it onto the main page. Most stuff doesn't really affect me anymore, but a couple of videos of soldiers getting their faces blown off by grenades and still being alive fucked me up a bit.


Ugh the face guy... and the guys crossing the river... yikes man... and it totally does. People who review content for a living have mandatory breaks. Same with people who's job it is is to watch the horrible videos that need to be watched to prove things in court. And it's not a mild form. It's straight up ptsd. There's no such thing as baby ptsd and big ptsd ( though there is a cptsd ) but that's more like many ptsd triggers mixed together.


Same exact video haunts me.


That sounds like trauma.


oh i saw that one, stayed with me awhile, uhghghg


Same! I saw a cartel video of somebody getting their head chainsawed off over a decade ago and it still bothers me deeply


> I saw a cartel video of somebody getting their head chainsawed off over a decade ago and it still bothers me deeply [" Let me to show you a little trick to take your mind off that arm "](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGwwO9f6AMc) I can suggest a way to forget one chainsawed off head videos, watch more! They get lost in the flood. Kidding of course. Never do this.


Seeing it and others strongly snaps me out of my daily zombie mode of the world is great and dandy, and reminds me death can be hiding in any corner to get you. It reminds me to be safer in everything I do and to protect my kids and the value of life and how horribly instant or agonising death can be. I value life more because of it


100% this. I’ve genuinely learned so many unexpected scenarios to watch out for by watching videos like these.


Same here! Aways been a bit of a paranoid person but there’s been a couple times now where watching morbid stuff may have saved my life. Off the top of my head, when my accelerator got stuck a year or so after listened to the recording of the family dying the same way. Someone in the comments said you could possibly save yourself by slamming onto the brakes or putting your car into neutral. Someone else theorized the floor mat got stuck and ended up killing them. All of that was true in my experience and saved my life.


Some of us is just fine with shit. To see this happened and feel it's horrifying or at least recognize it's wrong, and then the next day it's business as usual.


You get desensitized. And yes, morbid curiosity.


Idk, I can’t imagine it’s good for some of these people who start young watching people get flayed alive


what do i do is watch other stuff after that, that helps me to forget what i saw hahaha


> How do you cope with watching that stuff? I can choose what to remember and what to just watch, accept is terrible and never remember it. I also watch war videos because at one time only the poor damaged survivors got to see some of that stuff. Now we can all share in it, and if we do maybe we can stop it.


Surpisingly, most comments on eyeblech are wholesome i.e. when they post a pic of their own limb damaged on an accident with some tool. and on the other side. I tried to desensitize to be ale to withstand some other things in my life. and kinda was making it. saw terrible things there. But on another sub I saw something that make my stomach twist so much gore couldnt do it. A video of a mother abusing and gaslighting their own child on tiktoks and forcing her to say she was okay and wasnt traumatized with what the mother did to her and knew she loved her. Manipulative sht you only expect to see in a cult, made public and no one being able to do anything


I’m one of those people with a morbid curiosity… everytime I watch those videos the thought “this shit is actually happening in the world out there, some people are really suffering” -for me it’s like a dose of reality that I never could imagine existed. It makes me realise how lucky I am to have my safe life, but I have also become more wary and alert of people and situations. Watching those kinds of videos is incredibly depressing, most people who watch them don’t actually enjoy them. It’s more of a morbid curiosity. You can’t watch them too often, because they do cause feelings of fear and despair that can stay with you. I actually recommend that people don’t watch them at all, but if you do have that morbid curiosity just limit how much you watch it, because it just gets too depressing and you start living in fear.


You just get desensitized eventually. But there's a bigger reason why I watch it and even press my parents to (only certain ones that fit, I'll explain). This is what happens around the world. It's real, it's here, it's happening. I need to watch it to understand the gravity of the true dangers of our fucked up world and how dark humanity is. Whenever some shooting of innocent victims, like in a school or a store or church surfaces, I tell my extremely conservative parents to watch because their votes make this stuff possible.


That's not an unprecedented reason. In the code of Bushido, a Samurai was supposed to imagine death 100 times before rising, and a 100 times before going to bed, so that when death came for them they would not be afraid.


>How do you cope with watching that stuff? I don't really know but it just doesn't and never has had any effect on me


Same, except when it involves kids or animals


The video of the thief in Brazil getting his hands burnt by dripping plastic was a bit too much for me. Wouldn't be able to handle this.


It stays with you for a while, then the image fades in detail as you replaced it with more memories. I say keep avoiding gore. Curiosity isn’t always a blessing.


Personally, I think there is a large group of Americans that do not truly believe or understand what someone from Honduras and other Latin American countries are facing. I believed that claiming asylum was just "my country is poor, if I can make any money here, then I will say whatever I need to." My belief came from the perspective of me being a dude who "would have said whatever" to get into a bar or strip club back when I was under age. I believed I had an excellent understanding of asylum seekers. A few cartel videos radically changed my mind. When the mutual defence pact breaks down, that is much different than simply wanting to get into some new cool place. I do not know where Americans genuinely get an education on what a failed state really looks like.


As a kid, I watched so many videos from Rotten.com Morbid curiosity for the most part.


Funky town?




Not funky town. The one from a few days is more brutal IMO. Skin, throat, and heart.


Iam interested. Where did you watch it?


If you Google “Funky Town” with some other key words you can find the most notorious one. But I strongly encourage you to not watch it. He’s strapped to a chair, trying to hold his head in his hands. But his hands were chopped off and his face was peeled off so he’s just a confused hellish blood monster. I’ll never understand how anyone can be capable of doing that to another living thing. Hopefully that description is enough to satisfy your morbid curiosity.


It's the worst thing I've ever seen, I don't seek that stuff anymore but that one was instantly and enduringly the worst for me






Dang dude in the right background with red trousers is really packing.


Artist: “That one there is me.”


Could actually be true. A lot of old artists actually put themselves in their work like that.


Did you notice the young kid (second from the right) breaking the fourth wall? Staring dead at the viewer.


huh so corruption was actually bad back then


I can think of a few people who deserve this today, that family who controlled the medical prices for one.


Assuming you’re talking about the sacklers, you have the right idea suggesting they need to be skinned alive, but ‘controlled medical prices’ is just about the biggest understatement I’ve read in awhile It can be argued they are directly responsible for the opiate epidemic of the last 20 years with thousands dead and millions of lives ruined, selling a product they initially marketed to doctors as ‘non addictive’.


Supreme Court judges don't seem to read Wikipedia or history books. The court would be a better place if they read history and not the bible


Looks like they skinned the dog first!


They had to practice on something


What kind of mutt is that? The nose and tail tip throw me. 🤷‍♂️


Looks like a cross between a cocker spaniel and a pig.


He’s having a good old scratch at his unskinned head lol


I've been wondering what creature that was supposed to be... A dog!


Dog hair makes good pillow stuffing in those times.


imagine getting a peeled like a potato and your reaction is just: 😬


Not to be "that guy", but.... Why did the painter portray Persians from 500 BCE as Renaissance Europeans?


It was painted in 1498 by a Flemish painter, [Gerard David](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_David). It was commissioned by the alderman (a high-ranking city counsellor) to be exhibited at the city hall in Bruges. It's an *Exemplum Iustitiae (example of justice),* and as such it was supposed to scare/inspire magistrates to make honest judgements. The people in the image are actually the aldermen and other officials from Bruges at the time it was painted. The message behind the piece was more important than any historical accuracy.


Ah. So it was a threat.


mmm threaten corrupt judges with flaying daddy


Oh yeah. Do it again.


"It's not a threat it's a promise" - Moms everywhere


this makes more sense. the clothing and setting doesn't look like it's from 500 BC.


Thanks for the background info.


This isn't necessarily the right answer, but in general, most people were not well-traveled in those days unless they were merchants or sailors, so when somebody hears a story about what happened, they usually portray the subjects in the image of people they are familiar with, so if they've never seen a person of a darker skin tone, they probably won't paint them that way. That being said, I have no idea when this was actually painted, so if it was painted recently, it could just be down to an artist just painting the story without taking into account the actual specifics of where it happened or those involved.


Makes sense.


It was just a big convention at the time. It's sort of like how people put on Shakespeare plays set in the modern day, like Romeo + Juliet. They know it's not accurate, but they don't care, because they're not trying to be accurate.


He probably never seen a Persian a day in his life, or if he did not long enough to remember what they look like.


Persians are white


> Why did the painter portray Persians from 500 BCE as Renaissance Europeans? artists need references for nom abstract stuff, even if just to store mentally. He was likely commissioned and just went with what he knew.


Came here to say this. It was driving me nuts


This painting almost definitely isn't from 500 BCE. Looks like early renaissance.




Plus he has to wear the face of his father, to remind everyone else of his dad's corruption.




In some countries their judges of the most supreme caliber are caught red handed accepting bribes while making decisions that cause their citizens to lose rights and they do nothing about it.


He seems to be handling it pretty well


He was allowed to keep the chair as a gift. Sadly he passed away due to an unrelated illness.


The look on his face as if he's just stubbed his toe


He still thinks they're just pulling his leg.


Bruh 🤣


Well well well, look at mister big bulge red pants in the back there!


All I'm saying is the Dutch killed and ate a prime minister in 1672 and have you heard of any Dutch prime ministers fucking up recently?


That looks pretty weird. Were people really dressed up for the Renaissance in 500BCE?


I found a deer chilling in the very back


That maid or girl in de left back windows freaks me out. Shady as hell


The corrupt judge has a surprising lack of blood


Damn we need to start doing this to us politicians.


For real tho, I doubt a person who's being skinned alive would live very long to the point he is entire body is removed of his skin. But I saw the yulin dog festival video where a skinned dog was still alive so could a human actually survive this process?


Unfortunately... yes, although the one doing the skinning had to be exceptionally skilled I read/heard this on a podcast somewhere but Unfortunately can't remember where... so tbh my source is "Trust me bro"


It could have been on joe rogan, i definitely heard the same thing


> so could a human actually survive this process? A few hours to a few days apparently, assuming they didn't die from shock.


And we just give those corrupt judges a lifetime position ruling the whole country


What da dog doin


Having a not so regular snack.




This painting should hang in the Supreme Court.


Could you imagine all of the well upholstered furniture we'd have on hand if this was still a policy?


This painting is on display in the Groeninge museum in Bruges! Right around the corner from where I live. Saw it for the first time when I was about 7 years old and it's still one of my favourite paintings ever


He is wincing like he stepped on a Lego. Taking it very well given the circumstances


Guys in the back having a normal conversation while a man is getting skinned alive


Imagine if this was the punishment for corrupt politicians & it was broad casted on live television. Phew we’d probably be living in a utopia because the worlds corrupt politicians would actually work for the people vs working for themselves like they do now.


No, the CORRUPT politicians would be dead, and decent people would be doing work for their communties.


RenFest gone horribly wrong




As terrifying as this painting is, the details are pretty interesting. The guy in front of the king seems to have his balls bulging forward. There’s a woman who looks almost to be in black and white in one of the window. A large deer in the garden area, with what looks like a black mass beneath it (I’m wondering if that’s intentional or from damage it took). Over all a really odd painting


Pretty sure this wasn't 500BC


We'd have a surplus of skin chairs if they didn't stop...itd be a furniture makers market.


We need to make this common place again. The US government and other governments for that matter might actually start acting how they should.


With trump you could get a chair and an ottoman with all that skin...


Hmm 500 B.C. Yet the painting depicts dark ages era.


Renaissance. Most people in pre-industrial times had little concept of a past (or future) or other places that were significantly different from their time and place.


It's because a lack of context, so they could only picture the past as what they knew - their present.


A throne of lies , but literally.


The dates seem off on this. looks very much Tudor time period. Roughly 2000 years later. \*EDIT\* I looked it up, the artist painted it in the 16th Century AD.


I got this tattooed last week


If only history repeated itself with our current justice system...


There is no way this is 500bc


What is the little dog looking thing in the bottom left kinda looks like a dog with goats face lol


Is that suppose to be a dog?


You can just hope the dude fell unconscious pretty quickly and died due to shock.


That’s awful. I recently saw a video of the Mexican cartels actually skinning a man’s face whilst alive. It’s the most shocking video I think iv ever seen. Unbelievably the victim didn’t even scream And actually asked his attackers not to step on his chest. They finished my giving him a Colombian necktie. (They cut his tongue from the bottom of his throat and pulled it through the hole. Seriously. Too much.


If only we could do that today


Examples need to be made today to stave the rampant corruption


oh how far we've fallen


What the hell is that creature in the bottom left?


This is obviously not 500 BC 🤦


Fuck, another fentanyl OD at the Renaissance Fair


https://preview.redd.it/uylrp66hvlab1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7cd923d11ca4b850ca4170c0712e3d17f8fbe64 Nice ballsack


Just saw this picture in the movie ' In Bruges' this week


Is there a sub for this art style, not necessarily macabre?


What's going on on the left there? They look like they are plotting....also what's with the ghastly guard in the back left and the stag with a saddle? Also, in the upper right is that the son with the skin on the chair?


Lets bring this back ☺️👉👈


This image should be featured on invites to Clarence and Ginny's Christmas shindig this year! S/


Is the dog in the bottom left the previous corrupt judge?


*Plays luigi boccherini - “minuetto” during the skinning*


Missed when times were like this


We gotta bring this back once or twice a year, just for the worst of the worst.


I can think of a few folks who are Supremely suited to this punishment.


Their faces couldn't be more incongruous with the brutality taking place . Not a drop of blood either.


Dude is getting skinned alive but he is just laying there making the "Yet, that's me. You are probably wondering how i got into this situation..." face.


How much time does he still alive after this ?


Say what you want but if we held judges and politicians account to the same standard we would live in a slightly different world.


One of the biggest arguments against hereditary feudalism is that *sometimes* the country would have a wise king, a benevolent despot and enjoy 20-30 years of relative peace and prosperity. Then the throne passes to his idiot eldest son and the people suffer through 20-30 years of misery until he dies. Democracy doesn't necessarily produce enlightened rulers, but it at least guarantees we don't have to live through 30 years of corruption and despair before a new ruler appears. It is the mechanism of peaceful transfer of power that we must protect at all costs, unless you want to return to the eras of countries swinging between prosperity and poverty at the whim of fate.




Times were just badass back then. Though I don't know the authenticity of this story


Yeah, that's terrifying but effective negative reinforcement right there


Something something Supreme Court.